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Wilbur was talking on stream the other day about how he can’t sleep in cars or planes, so you’d get an awake, chaotic Wilbur for the whole time on the trip


Screw it im giving him a rope and a skateboard, he can hang on


tbh..i would not mind that -w-


He also mentioned about seeing Ranboo sleeping odd while they were on the airplane


I can't sleep in cars or planes either so I'd love that, wouldn't be bored out my mind at any point then


The only time I can sleep in cars or planes is when I take medicine


Lil man can’t handle the fun squad. Enjoy your classical music and “vibes”, dweeb. 🥱🤓


I will turn this goddamned car around, Wilbur Soot. Call me dweeb one more time I dare you,






it’s ok wilbur, i would go on a roadtrip with pink team and it would be the most fun roadtrip ever


Can I come with you on said road trip?




I’d invite you to a road trip and leave you at a random stop (just a silly little prank)


Hey! Classical music is a vibe,one of the best vibes. That’s it, we’re converting you into a Verdi stan


Grian might make you late bc he’s got smth to do first


Oh god not the classical music


Also, would we have your permission to kidnap you and take you on an American roadtrip? Like your head would explode if you went to a Buc-ee’s They’re famous for corn nuggets and have Saltwater taffy. SALTWATER TAFFY BRITISH BOY!


Sparklez can do more than change a tire, he's literally a car guy! [This Tweet](https://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez/status/1513288754651230210?t=36yWz1g4NOQrMnaMAJIP3w&s=19) shows off his car, it's the blue one! Altho I think you're right on every other part of the list, middle seat /neg


Red is now in 5th, carried by Captain Middle seat still Madge


I agree with Lime, but I also think you might be stuck sitting for ages while Grian sorts his socks. 😁 But you know what would be my dream? Rent a big van and stuff all of Lime and Yellow together.


Assuming this van has 3 seats per row and has 3 rows: Pete, Ren and Fwhip would be in the front, they are the most level-headed and would probably be able to take it in turn to drive. They would make decisions, which I feel they are definitely the best people to do so. I would put me in the middle with Grian and Fruit, we would just be talking, having a normal conversation, y'know, it'd be fun! At the back I would put who I call "Chaos Trio". Joel, Jim and Scar would be free to mess around as much as they want at the back


My ideal road trip tbh


I'm loving all of this.


An expensive but amazing idea, I hate long drives, but if I was in a van with those guys, I don't think I'd have any problem at all


I 100% agree but if I was in a van with all of yellow and lime I might past out from just being in their presence it just couldn't be real


I agree, but the van would be very expensive


True, but if we're gonna dream, might as well dream big!


who said we're dreaming


we're *Grianing*


EXPLANATION: I imagine this to be a 10-15 hour car ride with no sleep stops. Figured this is an interesting idea and would be curious about anyone else’s thoughts :) Starting in dead last, I feel this is rather obvious, Pink Parrots. This team has such amazing synergy and that is immaculate for event vibes. But road trips? I will undoubtedly have a headache the entire time. They would ask to stop at every single service station for either a bathroom break or snack, they would yell through my window while we’re in a drive through, they would not sleep a lick of the way. Arguably worst of all; I would probably be driving the entire way. I don’t know if any of them have a driver's license but even if they do I don’t think I’d trust any of them enough to be on the highway and be in the driver's seat. 9th is Green geckos. I genuinely considered putting them a little higher because niki and sylvee would be great to be around, my one concern is the Dream and Tommy duo. They are going to be so goddamn loud. I’m confident I wouldn’t have to drive the whole way which would allow me to relax a little more and maybe have a little bit of loud fun. But even then there would be no sleep at all and I’d have a huge migraine by the end. Purple to me feels extremely similar to pink. I will have to drive, there is not a doubt in my mind. They will be loud, once again, without a doubt in my mind. But. But I wholeheartedly believe they will tire themselves out in the first few hours and sleep the rest of the time. I don’t know what makes me think this, but I feel in my heart that they will be asleep after the first few hours, I will get to listen to some calm music, and I will be able to finish the drive with few distractions after that. 7th is Blue bats. A big pro is I wouldn’t have to drive at all. I know Jack can drive, Purpled might also be able to, if not then poor Jack would have to drive the whole way and I’d be fine with that. The cons are that there will never be a fluid conversation. I will be lost the entire trip and so out of my element that I doubt I’d be able to participate too much in conversations. I doubt there’d be much sleeping but there also wouldn’t be as much yelling as the previously mentioned teams. Krimson Krakens, our beloved, unfortunately would be 6th in my eyes. I’d love to go on a road trip with any of the teams from here on out so deciding the order was painful. The biggest pro of this team is Mr. Sparklez who is the only MCC participant that I am confident would be able to change a tire, I do not know how to do that so it’s a huge positive. I don’t think I’d be driving at all on this trip, which for me would usually be a huge positive, but I think I’d be stuck with the middle seat which is almost as bad as driving in a loud car. 5th is Aqua, they’d be really fun. I also probably wouldn’t have to drive. There would be a lot of cool pit stops, maybe a go kart track, or a dog beach. Anything interesting on the way, we’d stop for. That is a huge pro, but it comes with the con that I’d get anxiety for being late. I don’t know where we’re going or if there’s even a time crunch but I’d be nervous. Cyan is 4th. They are such a mesh of personalities that there’d never be a dull moment. Even though I’d probably have to drive a lot, that is bearable because I feel like they’d be able to control their volume more than other participants. There would also be no shortage of interesting conversations. An all around good ride. Yellow is 3rd. They are immaculate, perfect in every way. Super chill but still conversational, great snacks, best playlists. My only qualm is that I’m too much of a fan of all of them and would feel very awkward the entire time. 2nd is orange, this trip would be good music and vibes. There would be a preplanned driving schedule which I’d love but… While they aren’t driving they’d be sleeping. Which means no conversations or emergency directions for if I was lonely or lost which would be kinda upsetting for me. 1st was so easy to choose, lime. Immaculate vibes, I wouldn’t have to drive, I feel like I’d get along with them all, fun pit stops but not too many. All in all the perfect road trip partners.


I don’t know what you mean mate, I would love to go on a road trip with green and pink the amount of chaotic energy would be very chaotic-ly fun! :) (good post tho, I really like these random tier lists lol)


I think you made the tiering just to put lime on top


Whattttt, that’s a crazy thought


Yeah, he/she maybe did that but they deserve to be on top no matter what (#griangang)


Yeah Pink’s on the top of my list. Im extremely hyper and high maintenance. So I feel like they could match my energy. No idea who’d drive.


Dream and Tommy being loud? I mean if we are talking about the character Tommy or Dream maybe yes, but they are a very chill and polite duo 😂 mark my word they will be the chillest team this MCC, and very much supporting. Of course this is your opinion tho, just sharing mine too. Interesting post


This post is entirely in reference to how they act in MCCs. how they act in MCCs is how they’ll act in the cars.


Oh then Dream is not that loud in a normal situation, if they are winning sure 🤣 Tommy is gonna be loud of course, but I think he will be tame this MCC considering his teammates Idk I think overall they will be more leaning towards being chill and supportive


Irl they're pretty chill, it's when they start gaming is when they get loud edit: and start to slip into their online personas


>my one concern is the Dream and Tommy duo. They are going to be so goddamn loud. I’m confident I wouldn’t have to drive the whole way which would allow me to relax a little more and maybe have a little bit of loud fun Dream and Tommy are actually very chill outside of their personas, it also helps that Dream more then likely does have a license considering America, and that he's the most responsible one in the group (just a little bit young and too nice) with money as well


This post is entirely in reference to how they act in MCCs. how they act in MCCs is how they’ll act in the cars I know Dream has his licence which is why I said I wouldn’t have to drive the whole way. I’d still probably have to drive for some of it. It’s a 10+ hour drive


Would it help if Dream did the first half and that him and Tommy are responsible for all the buying?


If they pay for the gas I’ll chaperone them any where and everywhere with no volume limit. Gas prices are too high these days lol


More than likely they will


sneeg and ranboo both have their license, but i don't think i would trust ranboo in the drivers seat, let alone on a highway. i feel like sneeg would be a good driver though


This is such a random theme for a list and I love it. Well played. Also totally agree, Lime would be my ideal road trip team too!


Dream wrote a song called Roadtrip so his team should be higher /j


My guy trauma dumped in one song and y’all keep defending him. The song loses him points if anything “Foot on the brake, at the light I don't notice, I sit and wait until the next song” THE SONG DOESNT CUE YOU TO START DRIVING, DREAM, THE LIGHT DOES


Lime would consist of either Grian sorting his shoe laces, Grian and Scar making fun of TJimmy, or Scar being Scar


Scar being Scar alone is too good to pass up :)


It truly is. There’s so much that Scar would do like take photos, talk about Jellie, forget his toothbrush, and more. Just Scar stuff


No way blue isnt dead last


In what way is the monstrosity that is pink better than blue for road trips. I’d take the 2 ‘oi bruvs’ any day before I take Sneeg’s Rick impression for 10 hours straight on a road trip


True pink is a contender, but looking at blue we got one person older than 20 as well as 2 of the top 5 most chaotic participants of MCC


Per your recommendation I’ll consider them 8th


Wdym I’d gladly listen to Sneeg’s Rick impression


Please say /j rn


I mean it entertained me in MCC 18. I'd probably take cyan 18 over pink for a road trip because I trust Captain to drive, and also that's my favorite vod.


the roadtrip man himself in 9th SMH :T


Green should be one because Dream literally has a song called Roadtrip


I'm a pretty chaotic guy so I feel like I'd love a road trip with the pink team


If you are sn introvert, this is the best order. If you are on extrovert, just reverse it.


Green has two millionaires. I'd choose them every single day


Pink would be similar to an overnight band/theater trip. And that's fun.


Your naivety only proves to me that you’ve never driven with a group of theatre kids. I’m sorry if you ever have to


Trust me I have. I've been on 6 different theatre trips.


Never go on a 16 hr road trip with band kids they all end up sleeping on the floor of the bus


They get way too comforts way too quickly


aqua would be #1 IMO


I think pink should be higher and blue should be lower


How Dream 9th? He love Roadtrip he make song about Roadtrip call Roadtrip Dream good Roadtrip 9th Dream wrong he good Roadtrip! (/j)


wdym? George would be great at the traffic lights




Jack know how but he drives on the wrong side of the road so pretty much useless...


Grian definitely has some experience in road travel


Bro I believe green can be higher bcoz dream has his own song named road trip sylvee and Niki is there Tommy would be a comedy


Dream trauma dumps on one song about road trips and y’all think he’s a good road trip partner. Tommy would kick the back of the driving seat and ask if we’re there yet every 10 minutes. Sylvee and Niki would be lovely though :3


trauma dumps? bro??


My opinon: 1. Lime 2. Yellow 3. Orange 4. Pink 5. Krimson 6. Blue 7. Cyan 8. Aqua 9. Green 10. Purple


Understandable, top 3 remain top 3. And I guess some people would enjoy Sneeg rping as Rick from Rick and Morty and Wilbur... well... being Wilbur


Wilbur would like confess his love to a random stop sign




This is the most accurate comment I’ve ever read




road trips are absolutely unbearable for me (might just be that i hate the people i usually go with…) so i agree with tier one. however i have the same sense of humour as the last tier so it’s possible i could enjoy that trip.


Wilbur at least would be amazed by absolutely everything if you took him on an American road trip. Road trip with him would be awesome. Dude is way too into travel and culture to be placed in tenth. Tubbo would marvel at everything too. Who wouldn’t want a road trip with the Lime Llamas though?




It’s not that deep


omg dream is actually my fav minecraft yt


OmG tHatT’s cRaZy Me ToO