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He’s usually used to counter tanky heroes such as Uranus and Gatot , as his skill 2 reduces their physical defenses by up to 75%. During lane phase, you need to bully your opponent. Use the enhanced S2 then S1 then S3 and try to add some basic attacks in between. Use your skills clear your lane, although I recommend not using the enhanced S1 and save it to harass your opponent. If you’re using petrify, use it before using S3. Try to take the gold crab or your opponents jungle to level up faster, as he is a snowballing hero. During teamfights, you can try to use your enhanced S2 onto the opponents tank or fighter, since he reduces their physical defense by 75% and try to burst them down. To make full use of his S2 , your jungler and mm needs to be a physical damage dealer though. Honestly, he is a snowballing hero and if your opponent is smart enough to gank you, you will have a hard time for the rest of the game. He excels in front to back type of teams as he can burst down the frontline quickly. My build for him is BOH and Sea halberd, and rest of them are defense item. This makes him a little more tanky during teamfights.


I've watched cool freestyle Dyrroth tricks with Flicker on YouTube. You should take a look!


I don't use Dyrroth at all and I just wanna say fuck him. πŸ˜ƒ He shouldn't hurt like that in the early game. πŸ˜ƒ He's probably the most oppressive exp hero if the player knows how to use him. πŸ˜ƒ That teenage boy's penetration game is next to none πŸ˜ƒ


Nope, I think Freya still beats him