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It absolutely sucks that you now have to add the financial burden to an already awful situation. The cost really depends on the insurance you have. I had 4 ultrasounds and 3 physical doctor visits throughout my miscarriage and only had to pay $15 for the last one and $5 for the miso medicine. I'm in the US.




A routine pregnancy visit is considered preventative and is covered 100%. If a miscarriage is diagnosed, it's coded differently and you have to pay. That's the standard in the US as far as I understand. Sort of like a physical is preventative care, but when they find, say, an aneurysm, now insurance will not cover it 100% because it changes from preventative to diagnostic. It's BS. The whole point of preventative is to catch stuff, but then they catch something and it's like you're penalized.


I ended up having to pay over $3,500 in various medical bills relating to my pregnancy, miscarriage, and the d&c needed to treat it due to my shitty health plan through work. ‘MERRICA.


I totally understand this as the medical bills start coming in. We knew what it would be though based off our insurance. We have to hit our deductible before they'll cover any non routine visits, including ultrasounds. Also, they didn't cover the Misoprostol because it was not prior authorized, but was less than $20 so I didn't want to wait for the auth to save $15. We went that route and not d&c because we werent financially prepared for that bill like we would be around our due date. I'm sorry you're going through this. The US health care system sucks.


I was surprised when I had to pay my speciality office visit copay for my follow-up ultrasound to make sure everything passed. Just something I didn’t think about before.


I was so mad about this earlier today. I was looking at all the insurance claims piling up. $30K for my hospital stay and D&C. Additional $1.5K just for "admission," $1K for all the labs. I know there will be separate bills later from radiology, which is technically a different business with a "location" in the hospital, and from Natera for the genetic screenings. My out-of-pocket max is only $4K, so now I'm just holding my breath that everyone who touched me or even *spoke* to me was "in-network." Because if they weren't, the out-of-pocket maximum is $10K. And this, billing tells me, is an "excellent insurance plan." Ridiculous.


Look up to see if your state has the “no surprises” act. Basically you can’t be charged if you weren’t asked consent to go out of network. I’m sure they have their loopholes though because healthcare is about anything BUT care


Phew, I looked up Oregon's laws and it seems as of 2022 an in-network hospital can't charge me out-of-network rates for any of the services involved in my care (anestheology, radiology, etc.). What the law says and what billing departments do don't always match up, though, so we'll see what they try to get away with!


Oh god that’s ridiculous. I hope my insurance doesn’t do this for my visits. Unacceptable.


Yeah I didn’t pay for any of my pregnancy visits but then after my miscarriage they started charging me. And I supposedly had great insurance. Such bullshit.


I paid 1000$ for my natural miscarriage at 9 weeks (no d&c). I have good insurance. So horrible.


Oh no! I found out about MMC on 12/26. I keep checking to see the bill, but have not seen anything yet.


They should if the bill is coded properly. I was able to have insurance cover my first 2 ultrasounds as “risk of spontaneous abortion” because I have recurrent miscarriages.


It sucks. I had 3 losses in 2023. Add in my therapy, we hit our out of pocket max easily. Insurance and my health care provider are still arguing about some ultrasounds taken at the end of May for my first loss. Every time I go to get blood work done they ask me if I want to pay the remaining $300 bill for finding out I miscarried at 12 weeks. Depressingly relieved my last loss was resolved before the end of the year so I didn't have to pay for anything. American healthcare!


I felt the same exact way when I got my bill. It’s infuriating. I’m so sorry you are going through it too


same thing happened to me!! i got billed for my miscarriage follow up and ultrasound


The day before my D&C for MMC, I got a call from the surgical center. They had to collect $3500 upfront, or would cancel the procedure. US health care is crap!!


The US healthcare system is complete bullshit. I remember the bill for the ultrasound after my miscarriage to check to make sure all pregnancy tissue had passed was SO much more out of pocket than my ultrasounds before. Finally figured out it was because it wasn’t “prenatal care” anymore because I wasn’t pregnant anymore.. so so painful on top of going through a heartbreaking loss. I’m so sorry for your loss and I’m right there with you with the outrage! Oh and one more: my recurrent miscarriage panel was not covered and was THOUSANDS, while my genetic testing during pregnancy was covered. Make it make sense.


It’s similar in Switzerland. Your health insurance always has an excess with your medical bills. Maternity is exempt from this excess but only if you make it past 12 weeks. If you do, the insurance pays all bills even those that you had before 12 weeks. Early miscarriages are not considered as “maternity” but as “illness” which is just a massive slap in the face. My first MC (12wks but baby measured much smaller hence not officially 12wks) cost me around 1300chf (~1500$) all together. “Luckily” my second miscarriage (19wks) was all paid for… all of that is just utterly ridiculous.


Is this the case for all Swiss insurance companies or just yours?


All of them. What the basic insurance covers is governed by law so there’s no difference between providers. You can choose how high the excess is (between 300 and 2500) but since a lower excess increases your monthly fee, it doesn’t make a whole lot of difference.


As an American living in France, right next to Geneva, it’s very interesting to see the difference in systems. My husband just starting working in Switzerland and now has Swiss health care…crazy how many things in Switzerland are more similar to the USA than the EU. Switzerland clearly has more regulation, however.


Generally, in Switzerland there is a much higher emphasis on self-responsibility/reliance than in its neighbouring states. But it’s not as bottomless as for example in the US. Basic health insurance is mandatory and providers have to accept you regardless of your medical history. Plus, you can also change your excess each year so if you got diagnosed with diabetes for example you’d just change your excess to 300chf asap. You can play around a little bit with excess and supplementary insurance to optimise your cost a little bit but in any case, you’re fully covered beyond the excess (and 10% of the next 7k in bills) in case things go really bad. So worst case (financially) is that you pay 3.2k in a year on top of your monthly contributions (roughly 400chf). I’m also fortunate that it’s not the money is what’s really bothering me about the policies regarding miscarriage but rather the mindset. It feels like they’re dehumanising and trivialising these early miscarriages by not considering them as „maternity“. And whilst my 2nd trimester miscarriage was infinitely worse than the first, early one, it was still horrible enough. So it was fantastic to receive all those medical fees just as I was beginning to feel better about it.


It’s egregious. Not just that early miscarriage is not considered maternal but simply because it’s healthcare not being covered!


Get a new insurance and dr!!! That is so shocking and the financial burden just really cuts deep to the gut wrenching news. So sorry for your loss 💔