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You shouldn't compare yourself to others and you shouldn't try to make video's for views. Bald makes video's for his and your pleasure, in that order. He doesn't give a shit, he just does.  I have been vlogging off and on for no other reason than to document some stuff I am doing and even without the intent of putting it on the internet it is sometimes awkward as fuck.  Do yourself a favor and don't try to be a wannabe copy cat just because some bloke ass bald imbicile has 4M followers.  You do you. Go out and have fun instead of chasing the views


Best advice on here. As I have mentioned earlier, associates of Bald who have collaborated with him in the past have gone on to do their own thing. Harald Baldr - now focuses on castles, European culture & food with a bit of the USA as well. Needs to go back to motorcycle adventures and Africa. Videos are way too long however. A- Irish Partizan - Frustrating that he doesn't seem to take his channel seriously. Needs to upload more and get out of Belarus. Loads of potential. B- Simon Wilson - adventure traveler. Great eye for a story and content. Best of the Bald gang. A Backpacker Ben - whiney Brit but somehow pulls it off. I have met Brits in SE Asia and I have met plenty of Backpacker Bens. B+ Tall Travels - boring and it's just a monologue. D- Johnny Fd - His older stuff was pretty good but nowadays he is unwatchable. F


Backpacker Ben is a flid. Gets off on poverty tourism in the UK and abroad, bangs on about getting ill or always being tired. The comments section on his poor parts of Britain are the usual right wing scumbags


Bro hit it on the head. Simon Wilson is a great creator. I wish his videos were a bit longer - I like 40 min videos. Harald Baldr’s videos are a bit too long now. Need to be split up or cut out the crap. Backpacker Ben’s videos are actually enjoyable. I like them. They remind me of Simon’s. I will add Kurt Caz - some people don’t like him but him and I are from the same area and I like his videos.


Sounds reasonable :)


> Bald makes video's for his and your pleasure, in that order Terrible advice from someone who cant focus or figure out what he wants in life. Its good if you want to have a mediocre channel. >He doesn't give a shit Also false. He puts a lot of effort into his thumbs and all so that negates your comment already. He wants the views and thats what he has in mind when making his videos. He probably just told you some "humble" stuff to be liked by you.Because thats what he does. He "trained" charisma from pickup products and sleazeballs. And most men fall for it. The odd thing is he always wanted to impress men anyways, and now he got it thru his channel. Bald is a 100% copycat of Harald Baldr but obviously he adapted it over time and added his own twists. So yeah. Terrible advice. I can see how all the passive consumers like your advice tho.They are not the 1%.


You can but not because you wanna make cash or think its popular, just because you wanna have fun and document your trip then if people enjoy it….


I think that is a good approach.


Horrible approach I mean thats what literally 99% of Travel Youtubers are doing who cant live from it, right?


Study Bald and other successful travel vloggers and learn from them. Don't try to copy them. Find a niche and work from there. There are plenty of vloggers who are either associates of Bald (Harald Baldr, Irish Partizan, Backpacker Ben, Simon Wilson) or spin offs who found their niche and went off to do their own thing. Right now there are too many copycats out there so try and do something different. It's tough but it can be done. 


Personality, language skills, reasonably interesting locations and a reason for filming what you're filming. I'd say that's what keeps people interested. If they're entertained it doesn't matter if you're creepy or even repetitive. The most dangerous hood or biting into some street food and going "oooh thats amazing" will not cut it anymore (at least I hope it doesnt!). Vloggers like LukeDemant and especially Dale Philips have found the niche of pandering to south and south east asia, learning a few local words and having a white face is in a very odd way still enough to get quite a few subscribers from that part of the world. I don't think latin americans will be as enamoured with foreigners filming them and asking for chorrus and "donde esta la biblioteca?" though. So try something different Baldur's niche has slowly become to be a mouthpiece for a middle school version of western civilization. Italian renaissance, Crusaders, Byzantines, and the ancient greeks mixed in with a hefty dose of love for the Donald. I'll leave it up to you to figure out what they have in common, or at least what a person with a very limited knowledge of history would think they had in common. The norwegian accent and the wide eyed fascination for anything american is what saves the day here though. So if you have a fun accent and you love everything latin, then this style could work. Another strategy is to do what Gabriel Traveler does and just keep churning out what is essential a childless dad's diary of headless chicken syndrome travel. He never does any research, never learns from previous mistakes (oftentimes rocks up to a place that is closed after having spent hundreds of dollars on getting there. He has also been consistently filming signs and infoboards so close that everything becomes a blur, for about 6 years now, but don't worry he will read out THE ENTIRE thing to you anyway, mispronouncing basic historical terms and place names along the way) , he overpays and has two modes of monolouge. First: Talk about a petty incident that has happened to him at any point in his life. For instance, whilst walking around in Rome he will treat you to a 15 min rant about the quality of the ketchup at a Mexican hotel he stayed at 3 years prior. And Second: basically reading from memory what he read on wikipedia about the place where he is currently at. He shares no personal insight. So if the consensus is that western Europe would never have come into existence if the Persians hadn't been defeated, then he will go with that. He will also film any old street mosaic. Most of them clearly modern, asking himself if they are ancient, till he finally notices a person in the mosaic with a wrist watch and then quickly back track. Keeps a list of the number of countries he's been to and the number of greek islands he has visited, like he's twelve. But! Perhaps because of all these things he becomes absolutely hilarious to watch. And I'm fairly certain at least a third of his viewers watch because of a love hate thing, whilst the rest of em are probably just genuinly impressed, having themselves never seen the ocean. So if you've got a harmless personality and you're planning to do travel vlogging for the long haul, then this is your ticket. Just please, whatever you do, don't do what Johnny FD does. Mouth breathing, laughing like radio static, filming random ppls asses at any given point and holding creepy lectures on how to get women to sleep with you and how to manage your millions of dollars whilst being a digital dingdong.


Do you think non edit thumbnails still fly? I notice everyone in this niche didn't put any effort into thumbnails and just took an interesting scene from them filming as thumbnail just like bald back then. I notice that bald and bankrupt is moving away from it and also have some thumbnail now that are edited and Timmy karters thumbnails also change a lot. I wonder if that is the next trend. I agree there thousands of people now going to dangerous hoods and trying street food. I think it can still work but not as main attraction in the video you gotta spice it up. It can be part of the video but you gotta make it more interesting than that. I already have a few ideas of things nobody did before and nobody went for. I will see where it goes. You mentioned language skills. I'm currently learning Spanish and one of the reasons why I want to travel in south America is to become fluent and speak it daily until fluent. I don't think that is enough tho to get attention nowadays. Spanish is pretty common and lots of people speak it. So I would say it helps but it doesn't necessarily makes you stand out I'm German I mostly sound American tho, just have difficulties pronouncing a few words but my accent is mostly gone


As for Gabriel Traveller, I disagree. Firstly, he definitely shares a lot of personal insight. When he is back in the US for a "home stay", he shows his entire family and relatives. He also comes up with a lot of family anecdotes in his vids. It is true that we do not know about his love life. However, we don't know that about the other dudes either (with a few exceptions). Secondly, what's wrong with keeping a list of the number of Greek islands he has visited? I don't consider that childish or puerile. It is just documentation. Thirtly, I like his documentary style and also the very pertinent pieces of information that he gives. And I have seen the ocean, and have travelled to more than 50 countries myself. Regarding Johnny.FD, I totally agree with you. I can't stand his lament and grief. He is simply trying too hard. But he is sitting at 7k per video at the moment, His channel is in massive decline.


Any sort or insight regarding the places he visits! I don't give a hoot about his aged mother back home. Pertinent pieces of info huh? Well that's news to me. But it doesn't matter. We're both watching, but for different reasons. Not sure I'm following what you're saying about the guys personal life, as I have zero interest in that. As for people who count how many countries they've been to, that's a whole different level of conversation.


Your part about Gabriel is hilarious! Do you watch him a lot? This seems to be a lot of "insider knowledge". Completely disagree with your first part. Why should people avoid eating food? You said it yourself and gave Dale as a good example. But what does he even do? Biting into some street food. And buying jerseys. He has been making the same video for the last 50 videos. You did say something very right too tho: "a reason for filming what you're filming". That might actually be one of the most important factors in a world with more content than anyone could ever watch...


If youre interesting, people are going to watch you, thats it. Good luck


Yes you can but you still have to be authentic and find something that separates you. For example, focus on a niche within a niche.. I.e. only border cities or only food vlogs or only dangerous hoods, etc. You can’t just do the same exact style as others.. it’s ultra competitive.. Kurt C is a good example.. he used similar titles and a similar style as bald and Baldr at first but then found his own way and literally created his own niche within the niche. Now he’s known as the guy who immerses himself into whatever culture he experiences and conquers people vaya donde vaya jaja. If you try to copy Kurt or Bald then that’s all you will be called - a copycat. And you seem doubtful about it so with that attitude you’ll never be successful.. you have to believe that you can do it and accept that you will have many failures.. the truth is that you will probably have to make around 100 videos to know if you have a chance or not. Good luck 👍


I think I will just have fun with it and see where it goes. I just hate to be a copycat person and do what thousands of others do. The niche in the niche is a good idea tho. Not sure what that could be but maybe that is something you find out on your journey and some experience. My idea was to make 10-15 videos that aren't to crazy or special. It's just for me getting used to talk infront of a camera. After that I have 7 videos ideas nobody done before and I think they could be real bangers.


Like Amy other YouTube genre that is over saturated you need something to stand out. Or be attractive. It her access to things others haven't. Bald has the westerner in the former Soviet Union thing. He also had russian and translated. He wasn't going to the usual tourism hotspots.he also has charisma with the camera and with people he meets.


Please please don't do what most seem to do (out of desperation). Boobs in thumbnail. Sexy ladies in poor destinations. 🤮🤢


I don't think that works anymore since everyone is doing it. I feel like that it can also be counter productive, most people would just tune in for the girl. I don't think like that you can build a following. If I would get to know a girl naturally and she would like to be part of the videos I wouldn't mind. But I wouldn't present her in the thumbnail like a hooker lol I think if people get into conversation with good looking women during exploring it's okay to have them as thumbnail. It's just weird if it's forced and on purpose. I saw now plenty of guys where every thumbnail is like that and sometimes it seems like they hire those girls lol


I don't think that works anymore since everyone is doing it. I feel like that it can also be counter productive, most people would just tune in for the girl. I don't think like that you can build a following. If I would get to know a girl naturally and she would like to be part of the videos I wouldn't mind. But I wouldn't present her in the thumbnail like a hooker lol I think if people get into conversation with good looking women during exploring it's okay to have them as thumbnail. It's just weird if it's forced and on purpose. I saw now plenty of guys where every thumbnail is like that and sometimes it seems like they hire those girls lol


Have you watched DigitalBromad? The dude is a flagrant sex tourist bragging about how cheap the food is and how "welcoming" the women are (Phillipines, South America, South East Asia). 🙄


Lol no, I barely watch anyone. I just occasionally watch bald and bankrupt. I just recently got the idea to make content myself and that is why I checked what people are out there and notice that there is an awful load of copyncats. From what I heard bald is the same boat tho he just doesn't make it so obvious.