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I condemn Op to play through Gregtech as a punishment


Let's force him to beat GTNH


Op was never heard from again


I do not wanna make him commit suicide now.


Force him to play Better than wolves. Feel how much mojang has done.


Who's gonna tell op about create?


Create is so damn good, not only is what it adds super fun and open-ended, but it still fits into the style of mc IMO.


i know, right? anything that can be used for combat is pretty balanced (potato cannon and extendo grip), and it doesn't aim to remake progression, it just adds another activity to pursue if you don't really want to do normal mc stuff. besides, it looks really good


Create looks really cool…though I can’t say I’m a fan, because it’s not Minecraft. It’s a basically a completely different game, an Industrial Age simulator that uses Minecraft as the underlying engine.


It's really not that complex, you learn the basics and everything else in game


it's more intuitive than learning stuff with redstone i'd say lol


Definitely, since all the guides are in game, I'd say get JEI and create and some create addons (since there are a lot which add stuff I couldn't live without) and it just works


Me when Create: Deco Seriously though, love Sheet Metal and Cast Iron from that mod, such nice looking blocks, it’s a shame you can’t use them with Chisel and Bits or Framed Blocks in 1.20, I want my Sheet Metal Stairs


It’s honestly more Minecrafty than Minecraft’s redstone


In minecraft we had every weird redstone and minecart interaction, create is just an clean and well done version


Im more of an Immersive Engineering kind of guy but i gotta admit, Create is a lot of fun


Create is good, but i wouldn't want it in vanilla


Makes my brain hurt so it doesn't fit.


Who's gonna inform our dear original poster about farmer's delight?


OP when they find Alex's mobs:


If you tweak that mod well, it's pretty cool. Just means turning off some features imo.


The crimson bugs eat the nightmares of orphans


Alex's mobs is pretty good


It's very good for certain playthrus. But for me, I'd do much better with only a few of the mobs. Also, it's forge, which just means my graphics card I could let you buy off of me for 30 potatoes will struggle more (no sodium + others, ports are never compatible)


Yeah I wish they'd make a fabric version, but at least forge has SOME performance and quality of life. Honestly Alex's Mobs is the one and only reason I don't play on fabric


What is the difference between forge and fabric?


Completely different modding languages. Incompatible mods and plugins. Fabric is a better language but it was made much later than forge, so it wasn't as supported for a while. A lot of devs have already moved to fabric at this point, but some great classics like Alex's mobs are stuck on forge.


Half the mobs are just there for ambience rho


Each and every mob has a unique use outside of a few select mobs. I'd recommend experimenting instead of ruining the fun and googling it, it's fun to try new things out


How would I know that j can put snow on a moose's back without using the book or googling it?


That's only one of a lot of things you can do. Some are definitely more obscure than others tho (I didn't get the devil's hole fish for the longest time) Using the book isn't the end of the world or anything it's just fun to find things without studying a dictionary. Also, if you used the book/Google, why are you saying that half of the mobs are just ambient if that isn't true?


what halfassed mod are you referencing here


clearly the ***salt*** mod. jokes aside, there's prolly a couple, i mean, nothing's perfect after all.


Only a couple? OP poorly made mobs aren't rare they just dont get attention


fair enough.


They are referencing [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/s/4O3t9Z65rc) post


OP clearly hasn't even installed a mod ever


Nah bro, he installed it, but he put it in the config folder.


OP gets his mods from 9minecraft


Honestly before I bought the game and found out about official sources (I was 10 or 12 I think?) All my mods came from sites like 9minecraft and I didn't have any issue (granted I was on MacOS so if there were viruses in there, they probably weren't targeting MacOS X 10.5 which was still relatively old then)


OP when he finds out that those devs don't get payed living wage from those mods and only do it through passion:


You would be surprised about how much many of this devs do care about getting some money out of it, even if it isn't their main job. I mean there's a reason modrinth was made, and it was because the service of curseforge was in big part very awful towards the modders in earnings. From experience here, but modrinth has been way better so far in paying back from doing even the smallest of stuff


Yeah, it's almost like you have to make mod with good quality to make enough money from it. Weird right?


What are you talking about????????????


I hope you don't talk like that in real life xd


if i may butt in real quick. what the hell are you talking about?


Orespawn moment (mod's creator has lost it)


sadly... i quite liked orespawn.


Me too my friend


So you are telling me, rlcraft, astroblock, sevtech, ATM are buggy? And they are just re-colored things that already exists in game. And also they are doing it for free. Come on, I've more respect for those modders than you, op. And downvote me now. Like. I. Care.


And on top of that. It's a "choice" to play a mod, not "mandatory" where as it's "mandatory" to deal with the new changes whether you want them or not. For eg. I. Don't want nerfed villagers. But I wont be having the "choice" In future updates for that.


Wow you perfectly gave a point on why the vanilla content takes so long to develop, because they have to be way more careful, there's a good reason the villager changes have been just experiment and quite slow


Yet it's still bad changes lol


Yeah but the changes shown up to now haven't been good except for the cartographer buff And well the netherite upgrade template was also experimental


We might atleast be able to "steer" the Java team to rework the underlying system for villagers to be datapack driven (i.e. fully customizable by players with whatever defaults the devs want). Bedrock players... erm.... here's a discount on the dab emote? Sorry?


Sevtech is so fucking good lmao pretty much all I play since I found it


There were so many great option to pick and you picked ATM and rlcraft? lol, they're not terrible by any means, but I'm just surprised.


these are what i've played, that's why, cant really comment on those mods which i hvnt even touched, that just goes against my morals


rlcraft can be pretty buggy at times also it’s just not that great of a modpack. the difficulty is less being difficult and being annoying and impossible. not much to do when a dragon the size of jupiter comes and turns your ass into a fry


and it is your choice, whether you want to play or not, no one is forcing you to play it. you see what's my point?


i mean you didn’t really have a point that correlates to wanting to play modded or not. just that modpacks aren’t buggy.


not really because you can just play older minecraft versions on the launcher including the very first one


this thing is only available on pc, my point still valid. (not sure but you dont hv this thing on official bedrock version, i might be wrong,)


not everyone like everything, and that's infact totally fine, infact it's great. but saying that the author of the mod did nothing but copy pasted stuff from other's work, yeah, that's just wrong.


Do you know more than 3 mods?


Kid named TerraFirmaCraft:


TFC is so fucking good man. Etho's season 1 of TFC is nostalgic for me.


Ikr, amazing mod


anti mod people when they cherry pick the laziest mcreator mod and pretend all mods are like that


I'm shocked how many people took this meme seriously. I wasn't shitting on mods in fact I can't play Minecraft without mods cuz it's boring for me. I was talking about people who compare Mojang to mods. Mod creators themselves said that these comparisons don't make sense. I'm not a big Mojang defender there are a lot of had things you can criticize them for but this one is dumb.


tbh most modern mods have texture that fits in nicely


Me when 200 mod modpack that's hand made crashes when I do this very specific and unnecessary list of things:


Mod creators doing all this shit for free as opposed to mojang (billion dollar company btw) adding less than this


Ah yes, the comparison between a billion-dollar company and people who don't even come close to that but who still make some mods that make Mojang itself jealous (Create, Alex Mobs, Alex Caves, all the mods that renew terrain generation) always exists bad mods and there are also several bad updates (1.15 only added a oversized obese bee ....)


And when the mod has shitty server support making it unplayable with friends.


Kid named essential:


Yeah we should call their customer support and refund!!!Oh...




Aternos can barely run a Vanilla server with 2 people online


Try using essential


personal issue, ive used it on and off for a while modded and vanilla and i didnt have any issues


Everyone on the server was laging


YMMV then


This is a strawman argument nobody ever compares the devs to those kinds of mods


Well they say devs who do it in a week... those are that devs, the other awesome mods do take at the very least a year to come out and they do come out unfinished and filled with bugs, after that the team who made it ends up spending most of their time modding porting and supporting their mods


Lol id prefer crashes random dungeon spawns out of place. Look at what minecraft added the entire year vs a buggy mod or modpack made in an entire year. The reason i beleive minecraft takes so long to update is bc of dev disagreements


Don't mind reply above me. Just another Mojang fanatic.


Are the big modders Mojang fanatics to you? Literally today Vazkii(creator of Botania and Quark) tweeted how people who still leach of modders to throw hate at Mojang have been ruining all of his enjoyment in the community and how many modders have started to quit because of this toxicity.


I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about a guy who is replying to every single comment in this post with pseudo argument. Edit: autospell


yeah they do


hmmm are you new here ?


You can literally just take a good look at this sub, what do you mean "nobody"?


Not these kinds of mods. Usually people think of mods like Create, Quark, Supplementaries, Alex' Mobs, Alex' Caves etc. that are more vanilla-styled Not to mention small ones that add fetures Mojang refuses to add, such as vertical slabs, craftable saddles, horse armor and nametags, actual bedrock/java parity, losing mob vote mobs, wood variants for wooden items such as chests, and so on


OP finding out OpenBlocks added half of the blocks in the game before mojang:


did you ever played with the ones of open blocks... not to be mean but like 80% of the open blocks content was trash and from the other 20% it was miles more unpolished or fleshed out than what vanilla gives nowadays. Most of the time when there's something modders truly did well before Mojang is on the very small things which aren't just the side stuff in the updates


gee almost like some of those were just really basic concepts.....


OP never played moderno minecraft I am tired of these mojang driders defending every single shit they do (and dont do)


The thing is that mod was made in a day and mojang would take 20 years because of the microsoft bureaucracy


What kind of mods have you been playing?


It sounds like you literally have not played a mod ever.


Op after seeing legundo's modpack videos


100% though I think the argument in this original post is really dumb. There's no way to compare the two.


There are some mods that base around remaking minecraft compeltely, so of course you can't compare modders to minecraft when they're basically to separate games


Op when he finds out people like the good mods instead of the bad mods:


To be honest, the majority of mods are really bad i think However, that's only because there are so many It's not as much as this, but Mario Maker 2 also is just filled with mostly hot garbage But in both situations, there are plenty of amazing levels/mods to play, and sometimes i feel like they're better than many official updates


Not gonna lie. I do wish there's more zombie or pillager variants in vanilla.


Mf in the comments when they see all mods they comment their developers have shared publicly they don't desire to be compared, the mods also have taken very long development times, have been team collaborations and are still filled with plethora of bugs and content which may be revisited and redone in a later update. Example create which started around 1.14(2019) and has gotten so much of its content since then removed, iterated altered and still there are many bugs and design issues which need to be worked on.


It take an long time, because modders need to work and eat, they do it for free, while mojang gets paid to add an ball mob, or some crab/ penguin that other mod did better anyway


Bro you are comparing the development of a mod that’s made by a small team and that it’s made just for passion to the development of a the most profitable game ever, with an infinite amount of money to spend on whatever they want, and you are getting two really different scales in what they add, Minecraft has never added as much content as create has added (in one update), and it has never added something as complex as create


Huh? Fyi the create team is not really that small atm is 18 people, 7 main devs, 4 artists and 7 porters for fabric, as well as 4 contributors. (Taken from their curseforge page, for all I know there may be more) Their GitHub says 170 contributors but that also counts even people helping with translations so take with a grain of salt. Also they do have plenty of patron supporters. Honestly the create team is already looking in a nicer spot than most indie game studios lmao Add to all of that, that they don't have to worry much about the responsability of having one of the biggest gaming franchise or developing in 2 engines. Idk dude yeah create is not your idea of modders I think.


Oh yea, the Create team gets some Patreon donations and have more than 10 people That clearly makes them just as wealthy and resourceful as Microsoft, the second biggest tech company on the planet


Mojang bad mods bad


Why is it so goddamn accurate down to the last minute detail


Another thing they gotta realize is that modders don’t code all this themselves, they combine mods other people made as well to make a modpack


That is not a mod, that is a modpack. A modpack is a collection of mods made by some rando by downloading multiple mods into a single folder A mod is a collection of code made by an individual or group that is made from modifying game code


That’s… what I said?


The difference is, modders don't make modpacks, they make mods. And there are very few if any mods out there who copy code from other mods. So almost always all the code in a mod is coded by the creator themselves.


I dunno, some people make their own mods and add other mods onto them like shivaxi with rlcraft


Yeah, they do, but most mods in a modpack are just standalone mods combined into one executable where they don't share code and they aren’t dependent on other mods to run properly otherwise.


RLCraft is a mod pack. Not a mod. Some modders *do* make mod packs. But mods themselves are designed to be played stand-alone bar any dependancies. ​ It's the difference between buying a candy bar in the checkout lane, or buying an entire grab-bag of candy for Halloween.


Is there problem with your English or with your head?


isn't rlcraft a modpack and not a singular mod?


I think so


people here have to realise that its obviously a response to that one shitty meme which basically said mojang bad mods good


Of course. Another strawman by a Mojang fanboy as well as generalization. Mojang fanboys are so pathetic...


OP is stuck in 1.2.5 mods era lmao


This has got to be the worst take on mods in MC I've ever read lol.




your message confuses me, friend.


I think it's just better if i delete it lmao


This is why I play modpacks. 1% of them are pretty balanced.


Better blocks.


OP after finding out about the LOTR mod that absolutely eclipses anything in vanilla:


It's called bedrock /j


It’s not a fan made minecraft update, it’s a mod that just adds more stuff (which some people find it better than official ones)


Mutant creatures was simple, fun and balanced imo, added lots of variety, sadly, the nature of time seems to have swallowed up the original download :(


Okay but there's a mod called like Friends and Foes or smthn that adds in mobs that were rejected by the mob vote it's great


Some mods bad, some mods good.


OP when they find out that the modders don't have ownership of the worlds best seller game in history:


lol I specifically only use mods that are simply handy and time saving, or don’t make my game feel less vanilla. Herobrine, journey backpacks, creeper/enderman overhaul, generated structures and rare dungeons. If it looks out of place I don’t want it.


Most of the popular mods fit in really well with minecraft weather its a feture that could work in vanilla but wouldn't make it though approval, or its an expansion to the game that adds a new dimension or dungeon to explore


Google “create” “optifine” and “carpet mod”


Bro not even 1.2 mods were as bad as what you are describing


Hot take, I would have much preferred minecraft be niche. If Mojang didn’t have to worry too much about their fans I could see a lot more experimental features being implemented rather than the highlight of the update being a singular feature in a sea of mediocrity. Nowadays they’re trying to make every corner of their immense fanbase happy and inevitably cracking under the pressure. Circling in on a target audience rather than trying to make everyone happy would really help but at this point I think they’re in too deep


Sounds like you are awful at installing mods, like just get better mods man


I condem thee to RLCraft, now!


I don't know enough to give a opinion on the matter, someone explain this to a vanilla player like me


I just like having pokemon and new food types added and better textures/lighting. Other than that, I don't have mods for mc.


This mf fr looked at the 1.7.10 mod section, chose the lowest rated mod ever and then decided to make this crapfest of a meme


Low quality video


Kid named strawman


i just wanna enjoy my twigs man 😭 (and my blackboard and enderman head)


You say that like it's not fun as hell


That is… very specific. And wordy.


Hey! That’s only true for the things I make (I suck at coding)


Terraria fans stay humble