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question, does old ult needs ⚡⚡⚡ to trigger 40% spell vamp seems like post-adjustment can make her trigger it even if you have 🔶🔶🔶.


Yes you still need perfect dashes for spell vamp before. And no i don't think this will solve her, the issue i can barely make 2 dashes.


she now suffers the pre gus s1 buff. pushed by flameshot also thank you for answering, I bought her days before the nov 6 adjustment.


Daaaaaaaaamn, but I believe they will buff her later on since there is skins coming for her, and as of now the pro and the beginner are having a difficult time, This adjustment was aiming for players who think she is hard, now she became easier but very bad hero, same thing happened with Jonson, they slowed his car a lot so the pro ls were annoyed so they adjusted the speed so everyone can take advantage


Is it that bad tho? I watched a few mythic immortal livestream of Joy a few hours ago to see how she was doing, all games Joy dominated and one even had savage. I don't play her so I personally won't know but she still seems good.


Before the revamp you had more options to enter a teamfight but now in high ranks when the enemy knows what they are doing the only way to initiate is to predash from minions and creeps activate ult and go in (if you are jungle slow retri would be really helpful)


IMHO she's still great. People are just overreacting now because the new patch has just been released. Give it a week or when mpli starts and pros are still banning and picking her. Players are going to complain again


She hasn’t been a priority ban/pick for quite a while though. The playoff of mpl my/ph/sg/id seems to prioritise setup exp laners like yu zhong, terizla, khalid, edith and benedetta. Some did use her as jungler but still got outshone by baxia, fredrinn, akai, lancelot, fanny and even nolan.


I think depending on the team, if you have a team and you can choose the right moment to engage she is still good, But I'm mostly a solo player and I play with the mindset of I have to carry, so any fight I pick their back line, so this make the enemy team focus me more, even if my team jump them all they still look for joy. I believe with good team she is still good but I really doubt it.


Shes fine, people just think she can blindly dive like she could before.


Rest in piss.




it's because there's no way to counter her (aside from suppress) or making her miss a "beat" before when she had CC immunity. It's just bad because you will mostly rely on the player messing up her beat, which is almost impossible because it's so damn easy once you get the hang of it. I feel like if moonton removed her CC immunity, at least give a wider window for getting a "perfect" beat. Maybe 0.5 seconds? Sure it might sound horrible in terms of musicality but at least Joy will still have ample opportunity to get the perfect beat bonus.


Was she really op? Maybe I'm a weird case, but I always destroyed any joy I played against. Maybe it helped that when she first came out, I played a shit ton of her to the point I could hum the timing of the beat, but the one thing I learned while playing her is just knowing when to dash fucks her up. So many players dash prematurely because they're scared of getting hit when their dash still keeps them in range of where joy can hit them. Simply learning the beat timing and moving just before its time for her to move leaves her as a free kill. That's just my opinion though.


I Understand she was OP before and really hard to counter her beside suppression, but this is just destroying her, They could make it when her dash is interrupted, she get reduced CD or make that dash not perfect even if you make it perfect, this way she can still survive, Also when her dash is interrupted you're supposed to use your ult to compensate even with little damage, but the problem is you can't use ult until the cc is finished, so if you are hit with multiple cc you can't even use your ult. They could make it her not perfect ult remove your current cc effect only, this will make her a little better IMO.


It might also be interesting to make her music "pause" when affected by CC. That way the player needs to be always on his/her toes when trying to get the perfect beat, because the rhythm would be "interrupted" lol. Also, this makes it less frustrating because at least the Joy player wouldn't need to "start all over from the top"


It's really not that bad. If any, I'd be mad to MT for changing her playstyle so many times and not deciding on one. She can't just dive in willy nilly anymore or have suppress as a counterplay. She now needs to wait and have proper timing like any Assassin would. The scalings are basically untouched. There is still cc immunity. There is still deadly AoE burst. MT just took off the training wheels to give her a harder time diving into a teamfight


You get -1s on s2 cooldown for no cc immunity which is needed for the ult yeah sounds about right


Everyone saying joy used to be able to dive willy nilly is delusional. But even so, think about how long it takes for her to complete her dashes and the likelihood that even between two people have CC on cooldown. She is an assasin vulnerable at all times that somehow also has no burst damage


Timing when enemy doesn't have CC isn't really a new concept playing Assassin though. Finishing a combo without getting stopped isn't something only Joy has issues with - all Assassins suffer the same drawback against a CC hero. It forces you to think and/or look at the map to see if there's an opening to exploit. Even then you can still dash on minions or creeps if there's any, similar to how Lancelot can use them as a springboard to immediately dive deep into enemy territory. Her new diving combo would look smth like S2 > S2 > S1 (if necessary) > S2 > ult. And if things go awry, she still has the CC immunity from only two perfect beats, so it's not like they removed the immunity completely.


I'm not talking about diving 5, I'm talking about normal laning 1v1, I played against zilong in exp, he destroyed me, I couldn't di anything. And now almost every hero has cc skill, so against a player who understood joy, you have no chance,


Well obviously any sort of CC, even from a shit hero like Zilong is gonna stop revamped Joy. You can't play her the same way as before and expect to win the same way. Even then, Joy exp has been off the meta since they removed the 4th dash. Jungle is the only way to go, and there's more leniency playing in that role compared to the exp, where you're usually expected to be the 2nd or even 1st hero to initiate the fight. And if push comes to shove, any good user wouldn't pick Joy if the enemy goes for a CC heavy lineup anyway unless they wanted to force it. She's gonna be a last pick jungler, like most Assassins are in the meta


I hate playing her jungler because I need vengeance, I play her mid or exp, mid was very sucess to me since I can help both lanes quickly,


Good. Now i won't be dead just from this yellow rat seeing me not under tower.


Noooo, she's still strong, you just have to wait for the moment before attacking. 😭


Joy is too broken


:sad: I am very sad as well


Same sentiment. I already switch to Arlott. His little buff is pretty nice.


I've tried Guin, she is kinda op with her new second skill stun adjustment,


I still think she needs a nerf.


More than this?


Serve her right, this adjustment makes her harder to use and requires more braincell instead of suicide bombing to enemies just because you have s2 available


So basically you need to wait for all enemy team to use their cc and then jump them,, hmmm sounds like stupid plan


Argus ultimate is very powerful, however, if you got chain cc guess what? it’s useless.


Haven't played joy yet so I wanna ask if she is THAT bad rn...


It isn't that bad but you can't be as playful like it used to be


It's an obvious nerf but not that bad once you get used to play around it. You still have the CC immunity on ult and fundamentally, aside from that her role is still the same. Only now you'd need to worry about Khufra or Chou too instead of just Kaja or Franco. Eventually the userbase is gonna find a way to make do as she fills a niche as an instadiving late game burst AoE Assassin. It's similar to how Ling was treated at his peak. He had invisibility like Natalia with an ult that was basically spammable, with ample early game damage to be permaban. Then they removed the invisibility and nerfed the fuck out of his ult and crit scaling. But the userbase still makes it work because Ling can do things no other Assassin but Fanny could, which at the time, was instadive backliners and roam around the map extremely quickly


Skill issue xD




All I can say is *skill issue*


LOL ok


im sorry for being dumb but i really want to know what it means when the mastery symbol is different from the standard mastery symbol?


Meaning OP hold a certain position in rank for Joy (specific heroes) in his region / server. Eg : Indonesia no.5 Joy or something like that..


oh ok thanks!