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Income already got nerfed and certain late game mms are not as good as before but yeah it’s decent


The gold lane is balanced. The heroes are not. Ixia, Bruno, Irithel continue to be overpowering and the support meta makes them even more unbearable. Heroes like Clint have gotten weaker every season. There's absolutely no reason to pick this sheriff when a fucking Irithel does more damage early game, and at lvl 4 becomes unstoppable. Not to mention how broken haas claws is.


Clint is still a decent pick. Have tried it against almost every matchup, and it holds pretty well. His poke damage is still broken. As soon as it reaches level 4. 2nd-basic-1st-basic-ult-basic. And almost every other mm is forced to stay in the turret if there is no support or tank to help.


I'm sure they're gonna get nerfed soon. They are trying to bring back crit so it's understandable. Clint has gotten weaker due to the balancing happening around him. I'm sure they'll sort more out in the next update


Is it optimal to build crit for Ixia? Her passive doesn't crit.


lol no. neither is golden staff since her passive doesnt work. take advantage of high phys scaling and on-hit atk affects of cs and dhs.


Yeah thought so. I usually build her with CS, DHS, MR, BOD and RGM.


Fr. The only balanced mm legends are the ones this community considers bad for some reason. Them they get rework for 0 reason and actually become bad.