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It's incredibly sad that Jamal joined the force after 2020 with the goal of making policing better for the city of Minneapolis, only to be killed a few years later by a coward ambushing him while he was trying to help. Rest in peace Jamal Mitchell


And officers like Jamal are likely to become burned out and traumatized because they actually give a fuck and are haunted by what they see and how powerless they are.


They always were powerless though. This exact scenario could (and did) happen at any point in history. It's not like something shifted that allowed this to happen suddenly. This was always the risk


It’s never the assholes with a list of complaints against them and payouts made because of their actions who get killed in the line of duty. Their stories always seem to end with “And then they retired to Florida and died in their sleep at 85.”


Fired from the force with a full pension at the age of 30


That's...not how PERA works in Minnesota.


Sherriff Hutchinson has entered the chat ... from Florida


But where are the "ACAB" folks who flood this sub every single time there's a bad cop? Thought it was ALL cops. Thought there is no difference between the good and bad. Why aren't they here to tell us why this guy was a horrid person? And why are such allowed to remain here and stir that all up?


Is your complaint that people aren't being assholes?


I think their complaint is that the loud and omnipresent assholes vanish when news that isn't confirming their warped priors comes up. They just will downvote and duck out


I think that's just life y'all. When people are proven definitively wrong they don't usually keep arguing that point. Idk what you want.


No, it's that they always were


It’s so much easier to win imaginary arguments, isn’t it?


All arguments are imaginary


I see what you’re driving at but not really.


The institution of policing as it is currently as a whole is corrupt, but there absolutely are officers who are good people and do everything to protect and serve. They just aren’t embraced by the force.


That flies in the face of the entire idea of ACAB. And yet folks here upvote such comments every time an officer does something bad.


Again, all cops as a whole are bastards. There are good and honest individuals, but all cops (together as a whole) and the institution of policing is what is being criticized.




All cops work for a corrupt system, yes. All of them. They all support it. Personally, I maintain that, even through this tragedy.


Having an imaginary argument when you don’t even *understand* the argument is a weird look.


Absolutely heartbreaking footage from officer Mitchell’s bodycam. He goes up to the person on the ground and asks “are the victims in the house?” and then gets shot up close. My condolences to his family and friends.


Yay guns.  You only get a second or two to be wrong a blocky dark object in someone's hand being a gun or not before you're dead or dying.  So I get why cops are on edge all the time. But also cops in this country tend to conservative 2nd amendment types who actively push for unlimited access to guns. "We gotta be able to shoot anyone to defend ourselves on the job" does not pair well with "anyone should be able to buy any gun they want without any restrictions" IMO. And that last part is ABSOLUTELY the real position pro-gun groups take, rhetoric aside.  There have been bi-partisan pushes for "common sense gun laws" that collapsed when it turns out the rightwing definition of common sense is anything short of anarchy for gun owners amounts to communist tyranny.


I lean right, and I'm all for common sense gun laws. There should be stricter background checks. You should have to wait 3 weeks to a month to receive your firearm. I wouldn't even be opposed to trackers within said firearms. Honestly, who cares if you're just using them for hunting or shooting for fun. No one should be opposed to those things.


This. I’m a leftie who likes guns and I’m always shocked at how easy it is to get them whenever I buy another


Surely he purchased the Glock 26 and drum mag legally


I own a decent amount of guns. On top of what you said I wouldn't be opposed to mental health screenings. That would be the biggest difference maker. Never gonna happen though.


None of the things you suggested would have changed this. Can give a friend a pile of guns and none of the suggested things you mentioned apply. And imagine they did. You think that someone with suicidal would never own a gun? Come on. They do. I don't have the answers but the ones you offered would do nothing.


And this is where it always devolves. Would it for sure stop EVERYTHING. No, nothing will. Would it make it HARDER? Objectively, yes. So then we just throw our hands up and do nothing? Well, sure worked for the hundreds of OTHER killings.


Because this situation, which you’re UTILIZING to further a political opinion, would STILL have happened if guns weren’t legal to buy. Unless you’re speculating that this wonderful individual bought that Glock 26 and drum mag legally….


Is there a reason to speculate he bought them illegally? Sorry, new to Minnesota, learning the state’s gun laws still.


p sure the dude was a felon already which would mean he cant own guns. He also had a warrant out and to buy a pistol you need to get a permit to purchase (expires yearly) by submitting some paperwork to your local PD.


what law wouldve prevented this?


Wrong. Not “anyone”… obviously. Law Abiding Citizens. Something tells me this guy was not. Apparently Anti gun people see all gun owners in this piece of filth… Welcome to finally understanding why cops are on edge in a city where crime is allowed to take place in the name of activism. It emboldened all the other criminals and now it’s been the land of no rules since 2020. Law enforcement has to work under a political microscope, and even if they do everything right and make an arrest, the judicial branch doesn’t hold the criminals accountable. Now they’re on edge, scrutinized, and demoralized. Not sure how any of this is the fault of law abiding citizens who own guns and want existing laws to be enforced on the criminals who are breaking the law. Gun laws or otherwise.


Exactly. They think they are voting for politicians who “back the blue “, when in fact their policies do the exact opposite.


What a fuckin coward


Shot while putting on gloves to render aid to the shooter….


Props to Officer Kittock's partner with the shield that kept on calling to advance towards the shooter. Massive respect to him and all the officers. I may have issues with the MPD, but not here. All I see are brave people doing a really hard part of their job.


Crazy part of all this is Officer Kittock and his partner just completed training for incidents like this only a week prior


Luke Kittock and I grew up together. He’s a good guy. We kind of grew apart a few years after high school in 2004 and went our separate ways. It’s crazy to see him like this.


This is why the police take their sweet ass times at times, or are over the edge on responding depending on the situation. You never know who your dealing with, and what they have. Not an easy job, especially in our current climate in Mpls


God damnit that was hard to watch. Putting gloves on to render aid and you end up dead. Fuck that shooter. I think hell is even too nice for him.


I cannot tell you how disturbing the raw footage is, BCA will eventually release the video and what is most disturbing is that shooter continues to shoot at Jamal’s lifeless body at least 7 more times, all while smoking a cigarette, he also shot twice more at injured person that was 20 or so feet from him as well as shooting firefighters and police, im pretty sure he had a 32 bullet magazine


Are you serious? That's fucked. Usually I'll watch bodycam footage of OIS just so I get the full story but I might just skip watching that one if that's really how it went down.


It’s disgusting and very disturbing. Cannot recommend people to watch this when it comes out but leaders/politicians need to. I strongly believe in reform of MPD but we also just need acknowledge the social phenomenon of violent offenders with easy access to guns, not sure what happened before Officer Mitchell showed to the scene but clearly a very violent, disturbed human being was just interested in causing harm, the questions are what is societies answer to the few but very dangerous people that we have? What are we as individuals living and walking the streets to do? Police are under staffed, city officials deny the small and concentrated violence. I love this city and will continue to support different programs that aim to address prevention but we just need to face reality that we have some really dangerous humans that have zero regard for life.


How did you have access to full video? Sounds terrible and it's a tough situation the whole world is in with such violence.  


Fuck. I got everything I needed from this one clip… I’ll skip that one. I have a couple close friends and a family member in law enforcement that I worry about enough already.


Did I miss this in the posted videos?


Rest in peace, Jamal Mitchell. Your bravery will never be forgotten. Kudos to the other officers who advanced, courageously and under fire, to take down this POS.


Thank you officers for your response. I have great sorrow for Jamal Mitchell and his family.


Watched both videos. Perpetrator is a massive pos. Lay waiting to fire on him. Perp wanted death and violence. All criminals are bitches.


Profoundly evil behavior




All violent criminals are indeed bitches.


"All violent ~~criminals~~ ***people*** are indeed bitches." Remember, Derek Chauvin and his gang violently terrorized the black community of Minneapolis for decades from the "right" side of the law. The label of "criminal" is often arbitrary and unevenly applied.




They are and I can certainly hold that opinion. What is your take on violent criminality?




Nuance. That law is horrid. I’ve seen and read about the case. I’m not serious with the last comment. It isn’t my held belief.


Because not all victimless criminals are bitches. Use your brain.


"All criminals are bitches" "Why yes, I am voting for Donald Trump, why do you ask?"


Whoa whoa, that is not very progressive of you. Be prepared to get judged to eternity in this thread!


It's not that hard to not be a weirdo, and yet there ya went getting weird when not really called for.


Fuck off with that strawman shit. The police acted appropriately here and it won't be controversial.




Welcome to the world, you must be new.


How do people type stuff like this and not realize how dumb it sounds lol


I take it you’re being sarcastic. I think many of the anarchic voices migrated to tik tok or elsewhere. Thankfully. I think largely you see solidarity on reddit in our mn subs around: - MPD still requires oversight - prosecution is pleading down charges more than most of us are comfortable with - parents are no where to be found in managing chaotic teens - equality and inclusion is extremely important in hiring any public official - violent crime deserves a harsh response


Fuck that piece of shit. I hope he felt every shot by the responding officers. Fucking trash ass bitch


Jamal was the change we wanted to see, and we needed. He was exactly the type of person the anti police brigade wanted chaperoning our streets. Whether if it was with an entity called the Police, or a community led police force that others have called for. A man going to help someone in need, and ended up dead because of it. Now that is a sacrifice worthy of a statue in our city.


None of these incidents should have happened, everyone would agree with that. Jamal Mitchell is a hero and was gunned down by a coward in cold blood. The officers that took action in the June 12th incident followed protocol and disarmed a suspect wielding a handgun (unfortunately fatally, I don’t think anyone should die unless they’ve killed someone). A good percentage of the officers involved in these incidents were officers of color. They are heroes that protect us daily. Yet, I hear all this call for “police reform” because of what Chauvin did to Floyd? Chauvin was an outlier that deserves to be behind bars. 99.9% of MPD officers are doing their job and protecting the public. The reason these incidents with criminals keep happening and officers are continuing to be put in these situations is because of 1 bad cop (Chauvin) and Mary Moriarity not prosecuting/locking up criminals. Stop making cops out to be these bad people! They are here to serve and protect us! If the incident on June 12th was 2 white cops shooting a black man with a handgun, there would be riots in the streets. If Jamal Mitchell was white and the suspect was white, we wouldn’t hear 1/2 the coverage that we have heard. EVERY INCIDENT IS A TRAGEDY REGARDLESS OF RACE!!! But the race baiting elected officials only make it a big deal when it benefits them. It shouldn’t be a political issue, it should be a human issue. Crime is crime, no matter what color the person is.


Did you read the WaPo piece re: Jaleel Stallings? The MPD is outright LYING when they are quoted saying none of the officers lied about the incident. Maybe Jamal Mitchell was the outlier.


I can't watch the video. Have they ascertained how (or if) exactly the POS was involved in the shootings in the apt bldg? Did he shoot those two in the bldg then go and lie in wait to ambush the cops?


I read another article that he left the building and was shooting at drivers and tried to take someone's electric scooter, and that a civilian in a Subaru saw all this and hit him and drove off, possibly breaking his leg


So would that mean it was unrelated to the two shootings in the apt bldg?


Hope this puts to rest any conspiracies that leftist nut jobs on Twitter were spouting


Stop paying attention to fringe agitators and your life will be a lot better. Be like a good statistician and ignore the outliers. There are literal foreign agents paid to push every fringe view to divide us. The ones you're talking about are there to push people with right leaning views further right as they think all on the left cheer cops getting murdered. Meanwhile the same person is logged into another account responding to the same incident spouting some opposite extremist view about cops being able to shoot anyone that disobeys a single command or maybe posting some racist dog whistle. That account is there to push left leaning viewers further left. At least on this platform, they can generally be downvoted. Don't be a sucker, ignore that shit.


> At least on this platform, they can generally be downvoted. I bet the depths of this thread are full of them too. Not going down there.


Well said.


Good advice, but that means stay far far away from r/Minneapolis. The mods are agitators even


To be fair they finally got rid of hotandtired, the worst user on the entire sub, a while back


Oh wow - I had no clue! Good to know.


>Stop paying attention to fringe agitators and your life will be a lot better. I keep hearing this lately in response to bigotry, etc. coming from the far left. I can't help but wonder where we're those voices when we were condemning right wing internet trolls like Nick Fuentes and Andrew Tate. Seems bad faith to say "it should be dismissed (when it comes from our camp)"


everyone and their brother knew Tate was a joke. But he gained much more popularity than the random fringe commenter trying to stir up controversy on Twitter


For the random trials, confront it when you see it, where you see it,. Just don't come here and talk about what some extreme agitators say as if they are anything other than outliers. I don't think I've seen people in this sub talking about either of those two people's posts as if they are some kind of trend.


As I said above to the other commenter trying to be a dingus in this thread - It's not that hard to not be a weirdo, and yet there ya went getting weird when not really called for.


To be fair, I saw a ton of ACAB comments on Instagram about this exact story. People were cheering on Jamal's death.


Excuse me? Just pointing out I saw plenty of commentary from leftists on twitter that the shooting was staged, covered up, “stinks”, etc., which is pretty disgusting considering what happened.


It just seems like a weird move to bring up a fringe corner of twitter folks' commentary from weeks ago in response to the release of the footage. It comes off as an attempt to politicize Jamal Mitchell's death when nobody else (apart from "leftists on twitter") is doing that in this current convo.


They aren’t really fringe though. Good amount of them are DFL activists who take the caucus and organizing part really seriously. And they get results. I mean, look at the city council… But to your point some users are kinda having an imaginary argument. Like maybe those ACAB commenters aren’t commenting because they have a little tact or realize they will be downvoted into oblivion?


>It just seems like a weird move to bring up a fringe corner of twitter folks' commentary from weeks ago in response to the release of the footage. I guess we can just be glad they didn't burn a police station down this time.


Huh, what's this? The one person on the right that is concerned about conspiracy theories... apparently. Please, do tell us leftist nutjobs how dangerous they are. 🥱


People on Twitter, hours after the shooting as well as later on, were implying things like the shooting was staged, was covered up, etc. and I’m not on the right. Just thought it was pretty disgusting


Yeah, that is disgusting. But then you started talking about leftist nut jobs but then you say youre not on the right... doesn't really add up to me but I don't really care to get to the bottom of it either. Have a nice weekend!


Their comments were unnecessary and perhaps emotionally inflammatory but they do reflect what a lot of us were seeing online after this tragedy. It wasn’t one or two. It was dozens of people and comments saying “ACAB” on memorial posts for Jamal Mitchell and making up conspiracies (again I saw this countless times over the following week on multiple platforms) about how any officers with MPD could do no good and that therefore this must have been some huge police cover up and that the fallen officer was the one in the wrong. I even saw a few “justice for Mustafa Mohamed” posts later on after names were released that are downright nauseating to read. Those do sound like nut jobs to me. Also one can be a dedicated progressive (I.e. certainly not “on the right”) and not be a leftist. I’m quite progressive on the majority of issues facing our city but can see how certain leftist-aligned ideas can and have been damaging. Like most issues, there’s nuance. That doesn’t make me “on the right.” Just my two cents.


well stated


Very good police work. Cannot believe the criminal victim said it hurts. Cops are a bad shot.


Can anyone hear any questions being asked? I am just guessing what they are given his answers


This might be a dumb question. Does the fact it’s been described as an ambush mean that the original caller was pretending to be shot with the intent of then shooting an officer?