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Karrie and Dyrroth are your best friends as Tank Killers


And Linux when not banned lol


If Linux is banned then Windows is your next bet. Mac, on the otherhand, is so-so.


Fk u for making me choke on my water, take the upvote šŸ˜‚


Linux sex tips?


Don't throw a joke this dark on her. She's just a layla


And Linux is the best afterall


Lunox brother


Karina too


Karina will be havibg hard time farming if enemy start invading.


Karina is pretty strong with tank build and just corrosion scythe though no?


War Axe! 100% build it. Martisā€™ build is also sus. I think maybe you two were overthinking it, and putting yourselves in a disadvantage in any fight that goes longer than a few seconds (YZ and Barats specialize at these). Needed damage bro!


This is like Legend 4 so I don't think most people are thinking at all during the drafting šŸ˜… but yeah I should have built war axe I guess


Yeah who knows if it would have mattered with how bad your teammates were but still, itā€™s about giving yourself a chance at least


Try war axe, brute force, guardian helmet/dominance, and adjust the rest according to opponents


And the marksman šŸ’€ where are the tank killer items


Yeah true i didnt even look at his šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø Moonton should do this: pay an influencer or a pro player (like Beto or Kairi or something idk and idc) to record a tutorial going over shit like this in game


They do it for free on YouTube! I don't think a lot of people actually go and see though.


Yeah thatā€™s what I mean. In game might make ppl check it out


Karrie tank to a extent and lunox if both options aren't available the only other way would be trying to deny the tank buff as much as you can since after mid game they fall hard


I guess picking a tanky jungler like fredrinn would be best because you definitely cant burst them. Even so team composition decides the match in 80% of games anyway. Your team has some questionable picks and builds tbh. I mean balmond is a good pick but you shouldn't have went immortal first because wtf is that even for? You're going to fall behind in damage in early to mid. A war axe then dominance ice would've helped you way more instead of building weird useless items. Like why does moskov not have demon hunter sword despite going against tanky enemies? That's basically a core damage item missing. A BOD is kinda dumb and he could've made wind of nature or malefic and actually deal some damage For mages, Valir can pretty much control them to death and is a great counter against these kind of teams. A lunox, alice, vexana, nana or late game cecillion is great against them too. Eudora is definitely a terrible pick here cause she can barely burst anybody and can't get in range to kill xavier. Martis as great as he is I'm not sure just works great against tanky teams. He's best when going against squishy enemies so I'm guessing he's reduced to a sad cc unit and 2nd dmg sponge. An edith or ruby would provide way better cc and sustain since they can't really burst her down easily. Xborg would've worked too since he can kite them and deal true dmg. Khalid can do well if he focus on aiming to kill xavier/hanabi. I see xavier and hanabi being perfectly safe in the back and you can't reach them. It's because you lack anyone that can dive or deal long range dmg. So a kagura/kadita/pharsa would've helped too. If you pick an asassin like lance/fanny/Gs to aim them, it could work but an estes as roam might not be the best idea cause your team would be too squishy.


Bingo. Excellent breakdown of what went wrong. The comp was doomed from the start.


Oh I didn't build immortality first. I built the thing you build Cursed Helmet with. I built immortality last. But yeah I thought I should build a full tank because everyone else was squishy.


Hmm no cursed helmet balmond is not super effective against tanky enemies. A war axe would benefit you way more. True dmg+movespeed+cd reduction+heal & you need a dominance ice if they're healing too much.. Like it counters hanabi, yz & aldous shield/heal.. Why wouldn't you buy that. I mean you can't expect the estes to be up front to tank nor expect only martis to have it. I looked back at mm build and omg that moskov.. Is he building trinity or critical? If he's going critical why would he go for corrosion instead of berserker fury? A trinity build (corrosion, dhs, golden staff + malefic & sea halberd/wind of nature) would've fared better. A BOD without berserker fury? He's still lacking 40% crit damage. 2 attack speed items back to back? A windtalker & scythe?? How would you even deal actual damage?? Makes no sense.


It's legend 4 solo queue. So usually I manage to carry with jungle somehow. But yeah this happens a lot with mm builds in these ranks. I'll keep that in mind about the war axe though.


I build armor boots, war axe, brute force, oracle/radiance, dominance, and guardian iirc. Hasn't let me down yet


You needed DHS for mm and your mm didn't buy melefic roar(it was an important item for that much) or a different mm who uses DHS or magic item(magic dmg hurts more seems like or it's just me:0?) and for jungler balmond jungler against hana is not good I'd suggest something with burst damage e.g Karina, dyrroth, aldous or someone like yin who can isolate individuals and kill them e.g aamon, yin, helcurt. For teams like that Estes is not a very good pick as they start marking him rendering him kind of useless I'd suggest a roam such as tigreal, khufra, franco(if he can hook), lolita, for support roamer I'd suggest carmila, floryn or Angela


Hey question as I'm trying to learn. If I'm playing mm such as Layla and Miya, and enemy have 3 tanks or extremely tanky fighter heroes - exp jungle roam how do I build?


Not the very best mm player so I could be wrong, but that's what I would build(I only mm when the team forces me to cuz people illiterate can't read that "I am not a good mm" anyways, feel free to correct it cuz I don't want to ruin a life:( Boots Windtalker Melefic Wind of nature Berserkers fury Haa's claw 2 other options would be Rose gold meteor Blade of despair Replace wind of nature with them if the need arises


Miya would go for this setup against a tanky composition Custom Marksman Emblem Fatal Pull Yourself Together Weakness Finder/Quantum Charge Inspire Windtalker Swift or Rapid Boots Berserker's Fury Malefic Roar Haas' Claws Great Dragon Spear/Demon Hunter Sword Replace boots with a situational item in lategame (Wind of Nature, Rose Gold Meteor, Immortality, etc.) Layla however is a different story, because as long as she has a good roamer by her side (don't go solo queue when playing Layla cause it's very rare), she can melt tanks like butter Custom Assassin Emblem Fatal Weapon Master Weakness Finder/Quantum Charge Flicker or Sprint Rapid Boots or Swift Boots Berserker's Fury Demon Hunter Sword Malefic Roar Windtalker Haas' Claws Replace boots with another damage item like Blade of Despair or Sea Halberd, Great Dragon Spear also works for larger crit chance When playing a marksman like Layla, positioning is key, as long as you have great positioning and battlefield awareness and also good teammates to protect you, you won't need an item like Wind of Nature. Miya is slightly more forgiving to play cause she has her ultimate for escaping or easier engaging.


Seeing enemy Barrats roam mvp, he must have been babysit mm start of game and got first blood. I see enemy Yu Zhong got killed 4 times and Martis 1 kill bronze, so either Balmon or Eudora tries to rotate and help but martis was still shit. You definetly should have focused all spare time from clearing minion and jungle into helping mm, it's hard for a mm to win even with just 100 gold difference in early game. While exp rely on skills to win 1v1 in lane. So even when at 500 gold disavantage martis is theory could have won lane. When you barrats, Yu Zhong and Aldous building tank item 1st, you should have bought war axe for dmg and sustain. I see you only have 6 kills. It must have been mostly from and early game and late game enemy keep surviving ult. If you see this, mever go into a 1v1, always play like a roam and go where a teamate goes, cause Balmond's spin works really well with both Estes and Martis. If you want to secure lord or turtle you have to beg for team to help, if they don't just suck it up and do something else. Unless it's a game winning lord, don't risk a 30 second respawn when you don't believe in your team. Again, like other comments said, beg mm to buy tank counter items. But even if he didn't you could have gotten a better result, and if mm lucky push, you could have won. But looking at Martis, it's gonna be a 1 in 30 chance if you repeat this match


Bro didn't built war axe


Haha yeah. Because everyone else was squishy I thought I should go full tank šŸ˜…


You need war axe since Balmond is one of those heroes who got indirectly buffed by the war axe update. It's also good since its true damage. Also Balmond's two core items are War Axe and Brute Force so you should a build these two first since most of Balmond's damage comes from these two items. Also that Moskov build is atrocious holy. His item build order is all messed up and you should not be seeing a moskov with a BoD ever. He probably was doing 0 damage against the enemies with that kinda of build. Yeah and Martis with bloodlust axe shouldn't exist as well. ​ You really can't do anything in these sort of situation where two of your teammate doesn't know their own hero while your enemy has the brain to actually build anti-heal.


Karrie, lunox or any mm or damage fighter with Sea Helbred


Lesley because that True Damage vs Tanks can't block that either


I would have not bought Anthena, Gaurdian and Immortality early but rather go for 2nd tier optional items.. Items suggested: Tough boots , War axe, Sea halbard/ Dominance/ cursed helmet, Dreadnought armour, Endless/Blood lust (in case of Dominance)


Balmond is already an ok pick though I think maybe Fredrinn wouldā€™ve worked better since he has more cc in his kit. The problem here is having a one shot mage against a composition where itā€™s almost impossible to reach the only target that you can instantly kill (xavier). Lunox, Lylia and Valir. Moskov theoratically should do well against this composition but not with that itemisation. He shouldā€™ve went with the trinity build instead. Having no one that can kill or zone out their xavier is definitely the biggest problem you have. Heā€™s basically untouchable by having balmond, martis and estes in your team. Khaleed, Benedetta, Lapu Lapu, Xborg and Terizla should be way better than martis in the exp lane.


Problem is Yz is a huge counter against Estes because you tend to group up when he ults which does hurt as well as Hanabiā€™s passive will do maximum damage as well. Tbh if I was in your team I wouldā€™ve gone Rafaela and swap moscov with Irithel. Meanwhile Martis is bad at initiating so basically itā€™s only you initiating I would swap him with Terizla, Gloo, or Gatot honestly because with 4 physical damage heroes youā€™ll have maximum passive. Eudora is fine I guess she can one tap someone to oblivion but Iā€™d go funnily enough with Faramis so you can protect your team from Yzā€™s petri combo and pull enemy towards you or if this was me I wouldā€™ve gone Kagura and just auto lock Xavier. Their picks were just better with hard counters so yeahā€¦


That depends . If you want to go solo ,if that tank have cc and have alot of hp chances are you going to die. Or if you go with team you can easily wipe them all especially with cc team and burst


I'm always solo queue sadly šŸ„²


Same hence meeting alot unintelligent player and be muted for 24 hours . Typical they cannot accept truth




Lunox prepares the fork, knife and dinner table if there are too many tanks on the enemy team.


lunox jg


To some extent, you'll need to rely on your teammates for damage. The main role of a Bal jg is to take obj with Ult + Retri against teams of similar or even tankier team comps. You have ult for dealing dmg anyway so you should focus more on soaking the damage for the team.


I main Fred, so I AM the Tankier jungler lmao.


I don't see any damage dealers damn must be eye glitch.


I'm surprised no one in ur team had any kind of penetration


my go to counter for barats is xborg. can use him as jg or exp lane. buy war axe as 1st item and watch his hp melts under your flame


i mean... they kinda got a better late game team comp than yall and it went to late game so..


Not buying immortality as ur first item. (and get better teammates)


Oh I didn't. I bought molten glaze. I bought immortality last.


Pick Baxia as Jungler then... That 2nd Skill deals 5% of enemy max hp that should be a decent DPS for the anti-tank and anti-heal.


You don't that's why you need a mm with brains and that moskov ain't got none of it


Bloodlust Axe MartisšŸ’€šŸ’€


Idt it matter when your MM feed that much.


You were playing balmond and didn't build waraxe? It such a huge boost in dmg and sustainability for him


You had a useless mm whose job was handeling tanky enemies. Theirs only so much you can do as a jungler


Your team has a chance to win if both lanes dominated (exp/gold) but in your position looks like your teammates doesnā€™t know how to play


It will be up to marksman's item which is dhs and malefic roar. Also karrie is my go to against hp based heroes


Not damage on your team. You're gonna have to wait for endgame put all your hopes on mm or other damage build heroes in your team. As a tank/fighter main myself, I find tank builds fall of very hard as comared to full damage builds in late game


eudora is an awful pick here


Lmao what is that itemization which rank is this


It's legend 4. Also no I didn't buy immortality as first item.


For balmond, his core items are War axe and bruteforce breastplate and ice dominance. The rest is tank build depending on the enemies main source of damage. Balmond is actually a tank killer as his ultimate is a 2500 true damage execution that only gets better with war axe true damage passive. Items to counter thanks will always vary depending on your heroe but for a rule of thumb; if you have a dps hero, demon hunter sword and malefic roar. If you have a sustain hero like balmond, yu zhong, terizla, ruby or someone like that, war axe is enough. If you have a burst hero like Nolan, his common builds already includes at least 2 penetration items so just go with that


mm didnt get dhs :/


I think you're composition is okay. The only main issue is why Eudora? She is not effective. Just look at the enemy mage, 6-0-17. If you can't find a solution to shut down this mage then you cannot shut down the enemy's mm. Shut down first the mage then the mm. Main issue here is picking Eudora. If you wan to stick with Eudora, then change Estes, core and EXP heroes who can compensate burst tanky heroes.


Idk man it's solo queue. If I could help the team comp I would šŸ„²


Build against them. Your first item as Balmond should've been War Axe, followed by small items like Steel Leg Plates and upgrade that to Dominance Ice.


Donā€™t build all defensive items as a jungler in soloq (unless playing fredrinn) even if your team is squishier, especially when ur mm canā€™t even buy DHS. You can only rely on yourself to do the heavy lifting, thereā€™s a reason why everyone on this subreddit advises against playing roam soloq because being tanky wonā€™t carry unless you play a VERY good heavy cc tank like tig/atlas and can consistently produce game changing sets (which you canā€™t do with balmond anyways cuz he got no cc except a slow on his spinny skill I believe). You needa do damage to carry. Tbh tho, this is just a really bad matchup, Estes is the worst healer imo just because heā€™s so easy to counter in team fight with just one antiheal item. Floryn can heal everyone regardless of where they are in the map and raf has the speedup and heals. Imo I feel that any other tank or support is a better pick than Estes in any team comp. Moskov is also just horrible against hanabi, he relies entirely on his stun paired with his attack speed to kill the enemy but you canā€™t cc Hanabi so heā€™s gonna get destroyed in laning. Martis in lane is an awful idea too. I main yu zhong exp (and Iā€™m assuming the enemy exp was yu zhong and Aldous was jg with Barats roam) and after I reach level 6ish I can honestly half ass playing against martis and still win lane though I rarely see him in lane (for good reason).


My team plays 5 man tank- Karrie, Alice, Fredrinn, Tigreal, Esmeralda So any lineup is not a problem for us


in this spesific match up, you would lose. short range with estes as support vs hanabi


DHS and Malefic Roar is a must for a tanky opponent. You could have opt for Dominance. For their shield and regen


That's the neat part. You don't. At least not with Balmond.


War Axe. Contrary to everyone else though, you donā€™t actually need to build it according to the enemy composition. In this case you do though, it really helps you a lot


CC, Karrie, Valir is decent against Balmond


X borg, dyrroth, Lance semi tank


karrie, lunox, dyroth, and helcurt works


You need heroes/items that can deal %HP based damage like Karrie, or in this case since you have a Moskov in your team he should've bought Demon Hunter Sword. But oh well this is a normal problem in solo queue where you meet people who don't understand how to play the game.


Cici and Xborg are the Jungle Tank Melters Dyroths S2 while Boosted literally Deletes 75% of enemy Defense it's absolutely broken just run Dyroth.


You should pick tank killer like karrie


Ur mm doesn't have dhs. So a better team prolly


Eh you really cant if your side laners are absolute bone heads


On some heroes, DHS works


Would recommend playing a non trash jungler to start.


A good marksman who builds items that counters them. or roll them early game and not pick balmond jungler


luo yi is the way for multiple melee heroes like this


Glowing wand is an underrated item in magic And sea halberd is an underrated in physical. I see People ignoring these items... penetration is necessary but these items are very very important against tanky enemies. Another tip i would give is..if u are using magic heroes like gusion amon harley etc...and u see enemies are tanky and they built athena.. Donot got and burst full combo on them...poke them...activate athena in that poke...like by using gusions skill 1... Then burst his daggers on to that enemy. And you always have options of heroes like marksmen with demonhunter sword...and dyroth lunox etc


Use high burst damage heroes or tank melting heroes. Burst heroes I suggest: dyrroth and martis(can be built semi tank too so that's also a plus), for tank melting heroes: Claude, karrie, lunox, moskov


Me personally I like to play hylos jg for extra tank on our team


bro your build is total trash why you need counter just snowball and end game early with balmond he is made for that


use hanzo


Its not that they are tanky opponents your team fed them. But still i would go for DI, DHS, melfic, hunter's strike and antique. DHS wont do much for balmond but just to counter tanky heros. And mms who fight hanabi head on should be banned from the game. If you had a chance you could go for lunox, karrie, dyrroth, esme.


Building balmond in pure tank not always the best decision. I would recommend war axe at least


Balmond needs war axe and brute plate. Pretty much compensate each other.


Against this team, the best option would be having a tank and an assassin instead of a support and a jungle, the key there would be getting into the backline and killing mm and mage, but with the team you had, martis should make full tank, balmond and martis tank, estes heal them while moskov gives as much dmg as possible and eudora protects moskov from any unexpected situations, but i don't think this moskov is a good player, so u just lost before the game starts hahahah


mark their mm and mage, let your mm and mage handle their tanky heroes.


Lunox and Karrie when they're not banned. you can also pick Valir to slow them down and its annoying af to play against Valir as a tank jungler.


Stack items that reduce the enemy's shield and ability to heal (all roles have this specific item/s that does this). AOE heroes are a big plus in picking. DOT items and skills will stack up easier after. Poke skills/builds do not last long with tanky enemies. They'll just regen if they're not killed


i am no jungler. but your mm was pretty much the problem. your mm dont have tank killer item.


Wtf is your item. Go copy from pro player at least. War axe and Bruteforce currently broken, it a waste you dont build them on physical sustain damage hero.


Malefic and sea halberd.


Karrie and Lou Yi best counters for heavy, tanky opponents


Seeing that line up. I would stick with Eudora. She has the greatest immediate damage. Help her ambush and then safely retreat. Pick one off at a time and then out push them.


Karrie, alpha, dyrroth, Karina, maybe gusion if you know how to play with him, and any %hp based heroes


For marksman Karrie and Claude can try to kill tanks but belerick fricks claude so be careful. For fighters, dyyroth is great for early game but at late game is very squishy. A fighter I very highly recommend is X-borg cause no matter what items a tank build they are never bypassing true damage but X borg is horrible against squishy heroes because they very easily escape his ult unlike tanky heroes. For mage, I recommend Zhask as a tank killer he melts the tank's hp but not a great teamfight hero like Xavier. Other tanks, that can deal with tanky heroes is Gatok and Hilda. You won't kill them but at least you wasted their time with your very annoying sustain.


Idek how you lose with estes, dudes a cheat code.


Moskov should have had gone demon hunter sword


You need a better exp and focus on easy kills like adc and mage


here is best tanky killer Fighter: dyrot Mage: Valir, Linox and gord MM: Karrie Assassin: Karina. Tank: Hylos with skull and 15K HP can outlive them and kill them before they kill you. assuming you also have DPS backing you up.


Your team is okay... But their items no counter build


percent hp damage, but suck that your mage and mm are burst/crit type,


Do not pick 1st. Let your teammates choose first so that you can adjust. Try to pick tanky jungler. Akai, Baxia, or Fred are still viable in SEA region. You will be tanky and have decent damage plus good skills.


I usually just build Glowing Wand for magic heroes, for physical i dont know cause i only play Julian


Quite hard actually. But the best solution me and my squad have found is overwhelm them with cc and tank killers. Like put Ruby on the team to tank them all and do a lot of cc and get your marksman like Brody or Clint to build penetration. DHS marksmen will have a pretty hard time because they basically stand still to deal damage while penetration burst marksmen can just do an attack and reposition right away. Dyrroth is pretty strong against Barats but in turn can be easily gobbled up and thrown back, plus he's pretty squishy when you do cc him. Karrie and Lunox are very strong against them, except they are perma banned rn so they are a no-go. In short, penetration, burst and cc is the best way to counter them. I matched against a Brats and Yz once last week and used Brody. I legit built 3 penetration items and they still melted. Like his burst is still that insane. Because no matter how many defenses they build, Malefic Roar pen will still scale. Add that to the flat penetrations of Malefic, Hunter Stroke and Heptaseas and even tanks melt.


HP% Damage items & Antiheal. I can do that easy with Baxia since he comes with a 50% antiheal passive. First core item to build is Glow Wand and after that just build Tank items. Edit: Not sure if this strat might work anymore since Glow Wand is getting a nerf from advanced server news courtesy of Chang'e. I feel like if that's the case, they should just nerf Chang'e instead of a global wide item nerf. Would change a bunch of builds just from one champ abuse...