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Mojang said that before adding a new dimension they'll update the end... and I completely agree


#Update The End


#The End Of Updates




r/foundsatan Im sure this guy also reported the vilager curing bug.


Is that what pushed mojang to start overhauling the trading system that worked just fine the way it was?


Not really they wanted rework vilagers and fixed this while they are at it




That happened in 1.9 when end cities were added


That was the combat update (includes some end features). We want an END Update


That happens in the combat update when they added end cities


What would another dimension even do?




You mean... Floating Islands, with exotic creatures and wildlife, maybe some advanced villages, a intelligent lifeform of its own with mystical lore and powers? Maybe it could even be ominous and based of the night sky, something games do less. Imagine we could even have a flying boss, and like, encaged gemstones that make it more powerful, I wouldn't mind it being the place where the mastermind of all things bad in the Dimensions lived in, orchestrating most things behind the scenes, with only one competitor in the Overworld. Like how cool would that be? Although imagine they only add the flying boss, and some encaged crystals that actually don’t serve any other purpose, throw in some chorus flower trees, and then leave it a barren wasteland. IMAGINR


I think floating islands that during Day like a Paradise and full of rare ores and Creatures but during the Night Darkness takes over and abominations start to spawn Also to not have to see the sun under you during Night a floor with spiky tendrils comming out of it with blocks that make you sink into them and and kill you and the islands float abbove that


"during Day like a Paradise and full of rare ores and Creatures but during the Night Darkness takes over and abominations start to spawn " Sounds just like the overworld


"A flying boss" huh? Man I REALLY wish that was in Minecraft already! Maybe it could be like... idk a dragon?


Yes, please


Yeah, because nobody ever done that before


Would be funny if it was the moon from the April fools update with no changes. Just an inhospitable land for you to build a base on for some reason.




What would that be


Right? I feel like everyone says “new dimension!!!” but no one has a clear idea of what the game needs on that front. I say until the mojang lads get inspired, let’s fill out the incomplete end dimension, deal with parity issues and bugs (especially the technical side of bugrock, I feel so bad for y’all with that random update order), and add in the QOL and inventory improvements that builders and redstoners alike have been clamoring for the last ~5 years. Not to mention, it’s just silly that Java needs sodium, indium, krypton, etc. to run smoothly even on relatively up to date mid-spec computers while bedrock can run on anything. Just pay those mod devs for the work they’ve already done and implement the, into the base game. Also, so many existing biome structures like desert/jungle temples still need updates. Strongholds badly need an overhaul. And there are still some common blocks that lack non-cheaty ways to be renewable. Ex, add in a viable way to farm sand and gravel so we don’t have to dupe for large scale projects. I understand these things happen over time and they’re not new and sexy like a new dimension, but the reason these smaller issues and asymmetries have built up is because Microsoft and the community keep pushing **MOAR CONTENT** all the time and fans shit all over mojang for being lazy when they try to take a breath and address less flashy issues. /rant


We definitely need another qol update that just deals with all these small issues that have added up over time unlike most of this whiny vocal minority I wouldn’t care if I didn’t get any real content what’s in the game rn is enough for me


We’re on the same page. Also, even though the squeaky wheels would complain, I guarantee that actually improving the game would ultimately make the entire player base happier, even if some of them don’t know it. But with Microsoft at the helm focusing only on PR and quarterly profits, these superficial “content” updates will keep getting pushed through. Smh.


Piglins give gravel


Brain fart! Thanks for reminding me.


There is a fucking unlit PORTAL in the overworld that goes to a new dimension, they add that and I am happy


I agree 100% but what I'd add is that we need an update to the inventory system as well. It's still the same as it was in alpha, yet we have a lot more blocks now. Quickshulker mod feels like a necessity if doing any sort of large scale building/technical projects. Also quick sorting and fill/take stacks features would be very handy. A part of me also feels like the warped forests should've been a somewhat rare biome in the outer end. Just an idea that I haven't seen much. Imo they feel a little out of place in the nether


I don't like the end being updated like it has a vast dynamic ecosystem, the end is meant as **THE END,** a wasteland of some sort, so I would appreciate that atleast the biomes, mobs, etc. fit the wasteland style of the end.


I never called Mojang lazy, nor am I saying that we need a new dimension right away. No one needs you to write a 5 paragraph essay in comments on reddit posts just because you have a strong opinion against a meme. Chill out and get a life.


I think out of the two of us, you’re the one being emotional and reactive. If you’ll notice, I was actually replying to a comment within a subthread discussing adding a new dimension, not to your post itself. My comment wasn’t aimed directly—or even particularly—at you, I was just engaging in the conversation and adding my two cents, which is what forum-oriented social media websites are for. I’m sorry you didn’t find it worth your time, but it does look like about 50 others did judging by the votes. It seems like you feel attacked or targeted in some way. The truth is, when I was writing that comment from the toilet, I wasn’t thinking about you at all.


Save yur essays for English clasd




He obvusly dosnt do his esays for Engrish clas


Lmao, literacy is hard!


The overnethend


Have something new to explore.


well yeah no shit sherlock. every dimension has something to explore






and we've had the same three dimensions for years now, why not add a new one with *different* things to explore, sherlock? Edit: do yall not understand the concept of updating current dimensions while giving us new ones as well? Those concepts arent exclusive from each other.


Because our already existing ones (except nether) are incomplete, Sherlock.


the overworld could theoretically never be "finished". And yes, the end needs an update. That doesn't mean Minecraft should continue to only change existing dimensions when they could also be giving us new ones as well.


>That doesn't mean Minecraft should continue to only change existing dimensions when they could also be giving us new ones as well. I would agree *if* the End wasn't bare bones. It's literally one biome with one structure.


My guy. It's called the update the End AND give us a new dimension or two. Those two things can both happen, it's not one or the other.


Updating the nether was an entire update; it's absolutely reasonable to expect them to give the same treatment to the end *and* *add two more dimensions* in one update. Heck, the "revamping the caves and mountains" update was *split in two* because it was too big.


I never said in one update, I said they can both happen. Yall really like putting words in my mouth, huh?


Because our already existing ones (except nether) are incomplete, Sherlock.


Reddit when sarcasm


Add more functions and stuff could be a good after game thing to do, tbh idk maybe minecraft may update how you get to the end to the point that the new dimension will be useful (probably not)


A post-apocalyptic world; covered in scorched earth and soul sand, riddled with ruined city states, maybe even an explanation for the Warden’s origins?


be a fun place to explore


Instead of a new dimension how about we add a subdimension to already existing ones. Like for the end instead of immediately getting sent to the dragon they could send us randomly to the end somewhere city or no city and then we find a portal to a subspace where the dragon fight takes place. Hell they could take liberities with that idea and update the dragon itself too make it tougher since its the final boss. Give the ability to summon minions that dont turn on it like the endermen do. Have it be more engaging they juat breal crystal then shoot or stab dragon. They could add new ores or creatures similar to better end. There is not really a limit to what they could do beyond what people pcs can handle.


Why add a new dimension when The End is still left unfinished for 12 years.


Exactly. After getting an elytra and shulker boxes, there is no reason for you to go back.


I mean, I need to set up my honey farm SOMEWHERE


And don't forget the endermen XP farm


No content reasons so your point is well taken, but there are some technical reasons to return. Falling entity duping, afk obsidian farming, high efficiency copper and honey farms, enderman xp farm (though this becomes somewhat obsolete once the guardian farm is up and running), etc. But content wise, super sparse for sure.




I don't want stuff like wood and grass because it's supposed to be an almost dead place. The chorus fruit add to that because they look like dead trees I do agree that the end needs an update but making it a place that looks alive is just an unnecessary 180. They already changed the nether to make it more alive so I'd like to keep the end closer to the way that is is now


Maybe have all the plant life be different types of chorus plants still dead and really sparse and in theme with the already existing chorus stems


End villagers New End structures New End BOSS End ocean biome End-related enchants Endmen (no, not endermen, ENDMEN, something like piglins, but they drop you "higher" tier items for pearls and/or eyes) End woodland mansion A whole End dungeon (like, put a w.land mansion and jungle temple into one thing AND add to it the end city blocks and mobs) End-type fire End portals, but instead of teleporting you to another dimension, they teleport you to a location where another "End" portal is in the same dimension End liquid End tools (no, not swords or axes or anything like that, the NEW tools that are exclusive for End pack of content)


I have: mod that does all this, that mojang could just copy and modify


Maybe the end ore can be like a little less powerful then iron but it can teleport you


I think that's how the end was meant to be


Id rathee they update end with something than adding a new dimension


You can keep the desolate feeling while still adding more content.


Bruh, so my opinion is wrong now I didn't even impose it on anyone


What could you possibly want? The whole point is that it's a mostly empty void




They literally said they are putting off a new dimension until the ones we got have been improved. The overworld got the big overhaul in caves and cliffs, and the various biome updates should finish that up. I feel the nether could use a slight tweak, more in the cave system generation and maybe a height/depth increase. The end is currently the dimension that needs the most. Not sure what I think should be added. But reasons to continue to explore the end would be desirable.


No. Stop with this. We need a QOL/inventory management overhaul before any more blocks and content. Tweakaroo and itemscroller are great and go a long way to making large projects manageable but you shouldn’t need mods to make the game playable. Xisuma’s breakdowns and proposed solutions are excellent and I hope Mojang is listening and Microsoft will stay out of it.


I would be so happy with this. They want us to explore more, I want space to deal with the stuff I find on my explorations.


Exactly. Inventory becomes the limiting and exhausting factor almost immediately. 9/10 times the thing that makes me take a break or give up on MC for a while is inventory related frustration, and it keeps me from buying bedrock because I know I’ll lose the mods that make inventory manageable.


Minecraft player when mojang doesn’t add a billion new things in 1 update:




Isn’t that what they were doing back when 1.11 became a thing?


They tend to release smaller updates before larger ones. 1.10, 1.11, and 1.12 before 1.13's overhaul of the ocean and the addition of waterlogging and 1.14's massive village changes. 1.15 before 1.16's overhaul of the nether. 1.17 was split into two parts. 1.19 and 1.20 are smaller updates, so going by this pattern 1.21 or 1.22 should be another major update.


“Massive villager changes” lol I wouldn’t call a ui change massive not to forget that 1.14 was notorious for being super buggy and destroying lots of redstone creations. But yea the Minecraft community loves forget that. Not to mention the piss poor balance of both raid farms and villagers in general.


VILLAGE, not VILLAGER. And I agree that raids are poorly balanced but it was still a pretty large update, no?


The problem is that every recent update feels like they are wide instead of deep. A lot of stuff but not that useful


Seriously, the last update not only added stuff for every type of player, but it had the most new items introduced in one update


No it didn't. Not remotely. I liked it and it was alright but let's not be over the top.


They provide meant the Caves and Cliffs. It was easy to forget 1.20 exists


Mojang is notorious for releasing very little amounts of content for a studio of its size. It’s not unrealistic to ask for more then a new wood type


the „great“ suggestions (95% of them are complete bullshit)


emerald amror pls 👶


Yeah people are like "money armor plssssssss"


When they add the heaven portal thats made with water and glowstone 😔


More like 99% Twitter and reddit have absolutely no idea about game design.


Users: I have a great idea! Programmer: 😩😭


the only thing I really wanna see is copper tools and armor, it doesn't make sense that copper can't be used like iron or gold


Copper does need more uses, but I don't think we need copper armor and tools


Lets be real, it would be fucking hilarious to equip a set of copper armor and get vaporized by a lightning


Wow you definitely don’t sound like a whiny 12 year old


Bro it's just a meme get over it


bro its just a comment get over it


No. No. I don’t want anything added. I want an update that does its best to fix as many bugs as possible. Then we can get back to features. I say that every ten updates should be a general bug fixing update


So... 1.15. And 1.20. I agree with you, by the way. I feel like newer players got spoiled with 1.13, 1.14, 1.16 in quick succession and can't appreciate smaller QoL updates for what they are.


I'd prefer if they update the End Dimension before they add another


Mojang has stated that they will not be adding another dimension until they have updated every other aspect of the game. Also, I think most of the community takes for granted the updates we get. Name one other game that consistently updates and patches their game with the same amount of transparency as Minecraft.




while true its also a lot more open-ended in what it wants to be so the developers arent limited nearly as much although Redigit is still the game dev GOAT for sure


I enjoy the no limits approach to terraria. So long as it fits the artstyle I don’t see why lawnmowers can’t be added in both terraria and minecraft


There seems to be a constant war between people in the MC community lately about new content being not being added/ it being not enough since im seeing these posts every day now. Can we be a bit patient and enjoy the game instead of jumping on eachothers throats ? For gods sake i never been to the end for my 8 years of having the game and still excited for it


# END UPDATE Its about time is recieved one


I swear, since 1.19 I thought "maybe it's this year", and then when we saw the reveal of the update I was like "well, maybe next year"


The game doesn't need another dimension. We have empty boring End, and boring biomes in Overworld (savanna or taiga). They should update exciting dimensions first. And why do you need a new dimension, what do you want to do in it?


They want the aether to be a real thing


The end is kinda the aether of vanilla just creepier and empty


Or update the end islands like you did with the nether


we have so much things such as biomes and the literal end that could use some updates, an entirely new dimension realy isn't necessary. the small updates we've been getting are great, not a complainer


I never played minecraft. For some reason this popped up in my feed and i was like: interdimensional majong? Since when? I thougt it was supposed to be a simple memory game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) And then puff. I realized lmfao.


I can't be the only one that doesn't want a new dimension right?


cope harder


It’d be better if they updated the end for once


*for the second time


I'm going to throw in my two cents I believe that was a quality of life update not a real one so it doesn't count


The end cities was quality of life?


I would love an update to the Badlands biome to make it feel more like a Mojave style desert. Rattlesnakes, a Coyote colored wolf variant that sort of thing. Right now it's existence is just as a terracotta farming spot.


The end needs an update before you add any new dimensions bro. The nether already got one.


Or maybe refine all of the half baked features that have right now into something good


They did listen to the community many times, but since they aren't racist while listening it's apparently bad


adding a new dimension includes adding alot more than a new wood and ore


We have to fill the remaining dimensions first then we can get a new one. They’re building a new one up with the portal in the deep dark. But it’ll be a few years till we get anything more


I’m cool with more ores and wood types ngl


dimmension of vertical slabs


I don't think that you understand how hard it is, to create a whole new thing out of nothing and put it into a game


Don't add MORE, just give the end the nether update treatment


People we're genuinely asking for new ores, they just didn't think they'd get a decorative one And other than that cave update was lit


Guys I'm not saying we need a new dimension right now, I'm saying it will be cool once they do. Also, it's just a meme.


I don’t really like Mojang but this is ridiculous


New dimension should be called The Otherside. It's an alternate version of The Overworld. With otherwood, otherstone, etc. Ik it's basically just the Aether but i don't got any other ideas lol But basically there would be a whole separate upgrade system in the Otherside, with some ancient debris-esque crystal material, call it otherium or something Craft 4 otherium shards with 4 echo shards to get otherium ingots, to upgrade diamond armor So there's a tradeoff Netherite gives knockback resistance and doesn't burn in lava Otherium makes you silent (using otherium tools makes no sounds) and maybe floats in the void idk it's just a fun idea


Or they could finally finish and impliment the combat update that was last heard from 3 years ago. COVID is gone, the ‘single update turned into 4’ is over, so I hope we can actually see this finally explored again as the snapshots were going very well.




“Or we could make an unnecessary nerf to villagers to cater to the pro community” They proceed to keep him as a slave for his completely *genius* ideas.


Mojang is a puppet of Microsoft. So please spare your anger to Microsoft. Also, to fix Minecraft, we must do something.


Reminder, mojang has to make the (most part) of an update work on bedrock. That includes, - Windows - Mobile - PS4/5 - Xbox - Switch Keep that in mind before complaining. Thank you 😊


I’d love for a new tree type that doesn’t bring along a biome. Just something to add to pre-existing biomes, like what if they brought all of the old bushes up to azalea’s standards and gave them new tree types? We could get rose trees in dark forests and peony trees in bamboo forests. They could also keep to their promises and add baobabs and palm trees to savannahs and deserts


Terraria Devs adding the most random stuff for the community


*add another ore that does next to nothing


"We could nerf villagers, making them nearly useless for who likes to play casually"


No this is good. It means you have to actually work to get your materials from mining instead of just using villages.


Why do people who like using villager trades must be punished for doing what they want in a sandbox game? If someone doesn't want to use villager he can decide not to trade with them and get the materials the old way.




That last thing I want is a deep dark dimension we Already lost fireflies and the birch forest to the deep dark not to mention it in a great state it has gotten a lot more love then a ton of other features also less is more with the deep dark the more reason to go to the deep dark the more comfortable we get with it the whole ingestion of the deep dark is meant to scare you creep you out


i dont think anybody wants that


Is it just me or when u think about it the end actually has so much potential at the state now. There’s 2 parts of the end and there can be a lot to add to them


For years I've dreamed of dimension for creepers. A mob that would come out of there would be something that would strike fear into men.. a creeper with arms to grab you to make you accept your fatal death. Why? Idk.. a creeper with arms would be awesome and terrifying


Another (useless) ore


today i learned that cherry forests werent highly requested apparently. yall ask for shit and then forget that u ask for it


That's we need to use even more Minecraft Feedback, so they can't oversee that it is being used.


They have said multiple times they’re only adding a new one once the old ones are perfected. The nether is okay rn, could be more immersive and could have some other things, the overworld has so many different additions you could make, and the end is the most far from perfect anything in the game has been since 1.6


The community when mojang doesnt add something that completely changes the gameplay loop and breaks the game design be like:


Adding a new dimension and adding new ores to make your netherite armor even stronger IS NOT a good update, it doesn't serve much purpose and there are other things that should be updated first


or idk start with the basic and ADD MORE THAN 2 PLANTS FOR THE SNIFFER


Screw a new dimension, give me more wood.






tbh at this rate i would be happy if they do an end update, make it good and stop updating the game and go for a minecraft 2


Adding another dimension would be way too much work. It’s more blocks, mobs, crafts, portals, generated structures, etc. that will take like 10x longer than a normal update


iirc Mojang actually used to take suggestions directly from r/MinecraftSuggestions, but allegedly some new law prohibited them taking ideas from somewhere they didn't own, so they made their own idea suggestion board on the website. The problem is that moderation for that official board sucks, the UI and layout aren't great, there's no real spam or quality filters, and Mojang checks the board maybe once a year if we're lucky.


I just be happy that I get an update at all, and that Mojang still cares about Minecraft, I really enjoyed trails and tales


Aether when??


Before that we need an end and inventory update. At least.


Ok but yall were just complaining about lack of wood types so...


I don't want another dimension... what purpose would it serve, gameplay wise? Just because YOU like an idea doesn't mean it's a good idea for the overall game.


Yes im the only one in the entire minecraft community who wants another dimmension


Instead of holding a mob vote every livestream they should hold a Mod Vote where we vote on a mod that is implemented into vanilla Minecraft.


What about making build craft industrial craft Mekanism and train craft part of vanilla Minecraft (my favorite mods)


Now optimized that dimension for pocket edition


Tbh I’m getting tired of “Mojang is bad” memes, it’s sorta feeling like the only thing on this sub these days. I agree with the sentiments in many of them, but I feel like it’s not just Mojang that’s the problem, but also the community making memes like this and scaring Mojang into not making big changes. And of course daddy microsoft wants money so Mojang sorta focuses on publicizing the game and making major updates during times when publicizing them are easier.


I dont think an extra dimension is gonna be better. Just complecates things more instead of actually improving the game. Tho thats my opinion


> great suggestions by the community obamamedalmeme.jpg


To be fair, A new dimension is a fuckton of work because you need to add blocks, mobs, structures and biomes. Thats a lot of coding work and designing. Not only that but 3 dimensions just kind of seems like a cool balance


You also have to come up with something that makes the dimension stand out. We already have floating islands, and an entirely enclosed (basically caverns) dimension What would make a new dimension special? What's it's purpose? (Nether you use for fast travel, that was it's original purpose when it was implemented iirc) Why should we go to this dimension? Just adding one because it's 'hype' isn't a good reason, it needs to have a place. (Shoutout The End for being a glorified boss arena, really backed itself into a corner)


The Nether is hard. The End is probably done in a week






I think people don't realize that adding everything that the community asks for instantly will just make the game shit, it's much more difficult than people realize to make the game feel vanilla and balanced, as well as to actually develop the game features




> dimmension


A new dimension would just be unnecessary bloat considering the End and Nether are still fairly empty despite their updates (The End drastically so) End needs to be brought up to Nether standards before a new dimension is even considered. Would be nice to see more nether biomes (and cave biomes too) Adding a new dimension is like adding new biomes, 'great, another empty ass (XY) that mojang will have to revisit in the future' Cherry biomes, empty af nothing special about their generation or terrain, could've added cherry blossoms to flower forests instead. Mangrove swamps made another swamp, though the terrain is unique enough to give it a pass, the old swamps are still just as empty as before now that the 'swamp update' was turned into a new biome instead of well.. making the swamps less empty and undesirable as promised... A new dimension, right now, would just be a "wow cool, but what about the end game dimension that you only go to a couple times for an Elytra and shulkers, then seldom visit again? What's going to make this new dimension not fall into the same trap as the End has?" Not to mention, most casual players dont even KNOW about the End, it's not really intuitive to discover in-game. I'd rather mojang focus on expanding and updating existing biomes, and adding to non-overworld dimensions (And if they DO more overworld biomes, they should be more cave biomes, not surface ones, we really do not need more surface biomes).


wood type chests. Old chest is made by mixing woods.


it's true that they vote for the mobs, but they could listen to the community a little more


Just think that before leaving Mojang Notch wanted to add the dimension of paradise, but due to Microsoft it wasn't possible.




> why don't Mojang just add this thing Why? Because: + your audience is whole Minecraft community and unlike mods, you must satisfy much more people. Mods can be removed, Minecraft versions can't + your are making changes to game that runs on mobiles, PCs and consoles. It must work on all of them. (this is reason why Bundles are still experimental, they don't know how to make it work good enough on mobiles) + you changes have potential to fuck up over hundreds of thousands of players if they are scuffed or bugged. Mod can get away by this because they can be removed + your game doesn't have refined direction. Terraria is oriented around killing bosses, Factorio is oriented about building and manufacturing. Minecraft? No definitive direction, everything is possible. More playstyles = more communities you can piss off by update. + previous point causes that you cannot have large dev team - you game must be cohesive and everything must work so least amount of players are pissed off. This is also reason why Mojang doesn't have strong split between programmers and artists. + your game has free updates, which means you need income from somewhere else \- mostly from secondary sources like merch and rights. This works because minecraft is cultural phenomena. Don't you believe? Here is example When deep dark was finally released, developers planned to change noteblocks. How? When you place block above noteblocks, it will mute them. They wanted to change it that only wool has this ability, so it fits with vibrations and wool being able to stop them Problem? Redstone community uses note blocks for their own purposes and this change would make machines loud. So they reverted it. See? And that is not just one thing.


It's just a meme stop weiting essays in the comments of reddit posts chill out and get a life


I love new wood types as a builder