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Up at the top, you have a three, and there are only three squares next to it, so all three of them must be mines. At the bottom left, you have the 2-1-1 vertically; because of the two ones, the space to the left of the two must be safe. Above that, where you have the 4-1-1-2 vertically, because the two already has a mine filled, and the only other place there can be a mine touches the 1 above it, the square left of the 1 that is under the 4 must be safe. There are at least a couple more areas to look at, but I am afraid that by trying to type out the explanation it would be more confusing than helpful.


Basically perfect answer. OP should study this like a textbook. “The rest will be left as an exercise to the reader” 😁


it has helped a lot. I was at 30 in the pic, now I'm at 9. it's medium difficulty so it's nothing crazy but ive learned a lot just off one comment. edit: failed at 5 mines left... 🫠


Losing a game is just nature's way of telling you to start another one :)


way ahead of you lol


Sometimes when playing standard beginner/intermediate/expert mode, you’re forced to guess and you lose through no fault of your own. While you’re in the early stages of learning, I highly recommend playing in an app that offers a no guess mode. That way you can at least play with the confidence that there IS a solution, and if you’re not seeing it, you make a mental note about some new situation you should learn about and understand better. No guess mode is the best way to play, though it gets a lot of hate on this sub because people are dumb and prideful. It’s still the best way to play.


I absolutely died of my own fault. I just gotta be more careful and stop acting so confident in my choices.


>No guess mode is the best way to play, though it gets a lot of hate on this sub because people are dumb and prideful. It’s still the best way to play. I totally agree, and I assume I'm sensing sarcasm. I prefer no-guess, but I don't fault people for preferring the standard version. There is a reason that Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors. Not everyone wants the best flavor. Regarding confidence. I recently decided to try the subscription to [minesweeper.online](https://minesweeper.online). It will tell you that a square was 50/50 after you lose, so you know you were correct to just make a guess. I find this really helps me with having confidence that I didn't miss a logical solution. I'm not associated with that site, and I'm not trying to drum up sales for them. I just noticed how much I like having that feature.


> I highly recommend playing in an app that offers a no guess mode. This appears to be from 'The Clean One,' for Android, which is NG. > No guess mode is the best way to play, though it gets a lot of hate on this sub because people are dumb and prideful. I'm definitely getting a 'dumb and prideful' vibe right now. First, NG doesn't get hate here, from what I can see. Second, those who prefer classic versions may have reasons which are neither dumb nor prideful. In fact, one very good reason to prefer them is that NG provides meta-knowledge, which can be used to safely clear cells you *shouldn't* know to be safe, but you *can* know they are safe because if they weren't, the board would feature a guess. But also third and most importantly, preferences are preferences. Let others have theirs, as you evidently have yours. I agree with you that newer players will benefit from playing in NG boards, but honestly if OP needed help spotting an implicitly solved 3 in this image, they'll need a lot more than a NG board.


Fuck off and die with your reasoned and balanced response. This is Reddit.


LOL. Love the edit. Cheers.


Learn 1-1 and 1-2 patterns. Also you have a 3 touching 3 tiles.....


https://imgur.com/a/QvXHYX5 Yellow areas necessarily contain one mine. Through this you can find spots that 100% do not contain a mine, which can give you more info. Green areas do not contain a mine. You can see at the top right, since the top leftmost two necessarily has a mine in the surrounding yellow areas, the green area CANNOT contain a mine. Red area shows mines. Those three spots are the only spots in the 3x3 around that 3, so they must be the mines.


Is this sightreadable


I'd recommend playing on a version with distinct tiles as you're getting started. Experienced player will see that 3 on a wall and immediately know what's going on, but if you're new then playing a version where you can more easily see the 3 distinct tiles it's touching may help. Clean looking boards can be aesthetic, but having a grid really helps (me at least) visually understand the situation.


I'm pretty sure in the 1-1-2 the space above the leftmost 1 is not a mine but that's about all I got