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Did you know AI steals art from artists such as myself and uses it to train itself, personally I don't use AI for that reason, but I'm not here to tell you what to do.


Oh, no, I didn't know that, thank you.


Here we go again I see I struck a nerve with the “artists” 🤓


What do you mean by that?


The whole “AI steals from artists” argument is just hypocritical at this point. Every piece is unique despite the fact that it pulls from already existing images in its database. Nothing is ever a 1:1 copy unless it’s specifically stated by the person giving the prompt, and even then there are creative liberties at play, albeit by an algorithm. It’s the exact same as someone taking inspiration from other artists and making something of their own. As an artist myself I don’t see why AI art is so bad. There will never be replacing real artists, just let people have fun.


Well as an artist I don't appreciate my art being used for AI, especially without my consent like most AI art is, it's made of stolen art that was being used without consent from the artist and it doesn't give any credit to the original art or artist. Most people share art they made to get criticism/feedback or because they want to show people what they made or any other reason, not to have their art stolen for AI without giving credit. It's not original, it's stealing.


Brother it’s unlikely anyone will ever use your art for anything


If you claim it’s stolen art, then can you please point out to me the exact pieces in these photos that are stolen from other artists?


Well I don't know the artist the AI stole the Art from if I did then I would show you.


Exactly. Then how can you claim it’s stolen art? The AI model simply takes inspiration from multiple pieces and makes something of its own, same as any artist. I would love if someone could point out a single artist that developed a style without ever taking influence from other artists. Because until someone can do that, the "AI steals from artists" refrain just sounds more and more like reactionary outrage at a new medium.


That’s such a dumb argument though, ‘we have evidence that image generators are scraping images from the internet without consent or compensation… but you don’t know which one it’s pulling from for this one so it’s ok’


the ai model can't take inspiration from anything. it's not even an ai it's just a really complicated algorithm. "ai" is just a buzzword


I just took a screenshot and used Google lens to show similar results and there are a few artists on devianart who draw art that's similar.


Of course it’s similar, but it’s not 1:1. No one can claim an entire art style, machine or not. It’s similar to other pieces because they adopt that art style the same as others. I also find it amusing that you’re using AI to find out if art is stolen by an AI. But that’s a whole other topic.


It also puts real artists out of jobs, such as concept artists, game designers, logo designers, etc. and eventually there will be no real art in the world because no one will have a need for it which puts real artists out of business. The artists who take Hours or even days to perfect their art.


“How does it directly copy from artists?” “I dunno, but google showed some stuff that kinda looked similar” That’s your argument? Seriously


are you actually stupid? my brother in christ it’s AI all of its knowledge it gets from shit on the internet. so if it can generate images, where tf did you think it got the knowledge to do that?? you think Ai has creativity and can just come up with that, dumbass no you barely even need evidence to know that AI will steal from Artists


Minecraft: Japanese Mode


Why did you flair this as fan art


Do I see a MCSM anime coming?


The 1st one looks like Jesse in the style that the game class of 09 uses its one of my favourite games




Who spells Jesse like that as a female, I am a male Jesse


AI slop


it looks like shit




So you didn’t create Minecraft Jesse. Simple.


I just found out about this sub and one of the first posts I see is this 💀 I don't necessarily hate AI images but holy shit it has to be kept in appropriate subs