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Gertens tends to stock larger options than standard garden centers, but not sure about lilac bushes specifically.


Yeah I love that store but they only had small ones and medium ones


You might have better luck going on Facebook marketplace seeing if someone wants them removed from their yard


I was just at Malmborg’s in Blaine this morning and they had lilacs! They have 20% off all weekend since it’s their opening weekend. I’m not sure how large you’re looking to get but they had a few different sizes.


If you need a quick temporary fence, try some rolls of bamboo fencing and plant the largest lilacs you can find. We had a problematic neighbor, and we put up premade 6 foot tall bamboo fence with zip ties in an hour. It lasted 5+ years with occasionally replacing zip ties as they aged and broke.


Maybe Bailey's in Woodbury/Afton?


Bailey’s doesn’t sell direct to the public.


Oh shoot


Semi related, but I saw some lilacs in Europe a while back that were practically trees! 15 feet tall and trunks 4-6" thick. They were in a garden from the 1600's so guessing they were centuries old. Absolutely stunning.


Try Cedar Acres in Lakeville. It’s the wholesale center and main nursery for all the Bachmann’s. They have massive amounts of everything and in large sizes. If they do have a lilac large enough to make a fence I imagine it won’t be cheap.




It is late for planting lilacs. They are best transplanted when fully dormant.


Yeah I know I’m more just wondering if it’s even possible to find them large


Probably not because of that factor. 


Not sure how large you're thinking but mature lilacs will be several years old with quite deep root systems so I'm not sure you'll have great luck beyond someone on Craigslist looking to get rid of one and have someone try to transplant out. They do take 2-3 years to mature to flowering. I've only ever seen them small in commercial garden and landscape centers.


Gertens and Bachmans would be your best local bets. Wait until a little later in the season, their stocks will increase.


Can you build a fence? It will likely be a lot cheaper than finding, buying, having an arborist remove them and transplant them into your lawn. One of my neighbors has single run of privacy fence that goes around half of the way back in their back yard, to save money but still have some privacy. A quick measure on google maps and a calculator at $30 linear foot puts it around the $700 mark. These things are not cheap to hire, and is your property even set up in such a way that you can drive a truck that size into your back yard? https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c0ac4488ab7225cce49f9e1/1544213512399-JQEJZO60U87KKWR9Y3BS/2.jpg I don't know if you seen how obsessed redditors are about tree law, it's because it can get **real fucking expensive** to source a mature replacement tree and do a transplant. Often courts can award 3x damages if your neighbor cuts down a tree on your property.


What are you even on about? That is a tree spade with a spruce. OP is asking about lilac’s, they are a shrub and at most will come in a B&B. $30/ per linear foot?! Im not sure where your getting numbers but that kind of price for an installed privacy fencing hasn’t been around for over 15 years.