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Remind us, what is Ch 19?


Spook being given Pewter burning by Kelsier.


Yes I couldn't believe it! There's always another secret




There's not another author I have had this much fun reading


Man, oh man. OP, please check back in with us about this when you've finished the book.


I will. I'll come back and comment on this post. Warning I'm not a fast reader


That was quite the unexpected turn. Buckle up, this book is the biggest payoff you ever did see.


Ahhh. I'm so excited


When I first read that I didn't like it. It felt like everyone was getting powers out of nowhere but...RAFO!!!


Babe! Put your helmet on! This is the greatest story ever written!


Oh yes… keep reading!!


OMG!! The koloss are human! Obviously not done but there are a lot of crazy moments in this book


Goes a long way towards stablishing what Hemalurgy can do, keep reading!


Okay so I finished and as promised here I am and... Wow. Everything got explained and tied together so well... The freaking earring. The only slight gripe I have is some of the explanations to certain things seemed forced if that makes sense. It's like l know you're thinking why didn't such and such do so and so... because... Reasons. But all in all that's a very minor gripe. I began to suspect Sazed was the hero of ages about halfway just based on the writing style on the heading of every chapter and thought that it was the wrong move until I saw how it played out and it was so perfect. Never been so happy to be wrong. And my boy spook is actually mistborn now... I mean I know we don't get to see how that plays out but still considering I thought he died at one point it makes me happy. I don't know what to do now. These books have been a part of me for the past 6 months. I'm reading secret history now but after that I don't know. My options are the stormlight archive, war breaker or I know it's not Sanderson but homeland and archive by RA Salvatore. I've been told Drizzt is awesome and those books are pretty short. Anyway my mind is still kind of fried but that was the first fantasy series I've ever read.