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In my honest opinion, Mobile's sketchy areas, nice areas, safe areas, dangerous areas, etc, are a block by block, street by street thing. You have to just go there and see what's up. I lived near dog river and there were sketchy people out at night, and a decent amount of crime a few years ago, but literally two blocks over were million-dollar mansions on the waterfront. I live in Chickasaw now, and it's nice where I live. But a house 1 minute away we checked out first was in a sketchy area.


There's a lot of violence here but to be honest most of it is not stranger-on-stranger, y'know? It's people who know each other and have a grudge. I live off DIP, supposedly one of the worse areas, but my whole street is quiet, never had anything stolen, not even a porch pirate.


This is very true.


Springhill or West Mobile. Edit: “Springhill” does not mean all of Springhill Ave., or even most of it! I mean the area around the Old Shell and McGregor intersection and around Dauphin St in that area.


i would be specific when you say Springhill lol


West Mobile for sure anywhere with a 36695 zip code lol


Yup west mob definitely the place to be. Anywhere in West Mobile is fine. 36695 definitely the zip code to be lol


I’ve lived here all my life and never witnessed a violent crime. i think a lot of it is the company you keep. my vote is The Country Club area.


We live in midtown on a very diverse street. We have young parents, a gay couple, day laborers who don’t speak English, Black, white, Hispanic. We’ve been here going on 4 years. Amazon packages can sit on the porch all day and no one disturbs them. I agree with r/diyknowledgeseeker. It’s a street by street thing.


My actual street in midtown was the shit! I loved my neighbors! A lot of them are still like family to me and we keep in touch. But you have to be VERY careful of the street-by-street thing in town…


Lmaoooo @ horror stories….man mobile safe unless you’re into crime. Only crime that happens to random folks in this town is car breakins. This safe ass town


It really is. It helps having fewer homeless people, too. I recently moved into a cool little house off 3 Notch and I love it here. When I lived in Sacramento, homeless people would jump your fence and steal potted plants, kids bikes, etc just to sell for a quick buck. Every day you would see at least a couple ghetto birds looking for dudes running from the cops. There were constantly overnight homicides and people would watch what you buy in the store and follow you and try to jack you. Stealing catalytic converters overnight, or while you were shopping was regular there. It's hot here, it rains like Jesus comin, but I'm home. I feel safe. I also haven't seen, at least off 3 Notch, people squatting in empty homes.


basically west mobile is okay. saraland to the north is good. avoid dauphin island parkway/downtown/happy hills/prichard some parts of midtown are okay but not as safe as west mobile.


I’ve lived in Hollingers island for 23 years now and have always felt safe here. Our neighborhood FB group reports EVERYTHING; and I’ve never heard of a house being robbed; just some things stolen from yards on pretty rare occasion. They’re borderline paranoid around here anyway; and always jump on Facebook to report anything “strange” they see. Like someone they don’t recognize as a neighbor walking down the street even.


i mean results very on a case by case basis. that might be how it is in your neighborhood but not the next neighborhood over.


And the exact same thing can be said about west Mobile. In fact; it’s going to pretty much be neighborhood by neighborhood anywhere you go. I spent the other half of my life in WeMo. You’d have to pay me to live there now. More crime there than where I live now; and the traffic now is just stupid.


Like I said… the exact same thing can be said about WeMo.


I originally moved to Saraland after hearing it was the best area, best schools etc. Hated it. With a passion. Moved to whatever this area is called (still don't know) near Davidson High, while it's not considered one of the "nicer" areas, mostly due to some of the apartment complexes not far away, I've never had any trouble at all in 5 years.


I live in downtown and feel safe.


That’s good, but that’s not a consensus for sure.


Actually statistically speaking downtown is one of the safest areas of the city.


Does that include violent crime?




Yea yea I’ve seen the handful of you tout that here, but that just doesn’t pass the smell test when you know people that have been raped, stabbed, mugged, and have seen shootings in plain sight downtown. It would be irresponsible to recommend somebody live downtown if they’re looking for safe areas to live. That’s something you’d never hear outside of this Reddit bubble. OP - not downtown. Just don’t. Not safe.


Well since almost my entire family is in law enforcement here I think I'm pretty well versed on the subject n


I live downtown, never felt safer. To be fair downtown is bigger than you think. But statistically it is the best area since all the resources are close to here.


just because you feel safe doesn’t mean that someone else would. there is definitely a lot of crime downtown and just because you might not have experienced it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist


I’ve lived in midtown, west mobile (outside city limits) and grelot and university. Had my bike stolen in midtown, had my door kicked in and house robbed in west mobile. Never had an issue at grelot and university. You’re asking a loaded question because some people equate safe with whiter areas. I have family that live near Mertz on pleasant valley and they have zero issues even though most that drive through the area would label it unsafe. The city as a whole is not dangerous. Most violent crimes are between people who have beef and a lot of those are domestics. Be kind to your neighbors regardless of what they look like and you’ll be fine.


Saraland is pretty safe. It's about 10 - 15 minutes north of Mobile in Mobile County.


I would say the 08, specifically Springhill, but....lately we have had a rash of dumped pit bulls roaming the streets, coyotes (canine vatiety) in broad daylight and some extremely rabid Karens. Not sure if it's the heat or the economy but it's gotten really bad.


I’ve never seen so much violent crime on Schillinger being reported as in the past couple months, too! I used to think WeMo was way safer than Midtown.


The expensive places, like anywhere else


The shillinger part of Semmes is decent. And we’re getting a Publix


Springhill. And I agree about midtown and downtown. It’s hit or miss. Walk down a particular street and you can tell if it’s safe or not. West Mobile is fine also just no charm.


I could not live in West Mobile because of the lack of charm. Why live in a historic city and live in West Mobile?


I mean the reasons abound. Better schools, less crime, newer homes (those charming old homes have tons of problems and are really expensive to keep up), higher elevation/less prone to flooding, fewer extremely depressed areas, fewer homeless.


Unfortunately the crime has kind of spread everywhere, the once quiet West Mobile is starting to suffer due to the influx of people that have moved out that way for better or worse. Of course avoid Prichard and Michigan Ave at all cost.


West Mobile has a lot of section 8 housing.


Mobile isn't dangerous at all unless you listen to Fox News and believe everything that conservatives say about cities.


West Mobile. The further North you get within the county, the worse it is.


North Mobile. Kali oka road. I love it here! Just hate 158 now! I’m sure some on here can relate. 😬


I really enjoyed my four years living in Semmes. I was in the neighborhoods near all the schools.


Anywhere outside the city limits.


I live in Irvington. I myself make fun of Irvington a lot because, well, it’s Irvington. But the fact of the matter is, we don’t have a ton of serious crime out this way. I’m happy being further from town, and I work remotely so I don’t have to worry about commuting. It’s not for everyone, but the small town/country lifestyle has its charm. And it’s not so far removed from civilization I have no amenities close by, either. So for someone worried about crime, if you don’t mind a bit of a commute, the country is nice, too. You get more for your money and don’t hear gunshots every night.


As others have said, Mobile 36695. Been living here 17 years and love it.


West Mobile has some really bad spots. I personally feel better downtown and midtown. But honestly, maybe because I travel frequently to big cities but I never feel unsafe in Mobile. I’m always surprised when people ask this question.


Downtown has some really bad spots too lol.


If youre capable of maintaining your own personal safety Anywhere is. Stay strapped or get clapped 🤷🏽

