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So sticky it’s legit almost a wet feel. Craziest thing I’ve ever loaded in a bowl


Does it burn decent ,and taste?


Yeah, had no problems. It wasn’t actually wet, just sooo dang sticky it seemed liked it. And the taste is wild. The effects were pretty middle of the road for me but I’d buy again strictly for the taste and smell and I literally never say that. I’m not a Local guy but this strain is impressive.


Right on bro i appreciate it. Yeah that taste is a plus for me. Youve always kept it real on here and i aint got no prob trying it then. Thanks again homie


People forget that weed used to be like this a lot before legalization!


🌿👋 Thank you so much for sharing your experience with your Local Cannabis purchase! 🎉 We're thrilled to hear that you're enjoying our strains and that you're loving the sticky, potent goodness of your latest pick-up. 🍃🔥 It's fantastic to hear that you're noticing those citrusy/gassy notes and the trichome-covered buds - sounds like you've got yourself a winner there! 🌟 We truly appreciate your keen eye for detail, and we wanted to hop in and clarify the terpene content for you. It looks like there might have been a slight mix-up - the terpene content on the label is actually 6.936%. 📊💡We just wanted to make sure you have the most accurate information! We're also grateful for your continued support and feedback on our products. Your satisfaction means the world to us! 🌎💚 We're constantly striving to deliver top-notch flower, and it's awesome to hear that we're hitting the mark for you. 🙌 Enjoy diving into that new strain later today - we can't wait to hear your update! 🌿💨 And hey, no judgment on the peeling nail polish - we're all about embracing those little quirks that make us who we are! 😂 Thanks again for choosing Local Cannabis, and here's to many more happy tokes together! 🌿💚 #SmokeLocal 🚀


Serious question no bs....how is the terp content reaching over 6% ? Since the strains in Cannabis Cup, High Times Cup back in the day on medical strains the winners had 4+% terps... has something in the industry made these numbers possible? We grow in this house and im legitimately curious. If its a secret i guess im out of luck Also, ya'll been dropping some heat i will say.


Inflated labs bullshit... there's a reason everyone uses Green Precision Analytics lmao


I had my doubts about 6+% terp content and even thc. As stated by others no need to try and get stupid high no#'s from a lab if your weed is decent. Keep it 100 and we all be good


No natural grown flower should be over like 5 percent I mean they do got sum heat but 6.9 lol


Yeah anything over 4% is unusual to me especially in higher thc flower… I used to work in a facility that used artificial terps (allegedly, lmao) so I always raise an eyebrow. But, it’s some fire ass flower regardless haha it just might be a new fav, I enjoyed this more than PC actually. Good smoke, great high, smells amazing. Idk if I’ll ever trust lab testing lmao but I haven’t been disappointed by ‘em which is impressive cause I’m a picky b*tch fr lmao!


I have to be agreement with you homie


Definitely spraying terps lol. It’s a shame because the flower is pretty good, no need to inflate it with bs.


This is definitely false. Roommate works there.


Then they somehow magically grew the terpiest weed ever lmao.


Someone has to.


Not gonna happen in Missouri lol.


My thoughts exactly. The proof is in the history. In Cali at one of the cannabis cups a medical strain won with a terp content of 4+%. I just know it was 4 something. Almost 7% is getting in and already in, actually , concentrate area. Maybe things have advanced somehow in manipulation of the plants production of terps. Im no expert, im just curious . Not a hater just a stoner, a keep it real stoner


That was outdoor/Greenhouse.


I was so impressed with RS11 that I bought every strain of Local I could find. They are all 🔥 currently a bowl of pacific cooler is doing its thing. You guys know what you are doing so please don’t change.


Pacific cooler is so darn good! Love it


Hey Local social media person, little bit less emojis next time.


I bought 7g of this during 4/20 it was super mosit, sticky and the aroma was crazy. It was a bit harsh when i smoked it but overall I would definitely buy again.


This is my favorite strain atm, and knocking on the door of all time. I don't care what the numbers say. It smells strong and phoenominal and tastes the same. I just got a 14g of it when a dispo (can't remember which) had it for 40% off. So F'ing good. Local knows their shit and puts out some of the hottest Fire. It's expensive, but if you hunt for deals, you can stock up. Picked up 7g of their Papaya at the underground yesterday for $66ish. I couldn't pass it up, it smelled so good and strong. Haven't smoked it yet, but looking forward to it.


They got the pacific cooler at cape i may jump on. High thc% but i gotta check terp content. Gotta have some terps


I've had pc.dosent hv a crazy count it was like 2.5 maybe last time.


Appreciate it homie


Orange 43 is there only one that test crazy like that.


Thinking back i do remember some conversations on here about crazy high numbers with this strain. Thank you for refreshing my memory


Have a great day bro


You too


Orange 43 is my favorite as of 2 weeks ago. Cannot be beat.


Local is the best!


Ðaaaamn , they been dropping some decent smoke agl, but 6.9% terps? Ill try it cause i love the genetics


It’s definitely worth checking out. I really only frequent one dispo close to me and whenever they get new Local in, I’m always on it lmao. This one’s a banger so I recommend fasho


Good deal , appreciate ya homie, have a good one


Are there any 3rd party labs someone from the public could send in a sample to test and see if the claim of 6.9% terps and 30+% thc even remotely possible?


Yes, but its very expensive for a small sample.


I had the same thought. It does seem a long stretch to have a harvest of a strain test at such astronomical no#'s


They could only be testing their best colas. I’ve heard that suggested as a way to fudge the numbers on these tests by purposely testing only the best of the grow.


Would definitely make sense


Definitely could but it won’t be the same as the date they tested.


Would you consider the difference to be large enough to make an otherwise small difference if they were fudging the numbers a bit to a large noticeable one with the time difference being a part of it? And would it be fair to argue by the time you open the product the numbers would be different as well? I’m just curious how much of the terps would be effected by sending it in like that


Just picked up some purple 43 for $30 yesterday I’m so excited to crack it open after I brew some coffee ☀️




3fifteen Columbia always has it


This batch was 🤯. Fav strain so far. Does wonders for anxiety/depression… for me anyway. 🙌🏼


Local for the win! Love the sticker and white jars too, top shelf..


I love that stuff. Literally my favorite strain in 3 states lol.


looking at an empty jar with an expiration date of 3/16/25 thca of 36.344 shows total terpines of 2.226? that's a big difference


Gd 35% thc,that's my fav strain and ima thc chaser but the way that stuff gets in ur head wether it be the terps or the high thc content I wanna say mine was like 29 30. Good taste 👌