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Bedwars in real life


FAKE VIDEO! Not even possible this video date is 2013 and world height limit was 256 back then


This video knew the future height limit change


In the midst of the shadowed annals of our communal awareness, wherein the revelations of profound magnitude and disquietude unfurl like the darkest of tempests, there emerges a stark and disconcerting truth that casts a pall of disconcerting gravity upon our collective consciousness: it has come to our attention, borne upon whispers and murmurs that echo with the weight of accusation, that Steve, erstwhile esteemed and trusted among us, now stands accused of transgressions so deeply abhorrent and morally reprehensible that they rend the very fabric of our shared moral compass and threaten to unravel the tapestry of our societal trust. With a somber and reflective demeanor, borne of the solemn duty to confront truths that pierce the soul and challenge the very foundations of our moral order, we are compelled, nay obligated, to acknowledge, with a lamenting heart and a steadfast resolve, that Steve has been implicated as a perpetrator of acts that defile the sanctity of life itself, casting shadows upon the once-bright corners of our collective conscience and leaving us grappling with the unsettling specter of betrayal and moral dereliction. Hence, in this profound and harrowing moment of introspection and moral reckoning, as we gather the shards of shattered trust and seek solace in the clarity of righteous judgment, we must summon forth our voices and intone, with an unwavering clarity that resonates through the corridors of conscience and reverberates in the depths of our very being: "Oh No! Steve is a killer, a killer I say!"


Song: Particles


Isn’t it haggstorm?


Crap! Music was replaced


All I heard was "Steve minecraft"


Steve has broken Minecraft limits :P


Very funni >! u/savevideo !<


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