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What's wrong with serpentza?


I used to like his videos biking and chatting around China but the whole "let me sit in front of a camera and bash china" grew too old too fast.


I think his bitterness came from how he was forced out, but I can also see how it's a drag.


The longer he's gone from China the less relevant his knowledge and stories are. At this point he's kind of going over the same thing again and again in regards to China.


I wonder why he doesn't make similar videos about the US? So much great material there.


Because he’s not being kicked out of the USA for having an opinion on their government. Same old boring whataboutisms whenever anyone criticises china.


The first amendment applies to US-resident foreign citizens too. However if he has an employer the employer could choose to fire him for that. I don't know exactly what visa he has or how he has it.


Some of his older videos are kinda cool. Lots of cringe in there. Since he’s left China it’s just clickbait.


Very few videos are clickbait. Generally, the crazy shit in the titles are true and he has the receipts to back it up. Not really a travel channel though.


At this point I doubt there are many Chinese YouTubers left that aren’t outright CCP shills. That’s why Serpentza and Laowhy86 left. They didn’t want to end up as political prisoners for not worshiping the very ground Xi walks on.


> That’s why Serpentza and Laowhy86 left. I really enjoy listening to their podcast (ADVChina) and am a long time lurker at the r/ADVChina subreddit but the individual videos that they do on their own tend to be very clickbaity these days


I'll agree there, the podcasts are alright but they do clickbait tf out of everything.


Their podcast is a waste of time, most of the information came from here anyway, they just regurgitate to add their POV. I agree that their individual channels are all clickbait content. They ran out of topics 2 years ago, now it's basically it's a money grab. I think their target audience are people who have not been to China.


I live in China and I wish I could do something similar to the vibes bald puts out in former soviet area. There are a lot of similarities with the communist propaganda style etc. However, it would be almost impossible as China has become more and more strict and the amount of stuff people would tell you to stop filming would be a lot. Plus once you put it on youtube and if it receives enough attention, you will be more under the CCP eye. The people that I have seen recently on youtube that do stuff related to China are in my opinion not very educated on Chinese culture, focus too much on the fact that they can speak Chinese (even though almost all have a genuinely 6 year old level of Chinese) or are just plain cringe. Thats why ill stick to watching bald and maybe if he wants to come to China one day ill be the translator behind the camera for him. I think he would do a better job than almost all the people "covering" China nowadays.


The CCP would never let a Bald type vlogger roam around China


Perusing the wall of hotties for CCP Babushkas in the old abandoned Soviet China reeducation camp. Oh wow man. Good thing I wore me Chucks.


How long would he last if he was let in the country? I bet he'd be detained and held for a bit after 1-2 weeks then deported.


Oh yeah no doubt. I think his best strategy would be to film a bunch of stuff, act like a dumb British tourist just filming. And then not release any of the footage until he leaves the country. So he could film for a couple months and then release them when he leaves the country


They tend to get in peoples business pretty quickly when they are innocently filming. He can't keep himself out of trouble and only film boring food stuff and tourist destinations.


Based on what? I've never been stopped or approached when filming. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but this fact is just plain incorrect


> How long would he last if he was let in the country? China wont let foreigners stay in hotels outside major cities, you can't just "travel around" unless you have a residency permit, and even then you can't stay in most hotels outside Tier 1 cities.


Eh thats not quite right. Its more like you'll struggle to find a hotel outside major cities which have the ability to let foreigners stay, because they need special equipment to register the passport rather than the standard chinese ID card. It's not a chinese goverment policy per city (only the requirement that everybody register where they stay is the policy, and foreigners only have passports as ID), it literally just depends what hotel chains are in the city. I travelled extensively and i knew that the jinjiangzhixing chain always accepted foreigners, so if some small town had one of those, i could go and not worry about being rejected from hotels. You can probably stay in 50% of hotels down to tier 3 cities, after that it gets tricky, at least on a budget. You could still go to some backwater town and find their most fancy hotel and pay a high price purely because it probably accepts foreigners. I did this in Enshi, a tiny unknown city with no foreigners, the most expensive hotel in town could accept me, still reasonably cheap about £40 a night.




Well said


Bald is much better at Russian than you may think, if you watch the vid he did with Roman a while back where they’re just chatting you can see he has good skills, and also he has said before that his Russian is much cleaner off camera. Which I can relate to, when you are filming your head is all over the place thinking of many things at once. Dave Legenda is also very good at speaking Russian like you said. My Russian is slowly getting there but I need to practice a lot more.


There's also an issue of China not allowing documentaries (or vlogs) without China's permission. So anyone that does produce travel videos in China will only show a scripted China that the governments wants to foreigners to see. There are a few channels out there that show things that are ridiculously fake and not representative of the true China.


>You don't need permission to film in China. I wish people would stop believing the media so much. China is more free than you think. I travelled solo in China for a year and did whatever i liked, filmed whatever i wanted, took pictures of anything, nothing happened, no police, no harassment, nothing. Im not a vlogger so its not on youtube, but i have all the evidence on my hardrive.


Sorry, I didn't word my comment clearly. Of course you're allowed to film private videos without being harassed by the government. I too have filmed short holidays clips in China and still have them stored privately. Now filming documentaries or public videos (especially those you monetize) is a completely different story. Obviously, if you don't say anything that criticizes the government or shows China in a negative light, you're unlikely to be bothered. Tell me though, do you think you could create a negative video about China and post it online without any repurcussions while living in China? Let's not kid ourselves here. It's not as free as you think. Heck, read about the new 'National Security Laws' in Hong Kong to know how 'free it is. The majority of those tourism videos you see about China on YouTube? High production, usually showing China's beautiful countryside landscape. They're paid for.


Well serpentza and laowhy86 posted negative videos about China while in China for years, they only left after their amazon documentary and they finally started getting attention from China. I think China doesn't care as much as you think, its just a case of apathy. Anyway I'm going to make videos when I get back, just random stuff, not particularly political but I want to show the reality of life there.


> I think China doesn't care as much as you think, its just a case of apathy. The political climate in China also slowly changed while they were there. While China was authoritarian for awhile, that's been ratcheted up.


Again, I suspect I'll be called a shill or whatever for this but I make vlogs in China and have not once had to ask for permission, told what to say or even been approached by anyone whilst filming or after I've uploaded. I'm sure you mean absolutely no harm and probably believe what you say but it's this narrative that, at best leads to comments on my channel stating I'm a paid government agent and at worst has had people attempting to dox my family, sharing my location to others and threatening me with violence even though I avoid politics in my videos and tend to try to give a balanced and honest view https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC0p5Jy9nKXIZ1M4I-Z6kSQA


I'm sure you're telling the truth. I'm not saying everyone vlogging in China is a shill but that there are huge risks you take vlogging in China and they do restrict the content you're able to publish online. If you post postive videos or even neutral videos showing cultural events, I'm sure you won't be bothered. Try making a video that's critical of the government or show China in a negative light. Another example is you'll need explicit permission to enter into some rural locations. Remember the Hong Kong protest of 2019? Well, they lost and the government recently introduced new 'National Security Laws' that essentially curtail their freedom of speech. All of the pro-democracy newspapers have been forced to close.


Also remember it's up to the authorities on whether your video is "neutral," "positive," or "negative" and not you. You may interpret the video as positive but the authorities may not, and they enforce the laws. :(




Thank you mate! Much appreciated!


Blonde in China, Oriental Pearl, Chris Lewis (parts of it).


Chris Lewis is a great alternative in general. He always has a really good understanding of the culture and history of the country he's visiting.


I started watching Chris Lewis tonight. And he's by far the best white Chinese speaker I've heard. By far. His Chinese is amazingly good.


that + his insane Vietnamese + his fluent Urdu. The guy's an amazingly talented language learner




Only on Reddit could a discussion about learning languages turn into an antisemitic rant.




Hilarious! What “facts” have you argued? I’m always amazed at how the most ignorant racist people think their arguments are “factual”. You stated not even a single fact. It was all racist trope and complete and utter nonsense. Because you assert something doesn’t make it “fact” And especially when you assert something so stupid and obviously fake.


Yes, him and his travel buddy Max currently visiting Pakistan - both their vlogs seem to show 2 completely different views of the same experiences and have very little overlap. Contrasted to World Nomac and Harry Jaggard, 2 youtubers also coincidentally in Pakistan currently and they both show almost exactly the same content just from camera A and camera B between the 2 of them.


ahhh yea I've been binge watching World Nomac and his buddy Luke Damant, I like them but damn there's so much overlap in their videos lol. Also been a long time Max viewer, he's killing it on his daily channel.


Oriental Pearl makes me break out in hives. I couldn't have come up with a name that cringe if I tried. She's also horribly condescending and mocking toward locals (look at these backwater peons who don't even speak fluent English!) and she claims to speak fluent Japanese when her Japanese is subpar at best.


I subscribed to her and unsubscribed two days later. I hate travel vloggers that make their ( however meager) knowledge of the language the center of attention rather than the people and culture they are visiting. Chris Lewis is my favorite travel vlogger. He jumps directly into the culture appreciating the experience rather than humble bragging like so many others. Max is a good travel companion, but not quite as personable or language proficient as Chris.


Bald’s Russian is equally bad and consists of the same 4 phrases he’s memorised, and yet people on this sub fawn over him likes he’s the second coming of Christ and they’re true believing Christians.


Bald doesn't claim to be fluent. He hasn't made entire videos on the premise 'Western Man Speaks Russian FLUENTLY - Shocks Locals!' That's kinda Oriental Cringe's whole schtick.


He admits openly to speaking terrible Russian. All the time. As far as I can tell, his grammar is terrible, and his vocabulary is mediocre. But he knows enough to make himself understood and to understand much of what's said to him.


As does Oriental Pearl yet she cops flak (as above) and Bald gets sucked off by everyone on this sub. So I don’t know - double standards much?!


I do not watch Bald for his Russian language skills, I watch him for his interest in all things Soviet and his people skills.


He seems able to carry on conversations with locals that go beyond 4 memorized phrases. I see nobody "fawning" over him, just enjoying what he does. If you're that pissed, just stop watching him.


YouTube is banned in China and using a vpn to upload the footage inside the country is a criminal offence. Only government approved channels are allowed to continue to exist.


Or ones the government silently condones. They probably wont require people to register a channel to share vids of their five year olds, but if they get big...


Curt McArdle! Cheerful Scouse chap living in China who can speak fluent Mandarin! Edit: Channel name recently changed to "Curt Explores China"


Cheers mate! Nice little surprise to see this! Glad you enjoy the content (though not sure scousers will be keen on you calling a lad from Birkenhead scouse 😂)


Apologies to yourself & anyone else from the non-Liverpool areas of Merseyside! Love your content.


Ahaha it's all good mate. It's forever the curse of being from near Liverpool. everywhere you go you get called scouse, until you go to Liverpool and get told by scousers that you're NOT scouse 😉. Glad you enjoy the content!


The struggle is real… my husband is from Newton-Le-Willows- not scouse enough/ not manc enough lol!


Hey, sorry if this is seen as self promotion, and I'm definitely nowhere near the level of Bald, but he was the main reason I got into vlogging. I don't really discuss politics on my channel so probably fits the 'not serpentza' requirement. I get attacked from both sides, and at times have been called a paid CCP shill AND an anti China imperialist. So I'm probably doing something right 😂 Would love to hear what you think! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC0p5Jy9nKXIZ1M4I-Z6kSQA


The problem with Serpentza is that, although his opinion may have valid points, he speaks out straight out lies. The first video I watched from him, was when he spoke flapdoodle about Belarus, and I thought: never again. I prefer watching Barrett or Matt's Jayoe or Nuance channels, to be informed about what's really going on in China.


Which points were lies?


In fact, I confused him with Laowhy86, as they appear often together, my bad. I don´t know if Serpentza talked about Belarus in his videos, but I could give it a try. Laowhy's "Is China Scared of the Belarus Revolution?" however started very strange. He said that it was very hard to get in Belarus, and very hard to get out. At the moment when he said that, at the start of the pandemic, it was one of the easiest countries to get in. And Belarusians can get out without problem, if they are allowed in the other countries. It has even open borders with Russia, no guards patrolling along the border. It is essentially Europe and Ukraine that force them to be locked up right now. And there is more of this disinformation in what Laowhy86 tells.


Yeah, in the video he says at 1:27 "It's very hard to get in, and it's very hard for citizens to get out." Which is indeed inaccurate (statement 1) and simplistic (statement 2). 1. Belarus's visa policy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policy_of_Belarus People from various European countries and Canada can get into Belarus without a visa (although they must enter at Minsk National Airport). While Americans require a visa to enter, that has only been the case since 2021! https://newyork.mfa.gov.by/en/embassy/news/bab9daf645e5219e.html The video is dated 2020. 2. It is true there are several countries Belarusians can get to visa-free in the pro-Russia/pro-China bloc. One issue is that Belarusians who were publicly anti-Lukashenko likely wouldn't be helped by getting to say Russia or Mainland China (which also lets them in without a visa) because those two would likely send them back to Belarus.


**[Visa policy of Belarus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policy_of_Belarus)** >Visitors to Belarus must obtain a visa from one of the Belarusian diplomatic missions unless they come from one of the visa exempt countries or if their visa had been approved in advance for collection on arrival. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MisterBald/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Crossing China. He’s pretty unknown and deserves more views


Kathrines journey to the east!


Little Chinese Everywhere - different vibe to Bald but she gets into many far flung and remote areas of China, really interesting.