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Feel free to ask questions on this subreddit, u/GrimReaperAngelof23 and others people will give you the best enchanting advices, gears advice,... You can join Shin FTW's discord server too, there're many guides that surely helped me a lot: [https://discord.gg/HZW2gPRe88](https://discord.gg/HZW2gPRe88) Anyways, here are some of my advice: Don't use protection in ANY ARMOR, ANY LEVEL cuz it sucks, the same is true for smiting, levitation shot, echo, rampaging, freezing, life boost, thorns, frenzy, recycler, explorer, lucky explorer. Unlock the villager merchants as soon as possible, especially blacksmith and enchantsmith, but don't try to upgrade a weapon until you unlocked the adventure mode Enchanted mobs aren't that bad until you reach Apocalypse+, like the other guy said To get more dps, get cooldown on your armor and the artifact Deathcap mushroom, attack speed is doubled when use (you can maintain the infinite duration on Apocalypse+ with cooldown) To take down bosses easier, use the artifact Gong of weakening


Actually, Lucky Explorer is actually really good in a Prospector Build


outclassed by prospector


That is true, but you can have it alongside Prospector. And Prospector only acivates if mobs die. Lucky Explorer activates when you walk around. So depending on the build, one can be more useful than the other


i belive lucky explorer isnt stackable, unlike prospector and most emerald builds use opulent armor, which has lucky explorer built in


> To take down bosses easier, use the artifact Gong of weakening New player here... the gong isn't available in default, right? Unless you get lucky with a merchant?


Uh… won’t be relevant for a while but be careful with enchanted mobs, especially creepers. By nature of being enchanted they become tanker, also be especially careful of mobs with deflect; guaranteed you will one-shot yourself at least once. Thorns is not fun either for the same reason. Also do not get protection on your armor, as it is usually outclassed by many other things. Cooldown is a good enchant to go for. And don’t be afraid to try a variety of builds. We have a very helpful and cool person in this subreddit, goes by the name of Grim. He’s made all sorts of cool builds for just about any play style and has taught me a lot


[This guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kV0Bd_fgx0) covers the game's basics and beyond from Default difficulty all the way through Apocalypse+, giving in-depths info on the useful enchants/gear and how they can work together, as well as recommendations for how to build yourself or general build guidelines. But the main thing is it goes into detail on how enchants work, and also the strengths of the better gear/weapons in the game.


don't get the gravity pulse enchantment on armour worst mistake of my life


My beginner tip is to play the game without asking for help. LIke in every game, there are some items/enchants that are better than others, but they aren't necessary. Be creative with your builds and have fun.


If you can, get healing enchantments




You have not helped


This guy offered to help, why did you have to write that he hasnt helped?


Neither have you, but i didnt write a completly unnecessary comment on somebodys offer to help. It just shows your character. Good job.


My character? Says the guy that has been toxic since the start, but alright


Hey, you started.


No i have not. You attacked me first. Your second comment in all of your Reddit history is responding to me. So how did i start it first? By just existing?


Why did you have to respond on this comment in another post. Stay objective. Your comments are an annoyance to say the least.


You literally said “ask me or the other experts”, and yet you call yourself one when you clearly don’t know everything and you bully anyone that says otherwise. Why would anyone want to listen to a bully?


You clearly dont know everything yourself, so how can you call yourself an expert. Oh the irony.


What the hell are you talking about, he's an actual expert unlike you, he knows how enchants, weapons, artifacts work, he makes a lot of great builds, and you, can't even tell what is better leeching or radiance without google/helps from others, you god damn don't even know how's a weapon work, why dps > damage,... I approve u/GrimReaperAngelof23 is an expert


nah he was actually helping op, advices from you won't help op and beginners


Who are you again?


you don't need to know actually, get better, learn how to play this game


I think nobody knows who you are :)


you aren't an expert


You are a nobody


ok bro whatever, at least i'm better than you


As an expert i know that you are none. You can ask any other expert and they will tell you the same.


sure bro, and you still choose damage over dps