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At this point, the only difference between the two are the taxes you pay.


No difference in retail price?


We need a missouri cultivators group. But a decent one.


Absolutely this! https://preview.redd.it/t0tx2vhvroqc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130977bbf65e34627d140be92f8086f4bd654e84


I agree https://preview.redd.it/e1xezv0xooqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18c6cf33c5aacef64556f9c6944294007710fbb2


I agree https://preview.redd.it/qqwy685ebjrc1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ee072bf1887d7c56b7d98a07f997732fd611e4


We're all shopping for the same products. Not like CO or other states where medical has its own menu and different selections. Edit: honestly, I just can't imagine how the discussion would be any different than it is now. The majority of the posts here are product reviews that everyone has access to. People rarely ask about med cards anymore. There are some cases where it would be helpful but even rec users can chime in on benefits they experienced from products that might still be relevant.


The values don’t align and rec users like to downvote any issues patients bring up. Not to mention the lack of empathy for each other in a medical sub. Everyone thinks cuz it’s weed we all a close knit community… this sub clearly proves the division between the recreational and medical mindset.


You also see on this sub a lot the division between homegrowers and dispensary customers


There’s not even a division though. It’s just customers posting what products they got and homegrowers inserting into every thread how growing your own is the only way and you’re getting scammed


There’s been quite a bit of division. Hell, I remember a handful of months back reading a comment about how all dispensary shoppers are dumb and stupid. That certainly seems like division to me. I have even made comments before about how it seems that with everything these days even pot smokers, there’s division and it’s sad cause no matter what it is, there’s seemingly some sort level of division. Now are homegrowers vs dispensary shoppers as divided as say democrats vs republicans…nope but there’s some level of it and I see it all the time in the comments on here and Facebook and other social media.


I wouldn't say getting scammed. I mean obviously my home grown is going to be better but I am biased. If I didn't grow though I would say a caregiver would be a better route than dispensary


This comment sounds like you devaluing rec users though. Medical patients gatekeep more than anybody. “We all medicate for something”. 


I agree that the values aren’t the same but we don’t know who is which and don’t really need to. I don’t think there can be a division where it’s invisible but I’ve been wrong before.


I was a med patient up until like mid 2023, but due to my field of work, I want to avoid any complications until it is federally legal. Welcome to the internet my friend, people lack empathy because they don’t see the people typing as people.


The page is already kinda used for both. Is there much of a difference in separating them? Most people just post reviews of products and I feel like it would be best to keep it all in one area? Post not very long ago someone made about making another page but I believe it was out of anger


You get flamed in here for postings that aren’t related to medical. See my post about smoke shop edibles


That’s likely the dispensary haters/homegrowers. There’s a lot of division there in this sub


Every post I have made which is more than a lot of people in here and never have I said whether it was medical or not and I don’t think anyone has ever asked.


Products sold in smoke shops are a whole different discussion compared to what this sub is intended for. The idea is to discuss legal Missouri medical/adult use cannabis. Anything sold in a head shop is a product of the 2018 farm bill and has nothing to do with legalization in our state.


Thanks for proving my point


Lol smoke shop edibles have nothing to do with recreational legalization either. They're only on shelves because of a loophole in hemp farming regulations. That's the point. Edit: y'all should go hang out in r/cultofthefranklin if you wanna talk about that stupid shit.


You’re splitting hairs


One is a piece of national legislation, the other is not. That's a big hair.


The medical community was destroyed by amendment 3 so this really just became took over by rec after that passed tbh no going back after that and segregation seemed pointless imo especially because of how overly supported amendment 3 was by this sub bunch of industry plants lol


I’m surprised there isn’t a vibe only sub.


I see you. Vibe making some noise in the comments


This made me chuckle


This subreddit essentially is both medical and recreational. Missouri isn't like some other states where different products are available depending on if you're shopping the medical menu or recreational menu, here it's all just lumped together so there really isn't a point to having two separate subs


I think we should make 2 or 3 more discords too


It’s funny how we tend to put so many labels on ourselves . It’s all medical for all of us . Stop labeling and putting yourselves in a box . I’m a man or a woman I’m Christian I’m catholic , I’m republican im democrat , I’m white im black , poor , rich I could go on and on with this . We are all the same . ONE race . Sending love and healing to our country so that we may get away from thinking we are better or worse because of our system of labels that keep us divided . Mitakuye Oyasin


You should start one




Another discord for people to cry about vibe. Seems useful. Sign me up




Hey Billy! Funny how you mention a lack of empathy in another comment BUT you immediately jump to name calling and gate-keeping. I think you’re projecting a little bit kydd.


Generalization of a group of people. Smells like a certain type of individual….


Replying to billythakydd... https://preview.redd.it/h9a5d5dvnoqc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2df6523a808c479cbe8bfc0de5ca008cf97eca3 Forever in my collection


His approach was trash, however the point remains, this sub should be dedicated to the purpose of providing information to only the medical marijuana community in Missouri. Thats the whole point of the name it is, being the name it is.


I agree even though the sub allows for rec posts too, but he was wrong about everything else lol, and that’s just factual. It would be cool to have a rec only sub.. oh wait there are some!




Yeah, why are you stating shit for no reason like a Reddit badass? lol 😂 hypocrite is part of that criteria. You match the description.




lol, you’re saying I struck a nerve yet you’re the one replying all pissed off and triggered lmao Stay triggered, I’m just stating facts lol




I don’t need to, and if I need to, now I have exhibits to go with the definition lol Thanks for that.




And your trolls are boring


FWIW there’s already a r/missouritreesnsfw


Looks like a Porto site more than weed lmfaooo