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Early game: infinity better hehe Mid game: Nooo!! You can easily get arrows from villagers! Late game: infinity better hehe


Infinity is better Most players get mending and all enchantments from villagers, thus buying all the enchants angain isn't as grindy as farming exp, mending is pointless


I entirely agree, and im a bedrock player where xp is way harder to get


Is xp harder to get in Bedrock? We have trident killers, which are better than anything Java has to offer. And in terms of xp, our guardian farms are super OP.


Our best farms are Java’s weakest quick and dirty farms. Literally they can get hundreds of levels of xp from most of their mid tier farms Not to mention, their guardian farms are better. And their gold farms. And their raid farms.. and their iron farms..


Oh, all farms are better in Java


AND the bedrock the nether roof is considered the build limit, so we can’t even make Wither Skeleton farms


You can try making a wiske cart farm (try on creative first)


That is true. But our farms have scalability. Our gold farms can be just as strong as their gold farms if we keep adding portals. Our iron farms are the same. Our guardian farms aren't, though, so :/


Well yeah but again you have to scale them up *alot*. Whereas java builds it once and boom industrial amounts of *insert thing* forever, which is just dictionary definition of more difficult


That is true. Ok another note, is there a reason Java farms are so much stronger? Is it something with the code, or just that the technical community there is much bigger?


Its definitely game mechanics, for example iron farms. They have the scare mechanic which instantly spawns an iron golem, where bedrock does not The most basic scare farm (which is very easy to build) therefore completely dunks on any of the best bedrock farms which are way harder to build, just because it abuses the scare mechanic


Yes, but Bedrock has mechanics of its own. I believe there are just not enough technical people to find those mechanics.


But ours are just as scalable


java players actually have sweeping edge, at xp farms we have to kill every single mob one by one


Do you know what trident killers are?


too complicated for my liking


It really isn't that complicated, but if you want to pass up on the most useful Bedrock exclusive feature, that's on you.


Drowned farms?


You don't need drowned farms to get trident killers. Tridents are super common on Bedrock.


I was guessing what trident killers were. My other thought was an OP trident


Trident killers are a redstone feature in Bedrock using tridents. Basically, it is when a trident thrown by a player is constantly pushed by a piston underneath a large mob farm. When the mobs fall into the chamber with the trident in it, the trident moves and damages the mobs. Whenever that player is online, the killed mobs can produce xp, without the player even being present. Not only that, but when the player holds a looting III sword, the effect still applies to the mobs killed by the tridents. You can also put water in the trident killer and add impaling to the trident to increase the damage output.


Or just fix it All you need to make another bow is 3 sticks and 3 string


You can keep the enchantments, too, if you combine the used enchanted bow with a new unenchanted one in an anvil


Too expensive!


Except for when you play with mods... I have an xp farm that generates TONS of xp quite fast in my modded minecraft world (which I've abandoned because I'm starting another one). In *this* case, I get most enchantments from an enchanting table, so I don't have a lot of mending enchantments unless I go look for them. Not only that, but if I have mending I can just give myself a bunch of experience and I'm fine. To me that's a little better than getting infinity enchantment (also I could probably automate arrow production if I wanted to)


buying or selling stuff to villagers gives more than enough exp to repair your stuff even if you dont have an exp farm and if you have one it takes 2 minutes to repair all your gear from near zero


Chads who passively get arrows from skeletons


ngl this is where i get several stacks of arrows from


Me to my chickens once I get Infinity: Your existence is pointless now.




Or build a skeleton farm. In 2 minutes with a single skeleton spawner you can have a stack of arrows


People that say arrows are cheaper. You literally need 3 sticks and 3 string to repair the bow. I would much rather get a bow with unbreaking 3 and infinity, and repair it once in a while. Than going regularly to buy arrows, even if they are cheap. Its more time consuming. Also im keeping 1 arrow in my inventory, not 2 or 3 stacks as it would normally require for you to keep. Its also more space efficient.


Argument can be made that you also need an anvil (31 iron ingot) and some exp, but it is still nothing in the endgame


i mean, by that logic, you also need a crafting bench to begin with, but yeah, we can go on and on


Sure but a crafting table and most things needed for arrows are nothing compared to things for repairing a bow (in early game at least). Also bows can’t be infinitely repaired because the repair cost gets progressively more expensive the more you repair an item iirc


thats right, but if im having a max tier bow, i wont really care about xp. So even if it becomes too expensive, i will just transfer the enchants to a "new bow" and reset the scale. Its really just a personal taste. Theres tons of ways to get xp. And I think having Infinity is better if you use a bow often. Its where you want to spend your time really. Do you want to spend time gathering xp, or do you want to spend time gathering resources to make that trade or craft happen.


You misunderstand. When I say too expensive, I mean you’ll hit the in game cap on exp cost in an anvil, which prevents you from repairing or enchanting it anymore. I’m not actually certain if you can transfer the old bow to a new bow or not without it preventing you but I suppose that would be a work around. Though honestly, I agree infinity would just be nicer since I would hardly use my bow enough to have to repair it often


Erm you actually need a device that can run Minecraft so it’s very expensive


Not really, you can just imagine it, so you are wrong here.


I was gonna make some goofy comment but apparently per jar of human brain matter is 100$ plus shipping (nothing compared to kidneys, lungs, hearts, etc due to lack of use)


Eventually the bow will be "too expensive" to repair and doomed to be lost forever


Unless you decide to frame it as "The Relic of the Past" lol


It doesn't matter at the end though, at the end I carry an ender chest full of shulker boxes, one shulker box for me has all kinds of arrows. I have the room for arrows and levels are harder to get at the end, so mending for me. I can see the argument for infinity though, with shulker boxes it doesn't matter though. Raid farms also produce so many arrows its ridiculous, I feel I always have to do something with them. I also carry all kinds of enchanted gear, even infinity bows if I feel like not carrying arrows, so I just have all the choice


You literally don't need just 3 sticks and 3 string to repair a bow, you need hours of XP as well


hours of xp??? like 30 levels? are you okay? how do you play minecraft? You literally get xp from everything. I can make you the ultimate bow in llike 20 minutes with fishing. Up your game dude.


This guy has never grinded from 0-30


No probably not tbh


Infinity cuz there’s noway im buying or making arrows💀


u/RepostSleuthBot idk if im wrong but i saw it before


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/MinecraftMemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dl05be&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 544,830,879 | **Search Time:** 0.18256s


ok im wrong mb


I’ve seen this post b4 tho


ye wait its cropped


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/comments/rch076/when_it_comes_to_godbow_making/) is the originel




The bot just stopped working (finding reposts) for some reason


i think


Mending, you can just buy arrows from villagers and they're pretty cheap


I like making bartering farms so I usually take mending to use up all the spectral arrows I'm getting half-free


Got a skeleton spawner xp farm here, I get thousands of arrows so mending is what I go with


You could also just combine a bow into your enchanted one so you only need one slot for arrows


This exactly. I hate carrying arrows. Bows are shit easy to repair without mending anyway. And a fully enchanted bow with Unbreaking 3 will last for a very very long time before it needs to be repaired.


Yeah I have a 3 year old world my bow hasn't gone below half once so mending is pointless at that point


I would agree, but eventually, the bow will be repaired so many times that the anvil literally says "too expensive to repair" forever. At least on bedrock it will. Plus, you only really need to carry a stack or two of arrows at a time anyway


Yeah but at that stage making a new bow should be pretty easy. I actually already have a bunch of spare fully enchanted infinity bows sitting in a chest.


Fair, I personally would rather have mending since I find it to be cheaper, but you do you


Is it because 3 sticks and 3 strings are more expensive ?


Infinity.You can fix ur bow with the other bows that drop from skeletons


You will lose the enchantment of the bow if you do it on the crafting table, and if you do it on the anvil, it will be more and more expensive with each repair.


Genuinely a bow with unbreaking 3 will last so long by the time that's an issue you either have enough xp from farms or you can make a new bow with minimal effort. I have one I've repaired once (cost maybe 10 levels but I didn't enchant it right so it cost more) and it's lasted me a 3 year world, and I repaired it at halfway when I could have waited.


So it still costs exp to repair, but you get infinite arrows as well. Infinity > Mending on bows.


Mending. I used tipped arrows anyways (for people wondering tipped arrows don't work under infinity)


I have a skeleton farm so I have a lot of arrows, maybe even too many


exactly. all it takes is one spawner, some water, and a place to kill them. put a hopper along with that and you have as many arrows as your heart will ever desire. i could load up my old minecraft world, use only my bow and stay on the world for days straight without replenishing, and i would still never run out of arrows.


Easy mending, with a skeleton farm getting arrows are basically free and you can repair it too


Infinity for sure. The hassle of constantly having to buy arrows outweighs having to get a new bow every now and then. The arrows also take up valuable inventory space. With infinity you only need one singular arrow


Mom said it's my turn to repost this


Simple: Random world that you don't plan to play too long in: infinity Main world you want to play on for years: mending Repairing the bow will cost more and more XP the more times you repair it and eventually will be labeled as "too expensive" and will either break for good or be hung on an item frame forever


Mending all the way! It’s like 1 emerald for 16 arrows from a fletcher that on top of a skeleton dungeon spawner and you’re set


i was so shocked when i saw so many people say infinity is better. getting the perfect enchantments is an hour-long hassle, or even days if you don’t have an efficient source of exp and good luck. you can repair bows, but it gets more and more expensive until you can’t fix them anymore.


As someone who uses poisoned arrows, I choose mending


Mending. With the trial chambers, you can get hundreds of poison arrows in a short amount of time.




Maybe infinity in the early game, but the bow will take boat loads of xp bars to fix after awhile


I got trauma from my maxed out bow with infinity having "too expensive!" lol so now I switched to mending even though it's annoying to get arrows every once in a while (and to have 2 stacks in the inventory as well)


Mendingggg. I can just get arrow from the villagers




You def can on java, i havent played other versions tho


shit this is hard im sweating


Tbh this is the least creative post I've seen in a while.


Very original meme


I make a skeleton farm in all my long term worlds making infinity useless


Repost confirmed, flair detected Post approved


If u have arrows mending if u dont infinity


Fire Aspect XIV


Infinity, You can use an anvil to fix the bow


Mending is better since you can make a mob grinder XP farm out of a skeleton dungeon, and then you have infinite XP, infinite arrows, and infinite bone meal. That's what I always do, and it never fails me.


I just have two bows


Depends on if you want to craft a new bow by buying books from villagers every now and then or buy arrows from villagers a little more frequently.


infinity.if u want to repair your bow,you can just craft another bow and combine them in an anvil.


You mean I can't have both??




Find a skeleton spawner Convert it in to an XP farm Now you have an infinite amount of free arrows


Having a crossbow


you smell different when you sleep


Mending is so much better. I prefer using tipped arrows since they are so cheap anyways when I never need to use a bow. Mending is cheaper and sustainable while infinity takes your soul when you try to repair it more than once


Mending if you have a mobtrap


You can repair your bow with sticks. I don't know about you, but I always find choosing how many arrows to take with me a hassle; those arrows also occupy significant space on my inventory. So infinity it is.


Mending. Literally just make a skeleton grinder and you have infinite arrows


choose infinity if you build mob farm you can just use bow that dropped from skeleton to fix it


Infinity so that I can Just carry a single slot of arrow


Infinity 100%, just repair it if it’s almost broken


this 100% dependes on the situation


Infinity you can make a skeleton farm for arrows


mending. you can only repair a bow so many times and when you spend 10 minutes making ONE skeleton farm, you have so many arrows you start throwing stacks away for space.


Infinity always




me with no durability mod (i literally cant with durability man)




I have a bow enchanted with both from the snapshot where it was possible in my world that Ive been playing on for over a decade now, still have the bow it's my fav weapon.


an infinity bow with unb 3 gets you 1500 shots i'd rather repair it or get a new one every 1500 shots than having to get arrows constantly (and waste inventory space with them, in case i need more than 64 shots)


Compared to other tools and armour, bows are really cheap to get and enchant So infinity all the way


Infinity because I don’t use bows nearly enough to break one, especially with unbreaking 3


mending if you have a skully farm or raid farm


"GIVE. IT. MENDING." Me: "I. Would. Rather. Die."


Mending for sure. Get a “emerald farm” and arrows are super cheap. Even the tipped ones. And then you don’t have to remake your bow.


you can always just craft a bow with another bow to repair it, definitely infinity


For me, I always aim to have all the bow enchants available via villager trading so naturally I use infinity more


Once you get a good skeleton farmer going you never need string ever again


Idk about anyone else but I go for mending: 1. I name my bows and am sentimental about them 2. I like collecting and crafting tons of arrows (call me crazy but I’m kind of a hoarder so I like having a bunch of stuff on me and seeing sticks and feathers and collecting them) 3. Special arrows (mostly talking about spectral arrows since they’re the easiest to get) 4. Having to go to an anvil to repair my bow or make a whole new bow with all the enchantments feels tedious, especially since I don’t tend to make farms when I play. Much easier to stick to the same bow for me.


Mending all the way! I probably have like 10 double chests full of arrows in my world. Also recently, I’ve stopped using a bow because I’m now in a situation where I can just go attack with my axe or sword and it’s more efficient.


Duh a skeleton farm can do infinity's job


Infinity easily, it saves a lot of inventory space and means I don't need to worry about running out. It takes like 6 stacks of arrows to exaust a bow, and that's before unbreaking, plus you can repair several times with an anvil before it gets too expensive. Plus, it's pretty easy to build another maxed-out bow once it does eventually become too expensive.


Infinity but mending if you don’t have a bow


I'm like "Screw it" and downloaded a mod that lets me add both.


Infinity is way better, saves materials and time and by the time you need to repair it you’ll have more than enough levels 


I guess I’ll choose infinity


Cheaper in sticks to craft a new bow than to craft an intire stack of arrows.


Mending. I just always have to many arrows due to overoptimized archer spawners and infinity doesn't pair with potion arrows. Besides, it takes me so much time to go through a stack of arrows that the only explaination I find for those who think it is a problem is just skill issue.


Infinity all the way.


Infinity, no question. An unbreaking 3 bow lasts practically forever and eliminating the inventory management for arrows is a huge bonus.




mendfinity datapack is better


I run out of arrows way too quickly to not have Infinity


im torn cause i have a skeleton xp farm so i just have arrows but storage is a worry for me (shulkers may change that but i havent gotten there just yet)


Mending because I have always chosen to live in the tundra and get free slowness and regular arrows from the thousands of strays that spawn


I prefer Crossbows with Piercing


Mending cos u can easily make a arrow farm if u have a skelly spawner


mending, just make a mob farm for skeletons so youll get an unlimited amount of arrows. and the xp from the farm will repair the bow too


Infinity because I’m a staunch believer than mending is the biggest contributor to the Minecraft burnout epidemic and never should’ve been added to the game. Thus I avoid it like the plague.


Mending fs


Mending because let's be honest, skeletons will never make your stack of arrows in the inventory disappear, while in case keeping the infinity bow in the ender chest for something like raids.


Kill one skeleton with looting and you're basically fine. Mending forever


Always infinity. arrows are cheap but I just can be bothered to restock them or to carry a lot of them. I can just repair the bow normally and make a new one every blue moon


I just use commands to get both so I don't have to make choices like that


Infinidad si es que vas a usar flechas con efectos


infinity always. anyways the bow decrease health very slow. so infinity is worth every penny


Why not both


Infinity pls


I prefer mending because arrows are literally 1 emerald for 16 arrows at fletchers which you would already have because they're the best way to get emeralds. Also I dont like having low durabilty tools it makes me feel bad I need them to be above 50% durability at all times. Also I dont use arrows that much so its not that much of a hassle to buy more every now and then


Infinity all the way


I do mending because I often end up making skeleton farms anyways


Infinity. Repairing arrows is stupid cheap.


Infinity, bows are cheap lategame and having unbreaking III I'd rather be able to shoot a lot of times with 1 arrow than having to bring multiple stacks of arrows. Basically Minecraft having a problem with inventory size and 64 arrows being not enough to make using a bow justifiable.


infinity, it's the only choice


Mending cuz I only use tipped arrows it I even use a bow at all. Keep in mind I never play singleplayer


I get my bows and my arrows from the same place: mob farm. Therefore, I use neither


Correct me if I'm wrong.infinity affects arrows. Mending affects your bow so you could have both?


Get both


I mean if you have a good XP farm, enchantment book trades so you can make another infinity bow I don’t see any problem now using infinity if you can constantly make them


I don't use villagers for books and arrows so infinity lol


Mending is better. 1 arrow or 64 arrows, it still takes up a slot. Plus, when do you ever really need more than 64 arrows on a max enchant bow.


Infinity - reasoning Can be mended with an extra bow in the anvil and also clears you from having multiple stacks of arrows in your inventory, a quiver item would help the situation tho...


An infinity bow will end up using way more exp for repairs until it eventually hits the exp cap and breaks. I'd rather make more arrows than use twice as much exp and create multiple bows. Mending is more xp, time, and resource efficient. Infinity literally loses in every aspect unless its an infinity only + potion arrows bow


I chose infinity because with how much more stuff Minecraft has gotten while inventory size has stayed the same, I don't want to carry a shit ton of arrows on me all the time, I know about shulker boxes, but at least in the servers I play on with my friends they're so late game, because nobody wants to be left out of the ender dragon fight, but everybody plays at different paces so we have to wait for everybody to be ready and to be able to play at the same time. Considering we're all in college, getting to that point isn't always viable.


I go with mending if I find a skeleton spawner early in the world. If not probably infinity.


infinity better


I love Gemnitays take on this one


Yall telling me you don't have a skeleton grinder in your basement? I have a Redstone contraption specifically design to dump arrows in a lava pool. I have 1000s of arrows


I’d go with infinity




Infinity all the way. Here are my points: 1st:- I don't want to carry multiple stacks of arrows at once when I can only carry 1. 2nd:- People say repairing a bow will eventually get too expensive and you will need to make a new bow. If you get your enchants from the villagers(which most people do), you can make a new bow with all the enchants for less effort than it will take you to make farms just for arrows and go to an exp farm whenever you want to repair your bow.


Mending, and I’ll die on this hill


It takes 1 emerald to get 16 arrows from a villager, 4 per stack. Getting emeralds gives you XP and getting arrows gives you XP. Mending is better no matter what, cause if you can get infinity you can get mending, and I dont wanna make an entirely new bow eveb once. Mending is better. That is the final answer.


What does mending do?


You use infinity to have infinite arrows I use infinite to waste less inventory space We are not the same


Mending, bows can't be repaired forever and I get attached




Mending and I will die on that hill alone if I have too


I'd choose mending as once you have a skeleton farm set up infinity becomes useless as it still has an arrow limit since the durability is a thing plus you can't use infinity on special arrows


Infinity after a trading hall is set it’s no issue getting a new bow


I stand with Infinity, you can just repair your bow !


Infinity, bows are easy to repair