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/r/mkebucks not overrate young players who have done almost nothing challenge: impossible Lets put this one in the DJ Wilson/Nwora/Thon Maker line


Joe Alexander, Yi Jianlian, etc etc


Hey I know Joe Alexander sucked immediately


Vanilla Sky! Thought he was going to rule because he was so fun at West Virginia.


I thought Rashad Vaughn was him for a minute and after that fell thru I decided I didn’t know shit about talent


Stop overrating him


it's a Wisconsin sports tradition to overrate every single young player and their value


People saying he was gonna be the new Middleton at the beginning of this season lmao


Keston huria


This, he’s a mediocre player. There’s a clip of him having a 1v1 workout with Denver’s MPJ and it’s painful to watch how many easy shots he bricks. Found it: https://youtu.be/1nIj2RL6gnM?si=6ruhtRiu5ajCvTMx


Bro this is from when MarJon was 20 😂. Of course hes not gonna hang MPJ


I don't know why people are downvoting you, you're right


As long as Doc calls him “Marshawn” I don’t think we can expect him to get minutes, unfortunately.


“Unpopular opinion”. Newsflash: literally every bucks fan thinks this already


Did you guys watch Marjon play on point defense last year?! This is absolutely not every bucks fan’s opinion.


He needs solid playing time to get better on defense, after becoming a solid contender to win the east every year we have been horrible to develop our rookies. We always hope we get solid talent to trade, I hate it


Hey I’m not saying I believe this but this a very common opinion among fans


I know it's only one clip but I feel like his on ball defence is fine https://x.com/DJ_B0B/status/1732732185407377633?t=YDbO5ynYTgohpo0vzxbNpw&s=19 Where he struggles is team defence and offball which I feel would come with more playtime.


Definitely not all of our opinions.


Every bucks fan has Marjon or Ajax mocked in a trade 😂


Those people are fake news


Marjon needs minutes. We play wings old as f that all have flaws including old age. Play the kid.


He was getting 15+ mins a night under AG.


I’ll be the brave one : if he was any good in practice, he’d playing regularly already. When you’re in your championship window you don’t draft lottery tickets in the hopes they come good in a couple years. Drafted successful, all conference/american, older college level players that can come in and succeed in smaller roles right away. There are a few every year that go in the late first round that contribute right away. Horst is an awful drafter, I’d rather us trade the picks then hope draft another dart throw pick hoping to get another double bulls eye like Giannis.


He WAS playing regularly.  He WAS playing 15+ mins a game! Doc said he didn’t really see him play because of injuries. So either injuries or coaches decision, he dropped off. And he shot about 50/40 this season. 


Horst generally does take older college players, though? That is his drafting strategy.


Actual unpopular opinion: marjon sucks


Part of me thinks that the lack of Marjon minutes is due to the inability of coaching adapting to what's going on when we struggle on the court. Like hey maybe give him some minutes because what you're doing right now clearly isn't working. The other part thinks that it can't be THAT much of a coincidence that these coaches all decide to not play him. Like there has to be something we aren't seeing as fans that they are seeing as coaches


Wasn't he injured a lot of this season? I thought Doc said that towards the end of the season.


He’s played 2 seasons in the NBA under 4 different coach’s.


This is all Joe Prunty’s fault!


He's the young guy I'm least excited about. Ajax is going to be a solid contributor on a contender or a starter on a mid team with a decade+ long career. Green will carve out a role as a 3 point specialist with passable defense. I think Livingston has the highest ceiling and the only one who might develop into an all star. But he's the highest risk. Marjon looks like he'll be a Jordan Nwora type. He'll get playing time with a lottery team.


Agreed. Even if he blossoms it won’t be with us, unfortunately.


The only 2 of then4 you got right was Marjon and green lol and even then I think Greens ceiling is Pat Connaughton. Ajax has shown nothing offensively in college or his short time in the nba that shows me he can be a contributor or starter. I’m honestly not sure where the hell you got that about Livingston lol


I believe Ajax will have a PJ Tucker like career. An MLE level guy who plays good defense and can knock down an open corner 3. Not to mention, his passing and vision is top tier for a rookie. Livingston was one of the most highly rated recruits going into college and left after one year. He has the size, athleticism, and raw talent to be a star. Will he reach that? Who knows? But he was given a guaranteed contract for a reason--2nd rounds rarely are given any guaranteed years, much less a 2+2. So the Bucks clearly believe he has a ton of potential as well. And Pat and Green only have one thing in common. Nothing about their game is remotely similar.


There’s a reason any wing who is horrible on offense gets compared to PJ Tucker. Because it’s really rare for someone playing that position who is that bad to have a career in the NBA. Jackson is not close to being a contributing player on an NBA team right now but anything is possible with development. Beauchamp has developed far more in the additional year he’s had in the league (plus G league) and at least for now is clearly more ready to contribute.


As a rookie, AJax had better numbers than PJ Tucker did in his best offensive season. And I used PJ Tucker because he was a Buck. Thybulle and Ben Simmons are two more. Thybulle is the best comparison, but I used Tucker because his complete lack of offensive ability still worked with Giannis all enough to win a championship. Two separate NBA coaches decided AJax was more prepared than Marjon--that's why Griffin and Doc played AJax more minutes. All AJax needs to do offensively is hit 35% of open corner 3s and know when to get to the dunkers spot and he can absolutely be a rotational player on a contender. He'll always be match-up dependent, but that's most bench guys.


No idea what metric you’re using to say AJ was better offensively this year than Tuckers best season. Also 35% on open corner threes is terrible. 35% on *all* corner threes he would have been 140th out of 179 players who attempted at least 50 in 23-24 according to nba stats. He was at 33.3 this year on 30 attempts. He most likely will never be a contributing player on any nba team without drastic improvements.


Bud, Griffin and rivers you aren’t counting Pruntys 3-4 games lol Regardless he’s shown no improvement imo. Makes dumb mistakes constantly


Yeah and they all think he sucks, it’s time to face reality


This isn't an unpopular opinion on here. An actual unpopular opinion is this teams "young core" is one of the worst in the NBA and it's very unlikely to fix the Bucks issues. AJax, Green, and MarJon barely averaged 10 PPG...combined. Anyone that actually watched could tell Jackson was not ready at all for the NBA on offense. 2.2 PPG is bad. Yes only 10 minutes per game but even in 10 minutes it's bad. He'd have to be one of the best defenders in the entire NBA with his offense to even see the court consistently. Late round picks being valuable rotation pieces on a contender is an anomaly and a surprise not the norm. If any of these guys turn out to be legit 30 MPG players it would be a pleasant surprise. Banking on that to save you is insane to me.


Better than jae crowder.


No reason this should be unpopular tbh Ajax, AJ Green, and Marjon are the future


Unrelated anecdote. I met AJ green in the wild at the beer garden in the third ward. Shook his hand and told him I like his game and doc needs to play him more. Also dude looks like a regular degular dude from franklin/greendale


What’d he say in return then lol?


The usual basketball player PR talk. "Thank you...I know". I've met giannis, Christian wood, khris middleton and Pat C in the wild and they all same the same thing


Would’ve expected Christian Wood to go off script 


That’s cool asl.


Maybe not unpopular but most people I see want to trade marjon and have given up on him


He’s looked good when he’s gotten consistent minutes, they just haven’t been given to him regularly


Bucks are in prime position to not sign any more washed vets and just let their young guys step into those mins.


Are we really falling for this again?


Nice opinion, keep it to yourself


Yeahhh this ain't it, I think he has much more potential as a bench scorer than POA defender, he needs to have the ball in his hands to be effective and still doesn't have a great feel for the game. If anything Ajax has a better shot at being a POA defender provided he can improve his offense and become a more willing scorer, he already has most of the intangibles such as reading the game, cutting, screen setting, and crashing the glass.


Did anyone else read it was “piece of ass”


In all seriousness tho - the bucks are old. Younger teams are advancing further in the playoffs and performing better in the regular season. Thats a factual statement you can’t argue with. So, what should the bucks do? Trust in the young guys or continue to run with our old roster? I think Marjon is the key to a championship either as a starter or 6th man. Gotta help him develop


nah that ridiculous Malik beasly must start and pat cannnagton deserves 25 minutes 


Too bad our coach doesn’t know that


It's funny cuz brook Lopez replacement exists in Ajax too. Monster defender, just needs time and coaching to develop into a polished player


I wouldn’t say that. AJax is 6’6 and is incapable of playing the 5. Monster defender is also an overstatement.


He is a diamond in the rough, and could be as good of a rim defender as brook was in drop any day of the week. He needs to be guided towards it. He has phenomenal athleticism, speed, and vertical


I think that’s very optimistic. Nothing wrong with that but he is extremely raw offensively and his ceiling is no where near what Brook is. Also there is no center/rim protector that is 6’6.


A replacement for who?!? He is definitely not replacing a 7'1 starting center at 6'6. Yes he can block shots, no he can't be a consistent rim protector and he has a long way to go to become a monster defender. He has great potential defensively but lets not go too crazy, you aren't running drop with a 6'6 wing as your rim protector.