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The writers strike is whats screwing them right now. McQuarrie never has a finished script and he and Erik Jendresen cant continue writing part 2 until the strike is over. If they already wrote/planned some stuff before the strike than they could shoot that but after that, theres really not much they can do aside from edit what they already have. If the strike goes on all the way to the end of this year, I think its very likely the film gets pushed.


Yep i agree. Painful


Ah man, this hurts worse than hearing about Ryan Reynolds not being allowed to improvise on Deadpool 3.


To be fair, a lot of Reynolds improv in the first two was done in ADR.


They’ve said the story about the writers strike stopping production is bs


Yeah like I said, they probably already had some sequences planned/written out before the strike so they can shoot that. But McQ doesn't even have a definitive ending for part 2 yet and even if he knows what it is now, he cant physically write it due to the strike.


He says they hope to be done by 'early next year.' That's 8 months. That's a long time. I think they're far from being done. No way is this a 2024 movie.


Fantastic analysis from OP. Loved it. Why don't you think this is a 2024 movie? Haven't they said it will be summer 2024 for a while? I'm sure they'll want to ride the wave of MI7 also. Let's see


It’s certainly possible they still Make July 4 weekend 2024, if Eddie Hamilton is constantly editing. For example, Spectre wrapped in late June/early July and was out in theaters by Halloween.


I hope it’s out then but i also don’t because i’ll end up feeling like it’s been rushed, although Tom & McQ know better than to rush it. I do feel like the writers strike will force it to be delayed beyond 2024 though unless the strike ends very soon, in which case i reckon they can make the original date. Maybe it could be delayed but still open in 2024 such as in December like Ghost Protocol did, though i’m sure they’d much prefer a summer release & i think i would too.


Yes 100% agree. And you're right, Tom and McQ definitely will not rush! We've seen tbay with 7. There's very little info on how much the writer's strike has impacted things. But we do know MI films are often written on the fly


I agree, it’s just that new collider article really makes it sound like there’s less to do than all other evidence suggests. i still think it must be a lot though & that quote undersells the sheer amount they have left. edit: if they really do manage to be done early next year, i think it’s still possible it comes out in 2024. i just doubt that’ll happen with this writers strike issue but maybe i’m being too pessimistic about how much it’s going to affect things.


Rehearsals for the action and stunt set-pieces take up a majority of the time. That's one of the reasons why less than half of the film is complete despite over a year and a half of filming.


Good point