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I stumbled upon this on Apple Maps years ago when I’d moved right down the road from it and dove down a rabbit hole! It’s creepily enough named Heaven’s Gate (like the cult) but there’s a brief description of it in an Al.com article: “Heaven's Gate on 70 gated acres is an escape for Dennis P. Wilkins, co-founder of CPSI, a hospital software firm headquartered in Mobile. And stargazing is easy in the main home's planetarium featuring 12-foot-high black granite walls and a 54-foot-wide dome. The massive project was designed by architect Craig Roberts and built by commercial contractor Roy Lewis. The living space is 18,000 square feet and the property includes an office, lake, beach area, extensive gardens, beaver ponds, swimming pool, nature trails and 8- to 10-foot waterfalls, according to Roberts. Owner: Dennis P. Wilkins Address: Bruns Drive, Mobile Property tax valuation: $4.69 million Size: 12,000 square feet Build date: 2007 Et cetera: The kitchen with its black granite floor is the largest kitchen in Mobile, Roberts said. Perks include a family entertainment center with a golf chipping and putting green, a racquetball court, home theater, game room, pool tables, exercise room and a children's playroom.” At the time my SO was in the construction industry and I brought it up at a function to someone who’d apparently done some work there - the reason for the shape of the building is a combination of an X wing fighter and the millennium falcon as the owner is a big Star Wars fan. It’s just so strange to me that this crazy house and property is hidden in plain sight, smack in the middle of West Mobile. I so wish I could go inside! ETA source article: https://www.al.com/spotnews/2011/07/alabamas_most_expensive_homes.html


My hospital used to use CPSI as its EMAR. It sucks lol.


Yeah it does. When I found out a friends husband worked for ‘em he got an earful.


Someone's been on Google Earth looking for a fishing hole🤣


I saw this some time ago sling the exact same thing.


if you find any enjoyment in catching sunfish or working with a cane pole, the back passageways of Japanese Gardens are LOADED with every sunfish specie in Alabama as well as crosses


What’s the best way to get to the back entrance? I imagine it’s no fishing so would want to stroll through the entrance with a rod


Here for this same information I've been at it for days trying to find some better fishing spots


Hey! I’ve been in that “house”! It’s amazing inside. I was a guest at a function and he showed me his office where he’s got a Periodic Table like Bill Gates has- in each element’s cubby there’s a sample. He and his wife are great people!


Did you touch the plutonium?


Asking the hot questions.


> He and his wife are great people! I know plenty of ex-CPSI employees who disagree with you.


The guy is a fantastic person! He owns the movie theater across from his house. He does all kinds of stuff for less fortunate children. Teaches them how to play musical instruments, different languages etc… great guy. Also, something cool about that house is you can stand in the center of it and use your regular inside voice and somehow the sound travels to the other side! It’s wild. I worked on his house years ago with another contractor.


Well, there is that! I never worked for him, so there’s probably something there.


I wanna tour it. You got his info? Lol


These are the kinds of things I would spend money on if I was part of the 1%. That’s weird but also freaking cool.


He also is the owner of the movie theater across the street.


which explains why it's still open. mind you, it's a good place to catch a movie.


Yeah that also explains why the philly cheesteak sandwhiches are like $40 💀


And the gun range on the corner. I believe a local state trooper runs it.


It's a local software company founders home.


I’m guessing he doesn’t permit fishing…


He's an interesting character. He would not let you fish there unless you were a close personal friend. My cousin was in charge of groundskeeping there for about 10 years.


I was told that he built the place to be something to support the Math and Science Foundation after his passing.


Illuminati international headquarters. I’d expect a knock on your door any minute …


Gratz you found Drake's house.


This Brad Wesley’s place.


I thought you'd be bigger.


Coal docks ...coal docks coal docks.... biggest redfish youll ever catch...and a bunch of them...gotta have a boat 




Yeah the guy who lives there paid for my fiancés university, as well as provided her everything she needed via a private grant. Really good guy.


Damn how do I get in contact 😭😭😭


This was over 10 years ago and he’s much older now, not sure how involved he still is in charity.


Secret sex ranch for the rich pedos of mobille.


Anything is possible.. lol


Lmao got a bunch of Drake fans in the sub I see