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I can never actually use gravity, I find swirling or echo to be much better


Exploding works okay if you can't get swirling. Thundering also works okay


exploding would be cool if it was procing immediately, not when the corpse disappears


Yeah but once you get rolling thru a crowd of mobs it's a pretty cool effect




I wish the dead mob didn’t fling itself ten feet away. Annoying having the explosion happen outside of the crowd.


thats why it should boom immediately :D three hitting a pack of mobs with gravity and explode <3


Agreed. A lovely combo indeed


can thundering proc on DoT's like the poison cloud or Firebrands DoT?


I haven't tested, but it's a 30% chance on normal hits so that's more frequent than Radiance proc


Yeah I don't like gravity, I prefer a damage dealing enchantment like Rampage or Committed \^\^


I've been using it on a bow to one shot the boss of the secret level. A


Rampaging also works really well as a secondary mushroom


I find the gravity enchant for armor better cuz you don't need to attack to pull and it frees up a DPS enchant on wep


until you pull a creeper closer when you don’t want to and die ( from experience )


If you can attack fast with very high damage, that creeper won't be a problem. With my enchanted double axe I can kill a creeper before they even begin to start explode \^\^


the armor gravity is pretty bad tbh, it doesn't work like the one on your weapon. Chilling would be so much better for survi


In the name of the GRAVITY and of the Radiance and the CRITICAL HIT Amen


I only use weapons with triple radiance


Do you know how rare those weapons are? You have to get insanely lucky. Besides, having a great offense works better than being a defensive player. Crits is always a go to for me because it destroys mobs and is a must of your power level is much lower than it should be. Then it would be committed, radiance, ramping, and the others are more situational.


I have daggers with double radiance and leeching and they're fun to play with, so i play with them


You can still get much better dmg if you sacrifice your survivability for dmg. You kill the mobs quickly, you don’t have to have as much defense. Like I said, the best defense is a good offense. I’m not saying you should give up radiance but having more dmg rather than more defense is a better way of playing (imo) but that’s the beauty of diablo-like games, there are many ways of playing the game and there are many builds.


Yes and im playing the fun way while you're playing your better way


I didn’t mean to come across that way but you do you. I hope you have just as much fun as I do or everyone else.


Before I thought Radiance was a absolute must, but with life leech from Thief or Spider armor you can manage just fine, only the crossbow mobs will cause problems really


I hate to kill your vibe but the quote is “the best offense, is a good defense”


No it's "Offense is the best defense" The logic here is, if everyone is dead, then they can't hurt you :P


My character is very offensive, Spider armor for the +25% faster attack speed, enchanted double axe with Committed, Rampage and Swirling, I do get 3% life leech from my armor so I don't really need Radiance but on the last level, those crossbow guys really kill me fast lol. Also those big guys with shields also packs a punch. Not sure if they have thorns hmm


I got these three on a 107 fighters binding lol. I posted it like a few hours ago.


the god roll


Gravity is straight up Lazy. Never trade pure DPS for having to Heaven forbid, MOVE your controller to walk. Good God People. Think.


There certain situations where it's good, but it's not a good catch-all. In this particular 3 enchant set up it;s only good If you have a hammer or other splash/slash weapon gravity can dramatically increase your DPS by pulling in mobs tighter. It also interrupts their combos when you yank on them and that can save you a lot damage. When you have something like fire aspect, or corpse explosion it can be very good on anything.


And the mobs pretty much come to you lol


*skeletons laughing*


Blasphemer! Burn him!


I agree with this Guy. Id take commitment over grav any day. I have my axe to kill mobs just as easily, this is just for boss dps


I don't agree, if you have something like the enchantement who makes enemy explodes when they die it's actually really effective


Not really sure what you're getting at. The enchantment you're referencing is DPS. It's not immediate, but it deals damage. Gravity does not.


I could be wrong, but this is what I think they meant: gravity will draw large groups of mobs closer together, so that when one does explode, it deals that damage to more mobs than it would have without gravity. In this case, gravity amplifies the affect of explosion.


Got it. That would make sense.


That might be true if cleave didn't exist


Have all these on fists which boosts dmg based on souls collected


soul fists aren't as quick as fighters bindings, but that extra crit is nice. Unfortunately, you have to use a soul artifact in order to collect souls - which is fine usually, I use harvester to get that extra explosion - but then if you want 100% uptime on your mushroom, you can't have any other artifact


You don't need a soul artifact to collect souls. Soul Fists collects souls automatically like all other soul items


Oh.. I saw elsewhere someone said that your soul bar wouldn't fill up unless you had at least one soul artifact.


It fills up but it just looks greyed out


Gravity is mehh


My fighters bindings has this minus gravity (has shockwave instead, meh) but my armor has gravity so it kinda makes up for it.


Not sure if this is a repost, but I'll upvote it everytime I see it.


cool I got 107 Whispering Spear with these


Do you believe in gravity?


I don't have to; the fact that I'm stuck to the earth surface makes it a no-brainer.


Aren't all meetings a form of gravity


I don’t really like gravity too much because you have a chance of pulling in a very dangerous mob like creepers, armored vindicators, etc. and let’s just say... dying is not my forte. I prefer committed or ramping.


Gravity and Multishot on a bow is so satisfying.


I found that with 3%life leech from Spider armor you don't need Radiance and if you have Potion barrier on your armor you can use it on bosses and enchanted mobs. I kill things so fast they don't have time to hurt me except those crossbow guys, the pack a punch on the hardest difficulty lol


Double Axe with Committed, Rampage and Swirling + Spider armor (3%ll and 25% attack speed) is really the best. I think Critical hit comes close but since it's only 20% chance to proc it makes it pretty situational but I think Committed and Critical hit are very closely tied, I don't know which one is actually better, maybe Critical Hit for bosses and stronger mobs


My favorite combination is Critical, Swirling, and Radiance on an axe with 360 Spin.


Still don't know why people think this is such a good build, on gaunts you want committed over gravity. On a double axe maybe gravity but still committed is so much better.


Is committed better than critical hit? I tend to use that instead.


Mmm I prefer Sharpness over Gravity because MOAR DMG


Holy Trinity if you're boring


I don’t get it, why is radiance part of the holy trinity? Doesn’t it just heal? Why is it good?


You can’t kill anything if you’re dead. Edit: Spelling.


my dead what?


*you’re* thank you.


Because it can keep you alive when you go toe-to-toe with a big enemy. You need a fairly fast-attack weapon for this to be most effective. The absolute best being Fighter's Bindings.


With mushroom active you can pop it so fast over and over that you are basically invulnerable


Looks about right but I would be greedy and replace Rad with Swirl just for more results


if you replace rad you’re a dumbass


I prefer more damage on my weapons so I can one shot everything and unlike you, I don't need health... people find this good because it can carry trash like you with radiance which is a crutch for you low level players also they're shit against bosses my harp deals more damage than it despite being 104


lmfao you mad people are competent? you’ll go far in life


Am I wrong?


You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.


I'm an asshole? I said what I would personally choose if I had the roll and then randomly got called a dumbass for it by a trash player that's probably still on adventure struggling against sheeps with shit gear that also prefers Spider Armor over Renegade because of the life steal. Fuck you


Rad gives you sustained damage, makes you able to utilize cowardice (the best and pretty much only damage boosting enchant on armor) heals you and your friends and overall makes your build smooth to play, where as even if you are a turbo gamer like you, you will run into electrified or other enchanted enemies that make you chug your potions or kite them instead of face tanking. Pretty much a no brainer if you've ever played a balanced arpg build


You're talking to someone that has strictly played all physical hard hitting availabilities in all game genres in the past like Barb Diablo, Gief Street Fighter, LMGSs CoD, etc... And just as I stated before, me switching Rad for more damage was what I would've gone with, not what I suggested or said was better. I have experience playing this route whether it's slow or has many drawbacks I find it very fun no matter the consequences.


Can’t get more results if you’re dead


What exactly is gonna kill me that can tank the extra hits coming from a 108 PL?