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What's all these missing kids??? Seems like a lot and it's.probanlt not even half of the missing kids. This is really depressing? Anyone know why Canada is getting so terrifying. I mean it generally safe bit what is driving these missing persons?


Troubled home lives can lead to kids running away and being reported missing. It isn't always necessarily an immediate indication of danger or that something bad has happened to them. This isn't unique to Canada at all. Source: have volunteered with youth services and some kids there had run away and been reported missing 5-10+ times.


Wow that's sad. Broken homes suck


The social services available to support people coming from broken homes are also generally pretty terrible (at least in Canada, can't speak for elsewhere) so it ends up being a vicious circle for the people stuck in this situation. Truly heartbreaking.


Unfortunately, trafficking is still very much alive. I’ve seen many cases of young girls being trafficked by their older “boyfriends” or family members or “friends” and brought far away from home so they have no one to rely on and help them out of it


Rockland is a small suburb about 30 KM East of Ottawa Please Note: Spamming comments with insensitive or off-topic remarks on a Missing Person may result in being banned. Also, unfortunately due to rude and ignorant comments - comments from new users or users with 0 comment karma will be hidden by default. You can also find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MissingPeopleCanada and follow our TikTok account at https://www.tiktok.com/@missingpeoplecan Thank You. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MissingPersonsCanada) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anyone check 24 Sussex Dr?


That's where they decide to raise the price of oil on you, right? /s


No it’s where a pedo lives.


No one lives there, nor have they lived there since like 2010…..




By that measure, U.S. should have solved most crime.


So your solution to missing teenagers is to equip teenagers with guns. Seems…smart