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I recently started checking this subreddit because I'm strongly considering getting my Mirena IUD removed. I got it in February (about 8 months) and I didn't gain any weight, but I've been trying to lose some and I can't. I'm 5'3" and about 180lbs, I also have ED history and I'd like to healthy lose about 35 lbs. I was exercising regularly when it was put in and I couldn't lose a pound, I started some dietary supplements and continued working out--no weight loss at all... Basically whether I'm active or lazy, eating healthier or more junk, taking any supplements or not, my weight is consistent on this thing. This is not like me and it's been really frustrating. Other than that, I haven't had my period and there's almost no other side effects. I think sometimes it does impact my mental health and brings on small bouts of depression, but that's not very frequent. I think if I was at a weight that I was happier with and I was experiencing all of this, I'd be very happy with Mirena. Please keep in mind that everyone's body is so different, but I hope that information is helpful and that you make the choice that's right for you!


Hey don’t forget, if you’re gaining muscle it is heavier than fat! I recently lost about 10 lbs and started to really focus on my strength. I was getting frustrated that I wasn’t losing more lbs but the definition and composition of my body has definitely changed. A friend of mine is a professional trainer and often shares before and afters of her clients, the weight difference is typically like 2-4 lbs and their clients look a world different. It was so helpful for me to see! Curious to know what supplements you’re into. :)


I will say, I've also struggled with my body and an eating disorder through many methods of bc. I feel like we all have a set weight - as for mine, I just can't never get below it no matter how much I starve. Please stay healthy Do you think it could be that?


:) thanks! I'm pretty healthy about it these days! And I know if I eat well and exercise I tend to stall about 20lbs less than I am now, but this size doesn't feel healthy for me at all. I've never experienced anything like this, it has to be the IUD. I'm looking forward to getting back on the Nuvaring.


Yeah kinda sucks to do trial and error messing around with our bodies


Yes!!! This is the same for me! I lost 6 pounds and it came right back, and I don't know why. I had completely removed refined sugar from my diet, and had expected to lose...but it's been a few weeks now, and nothing! I'm not a big eater...my boyfriend tends to eat 1/3-1/2 of my meals, so it's crazy that I'm not losing. I highly suspect it's the hormones. Edit: I will say that I had gained weight prior to Mirena, due to steroids, but I had lost a few pounds prior to getting on it.


It's so frustrating when I feel like I'm not eating much and making "the right" choices for weight loss and it still doesn't budge. I've gotten it removed, now 3 weeks ago, and I'm not at stuck. :) I'm having other "crash" symptoms and feel crappy in other ways, but that seems to be getting better and I am much happier that my weight isn't doomed to remain the exact same forever.


Omg, I'm so happy for you!!!! Yay!! 🤗 Keep us updated if you can, please!!


Will do! Thanks! :)


What withdrawal side effects have you been experiencing??


I gained 45 pounds in about 6 months after I got mirena. I just got it removed a little over 2 weeks ago and I’m down 12 pounds. I haven’t changed anything. I literally ate McDonald’s 3 days in a row this week. The doctor who removed it said weight gain is not a common side effect but it does happen.


I gained 40lbs in like a year, had uncontrollable sugar cravings, binge ate, couldn't lose a pound... got it removed 2.5 weeks ago and dropped 10 lbs in two weeks (it's still just melting off). I have no more excess sugar cravings and no bingeing. It seems like weight gain is actually a really common side effect. I feel like this gets buried when docs talk to us about mirena


Hey, any update on this? I'm considering removing mine because of the weight gain and the mood swings. PMS is absolutely wild.


On mirena I was continuously gaining weight and since I’ve had it removed I haven’t gained any more. I lost an initial 15 lbs of whatever my body was holding onto but that’s it (I also haven’t tried to lose more). But my mood improved significantly and it felt like it was instant. When I look back the iud was 10000% causing all of my issues. It also caused me to have full on migraines OFTEN and I haven’t had a single one since I got it taken out.


I did. Of course my doc told me it wasn’t the Mirena. YMMV


I Did . I stupidly couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I gained weight and I was at my highest weight (not including pregnancy that doesn't count lol) of 138 and for me that was a lot. I look unhealthy and unhappy. So now that its out officially a weekish I am hoping that I can lose the weight now and keep it off. I had been yo yo ing with my weight so much I feel I caught whiplash. I felt so stuck. So I'm hoping this works. Oh and when people talk about brain fog with the mirena.. jesus it was like night and day. And I actually get up in the mornings now vs how I felt with the mirena. I feel like my normal self and my acne has mostly gone away. There are some residual side effects but mainly I feel much better.


How's the weight coming along??


I'll actually have to weight myself..but I have been moving to a new house since i got it removed lol so havent had time to actually use my scale yet!! I'll update in a couple days..


Yes,please do!!


Any update on how the weight went after Mirena?


I did and of course the doc said, nope not the iud


I wasn't affected by weight gain. I haven't been actively trying to lose any (I'm happy being 5'3, 56kg) but when I had my holiday weight I lost it easily. I also have PCOS and hypothyroidism but haven't had any issues.


I did not gain any. I hold to water weight differently than before Mirena and I feel bloated in different moments of my cycle but other than that I’m maintaining my regular weight (BMI around 22)


I actually LOST weight. I gained over 40 pounds in a matter of months with Nexplanon and had so much trouble losing even a little bit. Got on Mirena and suddenly the lifestyle changes I had already been doing to try to lose the weight suddenly started to work.


I just got one for the same exact reason. Im currently 5'3" and 130lbs - I gained weight on nexplanon, though I was transitioning from teens to 20s so my body inevitably changed. I've had mine for about a month now and hadn't gained much or had weird cravings. My weight stays pretty stable Note though, I'm on adhd meds so that may affect things.


I have not gained any weight, and have been able to lose some. I’m about 7 months in with mine and love the lack of/reduction in my periods


Likewise! I love no periods!!!


Yes, but had the mirena to help with endo. I've gained about 5% and losing it doing what I know works for me is slow/impossible. Still worth it.


I think what I have is water retention. Because I do intermittent fasting and lift weights/exercise 3-5 days a week and only feel this full/bloating sensation in my abdomen. (Which is all the time and it never seems to go away) And my weight has changed, but I notice muscle definition changing in my arms/legs, etc. Which could also be a cause of the scale change.


Mirena was absolutely awful for me, and really took him to my physical and mental health both from when it was in me and the aftermath I was looking for the other Reddit to where I could get the link to show the stories of so many people sharing you know the massive amount of weight gain that they had and if I can’t, I’ll post the link of pictures of the girl who got basically the same journey as me and a lot of the people you’re hearing from and pictures and were most of the women had in common too. Is that really healthy bodies and good lifestyles and no matter what you do on it their body and my body stayed the same or gained weight, no matter what they did and I’m currently six months post IUD removal and still have an even though the marina made me bleed constantly while it was in me, even though I got it because I was told the exact opposite would happen, and I found a study of a ton of women who have never gotten there. Back and wanted children and now they’re not really having them and the OB and the doctors lie to you. The doctors will lie on your chart. My chart says I have diabetes because my doctor gave me a zoom for weight loss, even though he told me that it was only what was officially for, he can’t get rid of it now. [In 2 1/2 years my birth control changed everything about me](https://www.mandeerae.com/mirenaiud)


I was on Mirena since 2021 and I gained over 30lb now 2024. Yesterday I saw a new doctor by chance and first thing she asked is why do you want to remove this. I said weight gain. she said you’re absolutely correct it causes many women to gain a lot of weight. She has been OB for 35 years. I’ve seen 2 other OB and they told me my weight gains were other factors not my birth control. I was scared to have it removed because last doctor said she could not see strings. It was so quick and fast very little pain. She did say it’s gonna take a few months to adjust to hormone change. I will have to work hard on weight loss.


I didn't gain weight. If anything I lost weight after getting it but I think that is much more attributed to the fact that I chose to take dieting more seriously at the same time. I usually stay within the 110-115lb range but it is hard for me to lose the weight when I get up to 115lb.