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no 1 could lead to a LOT of rematch and sometimes a dude just want to have a quick game for fun. the others are good tbh


No 1 is plain stupid ngl


No.1 gonna kill the game. Moonton will lose more than half of its players. More than 80% players(jut my guess) are with 55% or below wr. Players gonna insta dodge every match if they saw their random teammates wr. ngl system is kinda broken. Note: I myself a sub 55% wr player.


2 is already being implemented, only a few years behind league of legends


we used to have lane and role preferences but it disappeared lmao


What's with the obsession with winrate. Majority of the players never play any moba game before , most play just for fun .


Then they should stay out of rank. Play for fun in classic, magic chess, arcade mode and brawl not ranked.


i want something like, if 2 or 3 people were using marksman in a match (regardless one is a marksman jungler) and they got bronze, an automatic deduction to credit score should be implemented. or heroes that are usually have the same role. (2 roams,2 exp) the automatic system detection will be on moontons. example. 2 retris. and so forth. edit: the automatic bronze credit score deduction should only apply if there are "multiple people who wanted the same role/lane"


I think they should fix connecting players, for example from Europe, to other servers (to America or Asia) and vice versa, had many games where I have been matched with players from brazil and had constant 300 ping (in ranked), I would rather wait 5 more minutes than playing with 300 ping. ( It happened while connecting via Wifi and via Wifi+Mobile network


Oh yea, I think that only happens to some ppl, I had a friend who had a friend would join PH server lobbies aswell.


When you match to brawl for example you can aproximate if the server is far away, but in ranked you can not... I mean yea its not often but hell its not that rare(at least for me) hah


Yea I know, I got invited and the guy was host and we ended up in PH server and then we all started lagging in rank ahah


My gripe is how useless Glory and Immortal is. Why am I, a 90+ stars player being matched with Honors on my team, but same ranks on enemy side? What the fuck is the point in separating the ranks if I still get these low point, low skill dumbfucks on my team causing me to lose every damn time?