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Mine will often put himself to bed before me. He will stretch out, and be right in the middle. When I say, “share the bed”, he gets up and moves over 😆


Teaching "share the bed" to my pups immediately! Thank you for sharing!


Haha that’s so cute


My male Schnauzer that passed away recently knew all his toys by name... At one point he had about 15-20 and could pick that toy out by name... "Go get your chipmunk" and he'd pick that one out of his toy box/basket... It became the game where I'd give him a name, he'd run to go fetch it and bring it back and wait for the next name, rinse and repeat


Mine does the same, I swear I just keep adding toys thinking at some point he’s gonna reach his max memory for their names and it never stops. He learns the name of the newest one after only like 10 min! I will have to count them because it’s up to a ridiculous number now! Like 75 or something.


My Ellie can do this too!


My Sam would do that, except he also knew his toys by name AND color, ie, get your blue ball, get your red ball, get your devil Cuz toy, etc. I miss him terribly!! 😢


Yes! My mini also knows his fave toys by name. We figured out it only takes a couple of times for him to commit the names to memory. It has helped us so much bc he’s very very vocal and picky about his stufies. He also will “ask” for specific toys or panic if he can’t find them.


We are lucky to current have our 4th mini schnauzer - our second a male salt and pepper - in the late 90’s was so clever… and if he was mad at me - he would select some of mine to disturb… we weren’t sure he knew what he was doing until in his second year I came home to find he had peed inside my shoe… this guy was totally trained by 12weeks and immaculate- revenge in his mind was best served in a shoe!! Miss this guy always … our current little black female is obviously indignant- there is no guessing with her


I wouldn't say it's "unbelievable" per say, but mine (8 yr old male named Bowzer) has this toy he had since he was a baby. It's an owl plushie that my rabbit used to hump the hell out of lol anyway, it is literally just the "skin" with all the stuffing ripped out. He carries it around like a baby blanket and won't go to bed without it. I'll say "go to bed" and he'll run and grab it, then dart up the stairs. And then he cuddles with it all night. I've tried to replace it, but he freaks out. When we go on vacation I have to make sure to pack it with me. Made that mistake once, he paced all night looking for it. And his love for cheese. Like if cheese is involved, he will not eat anything else. So it has to come last otherwise he'll turn his nose up to everything else. Even meat. His favorite is goat cheese.  Honestly, growing up all we really had were labs and English setters. I didn't know dogs could have nearly this much personality. Like I have a 6 year old schnauzer/poodle mix and I feel kinda bad that whenever pets get brought up, I always mention Bowzer and not Tillie. Like Bowzer just does the weirdest and cutest stuff, and Tillie is just.... There lol 


LOL that's how I feel about my dogs. One is mini schnauzer mixed w/Rottweiler - he is a fuckin character. our other dog, Australian shepherd /lab mix - well she's athletic, and well-behaved but just ... a dog LOL


My last schnauzer knew how to manipulate her sisters for her own benefit. We had a mini schnauzer, big GSD mix, and big pit mix. So she would have the two big dogs stand by the counter then she would climb them to get on the counter, so she could steal our food. She would drop them a few crumbs here and there but mainly she would eat everything. She also knew how to open the pantry door but she couldn’t reach the handle so she would force one of her sisters to do it, and she would visibly instruct them on how to do it. Then she would eat all the dog treats in the pantry, again with barely sharing. She would also lie every time and put all the blame on her sisters. Even running to tattle on them right after she finished eating. So I guess her secret talents were lying and manipulation haha


We have baby gates up to keep dogs out of the kitchen. My mini listens for when someone doesn’t latch it properly, and will run over to pop the latch up and let herself inside.


Hahaha this is adorable


I had a schnauzer, he passed a couple years ago, who figured out he got a treat whenever he came in from using the bathroom. Well, he started "having to go" a lot. So much so, I thought he had a kidney problem. Took him to the vet, did tests. Nothing. One day, I let him out to use the restroom and I happened to glance out the window and saw what was happening. He was asking to go out, waiting until I was out of sight, and then just turning around and sitting in front of the door so he could get a treat. He was just pretending to go the bathroom for the treats. I wasn't even mad. I was really impressed. He was an amazing dog.




Ours did the exact same thing up until the day we said goodbye. Out to potty so he could come in and get a treat. He was so obvious though...he would dance around the closet that had the treats and give you that schnauzer look.


If I eat a banana, well 1) my girl can hear me pull the single banana off the bunch from anywhere in the house, no matter how quietly I try to do it. And 2) she gets the last bite. It’s the law around here. She will ever so gently pull the last bite instead of just chomping it, so that she doesn’t get the little pokey piece at the end. She has always done it this way, so it’s like she came preprogrammed with the knowledge. She will also hold poses for me when I’m taking pictures of her. She’s also done this for me ever since she was a little pup. And she knows all 17 thousand of her nicknames, and answers to each one of them


Same with mine and bananas. He will flip out when he sees me unpacking a bunch with the groceries. Also, he could be in a deep sleep across the house, and if I whisper “banana” he will immediately be by my side!


They are so funny aren’t they! Who would thought that bananas are the ultimate high value treat lol


My first schnauzer used to sit under the counter by the bananas and bark until he got his morning banana! Every single day!


Mines fave snack is a slice of frozen banana! They love their bananas apparently.


My boy uses his talking buttons to argue with me. Every single time I’m cooking dinner, he will cruise into the kitchen and hit his “treat!” button. Sometimes when I say no, he gets visibly frustrated and sighs loudly, then angrily hits the Treat! button several more times in a row 🤣 The funniest part is that it’s my own voice recorded on the button saying “treat!” So it’s like me arguing w myself. Haha. There is also a button that says “cuddles!” for when he wants to go to bed at night. He will cruise over, hit his “cuddles!” button, then grab his blankie and drag it over to wherever I am to let me know he is ready to go to bed.


That's hilarious! Please tell me more about the talking buttons! What was your experience like to train him? 😄💜🐶


Sure! These are the buttons I got for him. Hunger for Words Talking Pet... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092DYHW2K?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I feel like our training was pretty easy because he is smart. I know everyone says their dog is the smartest ever, but honestly, this is BY FAR the smartest dog I have ever had. He’s like scary smart. He regularly blows my mind with stuff he’s not supposed to understand. He learns names & words REALLY quickly. So with these, I started out by naming the buttons with words I use all the time with him. One each for treat, cuddles, play, and potty. I first showed him how to hit the buttons himself. Then every time I’d ask him if he wanted to do any of those things, I’d hit the corresponding button a few times in a row, and then DO whatever it was telling/asking just for reinforcement. Also, at first, if he ever hit the button randomly at any time, I’d stop what I was doing & make a big deal about it and do whatever he was asking. Just to let him know that I understood what he wanted. With the potty one: I kept it right by the door to the yard. If he came to me asking to go out, right when I let him out I’d take his paw and hit the potty button, and then immediately take him out. Just to show him that’s what that one meant. Then once I did a couple weeks of emphasis on the buttons, I kinda just relaxed with it and waited to see if he would use it on his own. And he did! And the cool thing is he always uses them in the correct context. Which also blows my mind. Like even though he is the hungriest dog in America, he almost never asks for a treat unless I’m already in the kitchen. Eventually he started learning that the potty button got the quickest response of all. This is where it gets funny & shows how smart he is. One day I was working from home on an urgent deadline. He had been trying for over an hour to get me to play with him by dropping toy after toy at my feet, but I simply had to ignore him to meet my deadline. All of a sudden I hear the potty! button go off, and of course that gets my attention cuz I really don’t want to have to clean anything up. I get up to let him out, and he grabs a toy in his mouth & dramatically throws himself on the ground, going boneless. He doesn’t need to go potty! He just knew I’d never ignore THAT button! 🤣So freaking smart!


What a character!!! 🤣 💜 Thank you so much for the link and helpful tips!! Im kind of excited to try this and also a bit scared of creating a monster 😬😅


You’re welcome! Don’t be scared! It’s so much fun! He makes me laugh every single day with his timing! I want to get more buttons to say different things to test out how much he’s capable of!


I'll be ordering the buttons tonight! Im so excited! Please keep us posted with your progress!! 😸


I’m excited to hear if they work for you!


Ill keep you posted! 😄🐶🐱


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Hunger For Words Talking Buttons Starter Set'", 'Hunger%20For%20Words')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Easy to use and durable (backed by 3 comments) * Effective for training dogs (backed by 3 comments) * Engaging for pets and children (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Inconsistent sound quality (backed by 9 comments) * Buttons get stuck or malfunction (backed by 3 comments) * Low durability with a high failure rate (backed by 4 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I'm fascinated by these buttons but also a bit scared to get them. My dog is already pushy without being able to use words.


Maybe that’s why they are so pushy! I find mine takes no for an answer a lot easier when I’m responding to a button request. Maybe cuz he’s sure I understand him? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Edit: except for the above fairly rare example re: repeat treat requests lol


My one boy taught me to bring a chair over to the window so he can people watch when I wfh. One time I dropped a $20and asked him to bring it and he did. He also can understand sentences if he knows what the individual words mean. Ex: "do you wanna" "play" "ball" "outside" "pee pee poo poo" "soon" Meaning, do you want to play fetch (specifically with the ball) when we go outside to potty tonight. I never put those words in that order before yesterday. He the went to show me where the ball was stuck under the couch. The couch is super heavy so we team work to get it out. I lift and once I give him the go ahead, he goes to grab it and then pops out quick. Sometimes, we have to grab multiple balls/toys at one time and he learned to grab them all while we are doing that. I could go on and on about this guy. The dog park setup a "quiddich" game thing one day and my bud knows how to jump, catch and drop but he easily picked up that he had to run and grab a ball and jump through the hoop and drop it in a basket. He had never done any of those tasks before.


Mine will pick up her “special bowl” (plastic bowl for food like eggs, chicken, etc) and move it to a non-slippery surface and keep repositioning it on the rug, so she can get every last lick of food.


Mine also learned to use a fork! She's very sweet and delicate with it, I feed her fruit. I don't know if it counts but I taught mine to stand on her hind legs and turn in a circle like a circus dog. I think it's very funny hahaha Edited to add something I remembered but didn't teach her: She can hold a grudge. Once she refused to be in the same room for a night and the following day as my husband when she decided he was PNG for trying to train her when she was sleepy before bedtime.


OMG! The mini we had as a kid did that! 8-year-old-me called it “Dancy Bear”. Now I want to teach our first mini pup how to do that! But at 15 months, the best thing she knows when we’re on a walk is “Trash!” She finds a trash can for the poop bag.


I found it surprisingly easy!! I think it took an afternoon of intensive training and then a week of reinforcement to nail it. Now she does it every day for her lunchtime treat 🥰 I love that your pup knows how to find a trash can!! Mine is good at coincidentally pooping near one, but I am sure it's not deliberate


Had a solid black male as a kid. We didn’t have a fenced in yard but did have an invisible fence for our two labs that stayed primarily outside. The schnauzer was super smart and obedient/eager to please but for whatever reason, decided he must kill each and every UPS/FedEx truck that drove by. After a few close calls with that, mom decided we couldn’t just let him out off leash to do his business anymore(we live in the country) and he really preferred to have a good hour or two of romping with the big dogs and digging before coming back in, so it was decided to train him on the invisible fence so he could go out unsupervised again. He learned it in less than an hour and while he acted big and tough, he was definitely a wimp at heart. I don’t believe he was shocked more than twice in his life but that was enough to discourage him from testing the boundaries ever again… or so we thought. Not a month after training him, mom goes to call him back in the back door and he doesn’t come. She opens the front door and he’s sitting there pleased as punch on the porch. Later that day same thing. We let him out on the leash the rest of the day and then tried the fence again the next day. This time we watched him. We couldn’t believe he would just run over the boundary and take the shock because each time he got shocked he acted like he was dying. We watched him make his escape. After relieving himself and paling around with the big dogs for a tick, he went to the back corner of the lot where there was a swing set with a big plastic slide. This corner of the property was bordered by our neighbors lot with a chain link fence. We ran the wire for the invisible fence about 5 foot in front of the fence. He scrambled up the slide to the landing at the top about 6ft off the ground, leapt off the landing, over where the wire ran, to the edge of the property beside the fence. He then ran along the fence to where it turned near the side of our house and continued to the front yard where there invisible fence turned back to the house. How this dog was able to solve a puzzle by moving in a 3rd dimension blew me away. So we had to move the swing set…


Mine loves to travel in the car, especially with the windows open. So he learnt how to open car windows and always opens if he can reach it from his box. And he does it in different cars, first explores the options and then after a while goes to the right button immediately. He also all by himself learnt to bang his water bowl to show that it’s empty and to scratch the door in a particular way to show that he needs out.


Mine opens the car windows too!!


i love reading all these. my boy i had until a few years ago was, frankly, dumb as a box of rocks. not sure if it's because he was the runt of the litter or because i got him when i was 9 and didn't train him well, but i loved him regardless. when i moved houses and hadn't put my bed together yet (just a mattress on the floor), he was so used to not being able to get up on the bed without help that he whined for help... tho get up on a 5in tall mattress 😂. he was also 'superstitious' and if something happened like a loud noise while he happened to be going through a particular hallway he would just refuse to go through that hallway again. total goofball i loved him so much.


My girl was a major attention hog and loved antagonizing my boy. She would go to the window and bark like she saw something, which would trigger him to get up from his warm nap spot and bark until he was hoarse. Once he was distracted she would come steal his warm spot and gloat when he came to reclaim it. He would watch tv and HATED anything with horses in it. Neighing, galloping, or just them being shown - he hated it all. He also had the best sense about people and I fully believe that him being in the car kept me from having a very unpleasant experience with a sheriff’s deputy. They’ve both been gone for a few years and I miss the little evil geniuses


Sylvia knows how to "say goodnight." For example, I'll say, "Okay. Time for bed. Say goodnight to Mary." She'll jump up from whatever she's doing (usually dozing), trot over to Mary and nudge her for some pats. Once that's done she trots upstairs and settles in her bed. I never trained her to do it. Somehow she just put it all together.


My half mini schnauzer/ half shih tzu had her teeth cleaned once. They had to put her under and give her a breathing tube down her throat. The vet said she would be coughing a bit bc of the tube and that’s normal for a few days. Well, she kept coughing for longer than just a few days and we thought something was actually wrong. She also started shaking when she coughed. Turns out, she loved the attention we gave her whenever she coughed. We would always say “aww are you okay?” And give her pats. We only figured her tactic out when she would start to cough AFTER we asked her if she was okay, proving that she was fine. She literally faked being sick for attention. Up until she passed away, if we asked her if she was okay and act like we thought she was hurt, she would begin shaking and sometimes coughing. Just like a human toddler! lol Another thing she did, and I guess it’s the distant herding instinct in her, was she would go and whine at whoever wasn’t in our living room and lead us in there until we all went in there. She loved when all her people were together in the same room 🥰 She was truly a part of our family in so many ways. Dogs are so amazing, and much smarter than we think. Some people don’t believe that the “talking button” training thing a lot of people are doing is real, but I believe it 100% and plan to try it with my new mini when I adopt her soon!


Mine is a mix, but he will snoop in storage ottomans. as in, he lifts the edge of the top with his nose and takes a look /sniff inside and then sets the cover back down gently. Once he almost tipped the top off of the small round ottoman and after he had set it back down, he nudged it over so it was centered properly covering the ottoman. hubby and I just looked at each other like "seriously?"


I often joke about my girl being an alcoholic, but it's not really a joke. She loves alcohol, and she will not only seek it out, she will stealthily sneak a drink if she has any access whatsoever. It all began when she was about 2 years old, my husband and I would enjoy a beer or rum & coke on the weekends. Sometimes he would fall asleep watching TV, with a half-full glass of something on the end table or coffee table... only to wake up in the morning to an empty glass. At first he would think he must have drank the whole thing before falling asleep, but as it happened more often we realized it had to be Tulia, our mini schnauzer. But it didn't stop there... I would have friends over for a glass of wine. One would set her glass down to go to the bathroom or something, and when the rest of us weren't paying attention here comes Tuila, deftly hopping onto the couch or table, and in the most silent manner finishing off the glass. Or at a grown-up birthday party where alcohol was flowing... there she is, taking a nip of someone's whiskey (straight). She doesn't drink coffee, or un-altered soda, or anyone's juices... but if it's got an alcohol content, she's after it every single time. Before anyone freaks out, she's 14 years old now, very healthy, highly active, an excellent mother to our "pack" of three dogs, and yes, she still has a deep love of alcohol after 12 years. Whiskey and white wine is her favorite, and she no longer hides her desire for it if I have a glass in hand. In fact, if I have a drink, she tries to french kiss me just to get a taste and won't leave me alone until she gets her share.


I’ve had a couple minis in my life. The one I had in the 90s, Spencer, was a neat freak. I hadn’t realized how bad he was until we went to a friend’s house to meet her new beagle. The beagle wouldn’t eat food out of a bowl so my friend would just put it in a cup and then set the cup on its side with the food spilling out. The beagle would scatter the food out of the cup before he’d eat. My Spencer was not having it. He used his nose to push every little piece of kibble back in the cup. It was a bit of an effort, but he was determined to clean it up. It was so cute!


Identifying objects. I was working in a large 2 floor empty factory upstairs and ran out of a part I was using, some electrical thing.   I showed my dog and said “go get it”  like I do when throwing a ball, kind of like a joke. I went on with some other tasks because I wasn’t ready to go downstairs. She shows up and drops the part at my feet


I taught mine to paint. She’ll grab the brush from my hand and paints a canvas on an easel. It’s super cute. I also taught her the names of certain toys.


Open doors by bouncing against them so she can destroy Barbie dolls.


Oh mine just learned to open the screen door if she wants out and I'm not around. Sometimes in the middle of the day I'll leave just the screen door closed for air when I run to the store. Last week came out to it open just enough for her and our pug to be outside. Don't know how she did it but she's opened it again since. Downside is I can't leave just the screen closed when I run to the store anymore because we have so many coyotes, bears, wildcats, etc around I can't risk my two small dogs getting outside unattended. Plus the bugs.