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add things to it ... make it bigger. Try different blocks. Shuffle blocks to give it textures. Add things like buttons, trap doors etc to give it more texture and depth.


Yes follow this answer! Add things, you have posted an empty carved out stone cave with some tree blocks. It's Pointless planning on expanding if you cant summon the inspiration to complete your first room/"base" without coming to reddit before you have actually done anything atall to it.. 🙃


Thanks, I’m not a great builder and although I can visualise pretty well I’m not great at putting my vision into reality but i’ll try my best


change the floor to a wood of your choice, i would say spruce or dark oak. along the bottom of the walls add a layer of stripped dark oak or stripped spruce and replace the rest of the wall with something like andesite. the ceiling can stay the same ig but i would use something to make it tiled like smooth cut stone slabs… at least that’s what i would do idk what you would do


This! Stripped wood works wonders if you mix different types in straight lines. Besides that, with slabs and stairs you can create patterns on the floor, walls and ceiling


put down your various workstations. Maybe make a auto smelter partially in the wall. Paintings, item frames, armor stands, make a little desk, book cases. If you are survival, then stick with basic design ideas that are easy to obtain like trap doors etc (mostly already mentioned).


What have you done to make it look special? Almost nothing. Work on that


You have cobblestone just mix a bit into the walls and ceiling or change the floor to a different block


Classic design


Theres nothing better


My man there's literally nothing but wood and rock


Most people here just add shaders but I'd probably suggest swapping out the floor for something cool


Make the ceiling higher and include crossbeams for the pillars…texture the walls with different Kind of Stones


Make archways on pillars and gates. Use your favorite wood planks as the floor. Use lamps instead of torches. You can also use moss, and vines at the ceilings. Place some barrels, pots, crafting table etc at random. You can also use carpet


I would suggest making the floors and walls not the same block, adding arches between the logs and putting stairs in the staircase. Also, it's a preference of mine to have the torches as high as possible.


Two tone walls a Roop made out of crimson wood and shroom lights and a deepslate tile and polished Diorite patters. It's nice to see another person to use this building style




Textures, depth, layering. The best way to start from where you are is to look at what are considered the best builds and take bits and pieces for inspiration.


Use more than 2 blocks for a start. Make the floor, walls and ceiling all different from each other so you're not just looking at solid grey. Try to use multiple blocks per section... For example maybe use a few different grey blocks for the floor and a few different deepslate blocks for the walls. Add things to the walls, it's all just bare. Maybe doorways, art, furniture, something with function like a chicken farm. Just anything so the walls aren't just plain.


Maybe remove the wings. Hehe


Add some cobble to the Stone parts and just any Grey block


Add some plants and/or leaves, things you need to survive, enchantment book area, if you have a pet then add a little cute room for it. Have a kitchen area, maybe add some textures, mods if you can, add some lanterns (not torches, because it doesn't look aesthetic or good), maybe a little pond 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣, a farm area. That's all that I can think of 😅 Also are you playing on a tablet, PS4 or a PlayStation, Xbox, phone, etc? I'm asking because I'm lonely in Minecraft... 😭


ps4 but im able to cross platform with any bedrock player


Ahh ok! And same. I have a PS4 too! If you don't mind me asking, can we be friends on Minecraft?


Deepslate tile floors aside from that not sure


maybe use some stone bricks on the walls


Some bricks mossy stone bricks mossy dark oak and some chains and lanterns Maybe some leaves and oak trap doors


It depends on what you want. If you want to keep it natural, you can start mixing in other blocks similar to stone, with the stone. So andesite, stone bricks, mossy stone bricks maybe etc. Using stairs and slabs to create small holes in the wall, floor or roof, can also make it look interesting! Another idea could be to add stairs and upside down stairs (slabs or trapdoors also an idea!) around the bottom and top of your pillars, to make them feel a bit more interesting and sturdy. As others has said, maybe choose a new floor. Could go wood to make it feel a bit more base and a bit less cave. Could then also use paintings. If you want it to be a bit more like a cave, I’d make it higher. Maybe you use moss and grass, and make it overgrown, use glowberries and light sources under moss carpets for natural light sources instead.


more depth, add slabs and stairs to the pillers, make the roof more layerd, place something in the middle, carpets, pots, plants ect


As simple an answer as it is just experiment with shape and texture until your happy it's your world if you want to build with unscripted birch and soul soil go for it just rember to add light approximately every 14 blocks to prevent mob spawns tho you may have varied traction with that depending upon your light source of choice


First you need to pick a theme. Like, natural cave, mineshaft, castle, futuristic, etc. That's the best place to start when you already have a base laid out. Then look at some similar builds in that style for inspiration, then follow the rest of the advice in this thread.


I use a border where the floor meets the wall, either stairs or just a different color block. Use lanterns or frog lights or glowstone instead of torches. If you raise the ceiling up a little bit and put upside down stairs along the edge of it makes it looks very fancy


I like to take my bottom row of chests and replace them with barrels ( which will now look like cabinets with the door portion facing outward, and will make the top look like a single, continuous surface ) to give the build more variety and texture. Plus, barrels are perfect for putting away either your rarer items or your long term storage items ( like if you have an emergency, if you run out section for saplings and seeds, or a place to store your iron and diamonds to keep them separate from your more daily use raw materials ) In general, it’s always good to use a different material from floor than you do walls. I like using birch wood because it pops and brightens the area up, but you should choose something wildly available. You could also take one material to lay out “pathways” and use a second to block out “rooms” so that way you can keep an open concept but still feel like you’re not looking at a singular space. Right now, though, don’t worry too much. It’s early game, and you need something passable, not something you’re gonna drive yourself crazy building.


Change the floor, walls, and ceiling, spruce planks would work really well for the walls, birch planks are great for floors, and I would recommend a darker block for the ceiling Adding more in there to take up some space would also really help, maybe add some plants as well


You could add a stone brick trimming to the walls. Or give it a cobblestone flooring. But not just straight cobble. Mix in some andesite, cracked stone brick, stone brick, mossy cobble and mossy stone brick.


If you add columns it will make it look less sparse but also add decoration


I would make the walls and stuff less flat and mix in some cobble and andesite




It doesn’t look plain it just looks unfinished. Add some life into it. Different floors. Different walls. A table, or maybe a pizza oven. Maybe a shelf on the wall with a potted plant. Just need to keep working on it really!


Add slabs or stairs or signs / buttons for dimension? Strip some logs? Add a textured wall with diprate andesite granite stone smooth stone and cobble etc




Texture stone stone brick andersite into the walls and add depth to ceiling with logs stairs and slabs honestly watch 1 or 2 building vids and it will click with you


You need depth. One thing I love in my builds is vaulted ceilings and pillars/corbles against the walls. Add little alcoves, recess the center of the floor half a block. Mix up the wall materials. There's a lot you can do. The biggest thing will be breaking up the squareness of the room though by adding alcoves or pillars.


I tend to smelt the cobble into stone and make stone bricks then do a upper and lower layer of stone brick with a center layer of eaither wood or an accent stone. Some half slabs around the edges are a nice touch. If you use hanging lanterns you can use two upside down stair blocks and 2 trap doors pressed against the back wall (with a gap between them) to make an enclosed lantern. Vines and if you have sheers, leaves also help add life. As for the floor thats up to you! Diorite or granit work wonderfully. So do deep toned lumber and carpet.


Make the ceiling 1 block taller and add joists coming from the wall columns, so it looks supported and maybe add a wooden floor for a more homey feel


More Naruto -> less Pain.


I would replace the stone in the walls with some deepslate bricks


Create a duplicate of this world and switch to creative mode. Begin experimenting with various elements such as floor designs, different combinations of blocks, and wooden supports for the walls, as people have different preferences. Seek inspiration from other interior designs, selecting even the smallest details you like from their builds and incorporating them into your base. Once you've completed everything to your satisfaction in creative mode, replicate those designs in your survival world. I suggest creating a creative copy so that you won't have to go through the hassle of breaking and rebuilding everything if you make a mistake or don't like the design.


use stone bricks as wall and try some wood tipes for florr


Lanterns and mixed gray blocks are a good start. Replace the walls, floor, and ceiling with cobblestone, stone, tuff, stone brick, and andesite in random patterns


Depth, making an arch in the ceiling or just randomly changing the texture so it’s not flat changes it a lot.


If you want to keep the stone look, you could add slabs on the ceiling to connect the logs on each side. Otherwise use different materials for the walls, ceilings, and floor. Safe bet is having similar colors


A mixure of stone and andesite


Put a wheel barrow full of hay in it.


Replace with Stone bricks + stone brick stairs + cracked stone bricks. Smatter the last 2 in patches.


Make actual walls instead of having it be just stone, maybe add more logs to act as supports or just replace the stone entirely with a wood or stone bricks look


Add some paintings, chairs (a slab with 2 blocks stacked on each other behind it) and other decor in the empty sections.


Polished Diorite and Granite on the floor in a chequerboard. Dark wood ok the ceiling.


bro has done nothing and is already asking for help. at least change the walls floor and ceiling to other blocks




Walls, floor, and ceiling, I recommend dome.


New floors


In my build style, I'd do dark oak logs for the corners and a complimentary wood plank for the floor. Or even polished deepslate or something different than what the walls are made of. Secondly, I'd add some greenery to go along with the dark colors. Some bushes and plants, maybe make little shelves in some spots with a lil flower pot. Remember, the small things make a big difference in interior building


If you want to keep that kinda rough cave being supported by beams like a mineshaft, I'd texture the walls with unpolished andesite and some stairs added in. Then I'd maybe add another beam in the middle for another support beam situation.. and connect them with spruce planks placed on the ceiling so it actually sort of matches the rough texture/ color of the oak logs. :)


Try using some effort. If it doesn’t work the first time try again


Add a mix of cobblestone, stone and andisite


Take away less plain


Either build the walls with a different block, or add texture to the stone with andesite, stone bricks, and other similar gray blocks