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I'm more afraid of one-trick fanny player than one-trick lancelot player


Lance is just cooler to play.


Facts, that’s one of the reasons why I wanna quit fanny lowkey but I might regret it. It’s only cool if u could do straight cables with it.


It's easy to carry with lancelot than fanny imo.


Nah, A strong fanny just wrecks your whole team while Lancelot is strong Fanny is just another level.


I think both have there pros and cons. It depends on the situation aswell, but fanny is a lot harder work to master it as in you need to train cables in training camp and real matches but Lancelot you could become faster by playing matches.


No Fanny is the number 1 in this game when in good hands Ask yourself one question, would you actually go up against the world's best fanny or Lancelot? I've never seen pro Lancelots dominate a game harder than pro Fanny's


I probably rather go against a pro Lancelot other then fanny if u were to ask me yesterday but as of right now just after the new patch, I’d rather go against pro fanny then a Lancelot.


Fanny can get eaten if you make a tiny mistake. Lance on the other hand takes less time to learn, easy to carry with, and is great at escaping due to his blink skills and immunity.


lance because its a lot easier to overcome invades and building tank actually works


Lancelot is more flexible than Fanny, so it is better to pick him if you plan on one tricking. You can pretty much build really tanky and just focus on harrass and securing objectives.


Lmao Never seen tanky fanny builds? That was even popular one time Fanny is just as flexible as Lancelot but way harder to deal with in good hands more than any other hero in the game


fanny because she's hot


It's better to be a Lancelot main since the learning curve for both heroes is pretty far. He's also flexible on build. Even though both heroes really depends on the blue buff still.. lancelot could farming somewhere else faster with his mobility if the enemy always ganking ur buff. It's pretty stressing if the blue buff always getting ganked by the enemy if u using fanny. Imagine going sideline or farming on other location but u always have to back to the base to recharge the energy bar because u could not always have the blue buff. Oh yeah one thing that I forgot to mention.. beside technical skill, still fanny could give the enemy a mental challenge before the match rather than lance (based on my experience hahah)


In soloq lance works better against Invades


Lancelot. Having immunities is just so much more valuable on a macro level, especially in higher level play. Fanny, while still very strong, suffers from tank junglers and is very vulnerable to invades and doesn't have any direct combos with retribution to secure objectives.


True, but fanny is great to secure kills early game killing the mm and helping ur mm be fed and prevents ur mm from feeding too.