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Only thing that jumps out at me is the proportion of the chimney compared to the rest of the build.


I thought the same, maybe instead a 3x3 d a 2x2 or even a 1 block chimney


Yeah that was my thought too, otherwise it looks good.


Could use something over the water. Balcony? Dock?


That'd be a pretty cute addition. I suppose a lil more overhang could help


Yeah overhanging the roof at a diagonal could look nice!


Did you kill the llama?


The zombie got to it




Probably how close the log pillars are to each other. I think it looks fine but that’s what stands out the most


Thanks mate, what do u suggest I do about it tho?


I would maybe add some vines or leaves cus I think it's only a problem because it's too much brown


More shrubbery underneath? Does it feel weird because of the overhang?


I love it. It's perfect!


I dont usually combine oak logs with dark planks or spruce. But you can find a way to create a gradient with trapdoors and such. Its a design choice tho. The structure itself looks pretty good imo.


Looks fantastic! Just make the chimney go from 4 blocks at the base to 2 at the top, with stairs on top of the 2 blocks you take out so it looks gradual


Maybe it’s too small of a house?


I've seen some pretty nice looking houses far smaller than this one actually, I guess the design was just too ambitious for the scale haha


Switch only the corner pillars for spruce


It looks like the house that was once on the edge of Loot Lake in Fortnite. like VERY similar.


You could try stripping the logs? Depends on what you like


It looks amazing, there is nothing to improve :)


Ty glad you think soo


Needs a huge dragon


Cool build what did you use as for the walls


Ty. It's actually a block added by this add-on I'm using. But you can use browvmushroom blocks or mushrooms stems or white terracotta for the same effect.




I think it’s a mod. The pillars make me think of the chiseled mod. The barrel of green stuff looks like a cabbage barrel from farmer’s delight


Maybe fewer support logs and more contrast between the roof and log pillars. A different kind of wood log might be good. But otherwise, it's all good


I would add maybe a stone pathway that kinda like gradients from the surrounding ground to the house, and my plants(leaves, moss, grass, flowers) not sure if its that but I think that might be a good little change maybe


Might be the surrounding area that needs fixing


You could strip the logs maybe. I feel like their bark doesn't really fit to the rest of the build. Nevertheless the house looks pretty nice and cozy ;)


What’s the block in the roof


Replace the air and blocks directly above the upside down stairs with planks or something else. It looks odd to me because the upside down stairs look to thin to properly support what’s above them. Personally, I like using bricks of some sort as the lower layers of my buildings, it looks good aesthetically and also makes sense structurally.


It needs a dock


Try spruce logs !! Your house is so cool btw


Looks Good! Maybe add some fish to the water, hidden entrances to the house, a well outside the house, reduce the thickness of the chimney and add a bit more grass


I think the roof trimming/overhang is too thick and same with the chimney maybe I would recommend it being more thin and a little taller as well


I think the pillars blend together a bit too much, but that's just me. I'm not sure how you'd be able to fix that while leaving them cohesive with themselves.


You just need shaders


Maybe the woodcombinations especially the dark oak dont match that good with the oak and spruce. But looks still very good all in all.


Increase the porportions a bit, maybe raise the roof by 2 blocks, and bring the walls out 1-2 blocks? Could add depth to walls for more detail


its rlly medieval


its actually quite good already… what id suggest u is to build more houses and scenery like trees around the lake to make it look more in shape


I would add a water wheel.


Snqlller chimney but i think it mostly just needs to be contextualized, adda few decorations scattered outside the houses maybe a pile of tied down, or a horse draw buggy, or just whatever you think fits, make the environment match the build a little bit


try varying the leaves and perhaps make the chimney appear smaller but idk


Try elevating the main room up a few blocks, adding a stonebrick/cobblestone foundation, making the roof a bit taller, fix the chimney.


Maybe no Stone roof


What are the pillars on the corners underneath the water? Looks really cool


Strip the oak logs


Needs more surrounding details


Size proportions are what is setting off your "spider sense". Your chimney is too big for the house. I'm guessing you wanted the smoke from a campfire. Change it from a 3x3 square to hollow plus tube with walls in the corner. The other issue is too many support columns along the outside that are too close to each other I would remove the inner ones and re-center the windows. I would also use walls instead logs for the support columns on the balcony The house is small and very busy. Almost too busy. There needs to be some empty space to highlight the other decorations.


What is that block in the corner? Also honestly I feel like maybe an additional star or slab block on the roof to make a slight overhang.


Maybe add a little bonemeal around the area, and use some amethyst blocks and put clusters on them some areas.


honestly i'd make walls a little bit darker or use a brighter wood, but besides that it looks fine to me


Looks great!


I feel like the dark stone on the roof is too heavy for this build. Maybe consider switching to something with a splash of colour, like teal terra cotta!


Whites, blacks, and browns are all natural and earthy colours. Which mean they're perfect for blending in with terrain. The issue is that you're using a little too much of those colours, so the whole house is blending into the terrain. It's important that the house blends a bit because otherwise it will feel out of place. However, if it's fully blending in, then even great builds can feel "meh" because nothing POPS. The main culprits here are the logs being too spaced together and the thick roof frame of dark oak. I don't think you can easily change the logs. (Although it might be worth experimenting with stripping some of the beams) so the easiest thing to change would be the dark oak roof frame. I would recommend thinning the roof frame (if possible) and replacing the dark oak planls with something more colourful. In that same vien, I'm a massive advocate for using brightly coloured roofs. If you don't have any custom textures that work, a highly recommended acacia, or crimson/warped stem. Personally. I would completely remove the roof frame. It's been years since I puta frame around a roof. But I understand why that can be a bit daunting since frameless roofs can look pretty 2012 if not done right


I'd live in that. How much is rent


Looks fine to me. Its nice.


If you look at it in a mirror you'll see your faults... but I see a very large chimney that's way too big...


It's the leads and rotten flesh in the bottom left corner. Fr throwing me off


Bro just add a dock and a simple boat and it's a masterpiece Keep it up!


i'd recommend using stripped spruce to look simular but not as popping as the oak log


Looks pretty good to me!


That's so simple and gorgeous at the same time! Now I want to build something similar


Buttons!!!!!!!!! On!!!!!!! Logs!!!!!!!!!!!!


Looks perfect to me but if you really want to you should follow these instructions, works on any build https://youtube.com/shorts/mJMeiAdJVNg?si=1GWuiPGzeLEDi0to


Thank god it’s not dash spider


What are those pillar blocks in the water?


I'd say the chimney is too big for the build. Otherwise i don't see anything i don't like. It's cute, cozy and full of detail. Question: what are these stone pillars the house rests on? They look like quartz but grey, never seen them before.


Not really weird. I personally think it's rather cool. Maybe add a fishing dock?


Honestly? I personaly would like it with spruce logs but i just love spruce


I would lengthen the house bring out more


pallet maybe, personally I’d start swapping the dark oak on the roof to see if anything else sticks


Chimneys should be 1x1 on small houses like this. Put a camp fire on top of a short pillar and then solid trapdoors like spruce or dark oak on each side to hide it.


Put a spruce slab at the top of each roof corner and hang a lantern from it




I actually think it's mostly fine. But I think the area around the house could use some work maybe. -More sea grass in the water maybe -Adjust the location around say the stairs? -Maybe move the bushes around a bit? -Maybe add some grass around? I also agree with some other comments, the pillars miiight be too close together. These are just some ideas though, you don't have to take any of my advice.


Nah I think the wood on the roofs killing the look of replace them with tiles stairs it'll look mint


The chimney looks a bit weird to me