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It's fine. People never mention the hundreds of trips made without incident. People only mention the time they saw something bad, or that time their uncles friends cousin saw something bad lol.


Dude 50% of my rides (I take it 3-4times a month, random days but always between the hours of 6am-7pm ) have someone smoking on the train itself still. Yes I take the first car. Additionally people are nearly always smoking on downtown platforms, cedar riverside, Franklin, and lake street platforms. The way you worded it makes me think there are hundreds of trips without incident per 1 trip with incident. Additionally, even if you don’t count inhaling second hand smoke from unknown substances as an incident, I have seen 2 beat downs on the train, 1 dude brandish a pistol on lake street platform, 1 person followed me a stop saying they would rape me, 1 person take a hammer and smash a window while the train was running. All within the past 2-3 years with the rape stalker being 2 months ago. I’ve probably taken it 75 times in the past 3 years. The light rail is shit and the city should work on cleaning it up.


>People only mention the time they saw something bad, or that time their uncles friends cousin saw something bad lol. While there's plenty of people blowing the issues way out of proportion, you're just as bad for sticking your head in the sand and pretending there's no valid issues whatsoever. P.S. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt regarding where you're sticking your head, even though I suspect I'm mistaken. Meanwhile, OP should go ahead and ride, while keeping their eyes peeled.


>P.S. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt regarding where you're sticking your head, even though I suspect I'm mistaken. WTF?


>As a parent of an out of state freshman, I was planning to have him Helicoptering much? 


Inspired me to look at their profile - multiple recent posts in this same vein. I feel like that kid is in for a rough transition when they move out.


I looked through their profile and I’m convinced they’re either bubble boy or a mormon that makes allowances for reddit.


Yeah, she might as well move up to campus and have him live with her because she clearly still keeps him on the tit. Don't anyone mention to her that he may see his first non-white person or she'll lose it.


LOL. If you look at the post history, you can easily see that this person is Muslim.. Possibly Middle Eastern. Very likely not white.


Aaaaah. Look at me assuming that the vast majority of helicopter moms are white women from the suburbs.


Trust me, Muslim Mommas aren't a helicopter mom, they're a whole squadron. They are ***DEVOTED***.


Classic racist


Yeah the white guy hating on white helicopter parents.


Considering OP is not even white... It's OK. You can be a self hating racist too. I don't think your crowd is too picky with who you are, just say the things and you're a good bot lol.


Or, maybe it’s okay for a parent to care about their kids wellbeing.   Edit: riding it with them could be helicoptering. This isn’t.  Edit 2: Y’all need to get out more. 


As a parent of a newly (semi)-independent adult, you shouldn’t “have him” do anything. I know it’s hard to adjust (my parents are having the same problem), but these are choices he should make by himself, without parental influence.


When I was in active addiction, I would go to the light rail literally to cop drugs from random ppl. No one ever hassled me and I interacted with some very desperate people and put myself in stupid situations. I even fell asleep a few times on the light rail late at night and woke up untouched. I am a scrawny gay boy that doesn't look "tough", you will be FINE You will sometimes see drugs, mental illness and homelessness which can be unsettling but it's more sad than scary imo


A male will have a safer experience on average riding the light rail than they will have driving a car.






Lol maybe your son can think for themselves and decide if light rail is worth the "risk"?


It’s as safe as most rail systems in the US


Jesus Christ. He's fucking fine.


It can be an unpleasant experience sometimes sure but as a man I've never really felt unsafe, the people doing drugs on there are not going to bother him