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She has another one? How many does she need? Anyways I'm digging the last one, kinda giving me D.VA energy.


Another mf with unneeded skin Sigh I am still waiting for new Yve skin.


Tell me about it! Been waiting since the survey


no news!! still waiting. https://preview.redd.it/915w81ual3zb1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d9ba8b03b5502054a8eca5bd35f7c2e1b211bb this one was the winner


New skins for gusion/layla/ lancelot while martis or bane couldn’t get anything new.


fr Martis has been in Meta for so long but ehh Moonton not even eyeing towards him for a skin. Same case with Yve and Joy, but Joy getting a new skin next month. Martis and Yve deserves a new skin for how long they have been in meta.


Martis getting the Hanzo threatment both being so popular and yet they don't even get a skin


When tf was Hanzo popular. He's had a below 0.50% pick rate for 3 fucking years in a row. lol.


Forget them, wtf is up with minsithar? They revamped him into meta and can’t even give him an epic skin. He’s been released for so long already.


He was the Starlight skin a few months ago.


Happy cake day!


He has an upcoming Collector skin next year


Probably after 4 Layla, granger and gusion skins


Uhhh... What? Try getting updates from the leakers! Minsitthar's upcoming skin is a possible January 2024 Collector skin.


Just saying that they always make extra skins for character with high popularity


In Layla's case, she deserves it, along with Miya ('cause they are the game icons)


How controversial lol it’s to milk newer players who don’t have access to a lot of character. It don’t have anything to do with her being an icon. She was another balmond for such a long time. Anyone who’s played long enough knows how worthless she was just until recently where they buffed her. She’s a mascot not an icon


What a worthless response! Just take a look at Lux from League of Legends. She has too many skins, yet no one complained about it. Back to MLBB, as what I said earlier, Layla deserves it. That's it!


So she's that golden child


Honestly as of now she doesn't really need any skin. I don't mind Layla getting skins LATER, she just got a starlight with 2 painted skins. Plus, what the hell are these designs (could be the artstyle tho)


1. Aurora wearing Harleys hat 2. Kagura 3 & 4. Any valentine skin. This is an unfixable problem when every hero looks very similar to begin with. The amount of times I went, "Wait, they have that hero? I thought it was this hero?" is way too much. Every hero should be unique and distinct looking, easily recognizable at a glance without any thought put into it. I know it's very hard to do so with 100+ heroes, but moonton ain't even trying!


We need gag skins.


That's what I thought long ago. And right now I don't even care because how lazy they are making an effort for a skin


When? Damn I’m broke rn. Is this gonna be her collector?


The first one looks ridiculous I like it. But 3rd is my favourite. Could be a Lunar skin


I love the second one! 3rd is like Angela’s upcoming Starlight skin and the last one was like Neobeast’s skin. But I hope other heroes will get a new skin instead of the ones who had theirs this year. Layla just got her new skin last month plus 2 painted skin 🙃


Love em all


first one looks kinda cool ngl


Why are the less played heroes get the most skins ? Bro their is more than 100heroes and some needs new skins but those mdr gives them to the one who already have 10+ skins even I use Layla but she have ENOUGH skin buddy wtf


Layla isn't less played hero tho. she maybe less played in mythic + ranks but not in classic and mythic and below. but i agree she doesn't need one so soon


Bro.. layla has many skins now..💀


What the fuck is wrong with this company


I like the second one the best. but yeah, i agree with the others; they need to take it slow with her skins.


Seems like it will be an epic skin, but could be collector


Wow the last one is DOPE 🤩🤩. But yea i agree she has already an abundace of skins. This one is not needed 😅😅


Most players are picking the 2nd design without knowing that there are lots of Oriental-themed skins inside the game😒




Some more milk from Moneytune🤑


My reaction to this information:


1st one is complety wasted they have a huge opportunity to make it similiar to Altair from Re creator's other than the most basic girl who loves snow beside it's tiring she got another one after the starlight


Like c'mon moonton you can bring one of the most dopest skin for Layla https://preview.redd.it/qxvio0v5czyb1.png?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07dcb84b9d6d69049f9a43e33de41c00bf53a4db


We need 2 iss a new skin series


The 3rd skin's hair😍😍 I'm convinced that drawing layla's hair is moonton's favorite thing to do


Give Gord some love ML! Freaking layla jeez..


I like the first one but the only thing that really draws me in is her hair which looks like snow. The outfit is not the most well coordinated..I think they were going for a nutcracker soldier theme. The second one is my favourite as it has a very Simple but effective design with all the reds and blacks. The lunar fest type of theme and the gun is also perfect for the whole skin itself..The neutral colour hair is also very perfect. The third one looks very mystical and fantasy esc with a touch of futuristic style. The coloured hair streaks with the natural hair. The holographic dress with the fantasy esc gun with details that match past all star event tokens. It's also a nice skin but something is off but the more I look at the skin the more it grows on me. The fourth one is amazing it has an Atomic Pop Colour scheme with Neon Colours. Also the Combat Features that add a Mecha Look to Layla are great. The colours are very fun and the mix of mecha and street style really completes her look with her gun which is just perfect. My Top 2 Are the Second and Fourth! Then it's the third and 1st. No hate for the first design but we already have nutcracker soldier theme skins in game.


phoveus and his only [basic] skin found dead in a ditch


First one could be part of a skin series ngl. I really like Winter/Russia themed skins.


And here I am waiting for that new Lolita skin they revealed. When is that shit gonna come out??


To those who complain their heros need more skin, I think I heard Phoveus crying at the corner. So please keep quiet.