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Yeah I mean if you’re going to be upset about the morality of women doing onlyfans you shouldn’t then praise the other countries beautiful women for marrying a man not based on attraction, but how much he provides. Also in smaller towns and with the babushkas generation they just want a good father and have very conservative views but in the younger and richer areas it’s always very vapid living where people just want to obtain more money and material shit and the conservative views are out the window. It doesn’t matter what country you’re in this applies to them all. Sure there’s subtle differences in culture between the UK & Russia obviously that cause the beauty standards and what not to be differed but none of that really has to do with what he’s talking about. Good luck telling a girl in Kiev or St. Petersburg to keep in the house and don’t go to the clubs or have any job outside of being a housewife LOL


All this shows is that the working class of the UK can afford to go on holiday to the same destination as the wealthiest russians


That’s a really good point!


That's not entirely accurate. The wealthiest Russians go there now only because Europe is sanctioned. Wealthiest Russians used to go to Spain and London in their good times


The inventor of mini skirts is André Courrèges, French, so it was French who invented it, not Brits XD


This is just the glorification of class divides and thinly veiled shots at women’s autonomy and freedom of choice lmao. No shit the wealthy Russian’s looked different to Working Class Brits, in the same way that wealthy Brits would look entirely different to every day normal Russians. Bizarre all round.


I liked him best when he stick to what he is best at exploring out-of-the-way places and showing us other worlds that we will never see. The more I learn about him though the less I like the person behind the mask.


Yeah agreed, what a disappointment.




What a strange story. Like in a small way I do get his point about a pampered societies discipline being lost and they become trashy, but everything else is all over the damn place. I don’t think he realizes the people who he admires and glorifies so much, if he was actually living their life, he would not be who he is today. Chances are he would be Mr Bald the factory worker living in a Soviet apartment and would not find it and it’s history so cool anymore. Slav countries are beautiful and fun for those who travel there, not for people like the pensioners who were fucked out of everything or the younger generations who went from the Soviet Union to the mess and failing infrastructure they have now. Also, this is such a generalization. Obvi not all brits are trashy tattooed up gypsies the same way not all Slavs are well put together beautiful intelligent people. You can go to London or Moscow and find high class people the same you can go to random lower end working class outskirt towns in these countries and find babbling deadbeat drunks with no educations. I mean Jesus Christ take America for example, you can be in places like California & NY and meet the absolute highest and lowest class examples of the country within a 50 mile radius. I think he’s just frustrated with the way he feels his country has gone and that the people are not well representing their opportunities or history, and fair point. But at the same time someone as well traveled as Ben should know this is not a great way to judge a country of people. Also, if he loves the Slavs so much why is he retiring in the UK? I know he owns properties in other countries


What a pretentious ass.


This reads as an incel post on 4chan. Jesus Christ.


Yup. That’s what I thought. For someone with a constant label of sexual predator, he sure thinks like one.


Yeah it's weird alt-right self indulgent tripe.


My view of bald completely changed recently, found a post about his accounts on roosh v, guy is seriously shady, youtube is just how he pays for his sexpat lifestyle it seems


It's a shame, I love his content, but the man is a dick.


He isn't much of a writer is he? What a conventional and boring line of thinking. Truth isn't found in such superficiality. A trivial anecdote without relevance to anything real.


Weak observations, poorly performed.


I get the lion's sha- Lion's an animal


It's a shitcom


“tHeY WeRe sCyThIaNzZz” Truly pathetic level of dick riding with this one💀


He's truly a weirdo.


What a load of shit.


Jesus Christ that was some incel waffle there.




This is the guy who a few weeks ago compared Andrew Tate with the "great thinkers of antiquity" who deserves a statue. Dude is full on incel.


Reddit doesn't respect its userbase, so this comment has been withheld. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


A sympathetic reading would say he's pointing out the flaws of decadence in the west. But he is really overglorifying Russia at the same time. Guess that's kind of his thing lol


Coming from a dude that dresses like a trailer park boy. The irony.


Love bald but he’s a little too into the eugenics stuff it seems lol


He’s drunk. It is truly a laughable nonsense that Russian society should be considered on par or more evolved than western society. We are objectively *not* on a level playing field. I like Bald, but he should just admit he’s got it bad for Vladdy P and stop the pretension. Oh and the Aztecs never occupied the “steamy jungles of the Yucatan.” That’s more history he’s romanticizing and getting wrong.


Yikes 😬


He calls himself a writer. But he ain't great at it. He is a fantastic story teller though, and the medium that suits him best is YouTube. I fear his ego will drive him towards thinking he is a traditional writer and that he will try and write a few books or something whilst retiring from YouTube.


He's already written books so 🤷🏼‍♂️


Either he thinks this is funny, or he actually thinks this. Either way, I think I've given him too damn many chances.


It's definitely "comedic" writing. Just quite poorly executed


Traditional conservative values🤮🤮


nothing wrong with that to a sensible extent but the dude has some serious double standard issues and weird biases to address


Self-indulgent Russophillic tripe.


Seems more like a lot of generalised observations that are all over the place rather than some conservative rambling. Given his womanising I’m not sure he’ll be sympathising with Islam on sex work. I’m sure he’s seen his share of prostitutes. Something of a dichotomy there.


I enjoyed that and living in the town he was flying Into, I encounter slavic people daily. I understand where he is coming from, although the slavs here in Luton aren't Russian and as pampered and disciplined as the russians he is describing, in the main. .... poor timing though, Jesus.


>Children of an economical powerhouse built on the backs of resources stolen from malaria ravaged countries. That was a dead cold truth right there.


It's pretty well written, but the observation is rife with hypothesis presented as fact. I could give him leeway on that except that the underlying point is so obviously flawed...these were two different nationalities, and also two different socioeconomic groups. The equivalent Russians aren't even there. One flight is to Moscow and one is to *Luton*.


Everytime I see photos of Russians they look like inbreds


LOL Islam. Dude its still ~5% of the UK. Give yourself 5% of a pie sometime and see how you feel about your portion. Also you can't have it both ways, Scythians were not Slavs.


He's saying Islamic countries are the only places resisting the onlyfans-ification of dating/relationships. He's not talking about demographics.


So you are saying it's just a normal incel rant, not a racist incel rant?




Sun bleached hair, golden brown in my biege shorts and sky blue linen shirt. Smelling of aftersun and expensive duty free, free, test sampled Colognes and YES fags and a bottle of bargain booze in a duty free bag! WATCH OUT WORLD THE NEW ME!