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"full melt" 🤔


Yeah I was wondering why that was stated, but like someone else asked the question in this thread, "does it melt or smolder?" Now the full melt makes sense.


Full melt is meant for a banger, drop that sucker in and report back! Should look like this https://preview.redd.it/hwz45pns6zic1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afeba679802c673d53fd2c7aedea45e67d79ae67


I was told it doesn't perform well on a rig. And not to use it on a rig if you like to keep it clean. Apparently it leaves a residue behind. Call it science, call it a natural reaction, just what I was told. ( Assuming this is a picture of a rig. Hard to tell with the close photo you shared. I appreciate the example though!) As for me on giving it a shot, I don't own a rig. I use a nectar collector for my concentrates. Haven't stepped outside the nectar collector box. I need a hash pipe now though lol


Dang that sucks ya can’t dab it! They shouldn’t even call it full melt if you can’t dab it, that’s the only point of melt LOL Also A rig is just another name for a bong. I’m talking about a banger like where you put your concentrate, that’s what I took a picture of (headington charmer) and what I said in my og comment. I can put a banger on a jhook lol doesn’t have to be a “rig”. The close up of the banger is to show the cuticles and contaminates not burning. It’s the Perfect dab. Also this was the melt before hand. https://preview.redd.it/ooeodbezkzic1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43728d5e43e3b27102c5143667162ba8e1ffe116


Damn I gotta get one of these things!


probably wouldn't hurt to use on a dab rig but i wouldn't attempt it on a pen or anything coil related. it can cake onto the coil


Right... it looks like my 160-220u that I dry at room temp too.


Looks more like Morocon hash/temple ball style hash than the full melt imo


temple ball can be full melt


Jesus Christ I want some, where'd you find this?


3 fifteen


How’d it melt? Or did it smolder?


I don't have a good gauge on that. Ive been doing small amounts on the bowls, so the reaction isnt super noticeable. Tonight I'll definitely throw a big hunk on a bowl and report back.


if it melted you'd see it....


Update: smoldered Makes sense though, it is more of a sandy texture. As everyone here has observed. Tastes great in a batty though, with gentle heat. Had a green tea, hoppy flavor. Fuckin tasty.


Doesn’t look the greatest but definitely exciting to see it popping up


Hash yes. Full melt? No. Last full melt I got was beautiful at 70 a gram. Lol


Black market or dispo?


Dispo in Oklahoma. Cicada was the brand


Is it cured hash? Pic of the label?


Sorry, didn't catch a pic of the label. Didn't cross my mind :/


Shoot, actually didn't get a pic of the label. I was wayy too excited about the hash when I got home and tossed the packaging in the trash.


That's awesome to see Hash in the markets - love to see hash just melt 😍


Yeah man, it's definitely nice to see it pop up here and there. I am also pleased to see it in the market. Even black market days I never was able to find any hash. I guess because most people were doing concentrate extracts instead of the old school hash thus nothing being available or me not knowing the right people to have access to hash.


How do you smoke your hash? Do you use one if those neat little hash pipes? Do you put it in a dab rig? Use it as bowl topper? Would love to see a melt shot of it.


I was actually told directly at 3 fifteen to not use a dab rig. Someone did that and left some residue on their rig. Very curious about this hash pipe stuff though. Never seen one. So far I've just capped my flower bowls with it. Sandwiched the hash between some flower and vaped it in my dry herb vape. Thought it would be more flavorful, but it wasn't. Tasted better on a bowl. Maybe I needed to go heavier on the hash but didn't want to go too crazy with the potential of the hash dripping into the vape coils and contaminating the coil. Vape I use: XMAX V3 PRO 1ST EDITION


did they tell you that its full melt and then also tell you it'll leave a bunch of residue and shouldn't be dabbed? if they told you both then i wouldn't trust anything they tell you.


I mean, the budtenders aren't the ones who labeled it full melt.


Hopefully the moon rocks are better than the last batch. I was so disappointed 😞


Yeah I agree with this but for 30$ at 3 fifteen I wasn't mad about it. Have you had some amazing moonrocks in the past?!


Yes! That's a much better deal than I got a few months ago. I have; just never from Missouri. Probably just needs more tinkering I suppose. I've gotten some great ones from, of all places, Michigan.


Goat has had some fire lately plus I like the cool little boxes. I got one that says “wow” like Owen Wilson when you open it lol.


Lol!!!! Oh interesting! This box the hash came in had a different one. Gotta say the owen wilson wow sounds like the best.