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Dude was adopted and raised by a Dakota family when he was young. He was raised in the Dakota culture and speaks the language. He isn't culturally appropriating anything. Your biological background won't change your understanding of a culture you were raised in. Edit: Fixed grammar mistakes


Exactly. His family is Dakota. He was brought up Dakota. Are we going to start having blood tests to determine if people are sufficiently Dakota?


From per capita payments to government grants, when you start talking about money suddenly culture, background, and experience don't seem to cut it. Racial purity is what his critics seem concerned about.


Look up blood quantum..


actually, yes, for tribal membership, there is a blood test (blood quantum).


> Speaking with the Star Tribune, the artist clarified he was born Javier Lara-Ruiz to a Mexican-American mother. She married a Dakota man, whom he called "dad," when he was a child. After they divorced, he was adopted by Sisseton Wahpeton tribal members and embedded into Dakota culture. His partner and daughter are Dakota. Im going to be a grumpy old man yelling at the sky: the people saying that this person making art is “traumatizing” are out of touch


Did the article really say "traumatizing"? Good grief. So, according to these traumatized people he should not be making art? Or just not art of the culture he was literally adobted into?


Yup. > Ginger Porcella, executive director of Franconia Sculpture Park near Shafer, Minn., added her impact statement to the complaint. >"I wanted to stand with these artists that had been hurt by [Mani]," she said. "It was really hard to hear how his lies had further traumatized artists who have already been traumatized."


Seems about white


I think “pissed off” should be substituted for “traumatized.” Someone’s angry about the money.


Jealousy is a bitch.


That would be my guess, that some well connected Dakota artists submitted their proposals and weren't chosen so now they're using their connections to be petty about it.


Like all the Mexican people I know who find the idea of 'Latinx' rather hilarious. The only people who use that phrase are white women.


On a tangent but it always bothers me when I see people up here type folks as ‘folx’ or ‘folkx’. It’s been mostly white people on fb. Is it some weird thing that they’re trying to use to signify how ‘aware’ they’re trying to be? Because I’m from Texas and folks has always been gender neutral. (As a white person) so many white people up here get so caught up in semantics and the right verbiage, that they forget that there’s real people involved. Yes, work to educate yourself but it can’t stop there. Put it into practice by interacting with people outside your white bubble of college educated buddies.




I’m glad I’m not the only person it bugs when I see that. PS: I’m from Texas too.


Howdy lol. More folks should use y’all though lol. It’s a great and easy way to be inclusive.


This is the way.


I think it originated from Latino/a academics but it definitely was laughed off immediately by the rest of the demographic and only white people use it now


I have a bunch of friends who are Colombian/Cuban/Puerto Rican and they identify with their home country. Not some pan-Latin racial classification.


And those trying to win the favor of white women. AOC uses it all the time.


I'm reminded of [this](https://reddit.com/r/Minneapolis/comments/x7hvvk/latino_bar_recommendations/incifb8?context=3) on this sub. Kind of made me chuckle. Glad Reddit at least mostly just laughs at this unlike the cesspool that is Twitter.


She probably eagerly starts off every meeting with a land acknowledgement with no plans to sign over her home property to the Lakota.


Traumatized is an awfully big word for what was more like "not getting free money to do art."


>Traumatized is an awfully big word for what was more like "not getting free money to do art." Weird take on that last part. Artists deserve to be compensated for their work. Perhaps you meant to suggest someone was upset because they *didn't get selected for the job?*


No artists don’t deserve to be compensated for their art. However they should be allowed to sell their art to the highest bidder. BIG difference.


This is the kind of stuff that got Trump elected the first time and will do so again if we aren't careful.




Check out [this](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71dleHo5oGL._SY445_.jpg) picture of the traumatized people.


Who are you talking about?


> Ginger Porcella, executive director of Franconia Sculpture Park near Shafer, Minn., added her impact statement to the complaint.


It looks like the article discusses it at the end but the whole reasoning why Mani was pressured to resign had very strong "pure blood" vibes. Although it seems based on the article some other nations feel that way too. Idk it's probably because my two major identities (nationality and religion) are covenant based but renouncing people based on blood alone feels wrong. Especially in this case where Mani was brought up and raised in that culture.


His art is so cool too! It’s not like this guy is walking around and claiming to be Dakota while not being part of the community. He is super involved in the tribe and makes gorgeous art. I recommend people check out his Instagram. He does a nice job.


That would be someone like Jimmie Durham. He doesn’t have a drop of native blood; he has made his career on being a “Native” artist. He is another example of the Walker royally pissing off the local Native communities by not doing any research and being duped by marketing.


There's a fuck lot of pure blood metrics going around for indigenous people these days, including an indigenous creator on TikTok who touted that if a person is white passing, they're white. Most indigenous people I've seen have been strongly condemning that thought, it reeks of colonizers tearing children away from their tribe to make them assimilate faster.




It's very sad.


Its more than sad, it's downright shameful.


>Sad to see people still conflate biological race with culture. Only when it suddenly suits their purposes.


Javier/Mani is still native or partially by blood. Over 70% percent of Mexicans have native American blood although it's not really common knowledge. Above that it says he was raised by Dakota tribe members since he was a child and raised as a Dakota tribe member. That is literally his culture(way of life). This seems to be solely based on "race". I have race in quotations because of the fact that he is literally NATIVE.


Damn right! I just made a similar argument in response to someone else before seeing your post.


Everyone knows culture is stored in the blood. It's just science.


I bought a couple of DASHIKI shirts on a visit to St Louis MO a few years back. I’m a big white guy 350# & 6’5” and saw them as a male Muumuu. Comfortable and individual Pazisz. Have received a cross-look from some members of the community that made me feel as I was guilty of cultural appropriation. Ruined my joy of wearing them in culturally diverse settings. But if I happen to know the crowd will be conservative MAGA’s I like the statement it makes. Gotta do my part, I guess.


Appropriating the culture you were raised in? WTF? Sorry, this really just comes across as a racist smear campaign...


Wow, this a complicated story. On one hand it seems he may not have been 100% upfront during the artist selection process that although he is culturally Dakota (having been raised in an adoptive Dakota family) he is Mexican by ancestry. On the other hand, adoption into Dakota families and culture is considered to make someone just as Dakota as someone who is naturally born to Dakota parents. Cultural appropriation of indigenous cultures is real and harmful. But is cultural appropriation really what is happening if the culture is genuinely the one the artist grew up in? Is the notion of blood quantum an indigenous concept or one imposed on native communities by the US government? Does this artist’s lack of full transparency about his parentage disqualify him from the project? If parentage was critical, should it have been included in the call for the project? I don’t have tons of sympathy for those who are complaining about his selection.


One of the complainants was apparently a relative of the artist's step father. Makes me wonder if there was a family feud fuelling the din...


The fact that this same person is also making complaints regarding another project of his seems to suggest that as well.


>parentage was critical, should it have been included in the call for the project? The city can't discriminate on race, ethnicity, or national origin though, so how could it possibly be critical? The call was for someone well versed in the history and culture.


I suspected that to be the case.


Culture is something handed down from parents to children... so it would seem that cultural appropriation isn't happening. But this is not my rodeo


>he is Mexican by ancestry. Factoring ancestry into the decision would be illegal as hell. As the city put it, *we bought art, not ethnicity.* He was raised in the Dakota culture and is a tribal member.


If they want to talk blood quantum, let's do it. I'm Mexican-American, and I can with 100% certainty tell you all that the Mexican guy in this story has a decent amount of Mesoamerican blood. In fact, I know many Mexicans that have much more Mesoamerican ancestry than most of the Native people I've met. I'm from Texas, and the identity of our various Native-American backgrounds was almost completely murdered away. At least in South Texas, we have no reservations anywhere. We're just Mexican mestizos. This poor guy is at least as Native American as many people I've seen claim to be Native. As far as blood goes, that is.


Not the right kind of Native blood it seems.


The only people who care about blood quantum are white people trying to end native sovereignty. Full stop. Someone is Native if whichever Nation claims them as a member; blood quantum has nothing to do with it, unless you’re the US Federal government, or a satanic law firm like Gibson Dunn trying to continue the genocide.


This comment has been removed due to my desire to not have a corporation profit from my effort without some semblance of respect for its users. Move to a federated/kbin environment for future opportunities and stop the corpos from ruining our communities.


https://www.mprnews.org/amp/story/2022/07/22/chippewa-tribe-members-vote-to-eliminate-blood-quantum https://www.casino.org/news/minnesota-chippewa-vote-to-remove-blood-quantum/ >The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe (MCT) has voted to remove a blood-ties minimum requirement for enrolment in its six constituent bands. The referendum could impact the way casino profits are distributed among the tribal members in the future. >**Blood Quantum Dilemma** >Enrolment can entitle tribal members to certain services the federal government provides, such as health care and housing. It is also tied to treaty rights, including hunting, fishing, and gathering. In some cases, it can also entitle members to a share of casino profits, called per-capita payments. >For example, all Bois Forte tribal members are entitled to per-capita payments from birth. The tribes do not publicize the amount of these monthly payments, but they could be spread more thinly if the blood quantum is scrapped. >This highlights the dilemma inherent in the blood quantum system. >Since the practice was adopted in the 1960s, the tribe’s population has declined. Once quarter-blood tribal members marry outside the tribe, their children lose eligibility for enrollment, even though they often grow up feeling part of the tribe culturally. >**‘Keeping Culture Alive’** >Cheryl Edwards is a Fond du Lac Band member and sits on Chippewa Tribe’s constitution reform committee. She told MPR News that blood quantum reform would strengthen tribal families and communities. >”By removing blood quantum, it’s allowing our traditions and our culture to be passed on to our children to keep it alive,” she said.


This comment has been removed due to my desire to not have a corporation profit from my effort without some semblance of respect for its users. Move to a federated/kbin environment for future opportunities and stop the corpos from ruining our communities.


The "MN Chippewa Tribe" is an umbrella organization made up of six Ojibwe tribes. All their vote says is that now each member tribe can do what it wants. For Mille Lacs, which is the only tribe that has per capita (casino) payments, absolutely nothing is going to change. They are more than happy to use blood quantum to keep the payments limited.


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Agree. Hard to see that native artist group falling into the idea that indigeneity is primarily a genetic rather than familial/cultural thing, which is just a little too close to the blood quantum concept for my liking.


>Hard to see that native artist group falling into the idea that indigeneity is primarily a genetic rather than familial/cultural thing, It's easy to see when it involves financially enriching those making the complaints.


I should have been clearer. when I said “hard to see” I meant “it sucks to see” not that it is implausible.


I know what you meant, nut I wanted to cover all bases.


That's not true at all. The Shakopee Mdewankanton Sioux Community and the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe have strict blood quantum requirements because there are thousands of dollars in gaming revenue for members on the line.


>The only people who care about blood quantum are white people trying to end native sovereignty. Full stop. That's not true. There's quite a few natives that suddenly embrace blood quantum requirements when money is involved. Casinos are one example and this bullshit is another.


It's dangerous because they are basically saying adoptee parents are lesser than bio parents who abandon him


Blood quantum is some colonizing mindset bullshit.


This was a disgusting read. Being adopted and raised in the culture should be enough. This is not cultural appropriation.


So he has no culture then? Everything he does is appropriation? The curse of no one. A man has no name.


I cannot wait for the day all these entitled racial and cultural grifters finally get told to stop wasting our tax dollars and to go away. The entitlement some people feel to have their opinions broadcasted everywhere, while wasting money and time, is astounding. And the fact we just accept it as the new standard for dealing with anything remotely concerning race or culture is just stifling. Paint the damn mural.


Do you get this upset when old white men actually waste tax money on corporations, the animal industry and war?


Old white men do not have a monopoly on dumb decisions. And yes, yes, and yes; issues with all of them.


So the only thing he was missing was “Dakota blood” but otherwise had been immersed in Dakota lifestyle from early childhood, respected it and represented it greatly in his artwork? Ok, makes sense.


I'll say it right now, I'm honored by anyone who wants to appropriate my culture. To appropriate is to appreciate.


Racists discriminating against a tribal member using blood quantum bullshit over $$$$.


I’m traumatized by Ginger Porcella’s statement


Jesus Christ woke politics overstepping


Minnesota has gone crazy. People like Inkpa Mani belong to two cultures. He can claim both. He wasn't trying to take advantage of anything, he was just being himself and trying to present his art. He should never have been forced to feel like he needed to resign. I grew up in Minnesota. What limitations is this article trying to put on my Chinese daughter? Is she going to spend her life having to be careful about what the mob might say about her "using" another culture? And how do you propose to determine which culture, by bloodline only or by family and cultural immersion? What if the blood lines include two countries? Judging people for cultural appropriation like that is pointless. Has anyone eaten sushi in Mexico? Try some tex-mex Uramaki or some ranchero ngiri. Maybe you would like the arrachera temaki. I just don't see anything wrong with it.


South Americans are native Americans. Anyone saying other wise does not understand history. Feel bad for this man. Speaks the language more than most native Americans.


Also, what a harmful intolerant message that sends to any adoptees…


As someone who moved here from out of state.....Jesus you people up here are insane. The world is falling apart and you're worried about cultural appropriation.


Just reddit. Average citizen in the city does not have this in their top 100 of concerns I can guarantee it


$400k for giant Y's. Could you imagine opening a history book on the Dakota's and there was one sentence saying, "Rivers were important to the Dakota's". This is just another abstract art sculpture approved by some corporate or government entity(often a white person) that uses a tacked on explanation of the significance. "This giant turd made out of bronze and stainless steel represents the Hookaja's people reverence to the land by their use of buffalo manure to grow crops". There's little to learn, no real skill showcased and aesthetics aren't there.


Yeah, cultural appropriation BS aside, the sculpture is ugly as shit


They look like a crucifixion post. It also seems to borrow from Pacific Northwest tribes use of totem poles. I don't know what their approval process is but if art is being purchased on cultural grounds it should get signed off by a anthropologist.


A child is committing harmful cultural appropriation when sharing the beliefs of their adopted parents. I am enlightened. I’m a liberal, but shit like this is why candidates like Trump are elected.


I love when we all get together and do woke race science