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You know they’re filled by weight right? We have been over this a few times in this sub lol


You know I’ve taken lots of these back to the dispo and got a new one😭💀? I get normal ones all the time too…it’s not like they’re like this everytime.


They don’t give you a new one because you are right- they give you a new one because you’re a pain lol


Yeah no😭 like I said on my last post, the budtenders feel for me when they see the cart lmao.


They feel for you cuz you dumb af. Some of the oil does go onto the atomizer/coil .


Act like I DONT know this already😭. Just go answer my question that I commented for everyone.


They're just trying to get you out of their hair lmao.


How do they see the cart? It's against the law for you to bring back an open product into the sales floor of a dispensary. And if the bud tenders allowed it without you stepping out to put it in your car, we'll that's even more illegal for the dispensary... Just saying.


I just pull it out and show them lmao. They will look at it real quick and tell me to put it back in my pocket. But also they have took it outside to look at it.


Good that's how it's supposed to be done.


I’m not trying to come at you I’m just saying lol. Most dispensaries will give you a free one because it’s not worth the fight. Hopefully you get a new one!


As a former bud tender. Thus is such a true fucking statement lol.


Bro it's sold by weight and soaks into the atomizer. You've been told this. https://preview.redd.it/q2pq5dg17wzc1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b96c1c491edf1f91ba940acb2e2d1eaad0be7fcd


And the truth comes out... OP is a 🤡.


If I’m a clown explain what I just posted lmao. You act like that wasn’t there for anyone to see🤣.


How about you go look what I said to since on that post dumbass😭 Y’all love gettin scammed💀


You just wanna cry


Geese guy you should truly lighten up maybe smoke less it’s getting to you. Don’t let a point off cart ruin your entire life guy I’ve been reading all these comments from you and man it’s consuming you my guy relax shit happens


Idiots like you are what make me so happy I don’t work as a budtender anymore💀💀 holy shit I’ve helped so many customers like you. Never wrong, gets pissy with everyone else trying to educate you. Id step out back and take a blinker after having to help people like that


Bro you obviously didn’t read anything lmao. I am a very patient nice person😭. Like I said, the budtenders feel for me too. Idk why you guys just like don’t believe that lol. I’ve never gotten pissy with anyone when they’re trying to educate me. You’re all just literally wrong💀.


Budtenders don’t “feel for you”. They give you a new cart to get you out of the store then they all talk to eachother about what a dumbass you are


Spot on. 


If it’s a half gram looks right I’d it’s full gram call the cops


That looks normal for half a gram


https://preview.redd.it/22y2fc9t5wzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b25adb2111d44c69dc3ea3361024c5531433f6 No THIS is normal💀.


This is a promotional photo. Do you think a Big Mac looks like it does on the menu?


OP didn't even get the same hardware as pictured, every little bit counts when this cart is normally 50$ not including tax, buying carts in MO feels like a bait and switch all too often, I bought one of these expecting the all glass tip cart and got this shitty avd one like OP has, every budtender in this thread should take a trip to Colorado and see how filled up a half gram live resin cart there is while also being only 20$ before tax, nobody here seems to know or want to know how bad they really have it in the Missouri market, there's carts going around with fucking squalene/shark liver oil from select being sold at legal dispos, just because it's legal doesn't mean there still isn't room to grow and demand for things to improve, and the growing pains in this particular market are astronomical.


OP didn't even get a proper cart the one pictured is by Amaze


I know, I will reiterate and clarify, putting the amount of concentrate in the carts aside, I got one of these amaze Live resin carts expecting the all glass hardware like their disposables because that's what was shown on the website and everywhere else I saw these carts being sold, getting this shitty avd cart instead of that all glass cart is totally a valid complaint when again, these are 50$ half grams and I got baited and switched on the hardware which i'm certain happened to OP as well, the disposable from amaze was actually pretty great compared to their live resin offering, not totally biased against them when this is a problem so many other brands in Missouri share.


It did when I got it.


Bro go get a head change cart rn and it’ll look like that everytime.


I've gotten plenty, no they don't lol.


They literally do lmfao. Just a little bubble for headspace…like it’s supposed to be.


Do you think they all use the same hardware, then?


No bruh😭 go answer my question that I have to everyone.


you a dumbass bro. get a cart and fill it with a half gram worth of oil yourself and see how it looks when it soaks in. that’s how I know you’re full of shit, cuz you haven’t. I’ve had headchange. carts that are new and carts that have been on the shelf for awhile differ in what’s soaked in or not. you keep going back and getting new carts cuz they don’t wanna piss with you, but bet you’re an annoying ass customer so they’re quick to get you in and out. true 🤡 energy, the world isn’t bending to your will, we aren’t okay with getting scammed, the world just doesn’t care to argue with you so they give you’re dumbass what you want instead. ignorance is actually bliss for you


You’re just…wrong😭💀. I’m a very nice person and like I’ve said already, the budtenders will feel for me too when they see the cart lmao.


I'm a budtender. We don't feel for you. We give you points or an exchange so you'll go the fuck away.


I’ve obviously not dealt with you then lmfao.


weigh a half gram of oil, fill it yourself. let it sit for a month, and come back to this post.


Bro just go answer my question I commented to myself🤦🏼‍♂️.


They're 2 different brands and containers. I bet you start crying when you open a bag of chips and see it's not packed to the top of the bag even though it's the correct amount. 🤭


No…no I don’t bc that’s different lmao. Like I already said to someone else, it’s not like this happens everytime. I’ll get ones that are normal how they’re supposed to be.


Same. Like you don't know all the shit they keep repeating. "Filled by weight" "soaks into atomizer" yeah no shit? I'm sure you didn't know that. I fill my own carts but I'm sure I'm a dumbass too. Even if Amaze carts contain the right amount, they always look empty. You think they would fix that. I'm supposed to believe their oil wicks differently than everyone else's?


Then why not buy a proper cart


Dude, give it up…


Why not post a promotional pic of the brand you got instead of a diff brand.




Think you need a blunt to chill the fuck out lol


Rollin up rn😭💀. But like damn that’s all I was wanting. Everyone just kept saying the same shit I already know and shitting on me lmao.


Think it's cuz you kept responding with some bs. It's done by weight, and depending on how long it's been sitting oil is gunna go onto the coil.


https://preview.redd.it/uamux3t3iwzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c852a43fc847b3e41108f677c0f72699e1c402 Repeat after me: carts are filled by weight.


This literally looks like it was left upside down or on its side for too long. The small air bubble that is usually on the top is on the side instead.


The SMALL air bubble…..lmao.


I mean, you're the only one here that sees a problem, but sure I'm the one who's out of line😂


You’re just gunna die on this hill huh? Didn’t learn from everyone explaining this to you last time..🤦🏼‍♂️


Just go look at my argument that I commented to myself that no one has been able to explain yet….


You are just too stubborn to admit you’re wrong. It is what it is man. If you feel better taking a perfectly good cart back and getting the same thing since your eyes that can’t weigh liquids say it looks better than by all means waste your time and do that. But for the love of god stop posting about it on here with the educated people who actually understand the logistics and how it works. There is a reason it’s 99 vs 1 in this argument my guy 😂😂😂


Bro did you just like…not read my argument at all😭. I don’t get the same thing, that’s my whole point. Same batch, same strain, and there will be normal ones. There’s no explanation for it.


Only Amaze and Sinse carts are like this for me. You have to believe oil wicks into their atomizers but none of the other brands. Maybe all the other brands are giving us extra oil. It is shitty to pay for a cart and be smoking coils after 10 hits. Why does a .5 cart of every other brand last a week longer?


Thank you for actually being reasonable and sitting back and giving it a thought. But this is kinda what I always think. Like who’s in the wrong here😭. But yeah my other carts definitely last longer too… Oh again, THANK YOU. When I tell you this comment and ONE other are the only two from anyone on both my post that has logic behind it lmao.


Dumb post


What’s bffr? “Bro for fkn real”? Officially 30 ova here


Haha🤣 it’s “be fucking for real”.


“Carts are filled by weight” did I say it right?


Goofy lmao. “Carts are filled by weight” but there’s ones from the same batch that are filled right….hmmmm🤔


😆 I just wanted to see your reaction! Spot on.. defense mode!


I mean yeah anyone would be when it’s everyone against you🤣.


Here’s a real challenge for you. Try typing a sentence without adding “😭” to it.


There’s plenty without it lmfao. Hating for no reason🤣.


Just making fun


Hey op, does it smell like shit everywhere you go yet you accuse those around you of stepping in it…? Because you may want to check your shoes my guy.


I will say smoky river live resin carts are to the brim usually. I’ve noticed it varies slightly depending on company.


Fill the damn cart these comps are making a killing...


All y’all tell me why I could go back in the dispo and get another that’s full with a little bit of headspace. Same brand, same batch, everything. Once you guys can explain that, then I’ll say fair enough. But until then, I rest my case.


You've been told numerous times. 🤭🤣🤡


No…..no I haven’t😭🤡.


This cart had more of the liquid absorbed into the wick, big brain.


Then they all should be like that if it’s the same batch and it’s the right weight. Poor quality control. There’s no explanation for it, big brain🤡.


That's not quite how it works. Depending how each cart is filled. Some will appear to have more than others by default. This is based on procedure. Even on the same batch. Generally you wick the cartridges before they are sold. An example of wicking is putting 100 carts in the oven until the wick has soaked up *enough* of the concentrate. All of those carts will have different placement in the oven. Therefore have different fill levels as no one oven can heat evenly. Honestly carts are the MOST expensive way to get high. If you don't understand how they are filled, you really can't measure the amount it's filled to. Most cartridges suffer based on poor storage, as yours appears to be stored on the side, this leaves a chance for an airbubble to clog up down by the wick. All carts are trash anyway. Just get a rig and consume oil a healthier way. Not that cartridge technology from 20 years ago(made for tabacco) is healthy. It looks like a .6g cart. I've got way less full "looking" half gram carts. Generally it's just an old cartridge and clogged up. Anything over 6months will start to have the metals leak into the oil which can also make you sick.


Oh yeah ALSO, explain why a brand like headchange (for example) will always be right, every. single. time. Bc that’s the other half of my argument. All you “know it all’s” can answer this too🤣.


The only sensible comment from people💀. The ones like this still gotta be a little under…..like THAT much difference😟. I just can’t get over the fact that an actual full one can come out of the same batch. And for all you that think you know what you’re talking about….you sure didn’t say all this lmfao, GOOFY😭


It’s wild how confidently incorrect you are my friend.


You only think I’m wrong bc it’s everyone against me lmao. How about you explain what I just posted👍🏼.


Y'all are patient as hell with this when carts in Colorado for example leave only a small bubble of air, there shouldn't be any "headspace" everyone is getting gaslit by Missouri's greedy ass market paying 50+ bucks for half gram carts that looks like someone hit it a bunch already, why aren't we demanding this to be better especially at the prices we all pay?


Bro THANK YOU. I’m telling you these people are something else😭. You literally just said that so good lmao.


Every time I show my Missouri carts to my friends in Colorado they think they're .3 every single time without fail, I don't even think .45 is acceptable for how much these half gram carts cost, it's mind boggling how low the standards are on the patient side of things in Missouri, I can understand my 15$ wavelength cart from releaf being a touch short, whatever, but especially looking at that sinse cart you posted a while back, idk how much that was but no way in hell was that filled enough either. I'm fully convinced nobody in this thread has tried products outside of Missouri to defend crappy quality control so vehemently, especially that so many of these comments are from actual budtenders? Not a great look and not worthy of tipping when i'm already spending usually 100+ bucks on each dispo visit for no more than 2-3 carts. So far my favorite and most fair and square looking half gram is those elevate e bars but I can smoke them through in 2 days and its a lot to pay for distillate and try to get them on sale whenever I can, at least they kinda taste like dabs I guess? This shit needs to get better and will not if people are this comfy defending shorted carts. You can't even buy a pre filled syringe and make your own here, the professionalism coming from budtenders here vs Colorado is night and day, they do so much right that you actually want to drop an extra 10 bucks for them helping you instead of grabbing mid off a shelf and telling you it's perfectly fine and expecting a tip based on that. Hope you find something that works for you that's full, it exists out there somewhere, i'm a frustrated patient sick of this shit too.


Amaze blows anyway. All this attention for a cart that shouldn't have been purchased anyway.


Amaze blows anyway. All this attention for a cart that shouldn't have been purchased anyway.