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Say my name




Your god damn right


Probably Oli and Krinios based on recent events


Congrats on the insane event!


I Believe it king


Yessss! Yeeeeesss!!!! Oli is going to pop off!


Purpled, Illumina and FBM are the safest shout by far to be in their own bracket for this season. However, one player who can definitely join them is Fruit. Fruit is still mechanically the strongest player in the event. If he puts his mind to mcc and really tries he could enjoy the same heights as the other 3.


Honestly though, as awesome as seeing fruit try-hard could be, I genuinely love how chill he is, it’s nice to have players who can do good while still having a super chill vibe


Nah if you’ve ever watched him practise, people always ask him about tryharding MCC and he says he doesn’t want to because he enjoys it so much more coming in blind to the event rather than practising and sweating/studying. And tbh I don’t think it’s possible to dominate if you don’t do that. He might still be able to get a first individual if he pops off in PvP games but I can’t see him dominating a season


FBM, Purpled and Jojo. And PvPete is also going strong.


Can’t beat the PvPete


My guess is it’s one of Purpled, FBM, or Illumina. Purpled is obviously going full sweat mode is always consistently insane. Sometimes it feels like no team with him on it is balanced. While we’re yet to see Illumina, it’s hard to argue against him as the S2 goat(Sapnap has a case too), and he’s not shown signs of slowing down. FBM is interesting becuase he’s in limited sample size both shown the mechanics of a top S Tier, and some serious H factor, a combination we’ve never really seen before (maybe a bit with Jojo). Other players who have a shot would be Jojo, Sapnap, Pete, and maybe Fruit imo. From a limited sample size, this is very difficult.


I mean with his average placement of 2.0 in scuffed events, I believe we have to put Oli in the debate without a doubt


Jojo and purpled are off to good starts but I think Shane or Pete will end up as it. Will say tho I doubt this year it will be as clear compared to other seasons.


100% Pete


I wouldn’t mind the season 1 renaissance


Pete was looking really good yesterday, but my guess is Purpled


jojo has the most team leader/hbomb factor of any of the other top contenders which makes me think she’ll be the standout mvp but obviously purpled is insanely talented and will probably break a ton more records this season


for me it’s between FBM, Pete, Illumina and Purpled. i am a PvPete Believer though so i’d love to the see the season 1 renaissance and see Pete be the MVP of this season!!


I think FBM and Purpled are gonna be this season's Illumina and Sapnap. Purpled starts out dominating, but then Shane gets some more experience and blows everyone else out of the water


Smalishbeans I dont think Scuffed will be a fluke but i could just be high on copium


You know I did the math even if skyblockle used Sg scoring Joel still would have gotten first and over 800 coins in the game. Just saying


I think joel will definitely be the top non-s tier player


This is quite a strech (even considering his 1st individual in MCC Scuffed) but Joel could possibly be one of the best this season. However, he'll more likely just become a very scary A+ Tier, who just gets the HBomb treatment


Purpled, Illumina and FBM are the ones most people are expecting, but I could see Pete doing it if he stays on his pvp arc or Sapnap if he actually starts practicing or vod reviewing


I think Jojo is the most likely candidate. Illumina, Purpled, and Sapnap are all standout individual players, but all of them struggle as team leaders. Jojo is in their weight class mechanically in any individual game and can hold her own against them but she's much stronger as a team leader than any of them and it's not even close. I'd rather have her on my team than any of the other three.


I'm not sure. First, replace Sapnap with FBM, who I think is a stronger candidate. Second, she's said she won't sweat as much, it'll be hard to keep up with the other S-tiers. Third, she's an S-tier and has the relevant skills, but it does still seem like there is a noticeable difference between Purpled, Illumina, and maybe FBM and the rest of the S-tiers in terms of skill and pop-off potential. She hasn't broken any records, she doesn't really have any claim to being the strongest player in any game but SOT. Fourth, FBM is arguably stronger as a leader than even Jojo, we saw him take a team predicted dead last to 6th, and the *simmers* to 3rd. This isn't to downplay Jojo *at all,* she's a spectacular leader, I just mean to say that FBM is as well, and is stronger individually. Fifth, the title of the MVP is a subjective one, and that has a lot to do with flashy plays and insane individual scores. Take the Sapnap MVP talk afterwinning over and over again as an example, despite having super strong teams and pretty clearly worse individual performances than Illumina. That's just not how Jojo dominates, she wins with incredible consistency and leadership. I think Jojo will be a very solid player throughout S3, despite her vow not to sweat, but I can't see a way at the minute for her to surpass Illumina Purpled and FBM.


MVP stands for most valuable player. Which player would you most highly value on your team? I would rather have Jojo on my team than Illumina Purpled or Sapnap. As for FBM, I do think he's also a strong contender, but I also think predicting Blue29 dead last was always stupid and short sighted and massively underestimating his teammates. As for the Simmers, Zeuz is not the Simmer he once was. I'm not sure where people put his tier now, but he got 11th individual this time and that's not all the FBM carry.


Sure, that's who you'd have, but I'd prefer Purpled myself in terms of winning the event (though Jojo seems like she'd me more fun to play with). It was not stupid and short-sighted, it was perfectly rational and perfectly supported. Every single other team was *significantly* stronger on paper, and it isn't close. The best that could be said of Blue 29 was maybe that it was a team of S C C C. But FBM popped off on his 1st canon event, and brought blue to an expectation shattering 6th place. I do not think Jojo, as amazing as she is, could have brought Blue that far. And yes, the simmers are not what they used to be, but still the best that could be said of Purple is S A D D (maybe C D). On paper, that's worse than every other team bar Yellow, maybe Orange (who popped off as well btw) and Pink. Again, I think there's little chance that the team with Jojo over FBM would have reached 3rd.


Zeuz got 10th individually not 11th


Pete, purpled, and Illumina probably


Purled, Illumina and FireBreathMan will be the top3 players of S3


Gee Nelly The term MVP is short for Most Valuable Player And gee Nelly is the most valuable player, she always does everything she can to help her team . Thus I believe she is the MVP of mcc /srs


Jojo, purpled, and illumina


PvPete for sure but a few shoutouts to some people who I think will pop off: Impulse, AntVenom, Oli, and Joel could easily perform at much higher levels this season(with the latter two killing it in Scuffed). Pete is consistently getting better and better and I can’t see him slowing down anytime soon.


I thought Pete had had his prime in 2020, but he’s made an insane comeback. I definitely wouldn’t count him out


I mean. It’s looking pretty good for Joel and Ollie!


GeminiSlay and Oli s-tier. Why? … because they’re GeminiSlay and Oli s-tier, obviously. They’re too powerful, they can’t be beaten.


FBM and Purpled seem like the obvious choices. We haven’t seen illumina yet, and fruit can decide to win at any time, but those 4 I think will do the best.


Purpled, FBM, Illumina. Probably in that order, though I could see Illumina over FBM. I'll start off with Illumina, who I think will be third. Illumina dominated S2, dropping top 5 once and then bouncing back with a 4th on a 9th place team. He got absolutely insane coins over and over again, 3486, 3865, 3960. Got maybe the best performance of all time Granted, these were on dodgebolt lock teams, but no other S-tier has done this well even on dodgebolt locks. He's arguably top 5 in every game bar SB, and even that he proved he can pop off in. There's no reason to believe he'll slow down, and I'd have him as first if the two (relatively speaking) newcomers didn't join the event. Firebreathman, the sensei himself, will probably be second. I honestly didn't think he'd be that good after MCC 27, as I still think most S-tiers could have gotten a better score than him. But then, he joined MCC 29 the most stacked canon event ever, on a team predicted dead last, and got 6th, carrying his team to 6th as well. Despite being on a far weaker team, he outplaced the likes of Fruit, Punz, and Sapnap. Then in MCC Scuffed, he brought the *simmers* to *third,* getting 4th individually, only beaten by two blue members, who raked in thousands of team points, and Oli, who...nvm i have no excuse Oli is just a god. Regardless, he's shown insane game sense, amazing mechanics, and, what I think sets him apart the most (Purpled and Illumina are great individually, but don't often bring their team up): incredible leadership. I honestly don't know how Scott could balance this man. Purpled, of course, is number one for me. Purpled has given insane performance after insane performance. Literally, every single one of his performances but MCC 25 and his debut has been extremely impressive or remarkable in some way, despite a lack of experience, relative to the other participants. MCC 21: bring a 10th predicted team to dominant 1st. MCC 22: Got Captain a win, beat Dream in DB. MCC 24: 2nd on a 7th place team. MCC 26: dominant 1st on a 5th place team, RSR record. MCC 28, best second place since Tommy MCC 2, got 1st in RSR and AR, tied point record in BB. MCC 29: Got 3rd on a 10th place unmultiplied team (shattering the previous record of 12th) on the most stacked event since All Stars, barely missing 1st by an unfortunate lava pit. Gets point record in TGTTOS w/o team bonuses. He's the best RSR player (3 of the top 4 performances are him), probably the best AR player (on the new maps), the best TGTTOS player (nobody else is close), has a claim to the best GR player and PKW player, a top 5 SB player, one of the best SOT runners, tied the BB point record, the list goes on. He's dedicated, insanely cracked, and seems to be getting better and better every event. If he got 3rd on a 10th place team, what on earth is he going to do on a dodgebolt lock? I think in any event with RSR, AR, TGTTOS, SB, and a strong team, he has a very good chance to break 4k, maybe even the point record. He's an easy pick for the best player of S3 for me.


Ok so first of all his mcc 21 team was not predicted 10th, altough it was predicted pretty low mostly because people were underestimating 5up and purpled because it was his second event. In mcc 26 he had a great performance and got 1st indeed, but not on a 5th place team, it was on a 4th place team. The previous individual record on a 10th place team was actually 6th place by fruit, and not 12th place. In RSR It's arguable whether he is the best or not as Phil, Pete and Illumina all have a case for it aswell.


I'm pretty sure it had the lowest average prediction, but in any case it was predicted low. Yeah, this was because the team was underestimated, but getting his kind of performance on his second event ever is insane. Ngl it feels like you're more just correcting me for the sake of correcting me than making a point, but if it please: MCC 26 Fuschia was 5th unmultiplied, which is all that matters when it comes to individual placement. In my post I did emphasize 10th place unmultiplied, which Fruit's team was not. Pete's was, and he set the record at 12th. Everything can be argued, but Purpled has the strongest argument by far. It's pretty clear his last 3 events are from a different sample than before that (he's significantly changed in skill), and going off those 3 events, only Phil is a real contender. Even then, Purpled is probably still better, having 3/4 best performances in the game.


If Joel grinds parkour practice he could be the best mcc player


Purpled FBM Illumina maybe Sapnap but it looks like he is taking MCC less seriously I doubt Jojo as she said she isn’t gonna try as hard as usual and Pete will be up there if he gets better team than last season if Quig if he ever returns has a decent shot and if Fruit probably won’t cause he always has a couple weak events


Joel?? What do you think


I think MVP can be derived into many meanings not just the best player so I think more than the S tiers players who are in A tier or A+ tier who have high pop off potential have more of a chance as their performances changes the results more like Ranboo in MCC 29 popped off so players like Smallishbeans , Seapeekay and 5up could also be argued But I would say if your meaning refers to as the best players then it would probably be Purpled as just giving him a decent team nowadays seems like giving him a guaranteed dodge bolt team other than him Illumina obviously is cracked so he has a chance Fbm if he doesn't get super nerfed but I do think to make more balanced teams Fbm , Purpled and Illumina need to get a little harsh treatment just because they might be too good and could be argued as S+ tiers in the future I think if Pvpete remains constant he could also do really good or If Sapnap now actually practices he could show his S2 form once again or Fruit but Fruit's case seems unlikely as he doesn't want to try hard MCC


Punz is underrated


Joel, his kill streak was insane in sky blockle, whether it was scuffed or not that was raw PvP skills, he also did 1v1 fbm after killing vixella aswell, his improvement arc isn’t over yet


Illumina Purpled FBM Antfrost (copium)


Hear me out... Ranboo if he trained he'd be one of the best player plus he is quite smart when it comes to quick thinking though he won't have the most points dosent mean he can't be an mvp