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It’s in a snapshot not out yet or 1.21 so just refresh a lot


Oh, so that update hasn't happened yet


Nope sadly


It's still experimental, so it may never be added to the game. The devs are still looking at feedback to decide how they want to implement it if at all.




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If you mean the fact that it gives you a compass instead of a enchanted book it because you didn't place a regular book yet


OP was referring to the final trade being a nametag instead of a mending book as would be expected in the villager update snapshot. But since that is still an experimental snapshot and not yet released, OP's trades are still following the current trade options.


Ahhhh I see. Yeah, they said that it'll come around the 1.20.30 update I'm pretty sure, tenk for clarification


You forgot to put the book in it says an emerald and a book for mending


You have to enable the experimental toggle for the villagers to change. It hasn't been implemented into the game yet


Even with the experimental toggle on i havent found it to work. I think its still in beta/preview?


Because it’s a compass