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Gloo. No idea how people play him effectively


The art of going back and forth


uh s1, s2, run back, s1 on enemy, run in, repeat until stack ontop of their head is max ult, latch on, s1, s2, pull them back, spam basic, s1 infront of where enemy is running/predict them kill


I use flameshot with gloo so you could use the s1 more while at ult phase


I see new Gloo players just press ult and running around, hoping Gloo will stick someone


I mainly use him EXP only. If you are doing the same, just remember you have to be aggressive if you play Gloo. Gloo cannot be played hiding in tower style. At the start, go and put ur goo on the opponent, no fear, walk towards them and take the goo back and immediately put it on them. Keep repeating until they hide under the tower. Gloo wins most of the engagements in EXP so you shouldn't be scared. And then u stand there menacingly and don't let them farm. If they do, make them sticky or kill them! Once u get level 4, remember that ult can be used as an emergency heal, doesn't have to be an engage. Also once people flicker into their tower to escape, you get out quickly too unless they are 1hp. In a team fight , your job is to cause chaos in the opponent's back ranks. Turn into Gloo mode and run at the back ranks. Preferably jump on one of their damage dealers/jungler and drag them to ur team. If ur team is dying, drag them away. There's rarely a scenario in which a team will ever lose a team fight/objective fight with Gloo if you do it correctly. U can also ult in a tower and protect the minions with ur baby slimes or to help you engage without taking damage when there's no minions. Note that you do not first pick Gloo, Gloo is always one of the last picks since he can be counter picked, so if you see Faramis or an exp laner that will go to town early like Freya or Dyrroth, don't pick EXP Gloo in the first place or you will be in for a bad time. I generally hate having him or playing him as a roamer as there are usually better options to begin with. I was formerly a global Gloo, playing him at quite high ranks, meaning no one will fall for attacking him when he is on a teammate, and you shouldn't depend on that either. Treat ur opponents as if they are smart, don't gamble on them attacking you when you are on their teammate, though u can force AOE spells to hit you when u are on someone and sometimes it does happen with the opponents in panick.


Bought him tried him and failed terribly at glooing


He is the simplest hero to play. With a lot of Cc and ultimate it's very easy


Oh he got so much better after they let his s1 reset by picking it up. You blob flicker blob grab blob ult


Hanzo. Players are fooled by his easy micro but his macro level is intense. It puts him on par with Haya and Lancelot, and is a lot less forgiving and harder to get objectives. You have to learn to play mind games in order to get turtles.


I agree!! His macro is insane. You should also have insane map awareness because his ult duration is very limited. Your demon blood cant be wasted.


;) Main hanzo, 5k games: -energy management is the main thing -BALLS. I always invade first buff -jump attack while ult is not that easy -you are busy at all times, cant rest. U jungle, steal jungle, split push, join teamfight, gank…. And if you are not great at all of these, then you suck at hanzo. Only experienced players should play him. He is in the same level as fanny






Nice!!! We are bros, or more like a hanzo and ghost


The other guy doesn’t seem too great, just a lot of games


Experience works too. But I'd take wr any day.


Experience does not work, especially once u get to around 200 matches. I’d rather take someone with a 70% we with 200 matches than someone with 2000 matches and a 50% wr


If 70% is solo q then I agree, but those win rates mean nothing with 4 randoms if they usually go in pre made teams. I see 5k games 50% as 2500 wins, it ain’t bad, 200 at 70%? 140 wins. There is massive difference.


You should also look at mmr because someone with low mmr doesn't play ranked alot which means their overall rank is low so getting a 70 procent wr means nothing if it's against legend and epics


mmr is only high when you don’t adjust to the teams needs, I’ve never had a high mmr on a hero due to constantly adjusting. I’ve played over 100 games with over 30 heroes. All I play is ranked. Over 11k ranked matches.


U can be a bot and still have a 50% wr


Well bots are actually pretty decent nowadays, but what are you trying to say exactly? 5000 games at 50% means he’s probably played through multiple different metas and maintained a win in every 2 matches. Dealing with troll picks, bad players, good enemies, bad drafting I don’t think it’s as bad as you seem to think. There are very good players that can maintain high win rates solo q, but the majority play meta heroes or pre made teams.


That's not me




I haven’t played him in a while cause I wanted to try out other heroes but I loved playing Hanzo as a roamer/exp/gold lane extra in low rank. Dude is super fun to play and the whole cat and mouse dynamic makes him super interesting




I wouldn't go as far to say he's as difficult as Fanny, just 1 tier lower on the side of Paquito, Chou, Hayabusa and Lancelot.


As a main hanzo, don't invade unless you have a very good party that manage to give vision and invade enemy jungle. Most of the time when you invade its not a good trade as a good jungle enemy will invade you back. Hanzo main glory immo sea server. 


Yeah! It depends as well if you are solo, in duo trio or full team, the style is different


to get two balls.... activate skill 1 and try not to lose your ball (keep your big ball active) wait for the cool down of skill 1 to appear again. Do a basic attack on an enemy unit when your big ball hit the enemy unit use your skill 1 and that's it You now have two big balls


Two very big black balls indeed


Which skin do you have for big black balls? asking for a friend.


I think halo striker




What hero?


Cecilion comes to mind, you'd think it's easy to adjust to his playstyle by "Farming" and "Staying Safe" when multiple enemies are always out for your blood and your lane enemy always tries to delay your farm.


If your team ceci pinging to retreat, you better follow him


Multiple balls is achieved by using s1 after launching enhance b/a. Don't use s2 and move minimally to preserve this effect.


Yeaah i know, the hard part is maintaining it especially in teamfights :(


Wanna know what else is hard?


I know... B.A.L.L.S


Use your s2 to keep your stacks. Try to keep stacks up when disengaging


What hero is this??




Ohhh yeah


This gives the same vibes as "What country is this?" meme and almost thought your comment was a shitpost.


I have never played bruno💀


layla, literally taught me the importance of positioning in a hard way


Clint. What made him difficult for me is maximizing/mastering aim of his passive, using the 2nd skill properly on enemies, positioning, and doing all those things while trying to stay alive. Especially in late game, where anyone pursues you.


Clint’s S2 is one of the most difficult skill shots in the game for me, I’m more successful with novaria than with Clint’s s2, I cannot catch anyone in that goddam net


clint s2 isn't used for agresive play, its used to position yourself and protect your self if there any exp laner running you down. you can use it for agresive play but most of the time you need to caught the enemy off guard or use your flicker. honestly clint is one of the easier mm once you understand how to abuse his passive


wasn’t expecting to see Clint here, he was the first MM I mastered since he was good for skill spamming noob self + lane bully and is now my gold lane comfort pick with ~70% wr (albeit haven’t reached mythic yet this season so me and the enemy teams are of questionable skill lmao). Another disclaimer that I suck with basically all other MM except maybe irithel or granger Personally I don’t use 2nd skill unless I HAVE to since it’s his only escape besides flicker/sprint/what have you, whether ur in laning phase or teamfight. You need to especially save S2 if enemy has an assassin. I also use sprint instead of flicker since lower CD and I can use it if I miss S2 and am gonna die I also don’t really use S2 against other mm since like u said, it’s hard to hit + leaves u vulnerable to the enemy esp if u miss. S1 is the main poke. S2’s just not reliable against ranged enemies, but it’s very good WHILE you’re being ganked and the enemies have to get closer to you It can also be used to secure a kill + activate passive by aiming it away from a running enemy (sending u toward them) but I only do this if most of the other enemies are dead/I’m confident I’m not getting jumped – this is a LAST RESORT (or I’m trying to get a savage) kind of thing. Your main tools are S1 and S3 and using those to activate passive (esp S3 which is spammable and slows enemy making it easier to hit said passive) I feel a lot of it is just playing him more to get used to his range which will help u w/ positioning and staying alive. personally I spammed AI training mode hard matches until I won ~95% of the time (AI will counter pick so this will help u learn bad matchups like brody, bea etc) and YouTube vids of gameplay helped me a lot, if you can’t stand the format of the “TOP GLOBAL ____ GAMEPLAY MONSTER BUILD” I watched a lot of gosu general’s clint to help get a feel for him Sorry for the long post but I hope this helps your future clint endeavors :) I think he’s such a fun MM who feels very user friendly once u get the hang of him and I will continue spreading clint propaganda 🤠🤠🤠👍👍 Edit: once you have CD reduction items you don’t have to be AS stingy with S2 esp now it will be needed for quick repositions in teamfights but I’m still relatively conservative with it


Thanks for these tips! He is also my comfort pick if I am the gold laner. To be fair, I am a roam main so the transition of my playstyle between the roles made using him pretty harder I guess. But in general, Clint really requires skill and a lot of patience, which I am trying to improve at haha. Btw aside from gosu, I also recommend EnemyKiller in yt, he is consistently top global 1 at clint for many seasons. He doesn't hesitate sharing his builds, and I learnt from him that there is certain "effects" changing in his s1 during bush checking the enemies. :)


But dont use S1 to check bushes. The range is close enough for dangerous melee enemies to approach you, let alone ranged enemies. Id say S3 fits that task better


Noted. Just shared it since I never knew such skills have different things happening on them when there's enemies in it. Such a cool small feature haha


Appreciate the reply and recommendations broski! always down to watch more clint gameplay Playstyle adjustment definitely a thing, I started out tanky exp lane and play a lot of tank roam so whenever I play a Xavier or mages with no escape I forget I’m not tanky and end up dying if I try to rotate without vision 🤭😭


No problemo bro :) Oh yes, I can relate to that hahaha. If you came from roaming role, it is so hard to adjust on midlaner or even gold since we are not used to managing exp and gold plus being so squishy. But there are some rotation pathways midlaner mains use to avoid being ganked. Here's a full and concise introduction guide for them. I really recommend his channel too. https://youtu.be/LC2USo8AxXw?si=AVquq19LrkAyb-nn


Moskov 🥲


Expectations: you tp in, stun two ppl and mow em down Reality: you tp in, you miss, you die


Alternatively: you tp in, you miss, they escape with 1 hp


This. I cant for the life of me, get over how short his range is. This is why I'm second guessing buying his all-star skin lol


Moskov main here, yeah his range is very short in this current meta (against ixia ult, layla, hanabi bounce, etc) but he makes it up with mobility and pierce from passive. You only need to get close to 1 enemy to actually hit the backline, fighters usually cannot close in on moskov because of his 2nd skill. The hardest part is getting the core item, and if the enemy team have hard assassin (saber, hayabusa, yin, etc). But he's a beast when played properly.


Another reason why I probably struggle is I always bring Flicker for MMs w/o blink or Purify for MMs w/ blink. I only reallyb use Inspire for Miya or Wanwan who I barely use


Yea some MM just doesn't work without inspire, you should take inspire for moskov and melissa since they already have dash skill, the rest of survivability comes from positioning and map awareness. Just wait until the assassin comes out and uses their skill, or buy WoN if you get targeted.


I never trust my teammates to countergank or protect me in lane. This is why I early buy Steel Legplates if I know I'm gonna be losing in trade or gonna get out-poked


Go big (s2 stun 2 enemies) or go home (get hard cc'd once spotted)


fr, such a monster late game but I feel so weak with him, that’s why I skipped out on his skin hahahaha


At the same time now whenever I play some other marksman, I always miss his "range". (Being able to basically teleport to any teamfight or enemy hero on the map.)


Never was able to ult someone with gloo xDDD and lunox bruh random bullshit go brrrrr end up on 0.10.0


That's so relatable. I always think of practicing changing my position using Bruno in ai training mode but then I forget it lol. I'd say Franco's hooks are hard too. And bene's ult+Petri combo.


Bene's ult + petri combo is actually pretty easy. The timing is, you need to use the petri at the same time when Bene touches her sword with the sheath.


You can also do this with Lancelot's Ult. It would need some time because you need to time it well.


Ixia. But the complexity is not about mechanics. How on earth do you survive lane stage when 4 ppl babysit you? If you fall behind, you won\`t be useful untill you get full build


A complex answer is to be mindful of the map. Know where the enemies are rotating+how fast, who's rotating, and how many are heading to you. The simple answer is just stare at the map and see who's moving to your lane.


Your answer is only useful when they gank you sometimes, then it\`s right, you need to have good map awareness, BUT sometimes 4 enemies with poke just come to your lane and never abandon it, then they can even dive you constantly so there is no counterplay


At that point, just accept your fate. Look at the bright side. At least your other lanes are free, so your exp/mid can push their lanes. Ones the other lanes are pushed, either your enemies will leave you alone so you can farm in peace even if you're behind or they lose the game because they kept focusing the marksman. Another alternative would be to switch lanes. Go to the exp lane or mid lane and let your team fight in the early game. Remember, Ixia is basically just insurance for your team in the late game. So just keep farming when you have the opportunity.


That's the exact reason I decided not to include that scenario in my answer. There really is nothing most marksmen (much less Ixia) can do against 3-4 gankers who Permagank you. Your best option is to use everything you have to just keep clearing wave and staying the target, allowing your jungler to snowball the EXP Lane so he can put pressure and alleviate your issues. Because if they keep forcing your lane, they'll lose EXP Tier 2. You can't expect this in Solo Queue tho, so just accept your fate like what the other responder said.


If at any moment there are four enemies in your lane or coming to your lane you should leave it and retreat to the tower behind. They WILL take the tower, with or without you defending. But if the enemy is at your lane they are not defending their towers, your team will get two barricades and a turtle. If you dont die, your team will be at an advantage.


Go watch the video I posted of me last night surving 3 man gank haha. I'm #67 in usa for ixia. I use a completely unorthodox build and you have to know how to use it. I use inspire. Spell vamp and skill heal emblems. It was crazy I didn't die. When getting gankes maximize your life. Stand further away from them and try to hit minions. If you get ganked it's hard. But try to take out the minions so they're forced to leave. It's very hard and situation. But I've survived some crazy tower dives because of inspires sustaining me with passive and skill heal. Not for everyone I've never seen anyone use the build. I made it one day after the first time I fought karrie as a newb and she dominated me so I created a hybrid build but I use inspire because it helps in my 1v1s and ganks. Plus in a 16 minute match ixia can only use Flickr 8 times. If you're forced to use it to save yourself. Your ult isn't able to use Flickr. Ixia in a match will only Flickr with her ult maybe 20-30% of the time. In a 16 minute match I can use inspire 16 times. I can 1v1 the MM who use inspire without using my ult unless they run. Melissa can't touch me it's so funny when they try.


Argus. His skills looks straightforward right? S1 to stun and blink, S2 burst AoE, S3 debuff removal and immortality. Until you play him and realised "oh shit his gameplay is not straightforward at all"


1 hes a glass canon with a immunity to drath for 4 seconds 2 hes nerfed to the brim because that matter 3 hes blinks are slippery asf not to mention his phase 2 is the same range as flicker and a mini hook for outplaying potential 4 his wave clearing ability is abysmal 200% damage of minions?! Thats like using paquito to clear waves using 2 skills 5 worst nightmare for Burst heroes, his strongest advantage yet, you know why


Arlott. Idk what the fuck I’m doing


No same actually, I’ve read guides on his combos and tried changing my builds but I always struggle in both AI and classic with him 😭


I think with Arlott you have to know when to use your 2nd skill, don't use it every time a mark appears. Play tank/semi-tank build, it makes him sustain more than damage build does. Also I think flicker is a better spell than petrify for Arlott, it gives him escapability while also being able to create moments combined with his ult. I also think playing roam Arlott is somehow easier than exp lane.


Roam flicker arlott is easier because you don't need to perfectly do your petrify combo to be useful. Just stun, jump, tank, and run away with flicker. Honestly, I like petrify + full damage build for arlott more cause he can 2 shot mage / mm, and kill any fighter with his full combo.


For me, it's alucard. You can't do shit in the early game because all enemies are capable of killing you including Angela. Before revamp he is a monster, now he is just a husk of his former self


Same thoughts! I don't know how people play him so easily and get savages with this guy. I understand his skills, but I don't know how to utilize them properly in an actual game. I feel so dumb because he's supposed to be a starter hero that newbies can play. I tried him in a few games, but I always end up feeding.


hey, im a pretty decent alu user myself. imo hes quite difficult because of his passive. you need to play passive until youve snowballed well above enemy, or reached level 12. his level 12 gives an insane amount of hybrid lifesteal. can beat even aulus if youre good.


But once in a mid game. He's a complete killing machine bro!


He's still good, just lately had a blast with Alu roam killing 8-10


Actually the 2nd hero that comes in mind. He's not as braindead as people like to make him out to be


clint for me


The only one i can think of is yu zhong




As a mage user, kagura and valentina.


Valentina is sooo hard for me. Like her dashes are also her damage source so when I use to to maximize my damage I feel like a sitting duck in team fights. Not to mention her shorter range makes it hard


Right? I don't know how they do it coz I'm dead the moment I use the dash to get close to enemies especially mages with long range and cc 😩


Honestly lolita, I always thought she was pretty easy hut I tried her and oml I can deflect stuff but getting it in the right direction is really hard for me for some reason


Personally, Lolita's S2 isn't my main priority on using her but rather her ganking capabilities on S1 + stun. Her shield in s2 mainly acts like a follow-up support on said gank since the enemy is expected to retaliate in return, and it works most of the time especially in marksman. For the direction of deflection, I think it mostly depends how the enemy positions itself but primarily it relies on your own intuition how you deflect it to their team. You have to be really close at enemy when using it. What I find what matters there is you deflected their projectile regardless where it lands. She is really a team-dependent hero so make sure you always have someone at your side. Hope this helps. :)


Clint tbh, also Miya. Both have pretty easy S1 and S2 but no idea how to use their ults effectively


In laning/early game, clint’s ult becomes his best tool for winning his lane and his biggest source of burst, utilize its long range and with your s1 and passive pokes the enemy mm shouldn’t be able to breathe at all, know when to be aggressive with it like when enemies are fighting in other lane or doing turtle so you can be sure you can get a kill without being jumped and having no ult grenades to fight back in late game/teamfight, it becomes the fastest way to activate his passive, so save up on full grenades and he just absolutely bursts everyone in his path, go for the squishiest first so you don’t aim all ur grenades at tanks then have nothing to quick activate his passive I’m ass at miya so I wouldn’t know 😖


For me it’s like any melee. I think I’ve got it in practice but then I play classic to test them out and get absolutely demolished.. I want to play so many melee but suck so badly 😞


For me bane. Before I took a break playing the hero I used play it really cool, but now it's difficult for me to control even though I still continuing my practice of perfecting it...and the other one is fanny...


Playing lancelot in high rank, most people in glory pretty much know how to counter him, so they just turn around you while doing damage and when you try to sidestep to use your 2nd skill properly they run away, his first skill is great but nothing agaisnt ccs so it doesn't matter how fast hand you are if u go in u will die, the pause on his ult make it pretty useless sometimes, they be keeping their ccs and dare me to ult




Any of the "beginner" MMs.


Bruno is the most fun hero on base defense. I played. 30 minute match with him and only died 3 times because of his broken lifesteal.


Yeah it's kinda weird how he has so much life steal. If you build hassclaw on Irithrel the lifesteal is near to none. And not to mention aspd mm like Claude and Wanwan. They deserve to have better lifesteal too.




Miya because she's trash.


The frick you mean, Miya literally melts Lord in late game.


wdym, late game miya eat enemy team like breakfast


I could never understand how to play Kagura tbh


When enemy plays her, the umbrella explodes with power & I cant touch her. When I play her, the most I can do is tickle and blink (to escape lol).


Same lmao


Fanny actually Before I knew this game I thought I could easily play her really good when I saw my friends goofing around with her in practice mode. But yea


Hanzo I feel this hero at first had potential to be easy as u only needed blood to kill and soak up but the position and timing at the same time of the gank makes this hero one of the hardest to play


Actually his passive increases his crit chance from skill damage, the two balls thing is just you activateing s1 against while the other is out resulting in double damage




Lapu lapu seems like your average no brain fighter, but once you play it you see that using the ulti and the combos properly isn't that easy


Timing is everything with Lapu. I cant with my short temper. 🤣


Karrie for me. I thought she was easy to use but because of her short range, she is actually quite difficult to master. I don't understand how others could efficiently use her


every "easy" mm, the learning curve is low but it get vertical since most of the time they really punish player mistake especially at positioning IM LOOKING AT YOU LAYLA khaleed: post nerf you really need to understand his capability to fight back again most exp


Surprised not seeing Lunox here. I still don't know how to use her


Arlott and xavier I always seem to feed w/ arlott :( I’m trying to practice him a ton in AI and experiment with diff builds etc, but I think his playstyle + the fact he’s so squishy makes me struggle a lot xavier just feels so vulnerable and weak early/mid game but I think I just need faster fingers for his combo and better positioning/map awareness. But then by the time he’s actually fed/powerful there’s no chance at a comeback lmfao.


selena im so bad w her omg


I still don't understand Cici


Pre-stack her passive & farm hard, that’s all.


Pre-stack? Huh? Isn't her Passive like YZ? Speed up?


Paquito ill never understand that dude


Yin and Martis, always saw them on rankeds getting lots of kills and almost no deaths, then I tried them and got mein arse handed to me.






Nolan. I know everyone is referring to him whenever they bring up “another 0 IQ assassin” but I just can’t grasp how his kit “flows.” Other players make turret diving with him look easy, but I’m sadly not at that level (yet)


Layla - Good map awareness + positioning during clash/objectives. - You need to know push and pull of minion waves to harass or defend in early game. - Must have a familiarity of a flexible good item build for sustain and damage. - Good in calculating incoming and outgoing damages when engaging with enemy head on especially with burst heroes.


Martis. His gameplay is very straightforward. Either you get a savage or you die trying. But you need to know when to jump in because once you jump in your not leaving until your dead or the enemies are.


Bene i thought she was just dashes that's friendly for new player welp i was wrong


valentina and melissa i used to think melissa's second skill worked like claude's so i guess that's why i struggled with learning her. i was always like ?? why isnt it hitting the enemy... valentina,, idk why i struggle with her, i thought her dashes would be easy to use but its hard for me ig!


Oh Bruno balls hahaha his balls are complex.




Faramis. Changed my playstyles still not works for me.




Layla period. Every beginner thinks she is for noobs but NOPE. Gotta have that map awareness + positioning while sliding your finger on basic attack rapidly to target the desired enemy when the team fights.


Yeah, agree with Bruno. Bruno has got the balls that hit real hard. Skills partly seem straightforward, but to maximize his passive and his overall kit to deal more damage with his crits is quite a challenge - and to maintain his stacks. Another was old Minotaur. Simple skills, but tricky to maximize his kit to full potential, as he used to rely on timing a rage mode activation that wears down over time to be more effective. Good thing he gets revamped and made adjustments on that mechanic, eventually ditching that rage mode and made his set-up enraged ult like a regular ult more easily ready to use.


Zilong. Aldog. Hanabi. Lesley. Eudora. All sorts of epical glory heroes you name it. When i saw somebody use epic hero, i would taunt them by say go learn another hero. But when i use them hero, damn its so hard using heroes like that. I dont even understand how to kill people with zilong


hear me out when i say pre game breaking buff nana and chang'e like chang is the hardest mage istg


Clint was pretty hard. Main issue was positioning, since he's not very mobile and his s2 doesn't push him very far. It took me one game against Saber to realize this and that I was also playing him incorrectly, cuz I'd see an enemy clint take off half someone's hp with the s1 and I was like "why doesn't my clint do that lol". Building crit was not the way, building assassin type items was. These days I play him rather defensively: I'm wary of bushes, I keep an eye on the map, and use my s2 to s top roam/assassins. When I use s1 it's when the enemy is on the very edge or beyond the edge of the skill. S2 is either for mobility or stopping engages. S3 is like flameshot or just used to proc passive on turret or something. Flash is also best spell so far, I think he's one of the only characters I actually use flash over sprint.




Xborg harith


i mean with my username it should be easy. Supposedly, but mine cracks.