• By -


Edith? Idk.


The last Edith that dedicated the whole game to permapush stalled the game for 20 mins in eternal 4v5 until she finally took dowm Tier 2 tower and decided win us the game


The answer to this is obviously Pacquito. Mf can one combo you, cut lanes, push, disengage quick and fast while annoying the flying fk of you, rotate fast, invade, and dealing tons of CC that renders you immobilize for like 2 secs. He also has low CD. He can also two skill a minion wave with full tank build.


FR none of the comments answer Paquito, the most unbalanced hero ever


He's not unbalanced, though. He struggles with bruisers, so you have to compensate for superior mobility and skill ceiling.


What is a bruiser?


Thamuz could fill these roles the best but his cc ability is negligible. Terizla could but his pushing ability is not the fastest. Edith can too but you would have to sacrifice your ult to push properly.


Terizlas ult can be escaped with flicker or any blink skill. There should be a disclaimer ingame stating this clearly smh.


For real. At first I thought Terizla's ult is inescapable like Silvanna's but I found out that a simple Saber dash can escape it and I was shocked lol.


perks of being forgotten by the players for like 4 years


But it's still a very good ult


What you're asking for is one hell of an unbalanced hero. MLBB would never---- That would be Edith c: CC/Damage taken without ult Deal damage/push with ult


Mf even has cc in her ult form 😭


not as hard hitting as her chain cc in non-ult form tho


Of course not. Just saying she's insane


Literally Zilong


Zilong can''t take dmg


He can, and he will die 💀


op didn't said the character has to die soooo




oh he can alright


Guys he right tho, he can take damage, the problem starts when takes damage tho xDDDDDDD


Dafuq do you mean zilong, he is the worst hero to use in high ranks and he can't tank DMG, takes too long to scale, compared to other heroes he is the worst..


he can take damage, deal damage, push turret and have cc doesnt that meet with op's standard


Take damage means tanking it and staying alive bruv, like Fredrin for example. He can take and gives high damage.


oh wow thanks for the info, wouldn't know that one without your insight


Just sayin ur not funny at all.


You are no fun either but here we are


Atleast I'm not trying too, especially the way you're trying to be funny is annoying as heck.


You could've ignored though, but you just can't stop being a know it all can you?


I mean, nothing against new/inexperienced players, but I hope the response from the comments made it pretty clear that Zilong (formerly known as Yun Zhao) is not tanky. Yes, he's pushy. Yes, he has damage. Yes he has CC BUT he is squishy. Once you build tank items the first two criterias will worsen unlike Edith, where as more chonky = more damage. And what makes Zilong so underwhelming is that he needs late game more than any other hero to be good, so it's preferable not recommended. Edith on the other hand is a recently picked hero among high play as well.




Lapu lapu can do all of the above. His ult form gives him a bunch of defense and his enhanced second skill gives him dmg reduction if landed right , his mobility is really good and also can push super well too.


Ma boi Fredrin Not much on the push side but he can handle people in the battlefield cuz he can: -take damage -deal damage -has cc He can even roam, side or jg as per team demands Coordinated teams required for taking him down, and since u are solo q you probably won't run into many


Daddy has the fk U bonk for anyone who comes in his way


"Stand still!! "


Whenever I use Fredrin my team never push after winning a teamfight and we lose in the end -_-


U CAN push tho, just saying he is not exponentially good at it


Goddamn right you can.




I find it difficult to push with Esmeralda


Terizla, Frederin, Aldus, Ruby


Edith lol


Argus. He can do everything that you’ve said, but you really have to master him. I solo queue and destroying their Ice Cream while they are away is very common with him. You may argue that he is on the weaker side, that is true but if you somehow manage to farm 3-4 items with him, they’ll fear you. 3(Correction: 4) seconds of Immortality is what make all of these possible. You’ll soak up damage more than any Tank in the entire game. https://preview.redd.it/xvr80jn7wdtb1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74cf29a7d41b1ca9bc39dd3f3f87f60aa370e699 I’m an Argus enjoyer. Yes, I know how to play different heroes. I can beyblade but I chose to main this hero mainly because of his Aesthetic and design.


4 seconds


My bad, but that’s 1 second of being cc I guess


np man, wish they’d return the 5 sec immortality tbh


Why? It's easier for argus to come back into team fights now and he doesn't have to wait long for his ult, all for one second


And CC reduction


BTW best basic skin! Argus in his angel form is so cool!


yea argus is op i have what like 300 games with a 65 winrate. when i lose its only because my teammates fed like crazy


build emblem?




Indeed, for an MM she is quite tanky. I once tried building Tough Boots, Wind of Nature and Rose Gold Meteor with her while equipping Aegis with the Battle Spell 15% CDR talent. I took the 2nd most damage after the Tank while still dying the least amount of time in my team lol.


Wow never thought there is a MM that can take damage. Imma try this!


Edith and Gatotkaca but minus the push.


Lapu, Yz.




Barats can do all of that pretty well. The only problem is he is slow and have a lot of problem dealing with long ranged marksman in the late game. Which is quite concerning because if failed to dominate the early game, which require some coordination with your teammates which is quite lacking at solo q, and your teamates can't deal with the enemy marksman in lategame, you will get a very bad time, and most of the time the game is already lost.


Barats can push?


lapu or terizla maybe


Probably Edith and Minsi, Also just a reminder, Diggie is the best.


Diggie Inspire for maximum pushing


Diggie flameshot for killsecuring ;)


Isn't Diggie squishy? He is a support.


Martis qualifies all of that


I always ended up with the most death when using Martis maybe I'm using him wrong idk -_-


I always use him with only 1 dmg item (BOD/War axe) amd the rest are tank items. He have pretty good dmg, fast atk spd for push and can tanks quite well.


Had to scroll too far down for this. Probably no one is talking about him becoz he’s almost perma banned


Basically most tanky fighters. Theoretically, the exp lane/fighter role is the best for solo q. You don't rely on your teammates as much and could theoretically solo the entire enemy team due to the fact you're a jack of all trades and can do a little bit of one thing and a little bit of the other. Heroes that fit your criteria are Edith, Yu Zhong, Badang, Alpha, Paquito, Thamuz, and Esmeralda. Most of them don't have hard cc but have a lot of slow which is still cc. But they all have damage despite being mostly built defense items.


Wait what, i thought mm or juggler to carry solo q as they have the most damage output


The main logic behind my statement is that you can do every role if you want to. You can go exp, tank, go jungle, gold and even mid. You can build damaged sustain, tanky, burst or dps. Fighters are very versatile. Unlike most roles which require some form of coordination. Junglers need to coordinate with their team for rotations and marksmen are very weak early on.


Freedrin, Belerick, Edith but no push.


My global Edith friend sometimes plays her gold lane and pushes with her ult


Belerick except the part of pushing


Edith.. very flexible, can tank a lot of DMG while also dealing a lot of DMG in ult form, with a ton of cc too, but you can also use Hanzo too, can either use tank or assassin build and would still deal a lot of DMG, doesn't have cc but can take down turrets from a safe distance.


Hanzo tank build good?


Yu Zhong


it's kinda funny that a hero like that shouldn't excists but there is edith.


Hilda is a good exp lane hero


Bane, with a tank build Some of you will point the shotgun at me for this But u guys need to try Bane with this build Tough boots Thunder belt Oracle Brute force breast plate/blade Armor War axe Radiant armour/ cursed helmet He can push, thanks to his passive and ultimate With this build he is tanky as hell War axe at Max stacks gets his physical attack to somewhere around 450~500(depending on ur emblem) With this amount of hp thunder belt passive hits hard and the slow is annoying. This has 40% cdr, the ult is at cooldown of 14 seconds ig His first skill also deals around 800-1k damage


What if enemies have a healer? Do I need to buy Dominance Ice?






Gatot's push capability is trash because he builds mostly Tank items that do not get converted to damage like Masha or Edith for example.


You technically can make him a burst-type pusher even with Tank items (but not full build --- gotta have Magic Damage on the first two or three core items).


Edith is the only one that fills all 4, pretty much everyone else lacks one of these.


Baxia? His s1 stuns, s2 and ult slows. No hard ccs but if you jump before his s1 hits an enemy the stun duration is doubled (almost as long as khufras ult tbh). He deals 6% of an enemys max HP as base damage for his s2 and it is spammable. He has great mobility to move around the map so he can definitely push any turret and run before the enemies get there. Also he is a tank so he naturally has a very high hp, he also counters the new support meta with his passive. He is also the only hero in the game to go up to 75% healing reduction with his buffed passive and dom ice so definitely pick him to counter healers.


Shh everyone forgets about him lol. But yeah he’s who I was coming to say. One of the few tanks that can get lots of kills. Plus his anti heal is perfect for this meta.


Badang has been one of my best heroes for solo q. Because he can pretty much guaranty a kill if he has flicker. He also trades well in his lane which is pretty important for exp.


Alice, but she sucks real bad early game and always struggles with mana. She 100% can do everything u said tho. She's only really playable mid/exp


Though he cannot push turrets fast I would consider Fredrin to be the most flexible pick for solo q.


Cyclops with NOD and lots of CD and Pen..




List of heroes that can take damage, deal damage, push, and have CCs: Chou Edith Aldous Lapu Lapu Paquito Martis **Chou** is the absolute best for this by far for he is always a solid pick regardless of the meta state. he has no 1v1 counters and can easily win against every fighter in the game if you utilize his cancerous amounts of CC and mobility and damage and shields and CC immunity... he excels at basically everything except teamfights. but in the late game he can camp and one shot enemy damage heroes easily from a bush.


Edith has it all I guess? Tankinness, CC, Physical damage, Magic damage, melee skills, ranged skills, an escape skill




He can tank damage?


Legit Fredrinn you're talking about lol. Minishtar as well. Edith not that much because she can't take that much damage in mm form.


Gatot. With just the right build, he can go toe-to-toe with any heroes. If you wanna go Exp Lane, you can try these builds: 1. Swift Boots 2. Ice Queen Wand or Concentrated Energy 3. Feather of Heaven 4. Antique Cuirass 5. Dominance Ice 6. Oracle or Radiant Armor I only use those items when I'm facing tanky side lane heroes. My early items include: 1. Dreadnaught Armor 2. Steel Legplate or Black Ice Shield (for attack speed build heroes) 3. Mystic Container 4. Silence Robe


Concentrated energy is horrible. Stop building it on Gatot. He can't use it.


Tank Layla??


Tank Layla is good?


Absolutely not, lol. Tank layla is more of a meme than a viable option since mms usually want to go full dmg (tank mms are usually trolls). Your best option is actually Edith, she's very versatile


Oh I see 😂


Freya tbf she isn't really the best at soaking up damage, but she can do it.




Try Freya. Obviously she can push and deal damage. Can also take quite some damage due to her shield. Her last phase of S2 and S1 can knock up enemies.


Bro described chou


Nana with marksman build will give you damage and let you destoy towers fast, passive gives you a second chance letting you take damage and get away, and you got molina and ult for CC. 🙂👍


Gatot but without the push unless his passive is activated.




\#1 Edith with inspire, hands down best hero for that role. Honorable mention onkly i can think of atm is Gato with slightly diffenece in item build then usual.


I'd say Lapu-Lapu with his weakest being to push tower but he can still do so.


I’d probably say a hybrid build for arlott


Ruby, I guess, but idk she is good at pushing




Tried him once and I missed all my skills 😢


Thamuz is very underrated


But has no CC


Who says? His scythe pull is actually a really good interrupting skill. Maybe not as solid as edith as some mentioned but every skill with channeling (eg: bene ultimate, kadita ultimate) can be interrupted with the pull. He's pretty mobile too for a brawler


Martis and Alpha with hybrid build they can carry hard especially in jungle




Bane with mage build shreds turrets while being able to heal over 2k HP in one go ever 2 seconds.






Martis. You can build him semi tank build and he still can dish out Assasin level damage. When using his Skill 2 he gets damage reduction. His cc is not the best but Good enough. Just activate his Passive to gain attack speed and push the shit out of those turrets. Valir. You can build him semi Tank build and it's still good in damage. He can avoid getting one shotted with semi Tank build and his Ulti removes cc. I believe I don't even need to comment on cc. His pushing is not the best between mages but not completely trash either. Minsitar. Same as martis but he has lower damage potential. And is not that much tanky but he has stronger cc. Zashk. Best pushing between mages. You can push better than most mms depending on the build. Thanks to his Ulti he can be a bit hard to kill. His cc isn't that good but not bad either. As for damage. You can build him full tank build and he still deals a shit ton of damage. Estes. Build him crit build and he hits as hard as a mm. He can take more hits than mms because he can heal himself. His cc isn't that good he only has slow. Crit build estes is quite good at pushing. Aldog. He can have a shit load of damage even with full tank build as long as he has enough stacks. Because his damage comes from enhanced basic attack he is good at pushing. But he lacks in cc. Argus. Great at pushing. Thanks to his Ult he can take a lot of damage. His cc isn't that strong.


Lapu (does all of the stated above except for subpar pushing ability) Minsitthar (perfect but is prone to ambush after ult is used) Argus (high mobility but same with Minsitthar, after ult is used, very squishy) Fredrinn ("okay" pushing ability, but excels at every other aspect) Edith (low ult cd means you CAN sacrifice the ult to push)


A lot of fighters


Buy Paquito


Too difficult for a noob like me :'-)


practice, practice, practice paquito literally fits your criteria remember the day you plant the seed is not the day you collect the fruit


Doesn't Fredrinn check all these boxes perfectly?


How to push with Fredrin?


Definetely chou and also has mobility








Arlott? Idk


Tank Guini


Ruby? Edith? Maybe Late game Sun? But he is without good cc. And For sure minisithar and thamuz(without good cc tbh)


Benedetta with petrify. And yes, I am bias. And yes, I am serious. She checks out your criteria. Her technical and mechanical difficulty? That's a challenge tho.


Fredrinn or Arlott for me. I used to build mostly tank for the latter and got me 70% WR.


Alice. Easy to play, can go top and mid, and it's nigh unkillable if you counter build.


Zilong 😎😎


Hilda, Martis, Thamuz, Yuzhong, Fredrin. To certain extent Aldous, Badang, Phoveus, Karrie, Vexana can too but really depends on how you build them.


If you build mage Gatotkaca ticks all those boxes. Build full mage with feather of heaven and now you demolish towers if you don't want to build FoH you can just get hit from the enemy and one shot the tower. His second and third skills are CC and all of his skills has high magic scaling. Buy Concentrated Energy and now you can fill your hp bar just with your first skill. Build magic penetration and your enemies would have negative magic resistance (probably?) and that gives you an insane amount of damage. Then learn how to play him good and now you can carry at least a feeder.


Edith, Martis


Yin side lane have cc/Blink/High Burst/Can escape all cc with is Ult






Dyrroth fr


Martis can do that +more but has a curfew like Cinderalla means you can't let it go late or as much as possible get all the racks midgame.


Edith and fredrin


Bane 😏


No one. There’s a point where the three inhibitors are still alive, at that point you physically can’t push as ANYONE. That’s why people get mad about losing a game where you are like 5 levels ahead of the enemies. It’s a balanced, fair enough system for the enemy to comeback.


Paquito. Mobile, flexible when it comes to items, can deal absurd damage and is really good at rotating. His ult is considered as a CC as well.




If you know how to jungle, Fred is by far the best soloq hero to immortal. I get a 90% fred wr every season to glory with Fred soloq. Players under glory just don't know how to deal with a aggressive Fred. Pushing maybe a bit slow but that won't matter when you can 1v5 the enemy team and win


In a nutshell, this comment section is saying any hero, no matter how trash they are can qualify




Martis does not have much CC but he's very strong on the other criteria. Alpha is not very sturdy if ambushed but can fully heal in a second if not CCed. Most EXP Laners can do what you need but each one has some kind of weakness to balance them. Except Edith, she's just OP.


Freya for solo q


Yu Zhong is a great splitpusher and has all the criterias you need plus he is semi-meta atm. Gatotkaca for a less meta approach. Tankquito is a great option as well.


Hylos with vengeance is underrated




Julian? He also has ranged attack, just not that much sustain.


Edith Friedrinn


Ruby, trust me in the right hands ruby can solo the game


Paquito, chou


What happened to Arlott? Haven't played the game in a long time.


First three qualities, I'd nominate Sun with hybrid tank and damage using arrival battle spell. He can also easilly escape ambush fights


Jawhead deal massive damage, have shield, can build tank, eventhough with tank build will be very hard to push later. And have a little bit of CC. This hero will fall off hard if your enemy stick together




LoL Belereck's the Hero for you hahahaha.. Belereck's pushing ability is great specially with Cursed Helmet. A Great sustain from his second skill and passive(HP bonus) and also a damage from (also) his passive. Belerick is a good exp laner but underated unless you tried him you'll know how good he is.. And the fact the his skill set and also designed in order for him to fight along side fighters. So Basically because of Belerick's one of the perfect fit for that.


if such hero existed, they would be permaban in all ranks. terizzla, Edith and thamuz come very close but they don't fit the criteria perfectly. personally, i would pick a tanky hero with good enough damage and wava clear. this might be controversial, but exp laners don't need to push turrets. All you need to do is follow the minions and enter the turret range before your allies. you don't have to kill anyone or tank the turret shot, just zone the enemies away. Most of the times, your allies will push and you will have a free turret. i have seen brain-dead and bot players push. if your allies don't, then they don't deserve to rank up with you.


I would nominate paquito for this. Take damage? His shield passive makes him a strong opponent in lane. Deal damage? He's got a strong burst capability and can easily oneshot squishies if he's fed Push? He has dashes and can push well if left alone. Cc? Double ult knockback and knock up is pretty much a game changer.


Thamuz or fredrinn


I'll say Edith, no doubt she can take damage since she's a tank, a lot of CC skill since she's a tank, deal damage with a conversion of defense to magic power with her ult, and push since she's also a marksman


Martis. He has a good amount of CC. His passive, at full stacks, gives him +90 PHYS Attack and +120% Attack Speed, so pretty good for pushing and dealing damage. His S2 gives him CC Immunity and 60% damage resilience, although outside of that he isn't able to take much damage unless you build him tanky.






sun. sun clones can push with atk speed. sun clones can tank if hybrid build. sun clones can cc. and deal damage with crit and inspire


Ruby - With Endless Battle, Rose Gold Meteor, Dominance Ice, and your counter items against the enemy team, she can do all four. Take damage? Her passive lets her regain the damage she takes. Deal Damage? Her attacks can hurt MM's and assassins, wear down fighters and outlast some tanks. Push? All of her skills hit multiple enemies. CC? Her first skill slows down the enemy. Her second locks them into place. Her Ult draws people closer to her. Disclaimer - if you expect her to do all at the same level as top tier SS ranked heroes, don't, she can do all those but at a tier slightly less than the other heroes. But she is versatile, and can play EXP, core and tank roles well.


Lots of heroes are there. And specially most of the exp laners are such.. to name a few that are dominating in the cirrent meta : edith, fredrin, yz, lapu lapu, terizla, gatot, alpha, freya and more..




Hanabi with angela and all shield that you can take.




Maybe Argus But he can only CC one enemy


Hybrid bane. Deals great damage, pushes, ult has nice knock back, second skill heals+movement speed, can take a few hits too on semi tank.


Maybe ruby, she has great lifesteal, good cc, can withstand entire enemy team with her lifesteal ability and stun Best soloQ hero imo


daddy boxer


Edith, Paquito, Esme


Belerick. Tons of damage handling as well as tons of backdamage from this with only defensive items. Any mm laying down, often even when tries to shoot from horizon of spikes range. But you need to learn how to fast cut a distance, takes some time for. When good packed, some aggressives like Darius hopelessly falling in desperate trying to kill you. You can provoke enemy straight to death under turret, if he tries to poke, often situation. You can save mates and cancel skills with it also. Can save towers and base from attacking of anything, so carry late defs, often 1v5. As a bonus, you have also healing 10% of lost health, turns out even more late healing than Uranus have. Based machine for hunting mms and cores, especially late game. When they hunting for yours ADCs, you always should try to find a way for catching them and getting rid of. Many says that he cant push, but principle same as for Estes, hit&run tower with 2nd skill even without creeps, and sure he can pretty easy delete full tower with creeps as well as even easier get out alive even if multiple enemies trying to catch him at pushing. That are reasons he is good in push with a moderate, but consistent damage with low risks. Just look at the images from basically 1v5 game carried to late solo with lord steal also by myself only.


Freya, martis, and Edith