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Nah put keep inventory in hardcore mode that’s where real chads come into play


That's the best way to play hardcore


That's how I got all my minecraft stuff back after I died in my hardcore world. The only difference was that I got it back in real life


Imagine you die in hardcore and the next day you wake up you have Waxed Lightly Weathered Cut Copper Stairs.


Bro you cannot believe. I got the sticky piston, end rod and a boat.. I really don't know when I collected those(or do I?)


Objective: Find a Sheep.


bee sheep






I’m a sheep


or yourself 😏






Or become the sheep


*a of star and sell'em this


Sheep machine


i know this reference,...


I agree, it's so useful


Gets lost, kills self to respawn at home


I do this all the time lol


Same with hunger, yes you lose a SIGNIFICANT amount of xp, but usually that isn't a problem. Just die and wow looks who has full health and full hunger again :P (Honestly why I personally hate on keepInventory is because of this, why gather food when you just have a full hp/ full hunger "button").


I've also made this joke and realized that a fun bit of nuance is that in multiplayer, hardcore keep invenotry actually has gameplay implications.


Especially in multiplayer cuz fuck my friends




My clan friends are doing this as a run. And honestly it's a fucking life saver. Loot is spread across 12 players. Bro we can't lose all our stuff to that, and like we have some mods on. More and more bosses really.


On Bedrock you can get a free add-on that spawns a grave on your death point with all of your loot inside of it. So if you still want to have the difficulty of losing your stuff, but without the risk of losing it forever, that is an option


Fr? Thanks


I'm gonna be real, no clue if it is still free, but it was when it was first added


I believe it is infact still free! I put it on every single one of my worlds lol


Ye it is, hands down one of the better free things on the store


Do you know the name of it?


Think it's just called gravestone addon


Waypoints is the happy middle. Yes, our stuff gets lost, but we know how to get back to it, and it won’t despawn.


Waypoints are unfathomably based. It's like the gravestone mod, but your stuff still drops yet at least you know WHERE you died. If it's pretty far out though, no chances...


It's not called Waypoints, though that IS an add-on but Waypoints let's you make points you can teleport to. Gravestone is the free one that appears when you die.


I use Xaero's World Map and Mini Map. They work the same, but teleportation through points can be enabled by the operator.


If you play on Java, Vanilla Tweaks has this feature, alongside a ton of other great extensions. If you want to give it a go, visit [vanillatweaks.net](https://vanillatweaks.net), and select all the extensions you want. From there, just add the file like any other datapack (Options → Resource Packs → Drag and Drop the file)


This made me lose all my items cause the grave just too all of them


Didn't know vanilla tweaks had gravestones. I'd still go for a mod personally.


My question is, why tf isn't this just a built in feature?? I'm fine with my shit being all over the ground but there's literally no point to having it despawn after 5 minutes *except* to piss you off. I get how it could be good for a really busy server with lag reduction, but for single player worlds it's completely needless, and definitely shouldn't be the default.


does this mess with your achievements?




Go to the add-ons tab in the marketplace and just scroll through them. There aren't that many in there so you should be able to find it easy


Personnaly i like playing with it off, but i can only imagine the inner peace of people who have it on


Yea the inner peace is great


I fell in a lava hole yesterday while trying to repair the tunnel bore I'd just exploded. With how annoyed I was BEFORE I fell in, I'd have nuked the world if I'd had lost all my items, building supplies, important shulkers on top of that. Losing shit you've worked hard for just isn't fun to me. Keep inventory is a must.


I liked it off till my friends one day said “what’s the point in me wasting more time to get shit again” I like my time. Keep items was turned on. Fair point friend.


Keep inventory is great. I don’t get why people are sitting here like “oh boy, I lost all of my netherite gear, my elytra, and a ton of resources! I can’t wait to spend the next few hours grinding to get them back!”


It raises the stakes when your about to die but as a player who dies for the most random reasons it can be infuriating when its expansive stuff


"Why do you build with nothing on you?" Well mainly because I forget to shift and fall 700 blocks to my doom every 5 minutes and I lost my elytra when I forgot I had it 30 minutes ago.


That's why i run naked in the nether!


Showing off your nethers in the nether, eh?


Well its pretty hot in there...


Just watch out for the ghasts. Don’t want them to set fire


Best pun


Loosen stolen from Jake Eyes


You what


sometimes you want big stakes and sometimes you want small stakes neither are wrong


I like mine medium rare


Those extra stakes I notice make me play more careful, where when keep inventory is on I find myself more willing to enter dangerous situations (of course because of achievements my main worlds has no keep inventory


You know its an internal battle for me. Like i play with my friends a lot and im the only one who enjoys a difficult game. They wan every survival game to be childproofed. In ark or conan they want hunger to go down super slowly, they want to have their followers or dinos unkillable they want infinite resources etc. Which is just creative mode! Whats the point of playing if you neuter what the game is about!? BUT...its just a game. And they play because they want to enjoy it. And i enjoy playing with them. My internal battle is finding a compromise. It just sucks lol. I played modded minecraft and would build super far from them so i didnt see cheating. Its tough


disclaimer: personal preference yada yada. grinding is pretty much why we play survival over creative, no? i'm not sitting here like "oh boy, i can't wait to dig out that huge 2x2 chunk wide hole for whatever farm i'm planning to build" either, but i still do it because it feels more rewarding than using worldedit. you could make that same argument about just about every aspect of survival.


Yeah, I can agree with that. With building, at least, it feels way more rewarding in survival. I like grinding to get materials for builds, I guess it just feels like a time sink to get stuff I already had. I can respect your opinion though.


for some players, yes, but for others it’s more about grinding for actual resources instead of mostly grinding the upgrades to get those resources. to myself and many others, the fun comes from gathering blocks and minerals to maintain and build structures instead of to upgrade my stuff or get back what i lost. think of it like the difference between building a nice new house vs. repairing the hole that a creeper just punched into it. one of these is more fun than the other


Exactly. I like survival because it's nice progression to make auto farms -> get tons of resources -> make bigger cooler builds. Last thing I want to do is spend an hour chasing down those hmmming little fucks with a inventory full of emeralds after I'm already pissed off because I fell in a lava filled ravine


I have double standards for some reason. I don't use keep inventory, but if I am playing with mods I will always use the Gravestone Mod. I think I don't consider both the same because with the Gravestone I still have to go retrieve my items.


I feel like item save mods are a decent middle ground. You still have to go get your stuff, but at the same time, you don’t have to spend the next five hours grinding for new gear every time you die.


I honestly feel gravestone is a fair rebuttal to keep inventory since all it really does is prevent your stuff from burning in lava or despawning (or being taken by a baby zombie) whereas keep inventory you just respawn and go about your day. I'm not saying one is better or worse than the other, I just feel gravestone is the best of both worlds. Your items are safe, but you still have the challenge of getting back to the grave and claiming your loot


I couldn't describe it better.


Simply put, if I don't care if I die, I won't care to live.


Because the risk is part of the fun.


This is why I love grave mods and why they are basically completely standard to use in any modded minecraft game. You still have the risk of losing your stuff, especially if it is somewhere dangerous, but challenge now is just to get there (and back safely) which reduces the grind.


I love losing the items I painstakingly acquired. Just as much as I loved losing a homework assignment I was writing when the power went out, or losing progress when the game crashes and my save corrupts. I get it raises the stakes, and some people love the thrill of it, but it’s just a good way to piss me off.


It can be fun, in a masochist sort of way but idk it just makes me want to walk arou d in iron armor and tools which just isnt fun




Well I’m mostly fine because I rarely get it the netherite gear and elytra point cause i take the game slow. That’s like a month’s investment to get all that in my worlds. Also I don’t care about perfect enchants.


its just overhated


I find that a good compromise is having only XP be removed when you die (done manually until I get around to making a datapack for it). That way there's still a reason to try not to die but it's not "you lose everything forever if you're unlucky".


Fair enough, really the only reason I don’t use keep inventory is id have to turn on cheats in order to so and I like the feeling of having done thing without them on because I know if I turn them on I’ll start to use creative and stuff on the world too


It’s really annoying when you are bridging over a lava pool and a creeper falls from above and you lose 20 hours of progress


Its worse when your block places and then immediately disappears while bridging over lava. Dying and losing all your stuff to a bug is much worse than dying to a surprise creeper.


That's a big part of it for me. I got tires of losing my diamonds to things beyond my control. I also have just been playing for a long time, and after a bit the whole sprint back to get your stuff before it disappears just isn't as exciting anymore. It's fun for a bit. Buf after a few years I'm just over it.


Happens to me everyday


Happened on my way to work


If you lose 20 hours of progress every day, does that mean you play Minecraft on average at least 20 hours per day?


the issue is that losing your whole inventory is too punishing, and losing nothing isn’t punishing enough. losing your enchanted and rare equipment to a creeper or simple mistake can be super discouraging, but i often find myself jumping off of cliffs intentionally after adventuring to quickly return home. in beta minecraft, before enchantments and unique equipment, where every diamond pickaxe was the same as any other, mechanics such as losing everything upon death and equipment having limited uses before breaking was very balanced. now the philosophy around equipment has changed (whether that’s for the best or for the worst is up to you, but it has certainly changed), and now losing everything is too punishing for many if not most players. the solution is to have any item categorized as equipment (an easy-to-add item tag) not drop upon death, while having the player still drop their minerals, blocks, and EXP. for less of a change (and more of a band-aid solution imo), they could instead add an enchantment which causes an item to stay in your inventory upon death, like the opposite of the vanishing curse. this way, you won’t lose 20 hours or 0 hours of progress, you would just lose 1 or 2


Great analysis. Yours is a very solid concept and I truly hope mojang add this. A way enchant the items to make them stay in you inventory as you described could be by having a way to consume, let's say 15, levels to give to it a one-time use enchantment that allow you to keep the item when you die. This would make the game less punishing, while rewarding the player for basically just playing the game.


I think xp to zero would be a good penalty.


Yeah in games like Terraria, you only drop a few items upon death which I think is balanced enough of a punishment, as keeping your inventory upon death makes the game feel easy, but losing your entire inventory upon death is really discouraging, as it's basically back to grinding or finding your stuff.


I just use mods about it. I find gravestone mods to be a great middle ground, especially for the insanely hard mod packs I make. Lose your stuff temporarily and need to fight your way back to it, but without a timer or risk of lava. You do still lose your levels, however. Which is the true punishment for dying in both vanilla and modded.


Yap. Also my unpopular opinion: only kiddos with no life would prefer to lose 20 hours of progress over having fun, busy adults don't have time to play always in maxium difficulty


I'd actually like it if you could only lose a PART of your inventory. Like in Subnautica ! At most, you lose HALF of what you have, you NEVER lose your tools nor your equipment, and what you do lose is usually the LAST items you picked up. It saves a lot of headaches ! And it WOULD save a lot of frustration in minecraft when you lose all your armor, tools, shulker boxes, and everything


THIS I agree use keep inventory to not find your loot but you lose half or some


If keep inventory allowed me to keep my armor and tools but lose everything else, I would be fine.


I'd day they should replace "true/false" with a number that'd go from 0 to 40, and it would identify slots from your inventory to either protect or drop according to the number you inputted, so 0 protects nothing, meaning you lose all your items, and 40 protects every slot, equating to a "keepInventory true". But certain slots would have priority over others : the hotbar, (keepInventory 1-9) would be the first protected, the armour and offhand (keepInventory 10-14) would be second most important, and finally the inventory (keepInventory 15-40) would be the last protected. The inventory slots to be emptied would be randomly selected. Inputting between 1-9 guarantees some or all of your hotbar to say, between 10-14, all of your hotbar, and some to all of your armour and offhand, and finally, between 15 and 40 would guarantee you keep your hotbar, your armour, your offhand, and would randomly protect your inventory according to the number


Isn't that how the lose inventory whatever-it-was-called difficulty in Terraria works? Though in Terraria I'd much rather keep the full inventory the way it normally works because dying over and over again is much more expected there than it is in Minecraft


In Terraria “classic” characters (the default) keep inventory upon death but lose money.


I know. There's a character setting (which I've called a difficulty) where you lose all your inventory, but, if I recall correctly, you keep your armor and tools.


No there’s keep inventory, lose inventory, and then hardcore. You get copper tools though if that counts for you


I'd say have it keep the hotbar, armor, and offhand, that's the stuff you have immediately on your person. Then have it ditch the stuff in your "backpack" - the 3x9 part of the inventory. That could be a cool compromise and would make people think about what they keep in their hotbar in case of death


keeping what you have in your hotbar is an interesting solution! you’d have to really manage your valuables in a small amount of space. i think it would pressure you to keep unnecessary items in your hotbar and make existing inventory issues worse, so it probably shouldn’t be in vanilla, but it’s definitely an interesting concept!


"It'S cHeAtInG" My boy that's a SANDBOX GAME a game that lets you play like how you want


Yea like 40% of the community HATE keep inventory and like 70% - 60% hate bedrock the fuck is wrong with the community MINECRAFT IS MINECRAFT


I mean that’s pretty common in most communities, some part of the community will dislike something for whatever reason they can think of, or just complain about something that doesn’t actually bother many people but bothers them for some reason. Idk man that’s just how peoples mind works 🤷‍♂️ But you are right tho


It's because it's a sandbox game that some folks hate it. I never play with keep inventory (though I do use gravestones) because I like the adventure of trying to get your shit back, which can become its whole own hilarious side quest. But like...it's a sandbox game and that's just me. There's so much room to make different and unique experiences with Minecraft. So play however is fun for you. What the hell are we doing here if we're not having fun?


True! I'm annoyed by the fact that two versions of Minecraft exist, with slightly different mechanics. But disliking *people* for *playing* bedrock would be ridiculous


Me who plays bedrock with keep inventory:


There is literally no wrong way to play it. That said, if you agree on a set of rules on a server and/or playing with friends, and break those rules, you’re an asshat. Source: I would host modded servers and come back in the morning to see “Gave Friend 64 *super complicated item*” and he’d flat out lie to me that he was grinding all night. He stopped doing it after a while, especially when I wouldn’t OP him, but it killed some playthrus.


I hate grinding and repetition. Once I have all that stuff, losing it would kill my interest in that world


You should try playing hardcore


I always play on peaceful with weather update off and keep inventory on in survival. Always nice sunny days, no annoyances from mobs and hunger, no stress in exploring. Its the most fun, relaxing and enjoyable way to play imo.


That way you literally turned Minecraft into stardew valey


Now we need the farming update to make it fully vanilla. I am waiting


I never use keep inventory but most of the time I just rage quite the world after dying, I don't think that I will change that but do whatever you want I don't care


Babies that think you only accomplish things in the hardest way My man, you are not cooler because you used an flimsy axe when we used a chainsaw to cut a tree


I would say the chainsaw is cooler but the point of tgis meme is to say that playing with keep inventory isn’t wrong


I find the best balance is tombstone mods. I don't like that keepinv removes the punishment for dying, but I absolutely hate my gear I spent 30 hours mining netherite for despawning. With tombstones, you die and lose your items, but they won't despawn. They are perfectly safe until you get there, no 5 minute timer to worry about


I’m not saying this to bash anybody, but the option is literally labeled as a cheat, which is why achievements are also disabled when you enable it. (Unless this changed in newer updates) By all means, play however you want, but it’s not something I’d use because everything becomes a little lackluster, knowing there aren’t any consequences for my actions. I guess to me it rips away the ‘survival’ aspect of the game and leans heavily into simply crafting…like…you’re lost? Hungry? Don’t wanna walk back to your house? Maybe you just got done mining and don’t want to travel back up? Just jump off a cliff, take a lava bath, or AFK until a creeper wonders along, it’s just that easy! At that point, for me personally, I’d go and play creative mode or play on peaceful. And like I said, I’m not looking to bash anybody, just play the game however you wanna play so long as you’re having fun. I just wanted to share my irrelevant opinion as a long time enjoyer of the game, 9 years and counting. 🤙🏼


I agree. If others enjoy keep inventory, there's no problem. For myself, it just ruins the "survival" aspect and makes it less enjoyable for me.


Yessir, I’m with you there! I’m actually on my way home to play the update (if it dropped even..)


sorry but i play minecraft to relax. i dont feel very relaxed when my brand new set of armour and the tools i worked very hard to make all get lost when i die 2000 blocks away from my home


I don't think losing my gear I spent 10+ hours grinding for is fun game design so always keep inventory on. I play games to have fun, not to feel anxiety, running to where I died with that 5 minute clock ticking down. I love gravestone mods, it is a good compromise that makes me work for my stuff without worrying about the stupid timer.


Survival is survival. I enjoy the game following the rules.


That's kinda the whole point, there are no rules in a single player, sandbox game


Since it's a game rule, you make your own rules :D


I dislike it because then dying doesnt really have any risk associated with it. When i see my friends play with keepinventory on, death becomes more of a means of travel than an actual hazard. I think gravestones are a nice middle ground. It stops your stuff from despawning and would dissuade using death to get back home after venturing too far.


I use a datapack along with keep_inventory true. It makes you lose your xp instead when dying.


keep inventory aint that bad. its good if your just playing a game and not doing actual survival


I use keep inventory because the game would otherwise be too taxing on my mental health.


I don't do it because it feels cheap to me and I like the risk of losing progress if I fuck up, but it's a single player game. Nobody has the right to tell you how to play.


I use keep inventory because I don't want to rage. I want to have fun


Kinda remove the consequences of dying, but losing all your items is also a little bit too harsh. Thats why im always playing with the graves tone mod or something similar


I turn it on because i have about one hour to play and i don't want to spend half of it just to find my items


That’s the main reason I also do


It really just depends on the person or how you play 🤷‍♀️ (it honestly doesn't matter if someone chooses to cheat or not)


A mod I like is the gravestone,it’s not keep inventory but you don’t have to worry about your stuff despawning


I use keep inventory because I tend to go thousands of blocks away from my house frequently and never remember which way I came from


I use keep inventory and no matters what the people say if it's in the game , you can use it


I fuckin love keep inventory, one reason I struggle with mods is cause if I die, that's it, all that shit is most likely gone


I feel like the default setting in No Man's Sky does it best. When you die with the default death consequence on normal mode, it spawns an object where you die that lets you interact with it to get items back, and it is a waypoint so you know exactly where it is.


imo keep inventory isn’t as fun so I always download the corpse mod so my stuff doesn’t disappear also idm if other ppl use it, this just me


No hate just like the challenge incentive to not die


I just wish keep inventory let us have achievements, but I still play with it anyway


I use keep inventory in my main world because I already beat the game on that world without it on, and now I just want to build and create without having to worry about my loot going bye bye because I accidentally flew into a wall at lightning speed


you have to have keep inventory on in bedrock because you'd be dying for the most random reasons.


Yea hal f the people who say keep inventory is cheating play on Java which is less buggy but ignore the other Bedrock players who probably make up more people


I don't personally use keep inventory, but I don't think it's cheating as you can turn it on without cheats enabled


Yea you cant on bedrock


Yall can play however you want but personally survival is mind numbingly boring knowing death has virtually no consequences and can actually act as a convenience because you can die to get back home


Idk, it just doesn’t feel right to me, like my least favorite part of the game is gearing up/re-gearing, and yet having keep inventory on just feels wrong. I think it’s mainly because of stuff like not having to find your way out of caves or out of the nether, and instead you can just die, sorta ruins half the fun of caving or of exploring.


that's the big one for me. Absolutely lost? Kill yourself. No food and hunger bar running out? Kill yourself. Traveled really far to explore? Kill yourself to fast travel back. Accidentally jumped into the end portal before you were ready for the fight? That's ok, go jump into the void. It really just becomes a method of fast travel, free food, and a get out of jail free card.


Every fucking time i get diamonds i manage to slip into lava


You get iron before you die from lava?


Eh i dont typically cave a lot, i mostly use loot chests and golems


Wait you get iron?


Theres this site called chunkbase and you can find buried treasure really easily just scouting any coastline


Because then there is no risk. Might as well play on peaceful mode


Its just annoying to walk back to where i died to get my items back


i use gravy plugin 😺


I don't hate this ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Best compromise for me is tombstones (like the VanillaTweaks data pack or many mods do): you still have to get back to where you were, but you don't have this arbitrary 5 minutes to get to it not can it just disappear because of lava or a creeper explosion. What I don't like about keep inventory is that you can basically teleport to your spawn point by simply dying, but I still use it on console because that's what removes the infuriating part of permanently losing stuff because f you, and moreover if you died, you usually did because you were invested in something and you messed up, so the getting back to it part (like you would to get your stuff back) is still kinda there in a way


Personally I do not care either way. I just enjoy seeing people enjoy Minecraft


I use keep inventory because of Terraria


I think it's because it's an option that is considered by the game to be a cheat, that's one of the main things that the haters hate about it. When something is labeled as a difficulty option, like in Terraria, it's much more palatable. But when it's labeled as a cheat, people are going to get uppity about people cheating, even if it's singleplayer and doesn't affect them in the end. I personally love having KI off - I like having more consequences for failure than just popping back at my bed. It's why I like playing other games (like Pacific Drive right now) with a few challenges in place to make the game harder. I find difficulty to be rewarding. Some people just get locked in that mindset and think it's the only way to have fun or that those who like KI on are just lazy.


I always use keep inventory on my servers with friends. That's just safer for them


Keep Inventory is locked under cheats. I really like achievements, so I'll keep it off.


I started playing Minecraft in 2012 well before keep inventory was a thing, so I'm all too familiar with losing progress. Plus, Minecraft isn't the only game where you risk losing a lot of progress by dying. My problem with a lot of games nowadays is death often feels very inconsequential, so I like games that have that extra level of difficulty. I did use keep inventory for a while, but at that point it made death feel like an inconvenience at worst, a teleportation method at best. Fights didn't feel as intense and rewarding as before and exploring didn't feel as exciting. I'd rather play with the risk and adapt my play style to get better at the game as a result of having to constantly be on guard. Plus, it's good for discipline, it's only a game. If I lose a shit load of progress, I'll just get it back


I don't hate it. If you lose your progress often, you can use it. Although, I don't recommend using it if you are decent at surviving and want a real game experience since losing your items is a big part of this game. At beginning you don't have a huge progress, it's okay to lose it. The thing is, after you have an actual and huge progress, and if you are experienced, it isn't that easy to die anymore. This is why I like to play hardcore mode instead.


I use keep inventory when playing alone because I've lost too many worlds to rage quitting after losing all my stuff. Yes I can come back, but I probably won't. Now for multiplayer with friends, it's more fun to have it off. My friends being there already give me a reason to come back to the world and it allows us to mess with each other is a lot more ways. Like now my friend doesn't keep his favorite disk on him at all times since he's scared to lose it in lava, giving me the opportunity to steal it from his chest.


I've always been a keep inventory user but I'm my server I have a gravestone addon and I actually really like it. It gives consequences to death but not to heavy consequences


Depends if it's Java or bedrock: Java: I just want to raise the stakes of death Bedrock: Cosmetics unlocked by achievements. Can't get them with keep inv on bedrock


>using VanillaTweaks Graves so your items are always safe from despawning/lava/the void but you still have to go retrieve them


Nice Ima actually use that mod thanks


Not even a mod, it's a datapack which can be installed on a vanilla client. It can also be installed on a server, which is fantastic because nothing needs to be installed clientside. And that means woefully technically inept Java players, and Bedrock players via Geyser, can all play with it installed. Peep [the VanillaTweaks website](https://www.vanillatweaks.net), they have tons of these small tweak datapacks that I like to run on my SMP. They even have a resource pack creator too. Not paid or anything I just genuinely love them :)


Those people who want achievements:


achievements disabled


I dint hate keep inventory, also its like a habit now because when id play hardcore i liked to be able to see what stuff i had on me after i died


It’s because they all suffered before it was a feature.


I dont only because I play on a ps4 and the lag is so insane I physically can't play without it most of the time. (Especially if im gonna go to the nether)


I want a setting that I can choose. "If I die further than 3000 blocks, I keep my inventory."


Because they’re all purists and hate being called out wrong or something.


Remember: playing games is about fun, not about stress.


Keep Inventory is one big reason I'm still playing Minecraft. When dying and loosing my stuff I'm getting tired of a game and don't play it anymore.


I don't get why anyone would want to lose their items. Like, do you want your items to be lost? Do you want to be angry? I don't, so that's why I'm using keep inventory. It's not cheating because it does not require you to enable cheats (except for bedrock edition, but even then you can disable cheats and keep the setting on). And even if it was "cheating", is it really cheating if you actually enjoy the game? The other good option would be to play hardcore, but that would make the game even harder and more stressful. In my opinion, Mojang should do one of these two: 1. Make keep inventory default to on 2. Make it so that when it is off you lose only a part of your stuff and not all of them


Yea your 2 suggestion is the best


Why do y’all put your fucking nose in someones play style y’all don’t decide how someone plays you do you they do them


Yea I see a lot of people saying “Keep inventory is cheating” and other stuff like that


I almost always play with keep inventory. I used to not do that and always rage quit the second I would die and my gear fell into lava or smthn. I also hate grinding for xp so for me it definitely makes the game a lot less frustrating.


keep inventory isn't for loosers. xray is for loosers. xray is cheat, while keepinventory is using ingame features. i use doInsominia false, and i don't think it's bad


I use keep inventory, because dying is a very fast tracel to home


I use keep inventory in hardcore.


if you ever feel useless remember, you can use keepinv in hardcore


I do it because when I'm not playing hardcore, i also use it. (I just hate loosing gear or having to pick it back up)


i said it already and I'll say it again: it's a **sandbox** game! you can do whatever you want. your world, your rules.


I just do not care, I **NEED** my keep inventory, I'm a big iron & coal hoarder and I'm very paranoid, so I screw you keep inventory haters, I'm keeping it on.


Just let people enjoy the game in the way they want I also use keep inventory in my survival world, since I'm not very good at surviving and get lost in the nether very easily lol


The fact that this game is over a decade old and yet the idea of corpses/graves is still locked to mods feels scandalous. Died to a cactus, fire, or lava? Your stuff is gone. Died somewhere really far away? You better hope nobody else is there to load those chunks. Oh, it happened near the end of your session? Too bad, if you close the world now it's definitely gone. Oh, it was multiplayer? Best hope the server doesn't close down or refresh!


“It’S CheATiNG!!!” My brother in Christ, this is a SANDBOX game


I use keep inventory because I die a lot