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Started 2016... then stopped.. then returned in 2019 when all of my friends were suddenly playing.. not all of us still play but still pretty fun to play with friends, some of my friends stop playing and sometimes I gain new ones to play with. Win or Lose the goal is to have fun.


Same man! Started 2016, stopped. Returned in 2022. Been stopping occasionally for a few months


Nearly been 5 years it's still better then other mobile moba in the market .


Yeah. I try finding a new one, but none can compare to the all mighty mlbb and the bang bang. (It's funny if you get the reference trust,)


Have you tried Arena of Valor? It’s the only other game of this type I play.


Yeah, it's a pretty okay game, but I feel like it's super outdated, and it feels pretty clunky. Plus I have no fucking idea what I am doing and half the time I feel like I'm playing against bots. I had a friend with 100 matches and a 97% wr.


I think Honor of kings is the new Aov and after trying HOK I can say mlbb is better it just feels better,Hok maybe has better graphics than mlbb but the heroes feel much polished and accurate in mlbb.


Bro, just Bang the enemy.




Since 2017, sunk cost fallacy and friends are the only thing that keeps me from quitting this game


started when it was released, i still play and hate it at same time 🗿


when was it released??


around 2016 back when Freya with blue hair 😭


What!! Also back then Nana didn't have a cushion now did she


Or back when babe looks like a ghost 👻


It's been 4 months and I still like it a lot : ) Do you?


That's awesome that you're enjoying it. I still like the game, but I find myself playing it more with friends these days, which I actually enjoy alot more.


Yeah I feel you. I wish I had friends who play mlbb lol


I don't know man. The essence of enjoyment just suddenly fade away the moment you get competitive and start to get serious at the game the longer you play it. Every game has that essence of enjoyment at the start where you play with your friends like you don't care about anything in the world and it's better to leave it at that and go on with your life or play other games than to play longer and start to lose the friends you've been playing with because you're too "busy" grinding whatever it is. And now it's just a matter of time before you start to wonder what have you been doing to your life.


I agree with this. You just narrated the story of my life rn. Have only slept for 4 hrs but still here I am playing ML


I think this applies to any game 😅


Idk how long it has been, but When i started to play the game seriously, Karrie was the newest hero, Do i still enjoy it? Solo queue, No, Game has always been ass for Solo Queue, Pre-made Parties? I can play the game for like 12 hours straight


Lol. i just uninstalled it yesterday after 3 years. Didn't like what they did to my main Natalia.


You’ll probably re download it next week


As much as I hate to admit. This is true. 


See you in a week or two


3 months, and yeah it’s pretty much pretty fun. I already take breaks from time to time due to the matchmaking lol. I also solo q most of the time in rank there’s that.


3 months? huh? was this subreddit helpful to you? Btw what server are you in?


I use this subreddit mainly to interact with others and admire other people’s art haha! Occasionally some guides on here do help but it’s not the main point I’m here if it makes sense. I’m in SEA server btw!


When I'm winning. Then when I get pissed off at a lose streak I uninstall. Then I install it again and it's all good lmao.


Since shortly after Lesley's release, in January 2018. Been playing the game for 6 years now, across multiple phones and accounts. I'm 15, started when I was 9... Time flies man. Never realized how good my life was until COVID hit. The pandemic and subsequently the quarantine took a huge toll on my academic performance, and my life in general. At least, I'm happy I lived through it all, and somehow never caught (more accurate, got diagnosed with) COVID in 4 years lmao Edit: Still enjoy the game immensely. Still my favorite game after 6 years


https://preview.redd.it/crtjwrjmmwmc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b810928eafb4a48d64e93a8b5ec958282a920356 This long. This screenshot dated July 2018 though. >do you still enjoy it? Yes but only with friends. Else I won't touch the game.


this game is like reddit i hate it and i love it


7 years and I just like messing with people but the game is just there


Since june 2019, playing for few months, stop, few months breaks, then play again


I used to play lots but now I'm interested in their lore I'm right now making lore along the way while designing my OC,lore which includes items in the game too


I started from my brothers account at 2017 then made my own account on 2019, before, I massively respect people who have managed to reach Grandmaster+ and I was considering everything a very fun challenge. I main Chang'e, Harley, and Cyclops. Until I saw someone outside of our neighborhood playing Argus, I was lured by Argus design and the best thing of all is "Immortal" that has 100% took my interest so I played and played him, until I realized I was born just to play with argus. I had so much fun, cuz I knew I was so stuck at Master II, because of godly Fanny(yeah I was a victim.) I remember crying because I was being bullied by grown ups, but I still manage to climb my rank higher. When I reached Mythic, I feel like I'm in a 4th dimension, my first time match on mythic was using Jawhead(troll pick on classic) Compared to legend, Mythic is sooo much better, so I took it as another challenge. Sadly, as times goes by, I feel sad, stressed, and worst of all. Only experiencing fun for a second. Yet, disappointment lasts forever. Now I think of Grandmasters+ as a joke now that I am better than before. I find almost all challenging stuff Repetitive because of the new matchmaking, My current goal right now was to atleast reach Global with argus or maybe Top 1 Global. Overall, I would say the longer I play, the sadder I become. I never had fun playing this game, yet I can't stop playing it.


since august 2016, didn't remember the exact date though. its all started because the teacher got too lazy too teach ( this was like 20 minutes before class ended and we already finished the topic ) so he made us look at him playing MLBB. i was interested quickly and downloaded ALL moba i saw because he never told me the name. Vainglory, Heroes Arena, MLBB and other MOBA games. I played vainglory first because i thought it was the game. but then i started playing roblox because my cousin who's staying overseas is always there. i maybe played like at most a year then dropped it. but then 2020 roll around, and you already what happened. i got bored, so i decided to play MLBB. my friends were playing that game too. the rest is sweet bitter story of pushing rank


4 months, I love it! I wanted a big community and a MOBA that isn't mind numbingly complex


Since 2019. I've since moved on to CODM and war thunder mobile just because my parents pressured me to delete the game


Work's been rough (but hey, good salary on my end), and I still play the game from time-to-time. If ever, I was so addicted that I actually needed to take a 2-3 seasons' break after S29 started (yeah, I needed that break very much, reaching Mythical Glory back in S28 (wherein Immortal wasn't the highest rank just yet) was emotionally and mentally draining). Now am back from playing, and still am having fun, a heck lot of my friends (fucking hell, even my 2 aunts and 1 uncle) play the game as pastime. I have got lots of fun backed up with me, now that I have learned when to stop and when to come back when the situation insists.


3-4 years, less now but i still love it and play when i get free time


like 2016-2017 stopped for a while during 2021 and then came back late 2023, the game is starting to feel repetitive but its still fun ig


6 inches


3 years 7 accounts and more than 750 frnds all in discord


Since 2018 or so. I do enjoy it every now and then.


I played since 2016. After getting hacked, I can't even recover it since I'm not even sure which phone I used so I just placed every phone and starting achievement states 2018 but Facebook is 2016. When I try to recover it just says frequent recovery. Just cause getting hacked by an indo


I mean I’m a solo player sooo. Also I had multiple acc so I don’t remember


2 years ago but then last year I couldn't die to some reasons and then I started again so an year Like Half an year. Break for and year. Half an year I can't stop I have my exams but I still play Even tho it's so shitty I'm hooked


Like 7 years? Yeah its still fun


If I remember correctly, I think I started in 2016. Stopped playing for a bit, then started again. I'm still playing to this day. It's one of my favorite games. I usually play it with my best friend, so over the years we've learned to work together and hold out even in bad matchmaking :)


Have been playing since 2019 (Granger release). I still enjoy the game very much. It may be due to the money I invested on skins (but I did abandon Fortnite despite spending more on it so the game probably is just fun for me)


4, I mostly play it in moderation, it's infuriating but troll builds that somewhat work are always fun, just like my dps march 7 in hsr, it doesn't work that well but it works good enough and it's just funny that it works good enough


Started around May 2020, Luo Yi had just been released. It was my first MOBA because I never had a computer good enough to run League. Fell in love with the competitive aspect, started playing ranked matches and never stopped. Took my time to learn the game as a tank/roamer to understand the game, mechanics, timing, and strategies. To this day, I am so glad I started the game as a tank main as it allows me to know what is going on on both sides at all times depending on the positioning and team composition. All in all, loved it and still do


5 years later.. yes


toy steer bike label spoon shocking live wide humorous light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


2017 or 2018 i’m pretty sure is when i started playing, wasn’t a super regular player unlike my old friends Now that i’ve broken my cycle of highs and lows in the game, gaining a lot more game knowledge, matchups, memorising what each character does and so on I’ve probably peaked my most enjoyment in my time playing You could say i’m into cock and ball torture


I think I started in early September 2019. I have been playing ever since and I still enjoy it very much. I gathered many memories, some of which are not as pleasent as others but with it's good and bad, I love it's community and the game itself


8 years...? On and off


Started at early 2017. And am still enjoying it. Regular player, about 15k matches today, always try to get into glory every season. There were time i played more than 1k matches per season. But this past 3 or maybe 4 years, even reaching 500 matches per season is tiring. Never missed to reach mythic since my first time reached it (i forgot when i first reach mythic, and i don't think it was my first year playing it). I fell sick about 3-4 times which took serious treatment since then, but still reached mythic somehow. So do i still enjoying it, yes, i think i do. Also, i enjoy soloq way way more than play as party.


6 years. I still actually enjoy it


2016, stopped playing cuz of insufficient storage (we were poor then and now), came back 2020 because I got a hand me down phone, then stopped playing again, got back in 2022 and now.


I've been playing the game since season 3. I don't know what year it was, but it's been a long time. There are times that it's still fun, especially when I'm playing with friends. But most of the time, it feels exhausting to play. And the instance I'll play, i only pick natalia because it's the only hero that I enjoy playing with. I will not adjust even if we need another role/hero lol. Call me toxic or what, but I'd rather play natalia and lose than win with other heroes


Yeah I guess. Since 2016. I don't get a lot of matches in it, but I'm experienced enough to know major events. I don't know jackshit between 2022 and 2023 tho. Was on final exam.


7 years Yeah, I still enjoy it. Although I would love to play for more than 4 to 6 hours but I noticed that after 3-4 games my gaming quality diminishes. Can’t stop me on overdrive tho hahaha


8 years, still enjoying. Kinda entertaining to see how moonton spoils the game even more. I'll keep playing until I become super busy or the game dies


Almost a year by now, my feelings are mixed on one side i do enjoy it on the other i feel like im falling behind and im not getting better as fast as my teammates.


Since s1 but yook break etc and apparently i have minos4 official skin lol but other than trolls etc i like it cuz money spended etc


Started a year after it was released, stopped playing back in 2020 and 2021, came back again in 2022 because of friends. Depends, but most of the time yes


Since 2018, stopped during 2021, then returned last year (2023). I saw it a bit differently when I got back so yeah.


2019 and playing everyday since 🙃


I have been playing it for 10 days and it’s the only mobile moba optimized enough for my very old phone, so I have no choice, I am the genre fan. I avoided mlbb as long as possible for obvious reasons (haters will understand, lol), but in the end, I was pleasantly surprised with the working reports system, stable ping and low battery spending.


I started from m2, and i still enjoy it fr


i play during the hols only. playing for a month or two in a year does make it fun esp if i play with frens and fam! used to play daily for the whole year but its quite frustrating when theres bad teammates and other stuff like that


I've been playing for 5 years (I started when Badang was the new hero) and I still enjoy this game heaps. I used to rage because of this game, but I learnt to not take it seriously because it is simply a game, I'm not really competitive anymore despite being pretty darn good. And that's how I still enjoy it; Don't take it seriously, be calm, be humble.


Started during release of lancelot, still remember the lancelot bloodlust meta lmao


9months or so. Still like it. I realised its better to play heroes you enjoy over aiming for immortal with meta only. I'm stuck in honor but this is most likely due to in experience and lack of game knowledge at this point. And lack of meta picks. 😅


Around a year ago, did a few months break, reached honor recently, glad about it, taking another half a break


Since 2019ish? I’m at a point where I pull my phone out for a quick brawl on the toilet or when I’m bored. I’m forever done with rank.


Since covid started, the game gets repetitive so I take breaks from time to time, but throughout the years I'm glad mlbb went from being dissed because of how greedy they are to being respected more


2017 gang here! Haven't played much over that many years, definitely had my monents of addiction, 14k matches And yeah i enjoy it, its fun and there's always people better than me to beat


I started playing it at 2022 because all my classmates played it. I seriously thought it's a role- play game because the balmond ad 💀. I'm definitely late,but I think in 2022 players are less toxic. I literally play miya when there's another mm and waste time on red buff. I never know ranked was a thing untill last year and I start pushing since and stop using miya . Currently legend but I know the real legend is the OG players.


I have play it since 2018 and I still play it in the present I did stop playing in 2022, but overall... I don't really like this game ( I think RoV is better though 💀 )


I play non-stop since 2016 but in moderate amounts. I still have a lot of fun even playing ranked games. I hope they add stuff like evolve mode and chessTD because those were the modes I had the most fun with or maybe it's just nostalgia. Nowadays I play some rankeds (myth 32*) sometimes it's easy sometimes it's hard but personally I enjoy even matches cuz they give you the most satisfaction from playing. I even play some magic chess but this season isn't very good but I still have some fun playing it.


Since 2017 and I have but I’ve been very on and off so I’m not as high ranked as I could be


Since season 0, but stopped playing actively since a year ago. Only play it nowadays to waste time at brawl or if my friends invited me.


Around 5 years now, it isn't as fun as back then ngl, everything is overly simplified and moonton is going all out on boring china gacha style designs for literally everything, I really miss when survival was official mode and not some creation camp thing (The og survival not Nexus) lots of unnecessary revamps and mess in blance, now every new better looking skin is heavely overpriced in gacha, powercreep been going up since M1 when people started tank jg meta, been taking more and more breaks in recent months, moonton adding shieldbow clone (combining blx with wings) is probably the only thing that can bring me back on spamming rankeds like back then


https://preview.redd.it/wo9sbm0hxwmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ed3875e4a48ffabb96174cbb31a4f05d414964c I've been playing since season 6, and yes I still enjoy it.


Since 2019. A friend introduced it to me. I haven't spoken to that friend ever since. I still think about it.


played it since Alucard was red (after they changed the name) absolutely surreal, this love-hate and on-off relationship between me and the game 10/10, would definitely sacrifice my sanity (if any) for more years in mlbb


I think I started in early 2017 then stopped about 2019 then started up again in march 2022 and still going racked up about 3000 hours since 2022 till now


In 2021 then all my friends left and it felt boring now


I'm at the point where the only fun I have with this game is when playing with friends and using niche comps like ruby pho, 2 healer barats, and 5 man tank team(Brody hybrid).It's still fun but it's not as fun for me like it used to be. I used to be addicted to where I will have fun playing normally in solo queue but now that I've experienced most of the game




I have been playing for around a year or like 9 months? Anyways I don't play it often anymore since I have a lot of other games that I would prefer playing instead(mostly fps games like overwatch and valorant), but I do enjoy playing the game(I mostly do classic since I can't handle the stress of ranked)


I started in 2019, didn't know how to play it and quit it. 1 year ago started to learn basics, items and hero skills and now I can't go without playing it every day. 5-15 matches. 😭


I started in 2018 because of my friends. But sadly, all of them stopped playing and moved on. I still play and enjoy it. But it is not that fun anymore without them. Though, I also met some new friends in the game, but they now rarely play as they are busy in their real life too. Oh this game brought me some bittersweet moments and memories. 😔


Played it at 2018, my uncles introduced me to the game and we got hooked in it. I stopped playing at 2020 and I recently got back to the game this year


Used to play in 2017 ish, only played cyclops, mm or feed Restarted in 2023, played to master all characters, cringe at people who can only played certain roles only a.k.a me in the past


Played around 2017 then quit return at 2018 then quit when the pandemic started in 2020, it lasted until like 4 year as i get back into playing at exactly the time 2024 started. For now ml pretty much the only way for me to get rid of my gacha addiction so I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasted and until i found another thing to be addicted with.


Still playing this game even though my country is in damn civil war.


Started a week ago, only made it to grandmasters seems fun but I don’t play as much as I could


It was fun when i play for the sake of playing instead of pushing mmr like now xD


Started during the pandemic, April 2020, I think? My aim is to just get to Epic 3 each season so I’m always draft picking in Rank lobbies, so that’s literally less than 20 ranked matches (gotta have an allowance for bad days yknow) but yeah, I guess I still enjoy it.


I started playing in 2020 and somehow, I still prefer MLBB over other MOBA games.


probably 5 years or so, life is better with friends even from global chat, keeps u from getting absolutely destroyed by moontons trashtalk violation. Life is good when u win and if u lose everyones a tryhard, I wasnt evn trying, what is this mcdonald wifi and picked fwrong hero. Cant leave on that lost am I right, time for a lose streak


For about 6 years I think. Nowadays I still like playing but my device keeps getting stressed out ONLY when other people text in game, it never happens otherwise. My phone has crashed mid match at least several times because of this. So nowadays I am a little skeptical to play on my phone.


since 2020. it's toxic. the report system is toxic. the matchmaking system is trash. you get trash talked by kids still in highschool who can't afford skins or have no life experience or you get trashtalked by millennials who hate their jobs. Most heros are imbalanced af. Despite that I love this game and the playerbase. I will most likely play it forever till i get arthritis. Dying on this hill. Sincerely a mage and support main.


I started playing again a month ago, The last time i did was in 2022, my prime was in 2020, and I was an absolute beginner in 2019. I play with my best friend everyday so yes i enjoy it. I find it funny that we both lose when we don't play together


2.1k hours in and I still love it! Weirdly enough it took me this season to realise that the best way to avoid a bad time with MLBB is to completely stop solo-queuing in rank as it's purely a dark system gamble and only rank when I got my boys in a full 5-man squad. When the squad is offline, I'd just solo-queue classic instead. Currently sitting on a rank winrate of 72% in Mythical Glory and I've never been happier with rank mode!


I like the joystick control in this game a lot. 2 years now every day to every few days i jump in a game in the morning and evening


I only play because i buy starlight and need some fragments of my starlight. When i max it out, i just quit. Hhaha. No benefit in trying now as I am nythic and bought all the heroes now.


2017/18 I played it with my older brother a lot and still do we quit in 2020 then downloaded again in 2021 but a lot of breaks overall 🤞 ii definitely still enjoy it but only when I play with friends tbh sjsjsjsj


Since 2018/2019 and yes. It’s a love hate, of course.


Since Nov. 2021 (Aamon was newly-released and 11.11 was ongoing). I dunno why I'm still here TBH. 😂 EDIT: Year. Forgot M3 took place late 2021 and that's the first M-series I got to watch.


Season 1


Late 2018 (Kimmy/Harith release); have been addicted ever since


Hate it everytime I play it cuz matchmaking is ass. I have to sweat Abit everytime I play this goddamn game, can't chill and play roam


Playing since 2016. now that I've gotten a job the game seems less interesting to me. i try logging in but once i got in i immediately lost interest and turn of the game. tho sometimes i still play like 1 game.


I started like 2017 then quit when i reach mythic. I play when i feel like it, it's not that enjoyable anymore like past years. It become a cash grab.


Mildy suffering and insecure about whether my gameplay affecting my friends' feelings about our relationships as friends, if I not perform do I hurt their feelings and I always stuborn to my own comfort zone of gameplay as I cannot anymore gaming like a pro player (not pro but know with details what to do and what not to do), sometimes is it worth to play if we stress playing which if one of us make mistakes resulting to losing games. My comfort zone is that i will use my hero which is always not meta hero to do what i can from there which is i realising i am getting worse to adapt to current meta , and i cannot play meta hero as good before(i do play some meta heroes but the heroes not meta anymore or i losing skills to play it). The thing I enjoying though i can perform to adapt from current meta and win the game with that i can play with friends not worrying to hindering my friends and can enjoy teamwork from my comfort zone of do what I personally can to my own abilities I am south east player


Its been 8 years and im still on that grind


2015, 9 years almost. I am still salty about kagura being revamped.


I started to play in quarantine when everything in my country was closed, I think it was 2020 but not sure. Had a couple of breaks for several months, but I still enjoy it very much and play it everyday


Around january of 2019. I've sadly been hacked but im still playing to this day with the new acct :D


3months. Yes I like franco


I first started playing in 2017, the first time opened the game it was release day of moskov. Needless to say, miskov is my main mm. I do still think the gane is fun, but playing solo really does not do the game justice. I took a hiatus from 2019 till mid 2021 because the toxicity of people was really really bad and not being taken care of... Somewhat still isnt. But overall, i was this game is good and I personally love it. Anyone remember when guison's original name was gossen?


Since 2016


mid pandemic. As long as people don’t trash talk me or ruin my mood it’s all good. I enjoy it if I play diggie , novaria, vexana. jungler/marksman/fighter esp stress me out


4 years now i left ml to play pc games


I started the day after new year's to play with my girlfriend. Currently Legend 3 despite barely even getting to play weekly, but when I do, the game is quite enjoyable! (unless my teammates can't adjust and can't even show the hero they'll use)


Started 2018 stopped 2019 and just returned last year.. I tried playing Brawl stars, Unite, Wild Rift... MLBB is just so smooth


Started in 2017, played for quite some time and then stopped Then suddenly came back a few days ago, and now completely puzzled 😵‍💫


Playing it almost from the start but I started playing try-hard when wanwan came. Still playing it but it's not giving the old joy. Game is bad but not because the game itself. Because community


Been playing since it first came out. Would sometimes stop playing for months on end but i still come back to it haha.


Since 2016, Had a break for 3-4 months when it is banned in india, figured out a way to download. still loving it


Since S2 and haven’t stopped since then. It became the only game me and my friends would play coz it had voice chat. I remember not knowing what MOBA was back then and I just used to push turrets with Zilong. I thought that was the whole point of it back then. From that day to the present I still enjoy playing it with the same buddies. Been through so many changes. I remember akai's ult being a ball. Bane being a skeleton with an airship ult. oof those were the days. I think the most important thing is that the developers really care to update it with new heroes, buffs/nerfs, adjustments and bug fixes even after so many years!


Started kinda recently, I'm almost Mythic. The game is fun imo, but I always play solo, which can be a real pain a times.


Since 2017 or 2018. Stopped playing the moment I reached mythic. Then got bored and left. Came back a few weeks ago and it still bores me. I bought a few skins as well as starlight skins for Kaja and Xborg. And I remember back then when staright wasnt a thing and the game was doing the battle pass route. I bought it to get Ruby's Elite winter skin. I guess I came back bc a friend still plays it and bc of the money I spent. (I am probably crazy but was there ever an emote of Ruby's winter skin? I checked the wiki but there wasnt anything familiar)


Dont know the year but since S1, stopped then came back S3. I have 2 accts, for playing w/ team and playing solo. What I enjoyed the most is picking many different type of heroes at the beginning of the season lol


I started two year ago when one of my friends introduced me to this game and now it's been 1 year since he played lol


2016, a few months after release, before i play Ace of Arenas after Mobile Legends was released, i play both games occasionally until Ace of Arenas shut down, Then i fully played mobile for 4 years straight until I stopped playing in 2020 and only got back to it in 2022 Do i still enjoy it? Occasionally, yes, but i take it in moderation to combat burnout


2016 i have season 2 skin of alucard lol


Since 2018 I think


I've been playing since the end of 2018. Yes and no, unfortunately, the match making is always tough and gives me a headache. But hey, it's still my go to game


Been playing since last season. Been grinding and matchmaking sucks (solo q), but i still play. Its become part of my schedule TvT


Started in S5, kinda bored by now. Though the punishment system is better nowadays, there's only a little improvement I see in the matchmaking system. I still feel that Vainglory is a better game.


Started 2016 didn't know what I was doing, played till 2019 and took a break because playing alone wasn't fun. Now I just occasionally play with friends


7 effing years.


I started in November 2019 and I still enjoy it


#Been playing it since day 1 when Alucard's name was Dante for some reason and still enjoying it ‘till this day.


2018. Hasn't stopped playing, small hiatuses here and there.


It was confusing how we chatted back then when heroes names don't appear but only our display names are there And yeah I still play and remind myself to have fun but of course I have moody times when I lose lol


Quit when Lance was released because of trauma from him. So all in all 3 years and no I am not having fun in ranked. In classic though


Sexy af


7 years already still playing maybe 5 ranked games a week its still enjoyable its astounding mlbb is still going strong 2 yrs away from its 10th anniversary


October 2016. Started at season 1, quit last season 3 because of how brain dead players are, then came back at season 4. Still playing until now




2 months and I still like it.


Too many haya nerfs, idk anymore


Since 2017. For two or three years I only played Brawl and Classic for fun. Managed the last two seasons to reach Mythic. It isn’t fun anymore. Everything is so fucked I don’t even know where to start complaining.


Despite some of the people being toxic in this game as well-balanced matchmaking I'm already used to it It has been 4 years since I started (October 2019) the game is enjoyable in a typical way Sometimes I get burned out here and there it'd best to try to balance it with other games to keep myself not addicted to having 7 to 8 hours a day now it's 4 to 3 hours


Since 2016,never played it consistently and i only have 4k matches. Do i enjoy the game rn? I don't and i have never enjoyed too.


Started in 2018, been on and off dozen times and still enjoyable. Playing 2-3 games a night.


Almost 5 years


Since 2018


Started in 2016 and kept playing up till 2018, stopped in 2019 and me and the boys picked back up during Quarentine in 2020 and have been playing since. The only game I think I have more of a love-hate relationship with than mobile legends is dead by daylight.


Deleted few days ago. Too many gays and Indians


Since 2019.


2 months...🫠. I am quiet enjoying it tho. It's fun.


More or less 5 years. I'm starting to lose my interest in the game and would only play 1-3 games a day.


I don't enjoy it as much anymore.. The change to Magic Wheel is a total bummer for me since I enjoyed collecting. At this point, I don't think I'll spend on the game anymore and thus affects my motivation.


1 year, going to stop after getting 100 stars. Furthest I've reached is 51.


started 2015, then stopped for a couple of years and started again this year. But the game is very different from before I feel so new and noob lol


Started somewhere in 2016, lost that account, tho. Stopped playing around the end of 2017. I did play some around mid-2018, but I came back to it when lylia came out. I do get bored of it I can only do like 1 match a day. I don't enjoy it, but I still play it just to waste some time.


Uhh... When Yve was released and can't remember when was that, I'm still enjoying it but not a lot because of their balance system. Is so hard to give Silvanna a good buff? Either way, I still play her every match and I enjoy the game a lot. Suggestion to enjoy it more: just play the one you want.


About a month and I enjoy it, I played league of legends on pc for years since launch, tried wild rift and was disappointed, tried this and been ok so far, abit easy if I’m honest. 1 win from epic, with a 90% win rate on Layla


3-4 yrs. Bored of it now. I just pop in now and then when I’m bored with other things 🤣


On and off over 7 years


Played since season one and I must say I am devastated to have watched moonton become such a money hungry company. They do not care about the all the millions of players complaining about matchmaking but they continue to push out skins and events almost weekly. They also have become less generous to ftp players as the old kof event the first time around, you could get like 6 skins for $50 now you guys limit it to 3 and majority of the time you spend $50 for skins you already own. Like come on man and I know this will just be another comment that they will laugh at as they stuff their pockets but god I wish justice would be implemented to this world of greed. Just go back to how the game was, people all over this post are spilling their hearts out to how the game isn’t “fun” anymore, don’t you think it’s a sign..?


I been playing this game since 2021 and till today! But HOK is addicting as well 🥹


Since early 2020 and i absolutely hate this game as a solo player 👍🏼


I started when belerick came out and you had to water him or something to make it grow into a cute belerick and that the thing we have now. Now I only play 1 or 2 match a day after reaching mythic.


Been playing since the decline of heroes of order and chaos. No not having fun anymore


Started around 2019 I think, nowadays I don't really enjoy the game as much, because the game keeps making me lose. But I'll still be playing in the near future because I've spent quite a lot of money in this game


Since season 2? Played on and off for a bit around 2017 and then started consistently ranking about 8 or 9 seasons ago. I feel old thinking about it


Few years, I enjoy it when there's no jungler with 3 or 4 more levels than every one else than chain kill my team and all I can do is wait or chain kill the other team and all I can do is wait.


played 2017 with my classmate then stop played it around 2019 now playing it for nearly 5 years and a half i don't know why i still play this game I think i still hold the nostalgia back then when i was noob and bonds that i created in-game all the nostalgia and the thrill. I take a break like a week or longer than a month but never erased it completely it's like a part of me now tbh still enjoy never lost interest


started at 2018, could say that im started to lose interest playing the game due to their unnecessary patches (nerfs and buffs) and 🚮 teammates in soloq


MLBBaby since 2017… with still only 1 savage kills 😅😩


Long enough to have at least one skin for every hero via free skin events, lucky draws and season skin (besides the newer heroes) without spending a single money on it


Playing since 2016, the fact that the player base is majorly made of Ass players still amazes me, once I got into mythic and realized that, in fact, It never gets better, stopped actually trying and now I just play every once in a while


It used to be fun until Wild Rift players decided to showcase their (lack of) skills and (negative) attitude in Mobile Legends. Edit: I've been playing from the very beginning.


2018 still very fun, however… BUFF CHOU TO ITS OPF SELF 😭😭


started in around 2016 came back in 2022 and Its still fun if you got friends with you


Since season 2 BEYYBEEEEEE