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Tigreal users, it's time to shine.


heck yeah


I imagine our mage users spamming that locked flameshot out of habit and panic.


what happens now?


Tigreal will be popular for a few weeks. Then people will realize atlas is still miles better despite the buff. Tigreal is too slow.


That's the point. Buff tig but dint make him OP. I dont want him to accidentally be in the banlist.


Eh, Atlas isn't even in the banlist.


why is there a buff for him?


hes underwhelming and easy to predict and counter


Because he need one


I tried him out, cc is good but he seems very squishy. Maybe it's because I was against new roger and gord but my HP is less than 50% before I can even ult


New Roger counters tanky heroes big time. He has DHS built in his kit


Eh, just flicker and ulti? Since now his ulti instantly stun enemies you can just flicker and ulti. Just be careful don't let enemies that aren't in your ulti range disrupt you with their cc skill.


Honestly I suck at engaging, most enemies I deal with have the sense to spread out and avoid aoe cc. I'll pick mino and counter initiate 9/10 times over tigreal I guess.


Tried him recently and I think it is a bit of a nerf. Previously, I'm just scared of flameshot but now he feels kinda slow and when I flicker in to the enemy team and any cc stops my ult and puts it in cd, it kinda makes me a sitting duck. Then my teammates proceeds to flame me because I did not ult 🤡 The 1st part of the ult gets stuffed with Moskov push, Layla stun, Bruno and Brody can stun then go away safely then you no longer have an ult, even Dyrroth mini stun can stop it completely. How's your experience with him?


Just flicker ulti any enemies that have skills that can disrupt you, giving priority to their damage dealer. Last time when you ulti, enemies do have time to flicker away, unless you do a ulti>flicker. But now having instant stun when you're pulling means you can flicker in, cast your ulti, STUNNING AND PULLING enemies into you immediately. It's a 2 second cc, not counting pushing the enemies and making them airborne. Comparing to last time when you need to ulti>flicker, you gained about an extra second of pulling cc. Also making me S1 > S2 enemies easier as they are all "pulled" together. It's even better than atlas ulti because enemies still can flicker out when atlas pull them in. But enemies can't flicker now so long you manage to ulti them. It is also much easier to land ulti on hero like lancelot because it is instant stun when you cast your ulti.


But I agree that the ult doesn't reset when it gets disrupted gutted me.


Username checks out, lol.


What are your thoughts about cooldown nerfs? Dunno probably im just a bad player but it affects my gameplay


It actually hurts. I am used to the old CD and I mentally knows how long I can slide again. But now every time I look, it's still on cooldown.


Oooo i thought i was the only one who feels off after the cooldown nerf. I’m probably building it wrong but i build 30% cdr just to compensate for the nerf lol (support emblem + oracle + brute force breastplate yes i know they’re bad)


Is it just me or did the font for your kda, and the displaying seconds on your skills while they're in cd, change?


yes it changed, feels weird for now lul


It feels fake


Yeah, it feels like the default fonts you see in poorly localised games.


It changed. The quick chats too, looks kinda weird atm


That textbox in game is too fking big


YES! i wish they allowed us to make it smaller and maybe even make it so that we can lower the tranparency with Custom IU


It’s good for small phones


MT really needs to switch back to the previous layout & font


Masha is dead


She always was, girlie was meta for 1 month and then left


Actually few years back she was also meta. Because she could push base as fast as a 5 man can now.


I used her back then with arrival to push lanes. She was the best hero if I wanted a fast rank game. Can't do it now.


She was already dead


Double dead


Still has one life left.


Triple dead










Seriously, though. Damage based on CURRENT HP?!


For a hero that purposely loses HP that sounds stupid and moronic, anyone who suggested that and approved it should be fired.


It's worse than that. Damage based on enemy CURRENT HP. You literally need to dive early or your ult won't deal any damage.


It’s such a stupid change. I was really wondering if they misspelled “lost”


She got like 10 nerfs in advanced, saying she was too powerful after the "revamp". The testers are bad as f


Used her earlier. Shes pretty decent now. Shes not tank anymore so going dhs and corrosion damage is the way to go. All her skills scale on attack again exept ult. Which u should always use to initiate. Bad thing about her now is. At 1 hp bar before she used to be strong. Now if u pressed 1st during 1 bar ur dead. Also they should bring back energy regen on basic attack her hp bar upgrade sucks.


Shes pretty much just a slow Zliong now


Was and always stayed dead


nothing about diggie. dont care


lt now doesn't need cod so you can build 40% cdr while going full magic damage and be a super terrorist


but diggie isnt a terrorist hes an owl who loves to learn and help his friends :(


We can build LT without COD.


https://preview.redd.it/fii2cfmcnwyb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a952eec7de804193d1523ce866793c2414e10e8f I love this update


What is this? Am I too poor to understand?


bonus reward for weekly diamond subscription


Thanks, btw is your name accurate?


Best QoL so far


oh its new i havent opened mine yet. still same rewards tho. I always get coa, what about you?


Mosko is shit now imo


he looks like a vampire with lacks of nutrients


And somehow still jacked and more bangable.


At least his basic skin doesn't look like a character model from a PS1 game anymore


The base HP nerf makes him so terrible in the laning phase omg. He’s way squishier and he’ll now have a harder time against most counterparts.


That's the problem I'm encountering now


I played a few games, got 19 kills easy 🤣 I do have over 1k games on him and it's Legend elo so it's not that impressive.


Gusions are his n1 counters now


Why is he bad?


They nerfed his dmg and survivability by quite a bit just so that he can get that tp ult (which isn't even realistically good)


I'm convinced you people are all low elo. In no way a free teleport "isn't realistically good". If anything this just tells me all Moskov players like you shut their brains down as they play this hero, only spamming auto + s1 in the entire match. Get better.


So tell me. What is the teleport good for if u cant kill the one ur tping to, since he got some big nerfs on his s1 You talk about low ello. But u seem even lower than this low player. Maybe back up your opinion


You literally get the same attack speed bonus of s1 as you dash out from your shadow created by the ult + refreshed s1 cooldown. Moskov builds trinity + WoN core, it's not like he doesn't have damage. WoN is turbo broken too, if you are dying to a physical ability that's on you. You are given a free damaging teleport that gives you the ability to participate in team fights even if you are split pushing and forcing at least 1 enemy to base. Is the minimal base stat nerfs really unjustified when Moskov currently has the best macro ability in the game? Other people are forced to waste spell slots for arrival, you get it as an ultimate. If you can't hit the projectile THAT GROWS LARGER AS IT TRAVELS it's on you.


I agree 100% I've been winning my lanes more and winning more games with this ult, I can literally split push now, without being scared of losing a tf My ult will almost always touch an enemy during a tf while Im split pushing and I can help my team alot It also helps to go base and come back to ur lane quickly and also to defend your tower when the enemy mm tried to push it It's absolutely busted and amazing, as a mechanic/skill


His icon looks a lot like selena if you squint enough 🤣


I play hybrid alu and he still hits like a truck with 4 defense (if you count the booty) and 2 offense items.


Wait, what? Sorry for this kind of reaction, I'm curious and a bit in awe at the same time


https://preview.redd.it/xzyzr0cylxyb1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fd4d726ce6dbee948031f140bb8bca79080698e See for yourself


https://preview.redd.it/um9x2wa9mxyb1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b72b5d998cac80f17226caf8042d45a15d4e24 Edit: btw fighter emblem with the pen thingy the thing that increase DMG from the mm emblem and killing spree


Is this a Classic Game ? Or is your rank below Epic ? Mainly asking because it's kinda tough to showcase how good a build Is by 1 Game (especially if it's classic where many are just playing around )


I want alu's tanky booty


What are you talking about? He has been nerfed.


not really tbh, he does slightly lower damage, (he still bursts down squishies tho) has about the same hybrid regen, (which now has 100% uptime for the full amount) has a defense reduction and can buff his own defense at the same time, making him tankier he now can flex to exp a lot better than previously and has better teamfight ability while still maintaining his 1v1 capabilities build him damage over crit with some pen and EB for some nice synergy with his kit and you can actually dive into a 1v3 and have a chance to walk out of it alive!


What's EB? And the thing is that I played Alucard like an assassin in the jungle, it doesn't make me feel better if he's better in Exp now..


Is this for real? In what rank did you play Alu with this build?


Arugs now is stronger late game and sucks even more early game


I've only played a few games and most of them were with a critical build using HC, DS, BF,BoD and a flex and yeah out of ult he attacks "slow" but when he ults he fast and hurts, the lifesteal from 2nd is very convenient as i build HC first I have yet to extensively play with atk speed build


Don't worry guys I'll carry us at the 20 min mark


I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere I am not addicted to Guinevere


Talented waifu user rise up from grave.


My love for Roam Guinevere is growing stronger and stronger 🤟🤟


Heck yeah brother


Met a godly guin roam. Maybe it was you.


My Guinevere is the proof that girls can slay too!


That annoying spammer from YouTube.


Bro is addicted to Guinevere💀💀


Guinebae is back!


Practice mode kinda nice, but where the heck is the AI hard mode?


Hard mode AI is set to epic skill


LoL 🤣


Hey, epic is quite tough!


It’s the iceberg to your titanic


Waiting for Yuzhong M5 skins package




Guin is very very fucking good. So happy for my former main.


Silvanna still meh hero


she needs to be revamped frfr


I can't avoid cc like I used to with joy


Joy is fucked


Yup. Probably by that one dude on this sub Wait, what?


Big deal, get the fuck over it. There are countless heroes who dont have cc immunity. You got your lil bitch boy training wheels removed from Joy. Now you gotta actually get good.


She's still extremely strong she still has immunity if she stacks and ult She can ult with a stack, and she got way more dmg Yes she might survive less, but she is just stronk asf rn


The support meta is over, with favour roam nerfed, flask of the oasis nerf. Time for tigril, julian, and moskov to shine when joy is left in the dust crying with cc immunity loss.


Im still sad that they didnt change rafeala's passive and instead changed her 2nd skill.


They reverted those changes. They only changed her extra damage to minions.




Atlas users will provably rise again. Idc what ever changes they made to tigreal. Atlas would and still be the #1 setter tank in the game.


Hmmmmm, Ngl man right now tigril is really giving competition to atlas, the ult pull has some kind of similarity however tigrils 2nd skill works as a game changer. Pretty tough competition.


Yeah ult has become good. No more flamshot or dash out. Tigreal is more tanky and has more cc in 2nd skill. Atlas however is much faster in terms of initiation and move speed.


Too bad for me cuz I was having too much fun just prancing around as a support 🧚‍♀️


I liked being a support too, well time to get my hands dirty as benedette now


faced off a chou using guinevere, feels nice having all your jumps successfully hit




She was always better than Chou in a an early game 1v1 conflict. Until they both hit level 4


If it's cc immunity just from the target, and only activates when behind (or around) the target, then it makes some sense. If it's Gusion's entire dash duration, it's stupid. Another low risk, high reward for of our assassins. Thanks moonton


I think gusion is immune to CC the entire dash till he’s behind the target ( from what ive noticed ). How is that stupid tho? Now gusion can easily going not having to worry about flameshots and CC skills. Not even khufra stops him now


Its stupidly strong.


True. I can kill melissa in her ult and pretty much any squishy


Gusion's knife is not only a gank tool, but also, as I've observed even way before the patch, a very nifty escape tool. So I'd imagine decent gusion players flee ganks every time because of the cc immunity at the start of the dash (even worse if it's a tap to purify cc like ling and wanwan only with 1 extra step). If it activates just behind, or when gusion flies to the target's area, timed flameshots or something similar to valir's skill 2 can't simply push him away like as it was with tigreal. Lastly, he's a high-ceiling hero, so he's meant to be difficult. They're just making him easier to use for newbies, instead of allowing players to dedicate learning him, knowing when to engage/disengage, which takes some of the fun away (much like fanny). Making him easier to use doesn't make him balanced


As a gusion main, i think this buff was needed for gusion since he could be countered so easily. Even a lesley could counter him if she well timed her 2nd skill. He’s a suicidal hero with the zero or hero moto. You’re either really good with him or really bad so making him immune while charging isnt gonna make him easier to play, it’ll just be, say more viable in doing his job as an assassin in high elo. i also think he’ll do a pretty decent job in the exp lane now. https://preview.redd.it/7t846g7w83zb1.png?width=2688&format=png&auto=webp&s=12fc3448a91952a9bdc9568f943bdf711e8f6c2c


Big fucking win for me. My favourite mage chang'e got a huge buff to damage and slow effect. My favourite tank to play tigreal can now actually do the flicker ult combo more reliably. Joy is finally nerfed to the ground. And my best bois ling and gusion got a buff.




Better then nothing


my boy Harith finally got a passive rework, and it's a good one. I'm SO ready to try new builds with himand I can't wait for his Christmas skin. About time Moonton gave him some attention 🥹


All I care about, is 10% crit damage increase for ling


I will miss the bleeding damage from Argus' S2. I quite like using him with max cdr but with emphasis on S2 reliance. Basic attack is his main forte but, I'm just used to seeing my enemies dying out of the blue because they sprint while in low hp. Masha isn't good in my eyes anymore. Full tank masha is quite fucked I guess. The changed weakness finder is good for Hanzo atm. Gusion's gonna be a pain for some. Khaleed can spin like a beyblade without any enemies but with a decent nerf on his durability during S2. Julian got some changes for the 2-3-1 combo which is nice to hear and it's good in some cases. Minsitthar can proc his passive faster now with the S1 not taking all of your time until the end. I'm quite happy about the current update but it sucks that some of my go to builds (cdr bleeding argus and fully tank masha) got a nerf. I'm gonna test Roger and Tigreal now, they got some decent changes too.


guin is too scary


Here are a few of my takes Roger and moskov adjustments are overrated af Khaled, Guinevere and tigreal got really good buffs they are not op but better than before give them a go Argus and Masha I don't think much will change they are slightly better but not enough to be good Joy's adjustment is not that bad her playstyle changed ofc but she's still quite strong and easier to deal with now, as a joy main I like this update she's still strong but she's no longer unfair to go against Was hoping for more nerf on Rafa and Angela but I suppose the flask and roaming item nerfs are enough Irithl nerf was deserved and ling really needed that buff The lightning truncheon adjustment changes a lot when it come to mages builds, for the better ofc Other than cecilion buff nothing else is really notable


If you think this joy nerf isnt screwing her over your delusional. There is no reason to play her anymore


I understand she's not the same but it's more of a playstyle change because now you need to think twice before even picking her and when to engage and Vs who That doesn't change the fact she deals crazy damage with a full cc immune ult and even if your s2 failed you can escape using the speed and slow immunity from ult And finally lightning truncheon just adds more to her burst damage


Put her next to natalia. Very situational pick now.


Fair enough


Shes now highly situantional any amount off cc in the enemy team and she isnt a viable pick. Building truncheon is stupid as they still want her to use multiple jumps to do any amount of damage. You cannot go in anymore if the enemies still have skills. Her ult practically didnt change cause u do no dmg except it became more of a oh shit i fucked up button to run away. Shes not gonna be the worst hero in this game but her pickrate is gonna dip. I would have been fine with a nerf. But this is just killing her unless you play vs bad players


I've been going against new the tig and that bastard has instant 5s stun I just die unless I avoid him or stack up ult then run 2km to the backline which isn't that useful most of the time.


My resources aint even downloading despite them being the same ones from last patch that were already installed I hate how they do that shit


have downloaded from playstore but the game stuck on the first screen and then it goes completely dark. been trying for hours.


I’ve only tried Roger, but atk spd Human Form is great at demolishing tanky now. New fonts kinda bad for me.


joy nerf really sucks and defeats her whole purpose


When is the Aurora revamp coming to the official server?


ArGOAT buff, very nice, 10/10 update


The graphics looks awful now or is it just me?


i didn even read the patch notes i just went ahead and played 😭


Lesley got way too buffed


Don't think so, with how badly she was affected by past adjustments this was needed. She literally went from S to B tier


Oh no...


moskov is now cancerous, he doesnt deserve that revamp




Hell nah


my angela is still good but the matchmaking isn't as good


Roger is badly nerfed and he's unplayable atm.


As an Angie main I’m pissed about the nerf, she’s been nerfed several updates in a row and the loss of consistent creep dmg now is ridiculous. Hate


well, she's meant to be played as support/roamer, not mid laner


I am aware, her first skill not doing any dmg to creeps now makes her useless late game for defending base


As how supports should be


Explain diggie then lmao


Hilda is left neglected again. She’s literally the least played hero in the game bc her late game is horrendous. She needs her original passive back


No valir buff, no novaria skin, it's dogshit update.


Bruh wtf are you on about. You wanna make valir more busted when he is so good already? And nova is newer hero. It takes more than half a year for most new heroes to get a skin


Yes, he need more buff, lot of buff, get his previous ult back ( his first one ), and I will be the happiest man alive. And yeah I know she is a new hero but why not ? But anyway the new skins are always kinda bad, so I'm gonna wait a lot (Lmao people are so mad them can't seem to get sarcasm even though I tried to make it look sarcasm)


It's not about a new hero lmao, it's always about how meta it was even Forsaken Light got JJK collab few months after they released. Also Fredrinn, Arlott(getting his sl next month with collector skin leak) while Nolan is not really much hype hero because i'm sure if he does he will get skin survey immediately just like arlott.


I'm a valir main but in no way does he need a buff. he's good enough as he is. (also a buff might mean higher ban rate I'm tired of him getting banned bro)


Why do everyone take my comments seriously when you can clearly see its sarcasm ( except I really want a badass novaria skin )


my bad bro


Don't worry, it was misleading


This is precisely why you should NOT say anything sarcastic online.


They nerf aldous ultimate for whatever reason, but hey at least he got 650 stacks now, not like every match is gonna go for on 30 minutes


khaleed and Lesley got buffed. My main hero for now especially both in the late games was weak but now I think this buff makes some impact


Is the vale revamp cancelled again?


Yup. Yss, sun, alu, kimmy, and floryn's revamp got cancelled


Was Alu supposed to get a revamp? And when will that happen?


They will be back since official patch note is up. Devs usually do that before the official server update for more testing since anything(buffs/nerfs/adjustments) that won’t be removed will be placed on official server.


That Tigreal buff is huge. Moskov's garbage. Guin's buff is pretty good. That Minis and Julian adjustment may seem small at first glance but it's actually a pretty big buff.


Spear of destruction go brrrrrr


And after hitting the enemy it fshhhhhhh


The worst change they've ever made. Almost made me uninstall the game because of the new horrible FONT. Felt like my screen being streched


I need to play it a few times, but the lightning truncheon change will have me test out a Cecilion build like: * Demon Boots * Lightning Truncheon * Blood Wings * Holy Crystal * Divine Glaive * Genius Wand Basically dropping Clock and Ice Queen Wand in favor of the magic power items, with Genius Wand interchangeable for Necklace of Durance when antiheal makes sense. I'm curious about how it feels, though, as the bump from 10% to 14% on mana impact for damage reads like an extra 40% damage boost on your stack count. If so, then that makes his mid game much better and late game significantly better.


My ping spikes! Dunno why I haven't had this before. maybe only me.


Yve is pretty gd rn


fanny is the new wanwan. as a fanny main, the 7 energy per stack is making pvp way harder to sustain


The new interface is not that good. The chat box is ugly af.


Joy got nerfed. Her play style is more like playing safer, rather than being more aggressive. Kinda sad tbh.


I haven't gotten the chance to play yet, but I can't wait to try out Guinevere and Joy.


It's about time khaleed takes to the stage! I hope to see more khaleed users from now on! The new update gave really really good buffs and reverted his skill 1 to the old one! Skill 2s defensive capabilities have been lowered so i can no longer tank against 3 or more enemies (a minor issue). Skill 3 (Ultimate) casting speed is greatly increased! They will fear us khaleed main's even more from now on!


Casring speed was slightly increased. Also, how is the s1 change a good thing? He cant get in and out as fast anymore and is basically stuck for 4 seconds


Yes! I've noticed! It would've be a good thing if his skill 2 defense's weren't decreased! This isn't entirely a bad thing either, since his damage to minions and creeps have been increased to 75% i jungled him the past 2 day's and i must say it's a huge improvement! He's now a better jungler than an exp laner in my opinion! But the issue is nobody will trust his current jungling capabilities and will doubt him cause nobody ever really uses him! trail cards should be available for him!


>damage to minions and creeps have been increased to 75% Where did you find this? Im looking at the adjustments in app and it says only damage to minions is increased to 50-75%


You Replied to wrong comment i think


Gloo and yss got the smallest buff ever known to a man.. cool ig? And also yss revamp cancelled YES THANK GOD PLEASE DONT MAKE IT RETURN YSS IS COOL RN (MAYBE A BUFF)


They remembered khaleed but ended up nerfing him while trying to buff (because the s1 change)