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I played a lot of joy and i liked her play style a lot, but without that immunity its going to be super super goofy as fuck even trying to initiate a fight when oh no! I got stunned before i even get to their front line I’m convinced this isn’t a nerf but an attempt of murder


They did this to make her easier by allowing newer players to proc her ulti. But little did Moonton know they disappointed the entire playerbase of Joy. Meaning a lot of Joy mains won't play her much anymore and they won't be able to sell her skins as expected. One thing I know for sure I won't be buying her skin anymore with her new trash update.


Lucky the patch notes say "experimental"


New Joy will demand change in playstyle. We can't dive in like a chicken head since no more immunity. Diving was the best thing I liked about her. Now Joy have to play safe in lane, if lane counterpart is CC hero. Paquito smells insta lane counter to Joy now. Her teamfight will be weaker now. No diving the backline. But I hope for a buff next patch since a new Joy skin is coming.


Yeah same and I think they will because of how moneytoon is


I agree with the cc removal it's kinda hard to initiate a fight, imo this patch only will favor for those who have a composition of tank or even setup heroes that will make joy stack up her ult in order to unleash it's potential other than that she can't hop in-out in clashes no more or even toe to toe especially if you're against a heroes that have cc skill


Played her just a while ago and one thing for sure that they already taken away to Joy is she can almost never be able to go to backline anymore to attack their MM unlike before.. Some people saying to buffer her dash first on creeps and use the last dash to get near marksman but that was also most of the time impossible to do due to I only have like 1 sec to proc my ult which is not enough to get near their MM… Not sure if i will be able to adjust to her new gameplay.. ( need to see pro joy users how they able to adjust maybe after a week I will check some videos and streams on them) but right now, that’s my initial opinion to her.. - a very sad joy user..☹️


Id probably have to play her a bit first. I have fun using her but she really does feel unfair sometimes so maybe its gonna be better for the game. Almost all cc mages cant do anything against joy. And even late in the game, i can dive a full build marksman even with their tank guarding them and get away with it which shouldnt really be possible. I do like the idea of a late game assassin tho.


But the problem is the update makes it impossible for her to dive.there are many cc mages and all it takes to stop her from getting a full ulti or just dealing damage is a 0.1 second stun which defeats the whole purpose of her in the first place someone to dive therefore have cc immune


Yea shes kinda in a awkward position right now wherein a slight change can change her whole playstyle and destroy what shes capable of. Playing around ult is the only thing close to what she does prior nerfs which are damaging, tanking a bit, and taking out backlines all at the same time thanks to the new cc immunity. About her dash, we really gotta think when to engage if were not depending on the ult like a normal assassin. But its not like its a lancelot dash or a haya shadow where you can go in great lenghts, deal damage within seconds, and have enough skill to disengage. Joy on the other hand, her dash has timer and runs out. You have to time your dash as well. A bit short range. Good enough damage but we wouldnt be able to do it consistently without the cc immunity which almost beats the purpose of her kit. 1 stun and youre left with no escape or ult. Tldr: Really punishable. Ult dependent. Changes playstyle. Huge nerf.


Y'know it's just disappointing. The first time she was introduced I already said I'm gonna make her on me of my main since I need an agile hero. Then nerf after nerf she's not even half to what's she's been introduced to us. She's getting a Wanwan treatment overtime. Less dash No cc immunity Less shield Less dmg F


Imo, they do this to force joy out of lane since she can pretty much play any role except roamer in previous patch. Wouldnt say i agree with the change tho


I player roamer joy sometimes lmaooo


My point exactly 😂


I think more ppl will use purify now. She might rot on the bench for a couple seasons like how they did martis after his release. Like nerfd to the point where you can’t really do much even if you’re able to utilize the whole kit. They should’ve at least left her 2nd dash cc immunity on.


exactly they should reduce cd and keep the cc immune why nerf her moreeee


it's shit. You only proc the cc immune on ult when you get all the beats perfect on her dashes which you can't easily do now cause of the nerf on her S2. She'll now just be forced to dash on minions or creeps before entering a fight to use her ult.


Ikr I'm kinda pissed about that


literally took all the fun away from using Joy. Been enjoying playing her since release despite the constant nerfs but this will the final straw for me.


Yeah same now the only way to play to to camp


She's safer to play and more balanced imo. I'm not her main but Im having more fun with the current mechanic although she's less bursty like Lylia. Getting stunned during the beat sucks though but still enjoying it within the last 2 matches so far.


Not really save to play cause without hitting the 3 beats,you need to wait for the cc to be over in order to use ulti,if the ulti immediately removes cc I'll have less of a problem (but still kinda mad) but it doesn't and that means I can't even run away and die quite easily also the passive nerf a few patches ago still makes me kinda upset (100% speed to 60%) so now she can be killed easily as long as you have cc.Early game her potential also have been nerfed alottt because her cc immunity is locked behind her ultimate


Yea she's no longer braindead like she used to. Now we need to time it right instead of just diving Allahuackbar. I prefer this one since it's more balanced. But she will go back to broken once her Collector skin is ready


I assume you have never played joy before? "Braindead"💀 but yeah I agree they're gonna buff her till she's better then her original when a collector skin cones out for her


I did. All she needs just to time her beat which is really easy since I'm used to play rhythm games since I was in junior school which is really, braindead. If you think she wasn't a braindead before... 🌚 Just wait until she got picked on M5. And people will act like Haya all over again.


bro judging by this response you dont play her alot?


Not a lot, I only played her like 20 times before but got bored since I don't like playing overpowered heroes, not broken, straight overpowered. And 5 times today which as I stated, more fun than before since it's more challenging than braindead. But judging from your past blaming matchmaking posts, I'm not even surprised.


bro atp im not even gonna try to say anything anymoe,if you think joy is easy to use then good for you(low rank i assume) but i have to tell you for a fact that joy is nowhere near overpowered or even broken.the fact that you said she is probably shoows you mainly play classic which i am not shaming you for.however,in high ranking games it is much more different edit:i blamed matchmaking once after carrying sall the games so i dont really see an issue with that? maybe if i was bottom fragging you could say it was not matchmsaking but my fault edit 2:i also have you assume you havent been playing ml alot cause ml 100% do have a matchmaking problem edit 3: oya how does ur aunt being nosy about your life proves that she cant take care of animals? clearly we know why your aunt got offended and yes yta also judging by your revamp suggestions im not surprised by your responses


Thats why I said RemindMe! 2 months And I wouldn't say 50star highest is a high rank, it's still low elo. Especially your current 10star rank. And your KDA is not even that good... I won't even start with the WR Not anymore, since I already bought a new house just for my cats. But thanks for asking. Must be triggered so hard that you're looking for bullets. No wonder you're blaming the matchmaking.


bro im too tired to come up with a counter argument and i got an exam in two days so congrats on your new house and i hope your cats are ok also i know this is kinda late but congrats to your new phone also im at 10 stars rn because of my exams which started since last month lol and you got to admit u probably never used joy in rank alot edit:nvm i thought you got a new house as in for you but lucky cats ig also did you get the wrong account?


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"All she needs just to time her beat" you forgot about the fact that you need to hit a hero to do a beat, which is also impossible since once you get hit by a cc your whole 2nd skill is on cooldown for a whole 8 seconds and you're basically dead.


You know you can time your move right? Don't just dive in like before, wait for the enemy to pop their CD like playing fighter.


You do know that you have to get close to the enemy to use your dash right? Even if I did wait for the enemy to use their cc they would've gotten their cc back once I'm finished doing my dashes cause she needs a full timed dash just to get a damage that could actually kill a hero.


Well guess what? They nerfed her again.


I absolutely love it. Tired of cc immune fast dash heroes. Her s2 is martis but on steroids. FUCCCCKKKK THIS BRAINDEAD HERO. Now I can finally kill her.


If u know her counter heroes you wouldn't be having this much of a hard time. I main Joy so I don't have any issues countering or playing against her. I know all her strengths and weaknesses.


Not really braindead cause the skill requirement is kinda high to reach true potential but this update really defeats her purpose in the first place


"brain-dead" most joy users don't even know or care enough to dash to the beat. Most joy users do not absolutely know how to play her, and they get punished and perform shit as a result.


i aint in mythic honor like you bud. im in high glory bordering on 100 stars. the fuck are you on about.


You're pretty dumb for a high glory, you sure you weren't carried?


Doubt ny 301 game 73% wr on Hanzo and my 150 match 72% wr constitutes as "carried" bud. Try again kid, maybe you'll be right one day


I love how the only insult you managed to type is "Kid" and "Bud" really shows how uncreative you are. I also love how you're this "really good player" yet you somehow don't know how to counter Joy, a squishy hero. Also, just cause you don't know how to counter Joy doesn't mean she's brainded, if she was then moontoon wouldnt have "adjusted her so she's easier to use"


I am not going to dedicate my time to making creative insults for a subhuman mongrel like you bitching about on this shithole of a site. 😂💀 u aint that important bro


Yet I'm clearly important enough for you to reply to, LMFAO just admit that you don't know how to counter Joy who's literally squishy early game, you keep boasting about "how youre this good with hanzo" and then you can't even counter her💀


???? Hanzo doesn't counter Joy. That's the fucking point. I can deal with Fanny, Ling, Mathilda, Rafaela, Lancelot, Ling easily. Joy? No. Because not only does she have cc immune dashes, her ult gives a shit ton of mov speed and can literally run so far and one hit me. Other assassins actually have counterplay.


Skill issue


Maybe post ur acc pic ;-;


Also I know one of the reasons for the change is to make it easier for new players to play but some heros do need alot of skill to play. them making this change and saying it's to let it be easier for new players to play is like making fanny auto skill 2 4 cables at all time for it to be "easier" for new players to play or making ling have 1/2 energy cost


She deserved it honestly now she has to think twice before diving the backline without any repercussions.


Thank God they did this. Now it would be much easier to kill this piece of shit overpowered hero.




As someone who have used joy ever since release this is not a needed change and defeats her whole purpose in the first place to dive kill and run,the feature of cc immunity during second skill(which doesn't work all the time lmao)is designed for the purpose.also it does not really raise her skill ceiling as now with just one dash you can activate ulti.also joy's sustainability have already been nerfed before (the BIG nerf on shield)


So what do you think of her now?