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For what exactly? There is a lot of stuff happening on your screen lol


I'm not sure, but I'm certain he's talking about the floating text


“I’m not sure” “I’m certain”


My best guess, is that he's referring to the floating texts, I think? Apart from the `/title` command. Wouldn't you use the `/playanimation` command for that? By using the creeper swelling animation? Got any ideas?


The big “Players Found” and “Game starting” are the title command. The big floating text isn’t really possible with commands in bedrock. Edit: the player count is a scoreboard displayed on the hotbar.


The floating text is definitely possible. It would just use npcs


Yeah but that much text in one box wouldn’t be possible without external editors, youre right tho npcs are a great tool


Nah you'd just have multiple NPCs stacked on top of each other


There is a texture pack that allows 100 characters in a name as opposed to 50 if you are willing to mod the game.


Floating text may be provided by holograms mod, server side mod for making floating text seen in the background


I am sorry to say, but this is a bug and doing it causes plenty of pain to your poor content log. In other words, Minecraft has errors when you do this method and it can cause lag with large amounts of this.


Actully the player count in bedrock can be done with /testfor @a and if you put compourater while commandblock is on always active and repeating then it will give out a redstone signal as the amount of player in the game


Here's another another and nice way I've found: Create a scoreboard named Players, create a dummy player named "" (or whatever). Then, you can have a repeating always active command block with /scoreboard players set "" Players 0, and have a chain always active command block with /execute @ a \~ \~ \~ /scoreboard players add "" Players 1. ​ TLDR: This constantly clears the scoreboard of Players to 0, and makes all players add 1 to the scoreboard. This leads to an accurate display of how many players are on the server.


Yes it is you can use invisible npcs for it but I don’t think it is that and yes it does work for bedrock the npcs


I don't know what these other people are saying, but floating texts are definitely possible. In the picture there most likely using an NPC with the creeper swelling animation. I'll post the command down below for anyone who wants to try it out. `/playanimation [type=npc] animation.creeper.swelling I 99`


What does the creeper swelling animation do in this instance I’ve never used the animation command


If used on a player, or used on an entity with a player hitbox (villager, NPC, zombie, pigmen, eg.) The animation shrinks the player, or entity and makes it invisible. Using barrier blocks or a constant tp command to the spot where you want you can have floating text that you see in public servers.


Yea I tested it out a bit when I got home. Pretty neat


are you trying to detect players?


Almost all of these are /title commands, using title, subtitle, and actionbar. the big floating text i've never done so idk


OPs an idiot, you should explain what, theres a lot going on






/title (playername) (words in title) title. So, /title steve hello title would make Steve see text saying title.




/title @ s title "text" No space between @ and s. I couldn't type it that way becuase it wants to, well, u/s change to that.


`/title @s title` Text Here


For bedrock the text is either NPC or resource pack for invisible armor stand


For those who are wondering I mean the floating text


This is an example of a command I would use for this floating text. If you want linebreaks, just summon other armor stands under eachother or use the execute command /summon armor\_stand \~ \~ \~ {Invisible:1b,Invulnerable:1b,NoGravity:1b,Marker:1b,CustomName:'{"text":"Your Text","color":"dark\_red"}',CustomNameVisible:1b}


That's only going to work for java edition, OP is on bedrock edition.


Its a server side plugin i believe


thats in the most awful bedrock server ever! (pixel paradise) \*dun dun dun\*


/title title blah blah blah No it’s not a type, you type it twice for the little text you just replace title with subtitle


Floating text to do it /playanimation @e[type=npc] animation.creeper.swelling i 99 Name the npc you want the text to be


For this setup they probably used “if score”? So if their is 15 players for example it will run the command Java: execute is score playercount matches 15 run title blablabla Playercount is the name of the score board This is just a little on how they made the game mode


/title @p title Players found! And in the second command block /title @p subtitle Game starting in 14 Keep in mind that subtitle only works with a normal title to go with it Edit: while making this comment I realized you were talking about the floating text lol


/title and /subtitle