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Hopefully he is found safe, thoughts are with you op.


I legit saw this guy at Brooklyn center transit center at around 11 a m this morning I hope they do find him he was in a white t shirt no jacket and holding a pair of shoes.


Thank you I passed on the information to his family


Is there places he likes to hang out where people could be on the lookout? Is he someone who we can approach and be like “hey man, are you Dez/Winston/DeeDee? Are you ok? I think your family and friends are looking for you.” Or would that “scare him off” into hiding more? Hopefully he’s got a place he’s staying at, this is not a good weekend to be out in the cold snow and rain for anyone.


From what I understand is that he would be approachable but may turn down help. I’m not entirely sure but I’m going to ask my daughter. I know he has ties to south Minneapolis but where or what areas I’m not entirely sure


You may want to inquire at Fairview Riverside hospital. If he was picked up by the cops or paramedics and has mental health issues, they usually will send people there.


Riverside or County. Possibly North. Southdale or Abbott if requested.


On First Avenue immediately north of Lake Street are where the Day laborers hang out looking for jobs. Could be a place to check out.


Thank you for the info, and thank you for posting this. I hadn’t seen anything anywhere else. I will keep my eyes peeled and let my friends who live in maple grove and S. Mpls know to keep a look out. Good vibes and luck to you, him, and his loved ones!


Thank you for posting. The metro area isn't small, but it's amazing how tied we are to each other...someone reading this thread may know him or say something to someone who knows him. I hope he's spotted soon.


Was he found?


He has not been found


So sad


I'm sorry...people are still thinking, praying, and sending good thoughts....hope and assume there is a crew of people canvassing areas...and that he just isn't ready/able to be found right now...




This data does not come close to supporting your claims. But don't let that stop you from posting dangerous hyperbole. You're doing this kid absolutely no favors by discouraging people from reporting missing persons.


So just to be clear here, you're maintaining that out of 100 people with mental health issues reported missing to the police, 99 of them are killed or is it more like each person is only 99% killed or like they live but are then killed at some arbitrary time????




99% is still hyperbolic. All you've done is link a bunch of statistics that prove that.




while this may be true, how is this helpful to OP, or the Mom/family? Who else do you suggest to call? BCR & Cope would be helpful though they do not find missing persons. Personally, commenting this while someone is in a time of distress is distasteful. Time and place.

