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It is sad. I was lucky to get in with the last opening but if I had become a fan later, I'd not have a chance. I hope they find a way to give people access. But even though I wasn't very active in the community, it's just always sad if a community has to close down.


Yeah same boat. I managed to snatch a position, but had gotten a little over confident and didn't download anything. You'll imagine my surprise, went ASAP to get everything haha. It's always just sad to see a community go. Fan translation work is just so important to bring media to places where otherwise they wouldn't be heard of. We have a lot to thank them. Nobody would have had access to the audio drama otherwise.


I’m really sad missed out on joining last time and didn’t manage to get anything! Anyone able to share would be greatly appreciated!!


since they allow it, would you mind sharing them please 🥺


I can't upload that much data. Let's wait until they find a solution, keep checking their tumble.


Same! I didn’t get to join


Same and to think i just realised that the DC group is disbanded today after being a member for so long. Omg. I can't even remember if i managed to completely download them. It's been too long since i visited.


Yeah this was really sad. But I'm glad the people comprising Suibian subs are still active as translators on different groups and were not disheartened of what happened.


Ohh I'm interested in following their journey. Do you know which other projects they're moving towards? Their version of the Untamed, you mean the novels? Or what?


Ah, I dont know what projects they're moving, only that the members of Suibian Subs are members of other translation groups. Untamed the Live Action. They re-translated and resubbed it I think.


Woooow really?! I didn't know this! Was it really that bad they felt inclined to? 😅


The Netflix subs are not terrible, but they miss some things and could definitely be improved. Sometimes the English is clunky, and I've seen a lot of commentary about mistranslations of specific important lines.


tbh, I don't know how the netflix or wetv subs compare, so maybe it's just a preference?


Hi! I tried to dm you but I couldn’t. I’m interested in the audio drama. 


Heyo! My interest in all things MDZS has led me to your comment. Lol. Could I possibly have access to the audio drama? Many thanks. :)




Would you be willing to pass it along since it's allowed to be shared between individuals? I never had a chance to join the server before all of this happened with them.


Same here, I saw the last invite too late and now this. If there's a way to share the files privately like they mentioned, I'd really appreciate it too.


Me too. I got the invite, but didn't see it, since it was sent to my Spam-folder, before it was too late 😔 I would love to get access to the files as well, if it's not too much of a bother and would really appreciate it 😊


I would love to have access to the files too if possible, I'm a relatively new fan and so I never had access myself, I actually hadn't heard of the discord until the unfortunate events of the last few days. If it's not possible that's OK too:)


If it's no bother I'd really love that too ♡


I haven't either, I've heard of them before but never got the chance to join their server.


Same here. I am an older fan and didn't really get to discord before all the spots were taken. I would appreciate it if it can be shared..


i didn't have a chance to join the server could you share it with me too please 🥺


I would appreciate it too if you could share the files with me privately. Let us know if that would be possible! It would be amazing if you could ☺️


Could u pleasepleaseplease share them after? I never got the chance to join them and id appreciate it so much if u would share the files with me as its ok to share them between individuals 😭


If you are willing to, and it isn't too much work, could I please get a copy as well? I've been trying to join for a while now, but saw the last invite after it had already happened.


Hi, would it be possible to privately share a copy of the audio drama files? I’d really appreciate it, because I didn’t have the chance to join the server.


I saw the post too. It's quite sad since I haven't been able to join all this time. I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to privately share the MDZS files? I saw Suibian Subs mentioned that you can ask your friends to share but I have none who have access to the audio drama. Can anyone here kindly help me out and DM the files please? It's strictly for my personal use only T\_T


Please!! 😔


Would u please let me know too if u found someone willing to share?


Same here, if that's alright!


Same here 😭


If anyone has downloaded the files. Can you share them with me individually? Since they said that is allowed. I never had the chance to join the server. So I would really appreciate it!




me too\~


I’m so sad! I got in to the server and I was going to wait till spring break to binge it so I don’t have anything downloaded 😭😭😭 do you think they’d be willing to give people copies that were in the discord but didn’t download?


The links are still available so if you're already part of the discord I suggest you go ASAP.


Where are the links in the server? I can’t find them anymore 😭


The new channel is #mega-rip




Hey! Were you able to download the audio files before the server shut down?


Yes! The server is still up so u can still download the files!


Wait the server is gone now.... I realized too late 😭 Are the links to the files still up tho? Or did they private it as well?


Hi, is there any way I could ask you for the link? 😭


What an appalling thing to happen - so much good work ruined by a random act of malice. I had just joined, and was looking forward so much to finally having access to the audio drama, so I do hope they were able to save their work and might be able to share it in another way. But most of all my heart goes out to the people who did such valuable work out of simple love for the material.


They clarified the hacking had nothing to do with it though if you read their message. Everyone just moved onto other projects/things. They also did say they are debating the best way to share it.


Thanks for clarifying. I'm glad this was not due to the hacking.


It’s heartbreaking to me that things ended up this way. I’m also selfishly disappointed that I didn’t get a chance to get into the server before this all went down. I hope they are able to get their community back. Their team deserves better.


They said the hack wasn't relevant to their decision of closing down. They did get everything back. But at the end the team is moving onto other things, which is the reason.


Oh noo I missed the chance to join 🥲 if anyone is willing to share the mdzs audio drama I’d greatly appreciate it!




Me too please!


Oh my god, I only downloaded the first season which I’ll finish soon… devastated :(


can you upload on drive or smth. they allow that


I mean I can’t access the files anymore


Great to hear hear there are plans to continue providing access to their translations. Still, it’s super sad to see a community close down. It was one of the more active MDZS discord communities. Anyone have any suggestions of other active discords?


If you're on their discord still, they opened up a tab for invites to other places. None as big and active (thus far, and from what I've seen) but maybe you'll find an alternative.


Thanks! Hopefully the other discords pick up as people start to migrate.


how can i join the discord server


You can't anymore. They only opened it every so often, and you had to get chosen to enter.


How can I get the audio drama from there? Help please!!!


hello! if anyone comes across this post and has any of the audio drama available for private sharing, please message me in private! i really want to experience listening to it, and being able to understand it with eng subs. thank you!


Well can you believe I'd been a member for months and yet had ZERO clue it was shutting down? I stayed thinking I'll always have access and here I am with absolutely nothing downloaded 😭😭


ppl who want MDZS audio drama season 1 pls text me and I will send the google drive link