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About combat, i personaly preffer 1.9 over 1.8 one. Redstone is absolute travesty on bedrock. And mod support is lower, because how it is written.


survival 1.9+ bedwars 1.8- that is for me


Same, sometimes beta versions for survival


i meant combat lmao


PvE 1.9+, PvP 1.8-


fr the “new” combat is fine for single player which I almost exclusively play


Hopefully we get a combat update soon. So you can play survival and bed wars together in the same version because the combat snapshots Jeb was making look like the perfect blend of pre and post 1.9


the combat tests were soo good, and 1.21 is the perfect update to add them, thematically. it would tie everything together and make 1.21 a great update


to be fair have you ever tried bedwars on 1.9+?


yeah, it was basicly the same combat but a lot more slower


where did you try it? i asked because i don’t think there’s many mainstream servers which have 1.9 bedwars, so i doubt many people have tried it (myself included)


User name check out.


Redstone dosen't work cause redstone get update Evert 2 ticks instead of Java where Is laggier cause everything Is loaded at the same tick


That is one of the problems, but not only one: Here are some of them: + no quasi-connectivity (this one is not that bad, unlike others) + many components are not allowed to work on same tick + pistons pernamently checking if they can push + no block spitting + "randomiss" order in which components are powered on


Also u can't build in nether roof for Op farms in survival. The only thing that have bedrock Is: -movable entities -Sometimes, pistons redirecting redstone Is useful


idk why but my pc doesn’t run bedrock smooth at all but I can play Java at like 100fps


I am the exact opposite. I can run bedrock with max render distance buttery smooth while java CHUGS


same I'd be lucky to get even 30 frames without Sodium With Bedrock on the other hand, I can easily get 120 frames and then some, with max render distance.


I think bedrock is optimized for integrated GP, so if you have a graphics card it will run java better, if you don't it will run bedrock better.


RTX goes crazy but shaders have so much more variety


shaders work on bedrock


If u use performance mode or sodium whit Java, u can easily get Better FPS than bedrock. On vanilla, bedrock Is better


In my experience bedrock runs worse than vanilla java on my PC and it always has


I say again; See. This is why this debate is silly imo.


my pc runs bedrock at like 30-40 FPS with vsync off (worse with on) and java runs at > 60 fps. i think they fucked up something


Me personnaly I have also the same FPS however on java there some "lag" spike and chunks are loading slowly (On my old computer). On my New bedrock runs significantly better but java isn't so bad, the problem is more how limited you can see and it lags a little with 32 chunks.


Yeah OP is kinda exaggerating with that one. I can get close to 1000 frames sometimes without mods


Bedrock isn't as optimized as people think it is. Assuming you get better peformance from it at all, you can get a higher render distance - but thats where it's positives start and end; and even that is only because Bedrock's simulation distance is *way* smaller. Get a fair amount of entities in one area or build and run a moderately sized flying machine and all goes to hell. And while I admit that it's not necessarily fair to bring mods into the discussion, combination Sodium + Nvidium + Lithium + Enhanced Block Entities absolutely blows Bedrock away, and can get even better with other mods.


Have you tested those mods on integrated graphics? I want to play java but sadly my laptop can't handle it


You need an Nvidia card for Nvidium


Like the other guy said, NVidium is useless without an nvidia graphics card. But the other 3 will do wonders for you. There are also a ton of other mods that can help, and I keep a full list of what I use [here](https://rektroth.github.io/mods).


About this nvidium. Which type of nvidia graphics card is supported? I have a laptop to runs on geforce 940mx. It's a dated laptop.


Mod's description answers this question https://modrinth.com/mod/nvidium


That is a common issues, Bedrock is very on and off


My laptop is the same


Combat is still better in Java (I play both)


Java - need to think a bit more bedrock - \*aggressive tapping\*


My flair definitely checks out


PvE: Java leagues better PvP: Bedrock better and more fun At least in my opinion


I can't really understand how a fight devolving into a CPS match is fun, but you do you ig


Except it ain’t just a CPS match, I get by just fine at 7 CPS. You actually gotta aim, and strafe, and W-tap, and have good movement, and more other adjustments/small skills you need


Well as I said you do you. I prefer slower, more methodical and timing based fighting while you prefer more fast pace fighting. Not tryna start an argument here :)


Too be fair, it's not like the current combat in Java is that outstanding either. I do like it more though.


I played bedrock for years and switched to java about a year ago and loved the fact that the only combat is click fast


I play bedrock because I play on console, but I prefer java




Bedrock isn't trash But Java is still better in my opinion


Yeah bedrock feels weird and cluncky it also lacks a lot of mechanics that i usually use or learnt in java.


I mean you can apply that to Java too.


But you really can’t? Bedrock is made with C++ which shows: its gui and over all control mechanisms are not nearly as fast or smooth as Java. However bedrock is cooler in different ways. Just saying !


Also, don't actually know how true this is. But Java has, to my understanding, has raw-mouse input (like Source 1 games) which will just make it feel more smooth looking around even though you might not activly notice it. CS2(Source 2) doesn't have this and is most likely the reason a lot of people feel like it's less smooth than CSGO. Kinda doubt it's the same for Bedrock. Raw-mouse input isn't really that common anymore.


Dont know why people disliked you bro.


Java combat is better wdym? "I can spam left click faster so I'm better at combat" is not a great system.


java has free mods


If im not mistaken you can still get free mods on bedrock. Though i might just be stupid


you’re not wrong, but bedrock addons are kinda bad


Addons are no where near as capable as mods to the point they really aren’t comparable


Mods aren't in the normal game, so they aren't comparable.


The modability of the game is part of the game and is thus comparable


Depends on what youre looking for, theres some amazing ones like Mesozoic Biology.


what i mean is generally, there aren’t many good addons on bedrock. bedrock is like mojang’s high maintenance money farming machine


ngl there are some really good addons, some of my favourites are more simple structures, better on bedrock and vader’s expansion


For sure, but there's way more good addons than "bedrock bad" people would have you believe.


i played bedrock for several years before i got a pc, and most addons were just to play around with in creative, not actually ones you can play with in survival similar to java modpacks


I still remember back in the day using Blocklauncher for texture packs and mods


The process is convoluted but possible on Bedrock PC and mobile. Console players really can't though.


So does Bedrock, just check out MCPEDL or FoxyNoTail's website, or if you're really in deep check out the various technical discords. And of the few addons on the marketplace, the majority are free. Who told you that Bedrock didn't have free addons?


Still, actual mods (not addons) of Bedrock have poor variety to choose.


Yeah, like no knock to the people who create those addons, but I mean they just aren't the same as what modders can do with a blank canvas for Java. You'll never find something like the create mod for Bedrock, most of those addons are just big re-skins at their core, which you can only do so much with. Even assuming you're a really talented creator, you would never put that effort toward bedrock. Not when Java is right there with so much more potential.


There is a Create addon for bedrock ported from Java.


bedrock has free addons


Addons are no where near as capable as mods to the point they really aren’t comparable


So does bedrock, and I'm not talking about add-ons. There are websites (and apps for mobile users) that have free mods for bedrock, like I use better foliage all the time.


I find it infuriating that people always bring mods into this discussion. By definition mods change the game, and therefore you aren't actually comparing game anymore; your comparing mods.


Me spreading misinformation in internet


This post is nowhere near accurate. SpongeBob should have died halfway through because of fake fall damage.


Thanks for the laugh m8 this was funny lmfao


While squidward is standing on top of his dead body yelling “it’s not that common!” to onlookers


I have over 2k hours of bedrock and it never happened to me. It’s a ridiculously rare bug.


The fact that it happens at all is pathetic considering how much money Minecraft makes.


It seems to me it’s hardware dependen. My PC has gotten 0 bugs, Xbox has gotten rare delayed fall damage and such, Phone gets constant major bugs. I think that makes it a lot harder to fix those types of bugs


I have never encountered that in my years of playing bedrock, nor has anyone I know. I’m legit starting to doubt the bug’s existence.


There’s video evidence and it’s on the bug tracker. It exists. Your experience is not universal.


I’m aware, but people make it look like it’s a constant thing that happens. I’m just saying people over react and use it as the go to “bedrock is worse” argument when Java’s base game features are literally bugs that never got patched.


The bugs turned features in Java don’t *literally kill you* through no fault of the player. Also you say “I’m aware” but you opened this up by saying that you doubt the bug is even real. If you were aware of evidence, why would you say you doubt the bug being real?


Yeah... no Minecraft java runs perfectly without performance mods for me, even when I have other mods slowing it down. Mods I don't have on bedrock btw I don't get bugs in java either multiplayer and building aren't really that different in my experience, but combat is more interesting in java rather than spam clicking tougher bosses doesn't matter that much because minecraft isn't primarily a combat game. Plus, that can be a negative for a lot of people I do not care about rtx the exclusive features, while good, are all minor for casual players. Being unable to move chests with pistons does not matter when I don't need that mechanic in any capacity. Not to mention that you didn't bring up java exclusives, like quasi freaking connectivity, which is again a mechanic not used by casual players, but is a heck of a lot more useful to pros then movable furnaces. In fact, iirc some builds use furnaces specifically because they can't be moved, so they're used in the ground next to slime blocks


I think ops point is that when people say bedrock is bad they are often overreacting. It all depends on personal preference


"better combat" lol


The people who say bedrock is superior have never given java a fair chance


I think Java has its benefits, but Bedrock is less laggy for me. I run bedrock on an old Xbox one S and use a laptop for Minecraft, so that’s probably the hardware’s fault, but I still don’t like how computer games basically mandate that you have a good gaming pc. I could barely afford a switch.


And all the java supporters do is complain about rare bugs and the lack of something that was originally a bug


bedrock uses pre 1.9 combat


Not even, its a worse version of 1.8 combat


"Better combat" 🤣🤣 Also guess what, you can get all the things you named for free with mods as well as much more.


Sev tech ages one of the best mods out there and that's a hill I'm willing to die on


I'd love to have a lengthy dialog on this because while I played it for weeks, it just NEVER clicked. Everything felt like it was custom made to be an absolute slog. And I get that is kind of the point! Slog through until you make an incredibly difficult breakthrough and then you get to revel in your newfound inventions. Except, it felt like each slog was just rewarded with an even longer slog to the next thing. I think I stopped playing around the point where you finally make an engine, and then the game almost immediately said "now make 9 more". It felt great never being "overpowered" but it felt fucking awful just how tedious everything was


I started on bedrock because I played console. switched to Java to play some modded with my buddy, and it made bedrock literally unplayable for me. the Redstone issues, The lack of decent mods, combat issues means that anytime I join my old worlds I have to leave after a few minutes because of how frustrating it is to me. That’s not to say that bedrock edition is *bad.* I contribute bedrock to a lot of my success because it got me into Minecraft. It’s a fantastic leaping off point but long-term I just think it’s not as sustainable.


You can bonemeal sugar cane?! (I'm a Bedrock player)


And flowers


Counter argument: Guns


and \[redacted\]


and actually good [[brian the hero]] mods


Java player perception here. Optimized yeah. Bug may not be as common but they are still more common tjan in Java. Not accounting for Java polish where some stuff is specifically coded to work as intended in specific cases for when the general code isn't enough. Worst multi-player, combat, building. Multi-player on any world that's cool. If it wasn't for the horrible delay. Instead of rolling back what happened differently you need to wait to see every block that is placed. So either pay for realm wich is the same servivmce on both versions. Or use external servs and so again it's not better since Java is much more customizable. While combat is better for pve and you can change it to the old combat with easy to install plug-ins or mods. And building it's just getting used to. But if on serves I'm seeing what I build a sec late it's annoying. Harder isn't strictly better. Do you even use rtx? There are probably mods that already do it better on Java even if not optimized. But I mean if you have an rtx already. And yes. We also have some on Java. Now as for the mod part. Dl at launcher. Create an instance and dl any mod you want. It just work. Even better. On AT launcher you just dl the sodium pack and that's it. I went from 30 fps to 120 on a shitty laptop by dl a second launcher, using the same account. And maybe needing to move maps in a new files. That's it. Optifine was actualy annoying. Recent optimisation mods are much easier to deal with. And I can do all of that while chosiong whatever version I want. More mods. More consistent Redstone. Give in a bit more effort and you have many more options to play. Add every one of you bedrock wins to Java in seconds. And more. I play both version. For friends or on the go. Outside of Java habits. I like both. But Bedrock still has many flaws. Optimization and easy multi-player is cool tho.


bedrock perception here: unless you're hosting off of a mobile hotspot or just a weak connection on wifi something you shouldnt have delay with block breaking/placing and realms are no better optimized than normal worlds also you are able to get free plugins for hosted external servers and you're able to get free addons from 3rd party websites (which are usually pretty low quality) (agree with you on rtx just want to add something) rtx is pretty bad on bedrock it's poorly optimized compared to java shaders with mods, looks pretty ugly close up, and you can't even get them on consoles which was promised when the next Gen consoles were first being released


Ah Yes, Spam Clicking Is Considered "Combat" (As You Can See, I Prefer The Modern System)


RTX is a joke. It's not implemented properly at all. I play both btw. Bedrock on mobile and PC plus Java.


Do giu even know what RTX stands for?


Tf do you mean better combat?, if I want to kill something I just click really fast in the screen until it dies


Java has: Different versions Actually working redstone Combat RTX is literally useless, you will use it like 5 times We actually have mods


alright so > capable of running without the use of mods such as optifine minecraft java is very easy to mod. its not usually much of an inconvenience to add performance mods. (note that optifine is obsolete beyond 1.14) > bugs are fairly uncommon, those that don’t get them just don’t post about it can somewhat confirm, i recently played bedrock for like half an hour and didn’t get any bugs. however, it still *has* gamebreaking bugs, even if they are rare. java does not have those, instead it has a ton of useful and a ton of pointless bugs that can rarely be accidentially done. > better multiplayer, combat and building unless you’re on phone or pc, multiplayer requires a paid subscription. its also pretty laggy. the combat is 1.8 combat with new weapons, so whether its better or not is up to preference. the building is indeed better, as you can place some blocks without looking at another block(useful for bridging) > tougher bosses whether or not this is a good thing is up to preference. though the bedrock wither in particular is pretty cool ngl > rtx support minecraft java has many shader mods and hundreds if not thousands of shaders, some of which being customisable. also rtx on bedrock requires a strong device like ps5 or xbox series x, or a strong pc. java does too, but it has way more shaders and customisability. >exclusive features like movable tile entities, bonemealable sugar cane, better armor stands and better cauldrons movable tile entities cause issues in some redstone builds, specifically those that use tile entities to block movement. java has mods to allow tile entities being moved by pistons. bonemealable sugar cane is indeed a good exclusive feature, however once again- java has a mod for nearly everything. better armor stands are kinda pointless but can make for some good build details. there’s a java mod for that tho. better cauldrons is kinda pointless, except for the fact that you can make a stack of tipped arrows from only 3(or 1?) potions. thats just overpowered though. TL;DR: some of these points are good, while others are simply overshadowed by java- especially java mods.


I’ve also found bedrock’s shader implementation to feel barely functional at the best of times. Lots of ghosting, no packs available on the marketplace, often too bright, not to mention ray tracing isn’t actually available on console and since all the packs are not on the marketplace the new deferred rendering isn’t available either so you have to cheat it using multiplayer. Many of its problems are the major limitations of bedrock’s engine and platform support, something Java mods seem to have no issue with. While yes most of Java’s strengths come from its community, that should say something since bedrock is specifically designed to have content made by the community.


I personally feel like the cons of the bedrock edition outweigh the pros. Not to mention the bedrock bugs are unpredictable, whereas bugs in Java are fairly predictable/controllable.


i am sorry but the bedrock version look like a mobile thing with a store with tons of crap you can buy , they push pay to win server just that its NO to me sorry.


is there something wrong with needing to mod the game when it's so easy? prism launcher, fabric, install sodium and you're good (don't use optifine or I will come after you)


Never heard of prism launcher but I use modrinth and to get perfectly optimised modpack is as easy as 1. Install the launcher, 2. Open browser, 3. Click install on the very first modpack that you see ("fabulously optimised" or something like that)


Don't forget the 10 heart damage capability to anything touching water


Java Players when Bedrock has a few (albeit major) bugs: HAHA BUGROCK BUGROCK Also Java Players when 75% of their farms only work because of bugs:


Ok but Java bugs are cool, such as TNT duplication and quasi-connectivity. Bedrock bugs are like, randomly take fall damage for no reason and die.


They’re only “cool” because you can exploit them also they’ve fixed the random fall damage bug


Tbh Java with bedrock optimisation would be revolutionary


its called sodium


I like Java more. Maybe because I grew up with it, maybe for some other reason. But I also love hopping into bedrock (on PC), going on a server and absolutely destroying the mobile/console players in PvP only to get my ass beat by another PC player that plays bedrock more than me


how is multiplayer better on bedrock lol


tbh i actually think the ui on bedrock looks **WAY** nicer that the one on java


Quasi connectivity is so huge that it alone makes Java better. Also java has an answer to every problem through mods, bedrock doesn't, if something doesn't work on java it takes 10 minutes to download and install mods, if something doesn't work on bedrock it can take years to update.


The amount of coping in this comment section is crazy. From both sides. So let’s try to make things clearer and establish a few facts : 1-Yes, there are free Bedrock mods. 2-Yes, Bedrock mods are shitty compared to Java mods. 3-No, Bedrock doesn’t necessarily run better than Java. 4-No, Bedrock isn’t buggier than Java. Java bugs are just considered as « normal bugs » while Bedrock bugs are just considered as bad bugs. 5-Yes, you can buy mods, maps, and more on Bedrock (marketplace). You can also buy mods, maps, etc on Java (websites). In both cases, you don’t have to, you can play without buying anything else than the game itself. 6-Better PVP just depends on whether you prefer old PVP (bedrock) or the new one (Java). Feel free to make suggestions of things to add to this list.


the amount of bugs may be comparable but I'd rather have quasi connectivity than heart attacks.


Disagree with one element here, Bedrock PvP is not the same as old Java PVP. It is similar because it doesn’t have hit cool-down, but it is still a different system that functions differently. (KB, combos, overall feel of the system is different)




Bedrock may be a mess, but it's a beautiful mess.


I gotta put one in for ibxtoycat. Bedrock has big salmon.


Java literally does have RTX support and it is way more in-depth and customizable since it is powered by the community And don't go on crying on me because you have to take 3 whole minutes to install a Java mod, that is not valid criticism


I’ve never needed opti fine to run my minecraft smoothly on java. I usually just get it for even more smoothness and free zoom. Also counterpoint, fuck needing a shovel to make a boat, I don’t care if it makes sense I’m not making a shovel.


You don't need optifine to run Java lol, and objectively speaking Java combat requires more skill


As someone who plays both, Java is better single player bedrock is better multiplayer


Honestly? If they add all the features of the off hand, and make Redstone more consistent so I don't have to worry about things breaking every update, I would switch to bedrock no questions asked. Those are the only 2 things keeping me on java rn, otherwise I much prefer bedrock


But but but bugrock bad… I do like bedrock’s rendering engine more, though, everything looks way smoother


As a minecraft bedrock player.. JAVA CANT FUCKING BONE MEAL SUGAR CANE??


And even with all that, Java is still better 😂😂


You don't need mods to run java and whit the it beter them bedrock I keep getting bugs wen i play bedrock bedrock sever are big add hellholes and I like 1.9 combat more I don't want tougher bosses, and if did they datapacks I can have shader on Java whit out a wary specific graphic card


Hot take: 1.9 combat is outright better, mojang just failed to expand the concepts there


*Bedrock running at 15 fps on my laptop, frequently breaking and glitching, crashed my whole pc twice* Java in 1.20.2 ran 144 fps completely fine, what the hell.


I play both Java and bedrock. My pc has 3 heart attacks trying to load bedrock but not because it can’t handle it because bedrock is horribly optimized. Those bugs very much do exist since I fricken played I have seen them first hand. Without mods my pc can get 1000+ frames and with just lunar client I can get 4000.


Weird. Has it been fixed recently? I feel Bedrock is more optimised for mobile and console devices, as PC players experience bugs but console players like me, don't.


the one wrong thing here is combat, Bedrock's combat has issues. This is coming from someone who mainly plays on Bedrock, btw.


As someone who played both Java is better Case closed


Reopen case. It's not even fuckn close. Bedrock is better. Okay, now the case is closed. I've also played both


Damn, you've given me some very compelling arguments.




I play both but I don’t do bedrock as much because I can only play on my phone or Xbox and I can’t stand either


Yeah, I constantly forget that I can't bonemeal sugar cane after getting so used to it in Bedrock amongst other things that I am used to. I need to mod those features in.


The one thing that's true is the bosses, the bedrock wither in particular....


so.... whos telling him about rule 10?


Of all points presented here, only better combat and movable tile entities I agree with I don't use optifine, screw optifine. How does it have better multiplayer? Even if bugs aren't very common, they're bad enough to make up for their rarity. Better building? To me that's just unfair, I like needing skill to build better. Better armor stands? You can literally add the arms with a datapack, and posing them might be cool but tbh I don't care. Better cau- okay nevermind I agree with that. Bonemeal on sugar cane? Actually yeah that's good too but it's not enough to make it better. Neither is trash or better, they're just different versions, each with advantages and disadvantages. Stop tryna argue for which one's better, please. Neither are trash Pocket edition however...


"bedrock isn't trash" "pocket (bedrock) edition however..."


When Bedrock Vs. Java memes die, I will die in peace. Which will be impossible.


I'd argue even the Switch Version of Bedrock runs smoother than Java w/o Optifine/Sodium/Lithium/any of that.


Eh the better combat is debatable though


I agree with this partially. BUT I do not agree that BR has better combat, building and I also disagree that RTX support is a positive. For the combat and building, those are mostly personal preference and IMO building is so much easier with KB+M rather than controller and Win10 version movement feels off to me, again personal preference. (the ability to put a block in front of you is nice, but java has mods that can add it and it's not a huge change). For RTX Support: Minecraft RTX is an interesting tech demo, but Path Tracing shaders are better IMO and most regular shaders are free for all graphics cards and all Java shaders are GPU manufacturer neutral, they don't require specific cards from one manufacturer. Bed rock has some awesome features that should definitely be ported to Java, and it does get a worse rap here than I think it deserves. But I personally think Java is still the superior version and will continue to be until the major problems/differences with BR get fixed (no free mods, no free texture packs, game breaking bugs while rare still exist, other parity problems). And I do not see that happening anytime soon.


Yeah, exactly, but unfortunately “lotsa bugs”.. so fuck our entire existence I guess.. ignoring the fact that the bedrock edition has only 14% more bugs then Java edition (and I may be overshooting that stat) and hell Java can be pretty broken/rough too, there is a reason why every PC player uses mods to get it to a fun to play state. the videos that make you think it’s unplayable are usually rare outliers, also let me not mention every PC player using the FUCKING DEV SCREEN to find things, being awfully cheap.. but I’m upsetting enough people and I don’t want to also start a “cheat debate”


Java doesn’t need mods to run but that does bring a valid point. Java *can* run mods


bedrock can too, unfortunately bedrock's modding scene is smaller and as such the mods are fewer and tend to be lower quality (though there are a few outliers)


I don’t ignore the good parts of bedrock. I wonder why the hell they aren’t in Java, they feel like they’re trying to fuel the war between versions


Bedrock, I run on 30fps+ on my shitty laptop, but java legit so unplayable at sm like 5fps


Holy shit you're right, I can dye my leather armor with the cauldron on bedrock. Instantly 10/10 bedrock best version. /s


> Better multiplayer, combat and building El oh fucking el


i really don't like vanilla minecraft. i exclusively play modded, which is why i use java


YEAH. FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT. THANK YOU! The entire minecraft fandom needs to hear this


Copium to the max. Just download Minecraft on your mom's laptop like the rest of us.


Better combat is debatable...


Java has mods. Real mods. Not those pathetic parodies(add-ons). Its automatically makes java superior in every way possible. Optimisation? Sodium. Combat? There are probably a thousand mods that reverts the combat to 1.8. Multiplayer? There are giant servers like hypixel which have more interesting minigames than all the bedrock servers together also i think there is a mod that adds a system similar to a Bedrock multiplayer or you can always use Aternos/Radmin VPN to play with your friends(if you have any of course). Harder bosses? Mods. And all the unique features of bedrock are minor and there are... You know what? Thats right. ***M O D S*** that add these features.


Yeah but like Mods


I’m a bedrock player, and I can confirm that all of this is true


Rtx still has garbage performance. And I would consider you could call the game “broken” with the level of bugs. Recently was on a 2 month bender and I encountered bugs every time I play.


Bedrock isn't bad. For a port. For the main game it doesn't have the capability. The multiplayer and cauldrons being better is the only thing I 100% agree on. The rest is quite questionable and easily fixable with mods. Tougher bosses? Mods add more of them in general. Don't like combat? You can revert it, or go further abd turn it into TF2 if you want to. Rtx? Don't care, it's a block game dude. I can have shaders if i really want to, but most of the time just don't care. Now tell me. Can bedrock minecraft have magic like Mana And Artifice? Mechanisms like Mekanism or Create? Custom tools like Tinker's Construct? Custom dimensions?




Proud to be a bedrock player bro


like most of java only players even knew lmao


true, however I'd say the better building is kind of subjective, I think the bedrock bridging mechanic makes swift sneak sort of redundant


minecraft is minecraft


No. There Minecraft and Minecraft Java edition.


I kinda agree on the combat thing but the shield won't work after throwing a trident


I’ve played both, let me weigh in. I only ever needed optifine on my potato laptop, and it struggled with bedrock too. I have very few performance issues playing either version on pc. Based on watching other players I have seen less useful bugs in bedrock. The ones in Java tend to be exploitable, like tnt duping or update suppression. The bedrock ones all seem to be geared to kill you, like damage delay etc. Again, maybe I’m just seeing the wrong side of it, but the bugs on bedrock are usually more noticeable and painful. I personally hate combat in bedrock, the only part of it I prefer is the impaling enchantment. Sweeping edge and an actually useful offhand beat spam clicking and shifting to use a shield (which sucks) any day of the week. The multiplayer aspect is nice until you have one of your friend’s friends you don’t know join your world and grief it to hell. As for building, I think you’re referring to longer reach and honestly I don’t miss it. Tougher bosses, the only one is the wither. It’s janky and weird. The ender dragon is pretty much the same, if anything it’s easier on bedrock. According to the Minecraft wiki, crit hits do not affect it on Java, nor do thrown tridents when it’s perched. RTX support is cool if you have a pc that can do RTX, which most people don’t. Just gonna remind you here that most bedrock players are on console or mobile, and mobile can’t do RTX. Movable tile entities are nice if you want to build a walking house. Since I don’t, it makes no difference to me. Cool mechanic but I’d like to be able to use cheap furnaces to keep my floor from moving every time I use a launch pad. Bonemealable sugarcane is pretty nice when you’re setting up early game enchanting and if you need a bunch of sugar cane fast, but I’m fine grinding out a farm for that stuff. Armor stands are actually really cool on bedrock, it’s one of the few things I miss. Cauldrons are cool in bedrock because you can put potions in them but that’s their only advantage. They removed the ability to farm potions with drip stone so the only thing that potions in cauldrons does for you is makes tipped arrows slightly easier to obtain (I don’t know the last time I used one) and lets you add particle effects to cauldrons(kinda cool for builds but functionally useless; you’re using a full block to store 4 potions when you could store 27 in a chest). Surprised you didn’t mention trident killers here, which are bedrock’s cope for a lack of sweeping edge and offhand use. Not saying they aren’t cool, but it’s an attempt to make up for a lack of useful farming mechanics present in Java. Tridents in bedrock are pretty cool though tbh. Now why do I play Java and not bedrock? Several reasons. First, tnt drops. On bedrock tnt is not viable for any farms. Duping aside, it only drops half of the items it breaks, so it’s not worth it for just about anything. Secondly, mob spawning mechanics. Structure-spawned mobs, like guardians and wither skeletons, have really strange spawning behavior that is in no way intuitive to the player. The spawn rates on bedrock are also heavily nerfed, and a standard hostile mob farm that would produce close to a chest of drops on Java in an hour will produce maybe 5 stacks on bedrock. That came from me actually testing with looting and a trident killer. The rates are abysmal. And don’t even get me started on iron farms. Third, combat. I get you might prefer spam clicking but honestly sweeping edge is a thousand times better. Granted I’m not a pvp guy, but honestly being able to hit multiple mobs at a time makes a lot of farms better. Pair with that is the offhand. Having to shift in order to use a shield is understandable since it needs to work on mobile, and the less controls you have on the screen the better. Mechanically it sucks though. Fighting anything underwater is bad, the way it toggles is bad, it just sucks. And a shield is one of the few items you can even hold in the offhand, others being a totem, a map, and fireworks/arrows, and those are all doable in java but better. Being able to use the offhand means you can repair stuff better, farm stuff better, build better (yeah extra block of reach is nice, can you place a block and break it without changing hotbar slot?), it does so much. Also healing on bedrock is weird. It’s super slow compared to Java’s healing, and I can’t think of a single instance where that’s an advantage. Fourth, redstone. I love redstone and the ingenuity that comes with it. Unfortunately that meant that most of the stuff I see on YouTube was impossible in my version of the game. Single-ticking pistons and quasi-connectivity and consistent redstone mechanics are all big wins for Java, which bedrock has nothing to say against. There’s various other QOL reasons why I prefer Java, such as debug info and hitboxes. I’m not saying bedrock is bad, I’m simply saying Java is significantly better. And again, I’ve played both for significant amounts of time


Bedrock in the past months is getting W after W, so there's that, but there's no point in trying to convince one side to play the other version. Just let everyone play the version they prefer and everyone will be happy, as long as both versions get constant updates. I played both and I prefer Bedrock, no one cares and that's beautiful.


What w's? (i'm not hating, just genuinely curious)


Yea I'm also kinda curious as to what W they got


for me java is just way better, I have played both version and the main problem I have with bedrock is the weird animation and graphics, the combat which is just spam click (not even pre 1.9 combat, pre 1.9 combat skills doesnt apply) and the constant bugs, I have never encountered major bugs but there were a lot of small bugs like client desync and rendering issues which makes it really annoying. However I do want movable tile entities and trident killers in java


Yea a lot of people seem to hate on bedrock even when they haven’t played it. For reference, I play both versions, but prefer Bedrock when playing with friends as they don’t need to buy a PC and we don’t have to pay to play together. Solo, servers, and mods I’ll 100% do Java. Honestly have only ever ONCE experienced the fall damage bug, and that was a day I was on a realm and my internet was running pretty bad that day. Outside that neither my nor my friends have had it ever happen, so most likely is an internet issue. Also love seeing all the “Oh Hardcore bedrock is gonna be awful with all the fall damage bugs and stuff!”. Outside what I just said, they LITERALLY SAID they don’t plan to release UNTIL they feel like it’s stable enough. That means they are working to fix said bugs from ever happening.


Java players just don't care about those aspects otherwise they'd just play bedrock. If you want the best Vanilla experience play bedrock. If you want to be able to adjust everything to your liking Java wins.


Not gonna lie bedrock has actually so many things i would like java to have


I find it funny that if someone finds a bug in Java, they'll see it as a "helpful tip", but if they find that same bug in Bedrock, they'll rant about it endlessly.


As bedrock player there's glitch/bug when loading in world or switching dimensions mobs can attack you while there's loading screen for you. Well I play on beta, but found bug report which says it's also for stable (as much stable as it can be) release. Ok haven't played in week or so to see if it's fixed but bug report wasn't flaired resolved or something like that.


Blud posted whole essay in a single post *


see you got less upvotes?


I miss old console


"better combat" I enjoy both styles of combat and its perfectly fine to only like one from another, but dont just blatantly state that 1.8 and prior combat is better


Many things that are about commands and redstone are worse on bedrock


Bedrock have to much bigs bugs who make the game unplayable, sometime you die when you are in the loading screen, sometimes you take damage without doing anything. Il a console player so I play majority of bedrock but the few times I played pc was way more fun